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机会公平、倾斜政策与不对称锦标赛:一项实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验研究的方法评价机会公平规则和倾斜政策对员工努力水平及雇主收益的影响.利用对130个被试进行的7个实验,本文获得了如下研究结论:与基准实验相比,在不公平锦标赛实验中,被试的努力水平有所降低;在不对称锦标赛实验中,随着代理人能力不对称程度逐渐增加,有利被试和不利被试选择的努力水平均会减少;在倾斜政策实验中,实施倾斜政策并没有增加员工的总产出,因而也没有提高雇主的收益.文末从企业组织和政府政策两方面分析了研究结论的实际意义.  相似文献   

Small states vary among themselves as to whether they have significant local government systems. While government in Malta has been historically a very centralized activity, a network of local councils was established in the early 1990s as part of a more general public sector reform movement. Unlike some other small states, Malta has strong political parties, and they have played an important part in the affairs of the local councils as well as of the central government. Their establishment has therefore done little to reduce political polarization or promote decentralist values, as was hoped when they were first established.  相似文献   

We use a controlled experiment to explore whether there are gender differences in selecting into competitive environments across two distinct societies: the Maasai in Tanzania and the Khasi in India. One unique aspect of these societies is that the Maasai represent a textbook example of a patriarchal society, whereas the Khasi are matrilineal. Similar to the extant evidence drawn from experiments executed in Western cultures, Maasai men opt to compete at roughly twice the rate as Maasai women. Interestingly, this result is reversed among the Khasi, where women choose the competitive environment more often than Khasi men, and even choose to compete weakly more often than Maasai men. These results provide insights into the underpinnings of the factors hypothesized to be determinants of the observed gender differences in selecting into competitive environments.  相似文献   

This study examines the perceived risks and mitigating behavior of Maine households who received new information on their exposures to significant health risks from indoor radon. The observed responses of these households illustrate conceptual issues related to designing an effective risk information program. Despite the involvement of generally well-motivated homeowners and well-intentioned researchers and government officials, we conclude that the risk information approach used in Maine failed to induce appropriate, cost-effective voluntary protection. The results indicate that, after receiving radon test results, information on associated health risks, and suggestions on how to reduce exposures: perceived risks tended to understate objective risks by orders of magnitude, and there was no statistically significant relationship between mitigating behavior and objective risks. These results suggest that the formation of risk perceptions and subsequent behavioral adjustments involve complex interactions among information, contextual, socioeconomic, and psychological variables. Therefore, government programs that seek to reduce health and safety risks with information programs, instead of using more conventional enforced standards, must be crafted very carefully to accommodate this complex process.  相似文献   

本文基于1990年1月至2008年12月间的月度数据,利用Logistic平滑迁移向量自回归(LSTVAR)模型来描述和检验我国货币政策作用机制中是否存在非对称效应。LSTVAR模型的估计和脉冲响应函数结果表明,我国实际产出序列和通货膨胀率过程对货币冲击的动态反应随着冲击方向、规模以及经济周期阶段的变化而改变,货币政策对实际产出和价格水平的作用具有非对称性,这说明总供给和总需求之间存在着非线性关系。  相似文献   

School choice has become an increasingly prominent strategy for enhancing academic achievement. To evaluate the impact on participants, we exploit randomized lotteries that determine high school admission in the Chicago Public Schools. Compared to those students who lose lotteries, students who win attend high schools that are better in a number of dimensions, including peer achievement and attainment levels. Nonetheless, we find little evidence that winning a lottery provides any systematic benefit across a wide variety of traditional academic measures. Lottery winners do, however, experience improvements on a subset of nontraditional outcome measures, such as self‐reported disciplinary incidents and arrest rates.  相似文献   

Knut Red  Fredrik Haugen 《LABOUR》2003,17(2):203-228
Abstract. During the 1990s, a new subsidized early retirement option was assigned quasi‐randomly to two‐thirds of Norwegian elderly workers. We use this ‘natural experiment’ to evaluate how economic incentives affect retirement behaviour. The new retirement option reduced employment substantially, and this effect escalated over time. It did not substitute for disability pension or long‐term unemployment, and approximately two out of three retirees would have stayed employed without it. Subsidized retirement was primarily voluntary, but there is also some evidence that firms took advantage of the retirement programme to ‘push out’ excess workers.  相似文献   

A recent comprehensive review of the literature identified a number of facts and principles governing risk communication. This paper evaluates several of these propositions using recent evidence from a field experiment in communicating the risks from radon in homes. At this point in the research, data relates primarily to the response of risk perceptions to different information treatments and different personal characteristics. The effect of various causal factors is sensitive to the particular test of risk perception applied. No information treatment was clearly superior for all tasks. An important implication of these findings is that risk communicators must determine what specific task or tasks the information program should enable people to do.  相似文献   

This study analyses employers' support for the introduction of industry‐specific minimum wages as a cost‐raising strategy in order to deter market entry. Using a unique data set consisting of 800 firms in the German service sector, we show that high‐productivity employers support minimum wages. We further find some evidence that minimum wage support is higher in industries and regions with low barriers to entry. This is particularly the case in East Germany, where the perceived threat of low‐wage competition from Central and Eastern European countries is relatively high. In addition, firms paying collectively agreed wages are more strongly in favour of minimum wages.  相似文献   

詹新宇  刘文彬 《管理世界》2020,(3):23-38,75
本文将实际经济增长分解为政府直接调控的"经济增长目标"和主要受市场因素影响但同时也受到政府间接干预的"计划外增长"两项,通过多层级政府框架的一般均衡模型模拟分析发现,财政分权在实际经济增长、经济增长目标和计划外增长方面的效应并不同步,而且还呈现地区差异性。在此基础上,系统搜集中国省、市两级政府2000~2016年政府工作报告里的GDP计划增长目标并进行系统GMM估计。实证结果表明:整体而言,财政分权对省、市实际经济增长的影响皆显著为正,但对其两个分解指标存在非对称性影响:从全国范围来看,财政分权对实际经济增长的正向影响主要体现为对经济增长目标的拉动作用,而对计划外增长影响较弱且不甚显著;分地区回归发现,东部地区财政分权对实际经济增长的正向影响更多地体现为对计划外经济增长的驱动,而西部地区则主要是通过影响由政府直接调控的经济增长目标来实现的。机制分析显示,财政分权通过不同程度地推动基建投资、房地产投资以及工业化进程,促进了经济增长目标的实现,进而推动实际经济增长。  相似文献   


Most research on absenteeism has focused on the effects of individual and work-related factors, to the exclusion of the effects of societal and political events external to the individual and his/her specific work conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the emotional reaction to the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin in Israel and work absenteeism during the period following the assassination. It was hypothesized that: (1) emotional reaction is positively related to absenteeism; (2) this relationship is stronger among female employees than among male employees; and (3) this relationship is stronger for individuals who are pessimistic about the future as opposed to those who are optimistic. These hypotheses were supported by data collected from a random sample of 199 working adults.  相似文献   

Most research on absenteeism has focused on the effects of individual and work-related factors, to the exclusion of the effects of societal and political events external to the individual and his/her specific work conditions. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the emotional reaction to the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin in Israel and work absenteeism during the period following the assassination. It was hypothesized that: (1) emotional reaction is positively related to absenteeism; (2) this relationship is stronger among female employees than among male employees; and (3) this relationship is stronger for individuals who are pessimistic about the future as opposed to those who are optimistic. These hypotheses were supported by data collected from a random sample of 199 working adults.  相似文献   

本文结合迎合理论的思想,运用Logistic模型来探讨我国社会公众投资者的现金股利需求和上市公司是否发放现金股利之间的关系.研究结果发现:我国社会公众投资者对现金股利的需求表现为股利折价,投资者的现金股利需求对上市公司是否发放现金股利具有一定的影响,上市公司现金股利的发放行为表现出对投资者现金股利需求的迎合.文章并进一步从制度因素和投资者预期角度对这一现象进行了解释.  相似文献   

本文检验中国资本市场融资融券制度所施加的股票卖空压力对企业高管在职消费的影响。以2007-2014年中国上市公司财务数据为样本,基于自然实验框架的双重差分模型进行检验,结果发现,允许卖空的上市公司,其高管在职消费水平与不能卖空的上市公司相比显著降低;进一步的研究则发现,股票卖空压力是通过缓解信息不对称程度和减少委托代理问题来抑制高管的在职消费。本文实证结果说明股票卖空对高管在职消费来说是一种潜在的外部治理机制。  相似文献   

股利政策的股东财富效应:来自中国股市的经验证据   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
国内现有文献关于上市公司股利政策的研究,主要集中在股利政策的信号传递理论、代理成本理论和影响因素三个方面,对上市公司通过股利分配实现股东高回报率的股东财富效应研究较少,而国外从税收政策变化和税负差异的角度研究股利政策财富效应并不适合中国的情况。为此,本文基于我国上市公司股权分置的特殊治理结构,以2003-2004年所有分配股利的上市公司为样本,实证检验了我国上市公司股利政策的股东财富效应。研究表明,分配现金股利使非流通股股东实现高回报率,流通股股东获得股票股利的较高短期收益率。  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - This study explores how much the Vietnamese public trust their government during the COVID-19 pandemic and how public trust in government translates into support and...  相似文献   

探讨了期望差距与企业家创新性活动和破坏性活动之间的关系,以及政治关联在其间的调节作用.基于中国家族上市公司的数据分析得到以下结论:第1,在期望落差及历史期望顺差的状态下,企业家都将随着差距的增加而冒险地从事创新性活动、破坏性活动,但随着行业期望顺差的增加,冒险性行为则降低了;第2,企业家在落差状态下的破坏性活动的边际效应高于顺境状态;行业期望落差状态下创新性活动的边际效应小于行业期望顺差状态,但这种创新活动的边际效应在历史期望状态下则更大;第3,政治关联在期望差距与企业家风险决策偏好之间起到显著的调节作用,尤其在期望落差状态下它更加遏制了企业家冒险从事创新性活动的动力,而诱使他们将资源配置到破坏性活动之中.  相似文献   

黄俊威  龚光明 《管理世界》2019,35(10):64-81
本文基于我国融资融券分步扩容这一准自然实验,运用双重差分模型考察了融资融券制度对公司资本结构动态调整的影响效应,同时探讨了当资本结构低于或高于目标水平时,卖空机制的引入对资本结构调整速度的影响是否存在显著差异。研究发现,融资融券制度的实施显著加快了公司资本结构调整的速度,其动力来源于融券机制发挥的"卖空压力"效应。在进一步区分调整方向后,发现当资本结构高于目标水平,即向下调整资本结构时,卖空压力对资本结构调整速度的促进作用会更大。渠道检验发现,卖空压力对资本结构调整速度的提升作用在信息不对称程度较高或代理成本较高的情况下更为显著。本文从"资本结构动态调整"的视角考察了融资融券制度的价值效应,同时基于企业杠杆率与资本结构的密切关系,从"卖空压力"这一新的视角为解读我国金融创新改革促进微观企业去杠杆提供了理论依据,也为我国金融改革的必要性和重要性提供了新的证据支持。  相似文献   

以1999~2013年地级市官员变更为样本,本文实证考察了政策不稳定性对经济增长的影响。研究结果表明:(1)官员变更所引发的政策不稳定性对经济增长有显著的抑制作用,其中,不确定性预期对经济增长的负面影响更为突出。(2)官员变更对经济增长的财政影响总体上要强于其信贷影响,但财政政策渠道传导的主要是官员短视性政策行为对经济增长的负面影响,而信贷政策渠道传导的则主要是官员变更引发的政策不确定性预期。(3)经济增长对官员变更有正向的刺激作用,但经济增长风险却是官员晋升体系中的一个负向考核指标。我们还发现,随着科学发展观对官员变更制度中的经济考核指标的弱化,中国经济增长中的政策因素和政策风险显著减弱。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the linkages between the economy and armed conflict in India using annual frequency data for the period 1989–2016, the maximum time period for which consistent data are available for the country. An adequate set of economic indicators was established to fully reflect the economic condition. Long short-term memory (LSTM), which is a machine-learning algorithm for time series, was employed to simulate the relationship between the economy and armed conflict events. In addition, LSTM was applied to predict the trend of armed conflict with two strategies: multiyear predictions and yearly predictions. The results show that both strategies can adequately simulate the relationship between the economy and armed conflict, with all simulation accuracies above 90%. The accuracy of the yearly prediction is higher than that of the multiyear prediction. Theoretically, the future state and trend of armed conflict can be predicted with LSTM and future economic data if future economic data can be predicted.  相似文献   

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