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周帆 《管理工程学报》2002,16(Z1):244-245
本文阐述了项目管理发展,总结项目的特点,探讨了IT企业项目管理的模式,提出了"以项目为中心"的概念.  相似文献   

江泽民同志在党的十六大报告中指出:“综观全局,二十一世纪头二十年,对我国来说,是一个必须紧紧抓住并且可以大有作为的重要战略机遇期。”能否抓住机遇有所作为,完全取决于每个党员、干部能否善于把握机遇、勇于捕捉机遇和高效运用机遇。善于把握机遇机遇即契机、时机、战机,通常被理解为一种有利的客观环境和条件。历史的经验早已证明,什么时候抓住了机遇,我们的事业就顺利发展;什么时候丧失了机遇,革命和建设就遭受挫折。那么,如何才能把握住机遇呢?首先,要强化机遇意识。古人云:“难得而易失者,时也;时止不旋踵者,机也…  相似文献   

In attempts to soothe the nascent fear of the scheduled airline traveler, passengers waiting takeoff are sometimes reminded of the cliche that they may have already completed the most dangerous part of their trip — the drive to the airport. The objective of this paper is to communicate under what conditions air travel is indeed safer than highway travel and vice versa. The conventional wisdom among risk communicators that air travel is so much safer than car travel arises from the most widely quoted death rates per billion miles for each — 0.6 for air compared to 24 for road. There are three reasons why such an unqualified comparison of aggregated fatality rates is inappropriate. First, the airline rate is passenger fatalities per passenger mile, whereas the road rate is all fatalities (any occupants, pedestrians, etc.) per vehicle mile. Second, road travel that competes with air travel is on the rural interstate system, not on average roads. Third, driver and vehicle characteristics, and driver behavior, lead to car-driver risks that vary over a wide range. Expressions derived to compare risk for drivers with given characteristics to those on airline trips of given distance showed that 40-year-old, belted, alcohol-free drivers of cars 700 pounds heavier than average are slightly less likely to be killed in 600 miles of rural interstate driving than in airline trips of the same length. Compared to this driver, 18-year-old, unbelted, intoxicated, male drivers of cars 700 pounds lighter than average have a risk over 1000 times greater. Furthermore, it is shown that the cliche above is untrue for a group of drivers having the age distribution of airline passengers.  相似文献   

到目前为止,有关灰色线性规划问题有不少研究,如灰色预测型线性规划[1~6]灰色区间型线性规划[7]等.本文在文献[1~7]的基础上,针对漂移型线性规划问题,运用参数线性规划理论与方法,对其满意解及其性质等进行探研,并提出了一些新的结论,不仅为漂移型线性规划作了一些理论讨论,而且还以应用实例给予示范.  相似文献   

International joint ventures (IJVs) enable foreign firms to complement their lack of local knowledge and resources by accessing their local partners' knowledge and resource bases. However, IJV formation is not simply a means of overcoming legitimacy-related challenges that stem primarily from a local market's unfamiliarity with foreign firms. This paper proposes that foreign firms can increase the legitimacy of their IJVs to facilitate local market penetration by building interorganizational linkages through which third parties and, especially, prospective customers in local markets can infer the viability and competence of IJVs. Our empirical analyses of manufacturing IJVs in Japan support our arguments.  相似文献   

Nearly ten years have passed since the publication in August 1974 of the draft Reactor Safety Study (WASH 1400), the first detailed attempt to apply probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) techniques to estimate the public risks posed by commercial nuclear power plants. Now is an opportune time to look back and see how PRA has fared over these ten years. We will not attempt to pass judgement on how the Reactor Safety Study report itself has withstood the test of time, as that task is best left to others less directly involved in preparing the report. Instead, we will examine advances in the understanding, acceptance, and utilization of PRA techniques, as well as technical advances in PRA methods. Some of the significant insights gained from PRAs will be discussed. Finally, some observations on the future of PRA will be offered.  相似文献   

"关系营销是对传统营销理论的革命"质疑   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
关系营销被认为是对传统营销理论的一次革命.其实不然!关系营销与传统营销(交易营销)之间虽有一定的差异,但并无本质的区别,它们在基本属性、运作原则、相互关系、应用范围、赢利模式和服务理念等许多方面,有着紧密的联系.传统营销是关系营销的基础,关系营销则是传统营销的衍生和拓展.二者相互渗透,相互兼容,既不是两种对立的营销模式,更不是一场营销理论上的革命.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

中国管理学者该登场了   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
郭重庆 《管理学报》2011,8(12):1733-1736,1747
从中国经济与社会的发展所取得的历史性突破和面临的挑战的现实,提出中国管理学界的历史责任是"发现规律,解释现象,指导实践"。要实现中国管理学界的历史使命,管理研究必须融入中国情境,即管理科学部首次明确地提出实践导向。为此,分析了中国管理科学研究面临的挑战,并提出了几个值得关注的中国管理实践研究的课题。基于此,展望了5~10年内中国管理科学研究的前景。  相似文献   

国内消费者对本国品牌的态度及其改变的可能性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章的立论基础是消费者的态度决定着品牌的命运,而消费者对品牌产品的态度取决于其对产品的质量评价。文章首先对态度内涵进行了分析,说明为什么态度非常重要。然后通过假设提出、调查及假设检验,证实了在国内消费者的心目中跨国公司的产品质量确实优于国内的名牌产品,并通过海尔的例子证明了品牌国际化是改变国人对国内品牌态度的有效方法。其对政府和企业的政策意义是:必须大力推进品牌国际化,这才是有效应对跨国公司竞争的有力武器。  相似文献   

A comparison of the costs and benefits of 57 lifesaving programs reveals striking disparities across agencies and programs in cost/life saved and even greater disparities in cost/life-year saved. Within a broad range the monetary value assigned to the benefits of averting a death usually does not alter the policy implications of the analyses. The findings suggest that despite the substantial disagreements and uncertainties in the theory and practice of valuing lives, careful quantitative analysis can be helpful in setting health, safety, and environmental priorities.  相似文献   

人才的选拔渠道是多种多样的,包括公开选拔各级领导干部、竞争上岗、职位竞聘、公务员录用等,但基本上都要通过考试选用,“凡进必考”已成为我们用人的重要原则之一。既然要考,报考者就要备考,但在备考中,大多数报考者面对浩如烟海的备考内容,总会因时间紧迫而畏难发愁。要解决备考这道难题,惟一的办法就是乐于学习,善于积累,早做准备。一、积累什么就公选而言,需要积累的内容是丰富的、广泛的。第一,政策法规方面的。在公选和公务员录用考试中,有些面试题需要直接引用新的政策规定或中央领导人的重要讲话。比如,2004年、2005年的中央“1号…  相似文献   

Community based service-learning is a form of experiential education in which students engage in activities that address human and community needs, together with structured opportunities designed to promote student learning and development. Can it be effectively applied to address the current struggles of management education? Management education is facing a gap between traditional curricular content and society's needs for new competencies. The Academy is also faced with the challenge of more effectively relating to society's social, economic and civic problems. The results of this analysis indicate that service-learning offers a means of closing the gap by helping to prepare students who are lifelong learners and active, caring participants in their communities. Service-learning appears to be a promising means of developing such managerial skills as leadership, critical thinking, teamwork, and cooperation. The limitations of service-learning for management education are addressed as well.  相似文献   

下属推托艰苦岗位工作是常见的工作情景。激励不足是下属推托艰苦岗位工作的重要原因,氛围不佳是下属推托艰苦岗位工作的外在原因,能力和身体素质不够是下属推托艰苦岗位工作的内在原因。解决下属推托艰苦岗位工作的难题,要在工作性质上明确岗位工作内容,阐明基本技能要求;在管理体制上建立科学激励政策,构建合理引导体系;在工作环境上营造敦本务实氛围,培养互帮共赢风气;在人员素质上提高知识能力水平,提高身体心理素质。  相似文献   

基层干部拒绝提拔源于一种内心的恐惧,主要体现在精神信仰缺钙与天花板效应、职业倦怠与主动边缘化、本领恐慌与担心问责。拒绝提拔还是制度环境的作用,主要表现为基层工作千头万绪、绩效考核指标设置不合理、选任制度运行不畅等。防治基层干部拒绝提拔,个人方面,应从思想上强化宗旨意识和责任担当,从行为选择上有意识地练就过硬本领和培养创新精神;组织方面,应突出政治标准,减轻基层负担,优化基层干部选用流程,改善基层干部福利待遇。  相似文献   

许多人都说,被领导者与领导者之间的关系很难相处,不知道什么时候说不行就不行了。其实,这话说得一点也不错。尤其是那些只注重埋头工作、不善于语言表达而又不喜欢迎合领导的下级,就更难讨得领导的欢心,上下级关系就更难调适了。我就属于这样的人。正是我性格上的原因,我在从政的道路上有许多难以言表的心路历程,可以说有得有失,有喜有忧,有苦有甜。我与领导之间的关系,就像天气一样,有阴有晴,有时是毛毛细雨,有时也是大风大雨。但这并没有影响到我的“仕途”。尽管有些领导不喜欢我,我仍能坐稳自己的位子;尽管我受了许多委屈,但是领导最终…  相似文献   

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