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《红线协定》的签订打破了一战前后英法等国对中东石油的殖民控制,预示着全球石油权力嬗变的开始,而《红线协定》的最终解体又确立了美国石油公司在中东的支配地位,标志着美国取代英国中东霸权地位的开始。  相似文献   

在过去的几年里,随着中国对中东石油依赖的日益增长,中国-中东双边政治、经济、外交和战略关系进入快速发展时期,中东石油在中国能源安全战略中的地位和作用日益凸显,中国的中东政策面临多重挑战,中国需要重新评估和更加突出中东石油在中国对外战略中的战略定位,重视双边能源合作机制建设的重要性,以确保中东石油对中国的长期和稳定供应。此外,中国在中东的能源利益已经引起美国等西方国家的高度关注和忧虑,引起了中国与美国的能源地缘政治冲突,为此中国的中东政策还必须兼顾与美国等西方国家的利益关系平衡,寻求中美在中东石油安全和广泛问题上的共同利益。  相似文献   

在过去的几年里,随着中国对中东石油依赖的日益增长,中国—中东双边政治、经济、外交和战略关系进入快速发展时期,中东石油在中国能源安全战略中的地位和作用日益凸显,中国的中东政策面临多重挑战,中国需要重新评估和更加突出中东石油在中国对外战略中的战略定位,重视双边能源合作机制建设的重要性,以确保中东石油对中国的长期和稳定供应。此外,中国在中东的能源利益已经引起美国等西方国家的高度关注和忧虑,引起了中国与美国的能源地缘政治冲突,为此中国的中东政策还必须兼顾与美国等西方国家的利益关系平衡,寻求中美在中东石油安全和广泛问题上的共同利益。  相似文献   

冷战后,中东在美国全球战略中的地位不仅没有降低,反而有进一步突出之势.美国制订了对中东加强民主攻势、致力于对中东石油的控制、实行军事介入和控制等中东战略.不过,其中东战略仍面临诸多挑战.客观上,美国中东战略的实施势必加深中国对其安全环境的忧虑.  相似文献   

美国石油地缘战略与中东地区安全   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中东地区在地缘政治上处于连接欧、亚、非三大洲的枢纽地位,迄今为止还没有建立起真正的安全机制,中东国际关系具有极强的传动性、脆弱性和复杂性.长期以来,美国在中东的首要国家安全利益是控制该地区的石油,确保美国对中东市场和中东海空战略航道的控制,以中东地缘战略为依托,实现在全球经济、政治和安全事务等方面的战略主动权.随着美国进一步实施在中东建立政治新格局,中东地区安全与中东石油安全相互依存关系也将不断增强.  相似文献   

后冷战时期美国中东战略及其对中国安全环境的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战后,中东在美国全球战略中的地位不仅没有降低,反而有进一步突出之势,美国制订了对中东加强民主攻势,致力于对中东石油的控制,实行军事介入和控制等中东战略,不过,其中东战略仍面临诸多挑战,客观上,美国中东战略的实施势必加深中国对其安全环境的忧虑。  相似文献   

中东石油已成为世界经济和国际政治互动关系中的一个重要因素。确保中东石油利益是美国历届政府对外战略的重要目标之一。美国的中东石油战略实质上是一种霸权战略。然而,美国竭力绝对控制中东石油的霸权意图面临着一系列困境:中东等地人民反对石油霸权的斗争不会停息;世界其他大国和地区力量对美国中东石油霸权形成重大制约;美国在中东地区软实力的日渐衰落会削弱其控制中东石油的能力;美国中东战略目标或政策顾此失彼,无法兼容。这表明,美国在中东构建绝对石油安全的战略意图将是一个无法实现的梦想。  相似文献   

中东石油已成为世界经济和国际政治互动关系中的一个重要因素.确保中东石油利益是美国历届政府对外战略的重要目标之一.美国的中东石油战略实质上是一种霸权战略.然而,美国竭力绝对控制中东石油的霸权意图面临着一系列困境:中东等地人民反对石油霸权的斗争不会停息;世界其他大国和地区力量对美国中东石油霸权形成重大制约;美国在中东地区软实力的日渐衰落会削弱其控制中东石油的能力;美国中东战略目标或政策顾此失彼,无法兼容.这表明,美国在中东构建绝对石油安全的战略意图将是一个无法实现的梦想.  相似文献   

中东能源地缘政治的演变与中国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中东在美国能源安全中的地位明显下降,相互依赖关系发生逆转;中东石油输出国将向东转移,寻求新兴国家能源市场;随着国际能源供求结构和消费结构的变化以及油价的剧烈波动,中东石油输出国的石油收益将受到很大影响.因此,如果不马上进行经济改革,中东产油国将逐渐丧失在国际能源格局中长期占据的优势地位.这一演变的驱动机制包括外在因素和内在因素及其相互作用,中东能源地缘政治的演变将产生溢出效应.作为未来中东石油的主要输入国,中国应在构建泛亚洲能源安全网络中有所作为,防止中东安全溢出效应蔓延.  相似文献   

美国石油地缘战略与中东地区安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中东地区在地缘政治上处于连接欧、亚、非三大洲的枢纽地位,迄今为止还没有建立起真正的安全机制,中东国际关系具有极强的传动性、脆弱性和复杂性.长期以来,美国在中东的首要国家安全利益是控制该地区的石油,确保美国对中东市场和中东海空战略航道的控制,以中东地缘战略为依托,实现在全球经济、政治和安全事务等方面的战略主动权.随着美国进一步实施在中东建立政治新格局,中东地区安全与中东石油安全相互依存关系也将不断增强.  相似文献   

冷战后,美国将中东石油视为其最根本的国家利益之一.经济战略利益则是这种国家利益的基础和体现.为了更有效获取和控制中东石油,美国往往通过战争来推进其石油霸权战略.20世纪九十年代以来,美国在大中东地区"牵头"发动四次战争,其实质都是"为石油而战"--以国家利益和"干涉主义"理论为幌子,以武力为后盾独霸中东石油,从而实现其经济战略利益.事实上,美国以军事手段推进的中东石油霸权战略是难以实现的.  相似文献   

中东拥有丰富的石油资源,但在世界能源市场上长期不能把握自身命运。后冷战时期,由于各种内外矛盾的牵制,中东在全球化和现代化进程中仍相对边缘化。美国控制石油的动机表白,与中东伊斯兰国家对此的理解相距甚远,与中东激进组织的解读更是大相径庭。涉及经济公平的石油利益,对中东伊斯兰国家造成了极大的物质和观念层面的压力,使中东乃至世界部分穆斯林倍感不满。  相似文献   

海湾外籍劳务现状及其发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
自海湾发现石油并进行大规模开采后,海合会成员国开始利用石油美元兴建和改善各自的基础设施.但海湾国家本土劳动力匮乏和就业特点促使政府考虑大量输入外籍劳工,以致出现外籍劳工比例过高的状况.本文认为外籍劳工为当地经济发展和社会建设做出了巨大贡献,促进了海湾城市化和现代化进程,但同时也催生了社会、文化、安全等诸方面的问题,迫使海湾国家政府采取一系列政策和措施加强劳务管理.本文还探讨了海湾外籍劳务市场的发展趋势,并对中国向海湾派遣劳务提出若干建言.  相似文献   

In 2010, the United States experienced the worst environmental disaster in its history. An explosion on a BP oilrig located in the Gulf of Mexico triggered the crisis. As a result, the United States coast guard and BP were charged with crisis communication in its response to the crisis. This essay provides an unprecedented examination and analysis of the communication experiences of public information officers who worked in the unified command center in Houma, Louisiana during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill response. The authors use the discourse of renewal theory to understand the communication practices and choices of the public information officers. Then, using the renewal framework, the authors present three implications for improving crisis communication research and practice.  相似文献   

To gain an in-depth theoretically-grounded understanding of managing corporate social responsibility (CSR), the current study offers four key propositions for CSR theory development: (1) Living corporate social responsibility from the inside out, (2) Earning trust of the public and the media, (3) Giving back as a community citizen, and (4) Accepting that we’re all in this together, but still unique. Also offered are five best practices for public relations in the oil industry. All emerged during in-depth interviews with three senior public relations managers of a leading independent US oil company; executives who have navigated CSR decision making and practices through nearly five decades (1966-2010) at different points in time. In the wake of two massive 2010 oil spill crises in North American waters that garnered extensive media attention, findings are particularly relevant for advancing CSR theory and for providing complex insider perspectives less traveled in the public relations literature.  相似文献   

In this paper I suggest, on the one hand, that organization theory offers an interpretation of the reality of arts producing organizations and, on the other, that the empirical analysis of these realities can supply new input for organization theory. As a practical example of artistic production I refer to an international chamber music festival. Close inspection of chamber music will reveal characteristics that apply to any type of organization. I begin by looking at the nature of arts management and the arts manager. I go on to analyse the characteristics of the production process in the performing arts, which can be seen as communication taking place on three levels: between audience and performers (concept of ‘prosumer’); within the performing group (‘listening ability’); between the author of the written text and the performer/interpreter (‘concept of value’). I finish by showing how in a symboliccultural framework the features identified in the paper can feed back into organization studies.

Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future, and time future contained in time past.

T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets  相似文献   

After having been forced to face a decade of economic and political difficulties, the Russian Federation is regaining a position of prestige on the international stage thanks to an astute utilization of its huge reserves of oil and natural gas. With the coming to power of Vladimir Putin—and in particular from 2004—the State has changed its policy in the energy field, aiming to come back to exert a strict control over the main companies and assets. One of the most significant consequences of this change has been the outbreak of disputes with Ukraine and Belarus about the selling price of gas, which caused fears among the entire Europe about the reliability of Russia as a supplier of that resource. Moreover, the quarrels forced many Western analysts to condemn the way Moscow is acting to try and become an “energy superpower”.
Edoardo LelliEmail:

This paper examines the ways in which ideas and discourses generated by global phenomena (such as the Oil Encounter) travel and get reframed in local topographies. It asks how one might reposition hermeneutics appropriate to a particular context without falling into the trap of an epistemology that is purportedly global but representing other interests? The environment in which crude oil is extracted has been termed heterogeneous and international. Amitav Ghosh describes it as one that is “lacking in a sense of place,” while James Ferguson considers it an “insular and socially thin neoliberal landscape of deregulated enterprises.” This paper goes against the grain by challenging the formations that undergird some of these assumptions. It takes the Niger Delta as a landscape in which quotidian life and the oil infrastructure are intimately intertwined and asks what insights might literary depictions of this context give about the form of globalism that operates within the industrial complex through which oil is extracted. Reading Ibiwari Ikiriko’s poetry collection Oily Tears of the Delta, the paper reflects on how the text stages a dialogue with the global by addressing itself to the oil infrastructure in that environment. It discusses Ikiriko’s poetry as one that encourages the reader to think about locality and geopolitics as possible sites of conflict, as sites of understanding power and the kinds of agency that they enable in the environments where oil is extracted to feed global consumption.  相似文献   

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