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韩念仕和很多行走在接班路上的“二代”不太一样,他的身上少有企业家二代那种“被催熟感”和无以言表的沉重,而是有着与年纪相符的开朗、率性和阳光  相似文献   

一位福建企业家最近特火,他便是世界第四、中国第一的玻璃制造企业福耀集团董事长、63岁的曹德旺。他决定,将曹氏家族持有的公司股份的7成,拿来成立一个名为“河仁”的基金会。 曹德旺家族持有福耀玻璃10.8亿股,7成便是7.56亿股,按照最近的市价,这部分股份现值超过40亿元。  相似文献   

陈谦 《决策》2012,(12):44-46
两个非公36条如何更进一步落实,民营企业如何进入垄断领域,仍是待解之题。呼唤改革是民营企业家群体的共同心声。11月21日,中共十八大代表、三一集团董事长梁稳根在内部早餐会上宣布:三一集团职能总部和各核心事业部将全部迁往北京市昌平区,长沙基地将仅保留泵送事业部。对此,舆论普遍解读为三一集团、中联重科之间的冲突所致。虽同属世界级工程机械巨头,但是后者具有国资血统,在激烈的竞争与比拼中,三一集团时常居于下风。一山难容二虎,走,或许是一个无奈的选择。  相似文献   

美国著名管理大师赫伯·西蒙认为:“决策是管理的心脏”。特别在市场竞争十分激烈的今天,事物的发展变化异常迅速,在这样的变化节奏下,企业家必须做到思路开阔。高瞻远瞩。灵敏掌握着事物的变化,随时把握住变化的方向,及时做出有效的战略部署和战略调整,才能带领企业从一个成功走向另一个成功,始终立于不败之地。这一点在永煤集团近几年的发展中表现得尤为突出。而其中最亮的亮点就是河南永煤集团董事长、总经理陈雪枫的决策艺术。  相似文献   

厦门建立"两岸金融合作试验区"具有良好的条件和扎实的基础,目前全市拥有各类银行业金融机构410多个,可以提供各种优质、快捷、周到的金融服务。2008年1-12月厦门市接待台湾入境过夜旅游者359675人次,比增27.27%。累计从厦门口岸进出的台胞已达600多万人次,厦门治牙价格约台湾的50%,市场替代率很强,发展台商旅游治牙、修复烤磁牙、种植牙、正畸。厦门口腔医疗行业如何运用开放两岸金融合作试验区大好时机引进内地及台弯口腔医疗行业投资。  相似文献   

王素 《经理人》2009,(5):96-96
天华集团的总经理办公会议在一片争吵和埋怨声中结束了。董事长兼总经理冯云气急败坏、头昏脑胀,他看着面前的一份份辞呈,陷入了深深的苦恼中:这么多年来,我待他们一点都不薄,别的企业老总能做到的和没做到的,我总能抢先为他们考虑到并让他们享受到,为什么现在他们却要拍屁股走人,难道真是我的庙小,容不下这些干将们了吗?  相似文献   

人生路上要有梦 郑智化的<水手>是王国胜最喜欢唱的歌,"总是幻想海洋的尽头有另一个世界,总是以为勇敢的水手是真正的男儿".这两句歌词,也许最能诠释王国胜艰辛创业时的心态.  相似文献   

研发制造电脑卖给集成商,由集成商卖给最终用户,这是研华的核心模式。  相似文献   

黎平 《经理人》2012,(2):78-82,16
不关注产品本身,企业只有死路一条2011年,被业内人士称为智能手机元年。这一年,智能手机以强大的功能和便捷的操作,获得越来越多消费者的青睐,正在成为市场的主流。而在GSM时代经受了国际大牌多年压制的国产手机品牌,在这个全新的竞争平台上,看到了春天的希望。目前,在国  相似文献   

沈伟民 《经理人》2012,(1):116-120,17
砸了奔驰的陈光标,应该改成骑马陈光标砸完自己的奔驰车后,宣布从此乘坐公车上班。这一绿色行动,并没有赢得满堂喝彩,在宁波慈溪一家塑料公司的老板费杰看来,如果有机会认识陈光标,建议后者骑马上班,这样既可以继续维系其绿色环保卫士的形象,又可以节约上班的路途时间。  相似文献   

We consider the formation of issues on the organizational agenda of a manufacturing firm. We find that the patterns of issue formation vary markedly and we develop an analytic framework to examine a number of emerging, potentially ambiguous issues. We emphasize the importance to the organization of perceptions of collective freedom to construct an issue, the role of issue labelling and perceptions of emerging consensus over the construction of an issue. Jointly, these considerations affect whether an issue gains salience on the agenda and whether it is resolved constructively.  相似文献   

一封来信引起毛泽东的极大关注 提名刘少奇担任中华人民共和国主席的建议是在1959年4月上旬召开的中共八届七中全会上作出的,但其中的酝酿过程却可以追溯到5年前,即第一届全国人民代表大会召开之后.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of implemented control measures to reduce illness induced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus (V. parahaemolyticus) in horse mackerel (Trachurus japonicus), seafood that is commonly consumed raw in Japan. On the basis of currently available experimental and survey data, we constructed a quantitative risk model of V. parahaemolyticus in horse mackerel from harvest to consumption. In particular, the following factors were evaluated: bacterial growth at all stages, effects of washing the fish body and storage water, and bacterial transfer from the fish surface, gills, and intestine to fillets during preparation. New parameters of the beta‐Poisson dose‐response model were determined from all human feeding trials, some of which have been used for risk assessment by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The probability of illness caused by V. parahaemolyticus was estimated using both the USFDA dose‐response parameters and our parameters for each selected pathway of scenario alternatives: washing whole fish at landing, storage in contaminated water, high temperature during transportation, and washing fish during preparation. The last scenario (washing fish during preparation) was the most effective for reducing the risk of illness by about a factor of 10 compared to no washing at this stage. Risk of illness increased by 50% by exposure to increased temperature during transportation, according to our assumptions of duration and temperature. The other two scenarios did not significantly affect risk. The choice of dose‐response parameters was not critical for evaluation of control measures.  相似文献   

王石 《领导科学》2004,(17):23-24
工作要落实,本不算标准很高的要求,然而,一些“不落实”的问题却屡治不愈,严重困扰着上上下下,制约着部门或单位的全面建设。一一项工作得不到落实,不外乎四个方面的原因:一是领导机关工作决策不够科学,或有方向性问题,脱离实际、违背规律,下面无法执行;或计划不周密、不具体,政出多门,执行者无所适从;或任务指标过高过急、过多过滥,下面不堪重负、疲于应付。二是执行者对上级的决策、指示缺乏积极负责的态度,行动上不自觉、不主动、不负责,消极应付,推一推动一动,甚至推而不动。三是执行者缺乏必备的知识、经验和能力,对决策的执行心有余而…  相似文献   

There is a revolution in health care occurring in our midst. The roots of this revolution are explored. The physician executive of the future will need a new set of skills because the health care system will change. This new, evolving set of skills includes being: Savvy about business; simultaneously employer- and customer-focused; and technologically driven. This manager must be a team builder rather than a lone ranger. These skills are learnable, just like piloting a plane or doing a surgery. None of us was born with the skill to practice medicine any more than we were born with business skills. While many physicians are depressed by the present health care climate, feeling a loss of power and a loss in spirit, the vision of the physician manager must carry them and the organizations they build forward through uncharted waters to a future which is every bit as exciting as our past.  相似文献   

The most important service rendered by the press is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.

Samuel Butler, 1835-1902 English novelist and satirist  相似文献   

制造业企业信息技术应用水平的评价方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对制造行业企业IT应用水平的评价方法进行了探讨,提出了一种根据企业特性采用层次分析法确定IT应用对企业竞争力指标的贡献,进而根据企业的具体情况确定IT应用水平等级的综合评价方法。  相似文献   

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