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党政"一把手"在领导班子和全局工作中起着关键作用,负全面责任。当前在党政权力机关中存在各种腐败现象,"一把手"腐败现象也是不容忽视的重要问题,其主要原因就是对权利的制约和监督不到位,所以必须采取有效措施,不断加强对"一把手"权利的制约和监督,从严治党,清廉执政。  相似文献   

加强对党政一把手权力运行的监督,是党内监督的重要组成部分,是建设高素质干部队伍的重要措施。也是新时期党的先进性建设的内在要求。本文归纳了对党政一把手权力监督过程中存在的问题,分析了存在问题的原因,提出了一些可行的对策。  相似文献   

反腐倡廉的关键问题是对权力的监督制约,反腐败建设科学化的实质是权力结构和运行机制的科学化。要以领导干部特别是“一把手”为重点,加强权力运行的制约和监督,改革和完善党内监督体制,加大监督制度创新力度,建立健全决策权、执行权、监督权既相互制约又相互协调的权力结构和运行机制。  相似文献   

黄学权 《决策探索》2013,(24):30-31
党的十八大报告提出了“健全权力运行制约和监督体系”的重要任务。对权力的运行进行有效制约和监督,让握有权力的领导干部不愿、不敢、不能滥用权力,这是社会主义民主政治建设的重要课题,是加强党的先进性和纯洁性建设的重大课题,也是一个长期没有解决好的难题。在对权力运行的制约和监督中,尤其重要和困难的是对领导班子正职即“一把手”的监督。  相似文献   

对“一把手”的监督可以说是党纪、政纪监督工作的重中之重,围绕“一把手”的监督。各级党组织进行了深入的研究。做了大量的工作,但由于各种原因的客观存在。“一把手”监督难的问题仍未得到有效解决。  相似文献   

供电企业是垂直管理体制,县级供电企业实行总经理负责制,受上级电力公司委派,负责县级供电企业生产经营活动全过程,掌控企业人、财、物审批关口,对重大问题具有最终决策权,被称之为企业“一把手”。“一把手”身处企业决策层的核心,在工作圈、社交圈、生活圈中,会面临一些别有用心者图谋私利的企图、各种方式的“公关”和金钱美色的诱惑,倘若监督制约不力,就容易滥用职权、失职、渎职、以权谋私,损害党风行风和领导班子的整体形象。  相似文献   

蒋伟  郑亚邦 《领导文萃》2008,(10):86-88
有人曾这样形容“一把手”:“决策一言堂,权力一把抓,用人一朝臣,花钱一支笔,言论一个音”。“一把手”监督难,难在何处?如何监督?  相似文献   

村级“一把手”监督问题是党内监督比较薄弱的环节问题。当前,党和国家对广大农村支持的力度不断加大,必然要求加强对农村“一把手”的监督,积极探索对村级“一把手”的监督措施途径十分必要,这利于党和国家在农村各项方针、路线、政策的执行,利于新农村建设的全面推进。  相似文献   

国有企业发展关乎经济社会发展大局,加强对国有企业一把手的监督,是新时期从严治党,推进国有企业党风建设和反腐倡廉工作的有效措施,也是国有企业改革发展稳定的重要基础。本文基于新形势下国有企业"一把手"违纪问题突出,针对目前国有企业"一把手"监督管理存在的问题,提出了深化国有企业一把手监督的对策建议。  相似文献   

根据近年的反腐实践,"一把手"岗位的腐败现象多发、易发。如何对"一把手"进行监督,预防腐败是一个重大课题。本文主要分析了"一把手"腐败现象产生的各种因素,提出相关的监督措施和防范方法。主要目的是在原有对"一把手"岗位监督的措施基础上,创新思路,查找制度、体制的漏洞,做好补充,为解决"一把手"监督难的问题提出一些可行的方案。  相似文献   

数字化极大影响了社会交互并推进经济转型.数字经济正在成为人类社会经济的重要形态,本文对数字经济对人类社会产生的重要影响、发展态势、面临机遇与挑战进行归纳和研究综述,提出数字经济研究的几个主要方向和典型科学问题,为进一步研究提供参考.  相似文献   

This article attempts to introduce indirect carbon emission and trade-credit concept in a network optimisation model for sustainable supply chain. The proposed model optimises total cost, total direct carbon emission, total indirect emission in the form of embodied carbon footprint of the raw material and total trade-credit amount over the purchased item in a supply chain. The model calculates the total cost by considering purchasing cost, logistics cost, handling cost and manufacturing cost. It attempts to measure the direct emission involved in manufacturing and logistics operations. The model has the capability to consider dissimilar trucks used for transportation according to their operating cost and carbon emission. Multi-objective goal programming is applied to deal with four objectives to find a tradeoff among these objectives. The result suggests that managers should capture the direct as well as the indirect emission which helps in arriving at appropriate strategy for a sustainable supply chain. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated through a case of a garment supply chain. This model also supports in deciding appropriate goal for carbon emission, supply chain costs, etc.  相似文献   

Contemporary agricultural practices account for a significant share of greenhouse gas emissions. Inspired by the emergent literature on institutional entrepreneurship, we seek to explore mechanisms that affect an actor’s propensity to act in ways that imply suggesting and promoting emission-reducing practice changes. As influences originating outside the organizational field are assumed to constitute such mechanisms, the paper explores their role through a case study of a project run by a public agency. Unlike extant theory, results show that the agency’s propensity to act is not necessarily enhanced by extra-field influences but that such influences also limit the scope for suggesting change that challenges existing industrial practices.  相似文献   

市场经济下的事业单位改革研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
事业单位改革是我国经济体制改革的一个重要方面 ,其滞后的原因主要在于对事业市场缺乏认识 .基于我国事业单位改革的实证研究 ,从分析问题的症结入手 ,将事业单位置于市场经济大系统中 ,论证了事业市场的存在 ,并在此基础上研究了事业单位的界定和分类 ,以解决事业单位的体制问题和机制问题 .依据公共经济学的原则 ,本文将事业单位重新定义为一类从事公益性服务的非营利性组织 ,研究了作为改革核心的产权制度改革问题 ,按照两种方法对事业单位进行了科学分类 ,特别提出了由政府举办的基本事业概念 ,使政府在公益性服务领域发挥支撑和导向作用  相似文献   

群体研讨支持系统中的智能可视化研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
时间和共识是群体研讨的两个重要因素.提出一种共识评价、分析及预测智能可视化技术.在界定研讨信息属性、定义信息结构及其关系的基础上,按照语义关系,提出共识点、分歧点和争议点的概念,结合共识水平及共识状态、关注水平及关注状态、共识水平变化趋势、关注水平变化趋势四个指标,建立智能可视化模型,并用Java和XML技术设计并实现了基于Web的共识评价、预测及分析智能可视化.以一个实例给出了以人-机结合的系统思想为指导的共识评价和预测方法以及通过共识分析,形成群体注意力聚焦的示范应用.最后用实验的方法分析了智能可视化的应用效果.  相似文献   

本文采用投入产出模型和可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型相结合的两阶段方法,以2009年经济刺激政策和2010年房地产调控政策为例,定量分析了房地产投资变化对宏观经济带来的影响。结果表明,2009年,经济刺激政策的实施带来的房地产投资增加量为2091亿元,可使GDP增长率上升0.78%,对经济恢复起到了一定的积极作用。2010年,房地产市场调控政策带来房地产投资减少1811亿元,使GDP增长率下降0.56%,房地产投资减少对钢铁、水泥、机械、化工、金属矿产开采业等行业的负面影响较为明显,房地产市场调控可能会加剧这些行业的产能过剩问题。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the intellectual origins of the knowledge-based economy or KBE, and recent economic theories used to provide an intellectual foundation for the KBE. The KBE is the dominant post-industrial economic development paradigm that emerged in the 1980s, with an emphasis on the role of knowledge creation and distribution as the primary driver in the process of economic growth, the distribution of income, the growing importance of knowledge-based networks among firms, and the interface between government business and citizens in the advanced economies. Recent empirical evidence on rates of return, geographic spillovers, and the internationalization of knowledge flows are discussed in relation to the theoretical foundations of the KBE.  相似文献   

David Kern 《Omega》1974,2(4):487-496
This article deals with some of the key issues in the long historical controversy about the importance of money in the economy. The Keynesian approach dominated economic thinking until the mid-1960s but with the intensification of inflationary pressures, a monetarist revival took place, particularly in the U.S.A., and there was a growing tendency to re-emphasize the importance of money in economic management and to stress its key role in any anti-inflation strategy. The author examines in detail the empirical evidence and concludes that at this stage the evidence does not support the extreme positions adopted by either side. In the current public discussion about inflation he takes the view that a prices and incomes policy can have an important favourable effect in creating favourable expectations and in offering a reasonably equitable method of reconciling conflicting demands upon the economic system. However, in the long run the containment of inflation requires monetary stability. While the money supply must be allowed to expand steadily in order to provide the financial resources required for economic growth, monetary expansion which is consistently higher than the underlying growth in output is bound to intensify inflationary pressures.  相似文献   

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