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IF yon are planning your holiday trip.Yunnan Province Province in southwest China isone of the best options you couldconsider right now.The KunmingInternational Horticultural Exposition(EXPO’99)just opened on May 1 atJindian,a scenic town four kilometersfrom Kunming,the provincial capital.This  相似文献   

YUXIANG was bom the second of three sisters of a Blang family in Yunnan Province. When she was seven, she was sent to school in Blangshan Township of Menghai County. Though shabby, the school had several teachers with a strong sense of responsibility and rich experience in teaching. Under the influence of the teachers, Yuxiang soon became the top student. However, when she entered the fourth grade, her  相似文献   

Wang Xian is the winner of the1998 Outstanding Young Scholar’sAward Chinese Scientists.She has alsowon first prize in the 1998 ScientificProgress Award (in the Basic Sciencecategory)issued by the Ministry ofEducation.  相似文献   

THIS past fall, my colleagues, scholars from Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science under the State Bureau of Environmental Protection, left for the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), in the United States. They were the third group of visiting scholars to make this trip, thus completing a three-year cooperative program in agroecology. This friendship cultivated by Chinese and American scientists bears fine fruit. As a participant in the cooperative program, I was lucky enough to work at UCSC for two weeks and forged a profound friendship with my UCSC's colleagues. In the fall of 1993, I went to UCSC alone, the first visiting scholar of this  相似文献   

Han Yuling studies teaching conditions in different classes through the closed circuit television monitoring system in the school.、碑‘.边‘.幽‘山J‘“·尸一:马尸殊尹叫如护{Han Yuling,a Primary School Headmaster  相似文献   


Women speaking out against sexual violence is nothing new, but institutions firing the male perpetrators or those accused signals a potential sea change. This essay was initially published as one of a series of blog posts written about #MeToo. This essay contains that post with the addition of thoughts about how we might integrate revelations in ways that create social change. This includes shifting from a focus on the guilty individual to the corrupt or at least culpable institution. In this light, more complex ideas of subjectivity that can disrupt human exceptionalism are key, as they can challenge White supremacist, heteropatriarchal responses to vulnerability and shame that seem to fuel much of the sexual (and other forms of) masculinized violence and the justifications for it.  相似文献   

Until 1996, poor single mothers in the United States could claim welfare benefits for themselves and their children under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program if they had no other source of income. With the 1996 passage of the Personal Responsibility Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA), paid work and work-related activities became a mandatory condition for receiving aid. At the same time, the law promotes marriage as a route out of poverty. Using a feminist reinterpretation of Althussers concept of interpellation, I turn to Job Clubs, mandatory week-long workshops that teach job search skills, to analyze the citizen-subject generated by front-line representatives of the state in the context of this new legislation. Based on participant-observation, I conclude that while PRWORA ostensibly promotes both marriage and paid employment, Job Club trainers enforced a masculine worker-citizen subject through the deployment of three discursive strategies. These discursive strategies 1) promoted paid work over welfare-receipt as both a pragmatic and moral choice, 2) posited an individual-psychological account of womens welfare receipt, and 3) portrayed parenting skills as marketable skills. In the conclusion, I speculate that current welfare reform efforts require the generation of a self-reproducing worker-citizen and that workshops like Job Club become a site in which the existence of this autonomous citizen is affirmed.  相似文献   

This essay is about issues of methodology when undertaking research in a post-colonial missionary archive. It is an attempt at recovering the local history of post-abolition Angola from the photographic holdings of the archive of the Spiritan Congregation by restoring the links of a photograph to its context and to contemporary historical discourse. The subject matter is a photograph taken in 1904 at the mission of Malange, in northern Angola. It shows catechists, men and women wearing European and African dress, and children, some of whom were born “free,” while others were “freed slaves.” They were grouped around a Marian shrine on the occasion of the inauguration of the first printed edition of Spiritans’ bilingual catechism in Portuguese and Kimbundu. By commuting between foreground and background, the essay traces the ramifications of the history of a cultural zone of confluence of different worlds. The project underlying the essay is to use historical photographs to recover the past seen from “the other side.”  相似文献   

We critically review the concepts of sexual addiction, sexual compulsivity, and sexual impulsivity and discuss their theoretical bases. A sample of 31 self-defined sex addicts were assessed by means of interview and questionnaires and compared with a large age-matched control group. A tendency to experience increased sexual interest in states of depression or anxiety was strongly characteristic of the sex addict group. Dissociative experiences were described by 45% of sex addicts and may have some explanatory relevance. Obsessive-compulsive mechanisms may be relevant in some cases, and the addiction concept may prove to be relevant with further research. Overall, results suggested that out of control sexual behavior results from a variety of mechanisms. We propose an alternative theoretical approach to investigating these mechanisms based on the dual control model and recent research on the relation between mood and sexuality.  相似文献   

Abstract Environmental social scientists have recently begun to use the term 'forest transition' to describe how forest cover changes as economic development occurs in nations. The hypothesized transition occurs as follows. An initial surge in economic activity in impoverished societies spurs deforestation, but as economic activity continues to intensify and cities grow larger, a 'turnaround' occurs, and deforestation gives way to reforestation. This paper uses cross-national data from five successive surveys of world forest resources to assess this empirical claim. A turnaround in forest cover trends does occur in a significant number of nations. The paper also evaluates two explanations for the turnaround, a wood scarcity hypothesis derived from microeconomic theory and an industrialization hypothesis linked to central place theory. It finds period specific support for the industrialization hypothesis. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the implications of these findings for proposals to alleviate the biodiversity crisis through programs of reforestation.  相似文献   


Most master of social work (MSW) programs provide minimal education or training on suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention despite that the majority of social workers encounter suicidal clients during their professional careers. This study describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a course on suicide in an MSW program. Changes in student suicide-related knowledge, confidence, and preparedness were evaluated using a pre/post design. We found statistically significant increases in knowledge (t [df = 21] = 4.79; < .001), confidence (t [df = 17] = 8.55; < .001), and preparedness (t [df = 20] = 7.28; < .001) from pretest to posttest. Knowledge, confidence, and preparedness were significantly positively correlated, indicating that confidence and preparedness did not increase without a corresponding increase in knowledge. Given the prevalence of suicide and the frequency with which social workers serve populations affected by suicide, it is critical that MSW programs provide effective training on understanding suicide.  相似文献   

In yeast and worms, mutations that extend longevity appear to simulate starvation conditions. The daf-2 pathway in worms plays a major role in life-span extension and in entry into the starvation-resistant and low-metabolism dauer phase. In a recent study published in Science Express on 13 June 2002, researchers screened for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants that survive in a low-oxygen environment and identified a number of daf-2 mutants that are resistant to hypoxia. The implications of these results are discussed in this Perspective.  相似文献   

This article discusses the theoretical development of subcultural theory. It first provides a brief history of subcultural theory. It then attempts to outline the central requirements which should be fulfilled by a neo-Birminghamian conception of subculture that takes valid critiques of the CCCS into account, while maintaining the theoretical richness and analytical qualities of the concept. This includes putting social structures, including class in intersection with gender and ethnicity, back into subcultural theory, in a way that allows for grasping complexity. The article moves on to argue that the development of such a conception of subculture could potentially be realized by entering a theoretical dialogue with Bourdieu’s sociology and feminist accounts of intersectionality. Furthermore, it suggests that such a theoretical conception may be highly relevant to current research areas such as gangs/street culture and Jihadism.  相似文献   

APOPLEXY is generally acknowledgedin medical circles as a forceful killer.It resultsin ischemic damage of the nerve cells(a lackof blood supply).some of which die andothers of which survive.Can we stop thedeath ot these cells by medical means,or atleast raise the survival rate and rehabilitatethem?That is what Professor Sun Fengyanwith the Shanghai Medical SciencesUniversity is working on. Sun Fengyan was conferred a Doctor ofnerve pharmacologia in 1987 and three years  相似文献   

Ireland's Celtic Tiger economic boom has merited a great deal of attention as a successful model for small and peripheral states in this era of globalization. This article offers an alternative reading through examining social outcomes and interrogating the Irish model in the light of them. It seeks to answer the question whether Ireland offers a model to be followed or whether what appears to be a model is, on closer inspection, a mirage. The article begins by outlining the nature of the Celtic Tiger and surveying the mainstream interpretation of how Ireland's success shows it to be a model of what can be achieved through capturing the benefits of globalization. It then identifies the nature of the Irish model, examining the role of ‘social partnership’ and outlining the argument that Ireland is a ‘flexible developmental state’. Having described the principal features of Ireland's economic success and the means used to achieve it, as seen by mainstream scholars, the article then examines in some detail the distributional outcomes of the Celtic Tiger. Questions these raise for the positive reading of the Irish model open a more critical examination of the features of the model linked to the social outcomes described. This leads to a discussion that seeks to more adequately characterize the nature of ‘social partnership’ and of the Irish state, utilizing the concept of the competition state. The article concludes that, on closer examination, the Irish model turns out not to be a model of successful development, but a model of capital accumulation. To this extent it is a mirage and a warning about the social costs of economic success in the era of neoliberal globalization.  相似文献   

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