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生育文化建设对于倡导科学、文明、进步的婚育观念,推进生育文明具有重要意义。自十一五以来,浙江省金华市婺城区紧紧结合新农村建设,大胆探索新时期计划生育宣传教育创新发展的规律和方法,扎实推进生育文化建设,区人口计生局、宣传部、农办、教文体局等部门互相协助,统一规划,统筹安排,大胆探索,全面开展生育文化建设,走出了一条符合本地实际的生育文化建设路子。  相似文献   

论先进生育文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
路遇 《人口研究》2003,27(4):72-77
先进生育文化是“三个代表”中先进文化的重要组成部分,包括先进人文生育文化和先进科学生育文化两部分。先进生育文化应具有指导思想的先进性、服务宗旨的鲜明性、生育观念的进步性等特点。先进生育文化对于稳定低生育水平和提高人口出生素质具有不可替代的巨大作用。先进生育文化建设的重点应放在村(居)和家庭。  相似文献   

中国文化一个很好的传统,就是法和理配合起作用。先进文化的建设,也要求我们更重视人.更重视主体。我们要去关注一个个的人在文化传统中对于生育的意义、观念和行为。从文化学人类学来讲,文化不是空的.一定要和人结合,一定要落实到人。  相似文献   

山东省滨州市在开展农村生育文化建设中紧紧围绕稳定低生育水平、统筹解决人口问题、促进人的全面发展这一中心任务,主动融入到新农村文化建设中,开展了丰富多彩的宣传教育活动,为推动人口计生事业发展发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

新型生育文化是社会先进文化的重要组成部分。建设新型生育文化,促进社会主义生育文明,是建设社会主义先进文化和精神文明的题中应有之义,也是人口计生部门结合自身实际贯彻科学发展观打造和谐计生的具体行动。生育文化和生育文明的建设和形成,必将有力地推动和促进社会主义整体先进文化和精神文明的建设和形成,也必将有力地促进和推动“平安泰州”的打造进程。  相似文献   

论培育和建设社会主义新型生育文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义新型生育文化是社会主义先进文化的重要组成部分,其宗旨在于优生优育优教,全面提高人口素质。培育和建设社会主义新型生育文化,对于推动我国物质文明、政治文明和精神文明的建设具有重要意义。遵循生育文化形成发展的客观规律,大力发展市场经济、重视文化独立作用、加强政府调节职能、积极做好"两个结合"、坚持"三个代表"思想,是培育和建设社会主义新型生育文化的有效途径。  相似文献   

十七大报告要求,要充分发挥人民在文化建设中的主体作用,调动广大文化工作者的积极性,更加自觉、更加主动地推动文化大发展大繁荣。客家文化历史悠久,博大渊深,其内涵非常丰富。  相似文献   

论生育文化和生育文明   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
生育文明中表现了生育文化的种种现象和活动,生育文化也体现了生育文明的历史轨迹、进程和内容。生育文化的发展表现了不同时期人类生育文明的进步与发展,不体现生育文化内涵的生育文明显然是不存在的。然而,严格说来,生育文化和生育文明是既有密切联系,又有一定区别的两个不完全等同的概念。正确认识和理解生育文化和生育文明的概念、内涵、功能及其相互关系,对于推动新时期人口计生工作的深入发展,进一步开展人口和计划生育的理论研究,具有十分重要的意义和作用。  相似文献   

社会主义生育文化存在的形态,一是理化形态的生育文化(是灵魂),二是意化形态的生育文化(作为生育观是生育文化的核心);三是外化形态的生育文化(是主要载体),四是物化形态的生育文化(是必要的物质条件)。社会主义生育文化是社会主义文化、人口文化、先进文化和精神文明的组成部分。建设社会主义生育文化要深刻认识到社会主义生育文化是与计划生育密切相关的,要有一个明晰的大思路,要在“结合”中,在人口与计划生育工作中,在发展载体建设中建设社会主义生育文化。  相似文献   

生育文化概念研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生育文化是人口文化的一部分 ,它本身又分为内涵生育文化和外延生育文化。内涵生育文化是指从受孕至出生后婴儿期的文化现象的总和。它又分为六类 :观念生育文化、科技生育文化、规范生育文化、信息生育文化、行为生育文化、组织生育文化。外延生育文化 ,即内涵生育文化之外 ,而对生育观产生影响的文化现象 ,诸如婚姻文化、妇女文化、养老文化、养育文化、家庭文化、社区文化等等 ,它是一个开放系统  相似文献   

由于贵州地理环境的特殊性,使民族传统生育文化积淀很深,影响和支配着人们的生育意愿和行为规范,导致了少数民族人口出现增长较快、生育水平偏高、早婚早育等问题,给贵州以及民族地区经济社会发展和生态环境带来较大压力。本文结合贵州高原地理环境的特征,从地理环境与文化生成的角度对少数民族传统生育文化的形成的地理因素进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

肖丽萌 《西北人口》2001,(4):22-22,27
社会主义生育文化是一种全新的不同于传统生育文化的现代新型生育文化.本文仅生育观念的角度,把社会主义生育文化的新现念概括为八个方面.  相似文献   

李艳华 《西北人口》2010,31(1):75-79,84
根据“2007年社情民意调查”的数据对湖北省样本人群的婚育状况进行了较为详细的分析,结果表明。湖北省样本人群的初婚年龄普遍提高,在婚居模式的选择上有超过一半的人口愿意婚后独立居住;在对生育意愿的调查中,多数受访者想要生育2个孩子,其比例达到68.2%,但超过一半以上的样本人群不存在明显的生育性别偏好;在影响生育的诸因素中。经济因素对人们生育行为的影响在逐渐降低,人们的生育行为更多的受到文化因素和政策因素的影响和制约。  相似文献   

This study summarizes patterns of educational differentials in wanted and unwanted fertility at different stages of the fertility transition. The data are from Demographic and Health Surveys in 57 less developed countries. As the transition proceeds, educational differentials in wanted fertility tend to decline and differentials in unwanted fertility tend to rise. An assessment of fertility patterns in developed and less developed countries with low fertility concludes that these differentials are likely to remain substantial when less developed countries reach the end of their transitions. This conclusion implies that the educational composition of the population remains a key predictor of overall fertility in late transitional countries and that low levels of schooling can be a cause of stalling fertility.  相似文献   

The fertility transition in Thailand has been one of the most rapid among Asian countries that are yet to attain newly industrialized country status. In the early 1960s, the total fertility rate exceeded six births per woman; currently, it stands at 1.9 or slightly below replacement level. At present, it is hard to predict the future trend in fertility as this involves several factors that need much closer study, in particular, fertility preferences, changes in marriage patterns and the wider effects of the current economic crisis in Thailand. Rapid declines in fertility and mortality have had a profound effect on the age structure of the population, notably the increasing elderly proportion. Thailand now faces new challenges and priorities for population policy. Policy responses to concerns arising from below-replacement fertility will be much more complex and involve greater government activism, improved institutional capacities and more resources than in the past. This paper reviews the fertility transition in Thailand and looks at some consequences and policy implications of low fertility, with special reference to the family and the elderly population. National Statistical Office  相似文献   

Despite demographers’ long-standing preoccupation with the effects of child mortality on women’s fertility desires, scholars continue to know little about the consequences of other pervasive mortality exposures. We use nationally representative data from the high-mortality context of Peru to examine whether the desire to have a(nother) child varies as a function of sibling loss and to assess heterogeneity in this association by women’s current number of children and a range of conditions related to siblings’ deaths. Women who have experienced sibling bereavement and have two or more children report higher odds of desiring another child. These effects are not contingent on the age or sex of the deceased sibling but are only significant if the sibling died during the respondent’s lifetime (not before). These findings highlight the theoretical and empirical import of investigating the relationship between fertility desires and a wider range of familial mortality exposures beyond own child mortality.  相似文献   

Existing knowledge of Tibetan historical population development is mostly based on ‘best-guess’ estimates and is heavily politicized. Using census data, I reconstruct the development of Tibetan fertility in China since the 1940s, with the objective of providing an independent assessment that can be used as benchmark for future studies and debates on Tibetan demography. Following major social and economic transformations starting in the 1950s, Tibetan fertility unexpectedly increased from the late 1950s to the late 1960s. As noted in several existing studies, Tibetan fertility in China then declined swiftly from the early 1980s onwards and has now reached values close to replacement level. Focusing on the 1950–70 period, I examine factors that contributed to shaping the Tibetan fertility increase in more detail. This confirms that changes in nuptiality and disease-related infertility both played a role in pushing up fertility rates among Tibetan women in China.  相似文献   

Urbanization and the fertility transition in Ghana   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper examines the way in which migration and urban residence operate to alter fertility outcomes. While urban-rural fertility differentials have long been established for most developing societies, the nature of these differences among migrants and between migrants and those of succeeding generations is not well understood. The evidence presented here suggests that rural-urban migration and urbanization may contribute positively to processes of fertility transition. Using data from the 1998 Kumasi Peri-Urban Survey, which included a 5-year retrospective monthly calendar of childbearing, we suggest that migrants adapt quickly to an urban environment. Our results also reveal generational differences in recent and cumulative fertility. While migrants exhibit higher cumulative fertility than urban residents of the second and third generation, their fertility is significantly lower than rural averages in Ghana. Children of migrants exhibit childbearing patterns quite similar to those in higher-order generations. Most noteworthy is the nature of the disparities in childbearing patterns between migrants and the succeeding generations. Migrant women have higher lifetime fertility than urban natives. Migrant women also exhibit higher fertility over the last 5 years than second generation or high-order urban natives. But these first generation women exhibit lower fertility (vs. urban natives) for the year immediately prior to the survey. These patterns lend support to an interpretation that combines rather than opposes theories of selectivity, disruption, adaptation and socialization. We conclude by discussing mechanisms that might explain these interrelated processes of fertility adjustment and suggest that policies discouraging rural-urban migration need to be revisited.  相似文献   

关于中国1990年代低生育水平的再讨论   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
郭志刚 《人口研究》2004,28(4):16-24
本文根据全国第五次人口普查样本计算了 1 990年代各年份的分性别平均初婚年龄 ,这一结果再次表明这一时期中初婚年龄有显著提高。本文还根据以往历次调查的各年份年龄别生育率按队列计算了累计生育率 ,结果发现 2 0 0 0年时各队列的累计生育率水平高于五普数据中各队列的平均活产子女数。本文还就队列累计生育率计算结果详细分析了 1 990年代终身生育水平的趋势。这些分析从一个新的角度说明 ,1 990年代各队列的终身生育水平也在发生显著的下降 ,正在接近现行生育政策所要求的水平  相似文献   

本文在分析了河南省建国以来生育水平变化的基础上,从5个方面探讨了河南当前低生育水平下的生育模式,并结合实际提出了推进河南生育现代化的几点对策和建议。  相似文献   

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