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A survey (N = 503) tested religious knowledge for journalism students and nonjournalism students. Journalism students scored poorly on basic religious knowledge and fared no better than nonjournalism students. When advertising and public relations majors were added to the journalism majors to create a new mass communication major variable, that group scored higher than students studying something else. Within the mass communication major, there were differences by chosen field, with photojournalism, print journalism, and public relations students scoring highest. The results indicate that while journalism students and nonjournalism students agree on the need for journalists to have religious literacy, journalism schools are falling short of making sure journalistic training is resulting in proper levels of religious literacy.  相似文献   

This article investigates the roles of human and social capital played in the Japanese labor market. Our research question is whether they interact to accelerate or decelerate each other to provide first jobs of a long duration. Based on the literature, we focus on the bonding functions of friends and relatives. Using the 2005 Social Stratification and Social Mobility Survey Data, we measure human capital by educational attainment (college education) and social capital by job search methods (using friends or relatives). The dependent variable is the hazard rate of turnover from the first job. We find that social capital especially benefits those with low human capital (high school graduates). When friends or relatives introduce workers to jobs, high school graduates tended to stay longer in their first jobs and had a lower turnover than college graduates did. This means that social capital decelerated effects of human capital. Therefore, in the Japanese labor market, social capital plays a complementary role in mitigating educational disadvantage.  相似文献   

Globalization, internationalization, and regionalization affect domestic social work. This paper explores how undergraduate students perceive international aspects of their social work education. A questionnaire was distributed to social work undergraduates in Stockholm, Sweden (n=97), and Darmstadt, Germany (n=43). Results showed that a majority of students in Sweden were prepared to work with immigrants and refugees. A majority of students in both countries wanted more education about refugee social work and social work in other countries. The amount of exchange activities was modest, but many students could consider working abroad. Students related most strongly to international aspects of domestic social work such as work with immigrants and refugees.  相似文献   

We evaluate recent revisions of assimilation theory by comparing the labor market performance of Mexican immigrants and their descendents to those of native white and black Americans. Using the Current Population Survey Contingent Worker Series, we examine public and non-standard employment and fringe benefits in addition to earnings. We find little evidence that Mexican Americans cluster in non-standard work, noting instead intergenerational improvement in benefits and pay. However, all Mexican-origin workers are disadvantaged relative to native whites in terms of benefits. It is only within the public sector that the labor market outcomes of Mexican-origin workers converge with native whites.  相似文献   

Although neglect is a common form of child maltreatment, it can be difficult to detect within a clinical interview between a social work clinician and client for the purpose of assessment and intervention, leading to a failure to act and secure a child's safety. This Canadian study utilized the objective structured clinical exam (OSCE) to assess social work clinicians' ability to recognize and respond to a case of suspected child neglect. Twenty-three participants (social work students, recent graduates of a Masters in Social Work programme, and experienced social workers) conducted a 15-minute interview with a standardized client followed by a structured reflective dialogue focusing on case conceptualization and emotional awareness. Qualitative analysis of the reflective dialogues revealed participants' difficulty in detecting child neglect as opposed to focusing on a client's negative self-beliefs or mental health issues. Implications for social work education and practice are suggested.  相似文献   

在大学生就业形势仍然严峻的今天,贫困大学生就业尤其令人关注。贫困大学生在就业过程中经常表现出焦虑、自卑、被动、从众等因自我认知失调导致的心理障碍,分析发现他们产生心理障碍的原因包括对自己认识不充分、自我认识矛盾、社会实践经验缺乏等主观因素和社会、家庭、学校等客观原因。因此,贫困大学生需要从多途径了解自己、客观地评价自己、坚定地相信自己、充分认识求职单位等方面来认识自己.有的放矢:同时通过学好专业知识、培养兴趣特长、不断完善人格来完善自己,扬长补短;并运用转化法、宣泄法、慰藉法、放松法等多种手段及时调适、缓和冲突。  相似文献   

The literature on migrants’ motivation to remit ranges from self‐interest to altruism where studies analyse the impact from home country interest rates or interest differentials between home and host countries. We reinterpret the interest rate elasticity of remittances as a form of debt‐repayment responsiveness rather than based on opportunistic motivation. Modelling altruistic transfer and debt‐repayment, we find that, for a panel of countries, the long‐run responsiveness of remittances to changes in real lending rates is negative. This suggests that an expansionary (contractionary) monetary policy is most likely to lead to an increase (reduction) in remittances in the long‐run. In contrast to this, the short‐run impact of interest rate changes on remittances is positive.  相似文献   


Using questionnaire data from 96 couples, we examined the relationship between respondents' domestic-labor performance, domestic-labor satisfaction, and marital satisfaction. We analytically separated the dimensions of domestic labor (i.e., household tasks, emotion work, and childcare) and ran separate analyses for men and women. We found that the amount of labor performed is associated with satisfaction with emotion work and childcare arrangements, but not the household task arrangement. Satisfaction with domestic-labor arrangements mediated the relationship between actual domestic-labor performance and marital satisfaction, and the central role of emotion work emerged in our analysis.  相似文献   

对新生代农民工来说,教育是提高自身人力资本、实现经济地位和社会地位转变的最主要途径。总体来看,新生代农民工对教育需求强烈,偏好学历教育,学习内容上体现了明显的市场经济导向,在教育机构的选择上存在一定的差异性。因此,技能与学历相结合的教育是最适合于新生代农民工的教育,可以通过深化成人教育和职业教育改革、规范培训机构、加强政府扶持力度和强化企业责任等途径以满足新生代农民工群体的特殊需要。  相似文献   

An investigation of study satisfaction and academic performance in the study of Social Work is reported (N=514). The results show that satisfaction (a scale based on 13 items) and performance (undergraduate course marks) hardly correlate with each other (r=?0.05) and are influenced by different variables. Whereas study satisfaction is determined by ‘noncognitive’ factors such as motivation and course organization, academic performance is influenced by ‘cognitive' factors such as final school grade and students' learning behavior. Satisfied and/or successful students are more motivated to complete their course of study within the regular period and to work later as social workers. Vocational training or a university degree before studying Social Work does not affect satisfaction or performance. The findings are discussed in relation to optimal study management and selection criteria.  相似文献   

Distance learning programs in social work education have been growing exponentially throughout the United States. This study interviewed Master of Social Work (MSW) students enrolled in two synchronous distance-learning courses that employed a blended pedagogy, and evaluates their insights about the learning experience. For these two courses, material was presented via video conferencing and supplemented with online media at two campuses at a large school of social work. In order to give students a voice about their experiences, data were collected using semi-structured face-to-face interviews. Common themes included: autonomy, emotional connectedness, technological challenges, and knowledge acquisition. Both the strengths and challenges related to distance learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Sexism(gender discrimination) in the labor market is a common phenomenon in China. It is quite evident that the difference in income and occupation between male and female is because of gender problem rather than labor productivity. This course paper aims at investigating and analyzing the sexism in China's labor market and proposing some pragmatic recommendations.  相似文献   

Work–family policies are commonly thought to aid parents in attending to their conflicting work and family responsibilities. Some scholars postulate that policies might detract from the gendered division of domestic labor, in which women take a greater responsibility for housework and childcare than men, while others expect that policies encourage women to maintain traditional family roles even while employed. A review of cross‐national research in market economies shows that policies are not uniformly related to the gendered division of domestic labor, although parental leave offers the most promising avenue through which the gendered division of domestic labor may be diminished.  相似文献   

The current qualitative study involved in-depth semistructured interviews with parents whose children had been taken into custody. Their initial emotional reactions, cognitive processing, and behavioral responses to their child’s detention were examined. Five themes emerged from the data: (1) Parents try to defer immediate interactions with the child rather than react out of emotion; (2) Parents feel anger toward their child, but disappointment and shock are more strongly expressed emotional responses; (3) Parents do not accept the behavior but do not reject their child; (4) Police behaviors communicate the seriousness of the act; and (5) The entire family suffers consequences from the child’s act. Findings highlight the experiences of the parents as they interacted with the juvenile justice system.  相似文献   

Many European countries during the 1990s and early 2000s tried to raise labor market flexibility by relaxing their employment protection legislation. This paper investigates whether the reforms have influenced job and employment stability for labor market entrants in Germany and Italy. Duration models are estimated using comparable administrative data for the two countries. The results provide, to some extent, evidence of a decrease in job stability. However, this is not accompanied by a compensating increase in employment stability during the first 3 years after labor market entry.  相似文献   

VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations - Multiple-identity organizations possess identity characteristics that belong to different and potentially conflicting...  相似文献   

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