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Via four case studies we explore the extent to which digitization is transforming how people access and engage with the arts. The first case study is the online auction house eBay. We focus on a unique system whereby millions of users rate each other's integrity and reputations in a digital venue via a transparent system open to all users and visitors alike. The second case study examines the Screen Actors Guild strike against the advertising industry, which drew attention to the potential for and limitation of the replacement of human actors by digitized replicas. Third, we focus on e-books in the context of the prediction that most books, music and film entertainment will eventually be distributed electronically to the average household. The fourth case study analyzes the Napster debate over file sharing and duplication of online music. We focus on the ability of Napster to create a huge community of users sharing their own copies of digital music. From this point of view Napster represented a uniquely efficient and large-scale dream, a modern form of the cooperation and sharing of property envisaged by classical anarchist philosophers of the nineteenth century. On the other hand, and as always in anarchistic uprisings, another class claimed proprietary ownership in the material being shared and saw in Napster mostly collective theft on the part of ordinary citizens. Three of these four case studies centrally involve ordinary people using the digital media in creative and innovative ways. We conclude by arguing, against those who are skeptical about the transforming power of digitization, that even in the short time that it has been widely available digitization has so increased people's ability to interact creatively with products that this amounts to a qualitative change which, over the next few decades, is likely to develop so far as to justify the label revolution.  相似文献   

In the context of the United States, interpellation is perhaps most visible, even tangible, in the arena of race and racism. Orna Guralnik tells us of Ede, a Nigerian immigrant suffering from depersonalization and struggling to be interpellated out of her postcolonial Blackness. This struggle manifests in the treatment relationship as Guralnik, experiencing her Whiteness, tracks their mutual run-in with racial interpellation at the nexus of class, ethnicity, money, and public power. In showing, also, how interpellation partners with dissociation, this vignette illuminates a dilemma found in many other domains of existence, including—perhaps especially—those central to this journal's focus, gender and sexuality.  相似文献   

This article examines posthumanism and its relationship to humanism. First, it is argued that the term “posthumanism” relies upon an incomplete conception of humanism, and in a way that forecloses the possibility of looking to the humanist tradition for support. Addressing Foucault's often quoted comments about the recent invention and imminent demise of man, it is argued that Foucault is not anti‐humanist, but is rather critical of the use of humanism as an axis of reflection. Second, the posthumanist perspective is summarized as attending to a set of interrelated ethical and epistemological concerns. Calling into question the boundary between human and nonhuman animals, posthumanism also challenges the primacy of empirico‐deductive reasoning and advocates a re‐legitimization of rhetoric as a mode of thought. Lastly, using Ernesto Grassi's interpretation of the early Italian humanists, this article demonstrates not only the compatibility of Renaissance humanism with posthumanist concerns, but also the fruitfulness of this tradition as a conceptual resource. Although the Renaissance notion of ingenium, the ability to adapt and make concrete situations meaningful without also affirming strong ontological commitments, is absent from posthumanist discourse, it is a concept that has the power to enrich the posthumanist project. Consequently, posthumanism is not actually at odds with the humanist tradition in general, but rather only with a very limited and relatively recent conception.  相似文献   

Kershaw  Paul 《Social politics》2006,13(3):341-371
Men’s care patterns are relatively inelastic despite dramaticshifts in women’s labor force participation. The articlerecommends a caregiving analogue to workfare that would usepolicy more aggressively to influence men’s choices betweenemployment and care. The "carefair" concept is defended by invokingtwo arguments for enforcing work duties common in liberal regimes:the moral hazard argument and the new paternalist competenceargument. The logics explicit in these arguments resonate substantiallywith theorists and practitioners in the liberal cultural milieuand can be appropriated to justify state intervention that wouldchallenge both patriarchal socialization patterns and economicincentives.  相似文献   

conclusion As implied through the issues presented herein, firms must carefully align the value proposition of the IT function with that of the organization. We suggest that firms will increasingly migrate towards strategies and modes of operation that support the cus-tomization of products and services on a mass scale. A key ingredient in accomplish-ing this objective is the creation of an IT function that can deliver systems and technologies that are customized yet modular. Delivery of such systems depends largely on the adoption of processes and development of personnel who can rapidly adapt and configure IT to changes in business conditions. Failure to deliver these systems can result in unrealized corporate objectives and, in some cases, strategic drift.  相似文献   


This article sets the scene for this special edition, which was originally inspired by the 2001 Brunel University Conference on "The Nation and Sport". The distinctive complexities to the interface of sport, nation and identities are illustrated. The notion that sport presents a problematic intervention into the concept of a nation and the reshaping of identities is investigated along with the imbalance in the depth of consideration from different academic disciplines. The import of anthems and emblems, through sporting usage, is discussed, and the related language of the subject matter, i.e. nation-state, patriotism, is explored. The potential for increased attention to the subject matter from anthropologists is illustrated and the need for multi-disciplinary approaches to sport, the nation and identity is mooted.  相似文献   

地图不是对地理空间的再现,而是人们对地理空间的主观解释.而对空间的解释,直接关系着对这个空间的使用和占有方式.现代殖民帝国兴起于欧洲"地理大发现".伴随着对地球空间的重新理解,帝国也开始了对新空间的占取和利用.因此,16—19世纪代表性的欧洲地图作品,不但是殖民帝国新地理知识的体现,也是其殖民权力和帝国意识形态的体现.本文从地图切入,讨论殖民主义、帝国主义与国际法权力的空间机理.从开拓商路到占领殖民地,现代帝国的兴起伴随着早期经济全球化的进程.与传统帝国不同,现代殖民帝国源起于对地理空间的新认知,也带来了一系列重塑空间秩序的行为.全球空间被整体纳入资本主义生产体系,在资本主导的生产-运输-消费链条中,形成相互关系和等级次序.同时,为这种秩序辩护的欧洲国际法也在地理空间的重塑过程中诞生和发展.15世纪后兴起的欧洲地图学则是这一系列变化最为鲜明的视觉表现.  相似文献   

Refugees are individuals forced to flee from their homelands because of categorical persecution or because they are bystanders caught in the crossfire of war or civil strife. Such involuntary exile often leads to alienation in the most literal sense of the term. Whether expellees, escapees, or displaced persons, refugees share a common fate and, often, a common destiny: those who are dispossessed are dependent on others to provide care, succor, protection, and assistance. Yet responses to their plight are almost invariably highly selective, the quality of mercy being strained by considerations other than pure altruism. This paper, a commentary on the sociology of exile, attempts to convey the sense and significance of estrangement and responses to it in both historical and contemporary contexts. Early sections deal with concepts and concerns; later ones examine United States refugee policies and practices relating to exile, ethnicity, and the politics of rescue.Presidential address presented at the Eastern Sociological Society annual meeting, Arlington, Virginia, April 1992. Some parts of the address have appeared in different form in other publications by the author (see Rose, 1981, 1984, 1991).  相似文献   

This article describes how using new computer technology and the Internet for gambling can represent both the means and object of addiction. However, these technological factors do not represent the cause of addictive behavior. Given the widespread availability of computer technology and the remarkable expansion of the Internet, it is not surprising, however, that these technological advances have become associated with intemperate gambling activities. By discussing the concept of addiction and its associated social setting, neurochemistry, and gaming characteristics, this article suggests that addiction is the result of shifts in subjective experience and that new technology and the Internet can provide relatively reliable and potent contemporary vehicles for changing emotional states.Special thanks are extended to Joni Vander Bilt, Matthew Hall, and Gregory O'Donohue for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this article.  相似文献   


The multiplicity of violent techniques employed to impose land control and extraction remains under acknowledged. This article reviews research conducted between the years 2014 and 2018 and draws on three case studies: wind energy development in Mexico, coal mining in Germany, and copper mining in Peru. The idea of 'engineering extraction' is advanced through counterinsurgency to acknowledge the extent of extractive violence, arguing that the term ‘land grabbing’ is indeed a more appropriate term than ‘land deals’. Engaging with the land grabbing literature, the three cases seek to advance discussions around ‘the political reactions “from below”’ by emphasizing ‘insurrectionary’ positions with resistance movements fighting land deals and extractive projects. This is followed by offering a typology of ‘hard’ coercive techniques and ‘soft’ technologies of social pacification that surfaced in each case. The conclusion reflects on the social technologies of resource extraction, recognizing how social discord, ecological and climate crises are engineered and enforced.  相似文献   

The article discusses the claims of success of microenterprise development programmes (MDPs) in poverty reduction and gender equality. It also deals with the broader theoretical and methodological issues related to the ways in which context and discourse interact in the assessment of anti‐poverty and gender equity strategies. MDPs are considered among the most viable strategies for helping women overcome poverty and promoting gender equity. However, there has been significant debate over these claims. The relationship between business ownership, poverty reduction and gender empowerment is still to be proved. The article presents the voices of women engaged in a microenterprise (ME) from a context‐informed and discourse analysis perspective, and considers the women's insights about ME as an anti‐poverty and gender empowerment strategy. The findings show a complex picture. On one hand, the new occupational status promises a tangible alternative to multiple personal, social and gender constraints. Additionally, women in the study perceived the ME as a space for self‐definition and as an outlet for expressing their oppressed identities. On the other hand, the findings seriously challenge the capacity of the MDP strategy to promote gender equity and combat poverty among low‐income women. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Women around the world, in various geographic spaces, social and cultural contexts, as partners, wives, sisters, daughters, mothers, mourners, and victims experience war. Women's experience of war and their participation in it, either as actors or resistors, victims or perpetrators ( Moser and Clark 2001 ), cheerleaders or critics, are always influenced by the construction of gender operating in and around their lives. While constructions of masculinity and femininity are always circulating in and around militarism and war, women's bodies are sometimes primary considerations for military and state leaders; this creates a visibility/invisibility/hyper-visibility problem for women in wartime. In this essay, women's participation in war as soldiers, refugees, prisoners, jailers, activists, and suicide bombers and the accompanying shift in the practice of femininity and masculinity is explored.  相似文献   

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