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社会学是为解决19世纪中后期资本主义世界在现代化过程中所面临的整体危机而诞生的一门学科.这决定了社会学关注结构与秩序、寻求社会与政治整合的学科"品格".国家是人类历史上最为重要的群体化生活方式之一,其本质属性在于塑造和维持一定的社会结构与政治秩序;而社会学意义上的社会指的是国家之外的非政治领域.经由洛克、黑格尔等人的发展,国家与社会两者的关系被认为是社会结构与秩序的重要来源.国家与社会关系的框架及相关的市民社会、法团主义等理论契舍了社会学的"品格",有助于我们理解当前中国社会的深层结构与秩序,但需要保持一种本土化警觉.  相似文献   

社会学,用句大白话来讲,它要研究人的所有活动。从宏观到微观,从个人到群体作为人的个体活动来讲,基本上可分为二部分,一是自由的日常生活,二是刻板的集体生活这种集体生活,占据着人的生活经历的重要位置。这里姑且把它称为人的第二“活动场”而《产业社会学》其实就是以社会学的名义来窥视人的第二“活动场”的一门学科最近浙江人民出版社出版的《产业社会学》(日),对我们了解这门学科有重要的参考价值产业社会学是一门诞生于第二次世界大战期间的学科,但是在此以前,有许多著名  相似文献   

社会学从来就是一门保守的和改良的学科,它的宗旨就是为既定的社会结构的稳定和优化而不断地努力,尽管这一点时常受到人们的批评,但这个宗旨却从来未曾被放弃过。即使社会学有时不断地抨击时政,不断地揭露社会的阴暗面,但这是属于“良药苦口利于病”的性质。尽管有些社会学家是偏激的,但这仅仅是社会学家的个人行_为,而不是社会学的本质特征的表现。社会学无非是一门关于“人——社会”之间关系的学科,而对于这一关系的研究,其目的就在于把握  相似文献   

“考试社会学”是介于考试学和社会学之间的一门边缘学科,是一种运用社会学原理和方法探究考试这种社会现象的本质及其规律,揭示考试活动与社会其它现象之间关系的新兴学科。开展“考试社会学”研究具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。“考试社会学”的专门研究,目前在国内尚未有闻,当属一块未开垦的“处女地”。根据对“考试社会学”这门学科的性质、对象、目的和任务的初步分析,我们认为“考试社会学”专著的基本理论框架,可由下列各部分组成:1.考试社会学概述。探讨这门学科研究对象的性质、范围和任务等,揭示该学科的基本特点和内容概要,阐明考试社会学与相近学科的区别和联  相似文献   

蔡博方 《社会》2005,40(3):32-57
韦伯的《关于理解社会学的一些范畴》(下文简称《范畴》)对于发展社会行动具有关键作用,却由于诸多因素让位于《社会学的基本概念》。本文从《范畴》内部的论述结构与外部的参照比较出发,进行相关脉络的梳理,以证明该文具有独特的理论内涵,然后指出“合意”在社会行动与社会关系上的双元角色以及通过“合意”所建构的“共同体行动/合意行动/社会体行动”三元行动类型。综观之,《范畴》的理论意涵值得我们反思“从行动到秩序”之间的另一种可能性。  相似文献   

法律社会学是在二战以后,在西方社会科学的发展中,由法学和社会学相互影响、相互渗透而形成的在社科学领域里的一门新兴的边缘学科。这门学科是用社会学的原理与方法研究法律与人类社会活动的联系影响的科学。从几十年的发展看,这门学科受到西方社会的普遍重视,具有很强的生命力和发展前景。随这门学科的发展它对于推动法学研究和司法实践,对于健全和完善社会法制建设发挥着重要的社会作用。这门学科从理论到方法在西方已经是日趋成熟,日趋完善了。我国当前正处于现代化建设的起步阶段,在这一时期,提倡和加强对法律社会学这门新兴学…  相似文献   

现代化进程中的上海社会稳定及其问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
仇立平  程福财 《社会》2002,(12):4-7
社会学的创始人孔德从社会学创立的那天开始 ,就高举“秩序和进步”的大旗。用我国当下的术语 ,“秩序和进步”就是社会稳定和社会发展。因为社会稳定能够给人类生活带来秩序、规则与确定性等重要社会福利。保持社会稳定与保障人的基本权利、促进经济发展一样 ,成为任何社会发展的最重要目标之一。本文的目的除了在理论上对社会稳定进行社会学的诠释以外 ,还要分析上海在现代化过程中存在的影响社会稳定的主要问题或因素。理论的认识 :社会稳定是一个开放的系统社会学对社会稳定的认识和分析最具价值的是社会行动理论、冲突理论和亨廷顿的政…  相似文献   

中国恢复社会学的研究,历时已七年之久,取得了许多有意义的研究成果。但是如果客观地认识一下我们目前的社会学界,可以看出,我们离建立社会学这门学科,即有理论体系和方法体系指导的社会学应用体系,还差之甚远。究其原因,可以这样说,我们忽视了社会学理论的研究和学习,忽视了社会学理论对社会学应用的指导作用。特别是我国社会学自恢复以来,不够注重吸收和学习社会学理论传统,而只是一味强调社会调查。当然,强调社会调查是必需的,社会调查是从事社会学研究的人们获取第一手资料的主要方法之一。但是,社会调查并不是只有社会学才具有的获取资料的方法,几乎所有社会科学学科都这样或那样地要用社会调查的方法来获取资料。这就给我们提出了一个问题:什么才是社会学学科意义上的社会调查?我认为:只有在社会学理论指导下的社会调查,应用社会学的方法来进行分析的社会调查才是社会学意义上的社会调查。由社会学理论指导到社会调查实施(社会学应用的一个方面)就是中国社会学迫切需要解决的问题。而特别是我们整个社会学界在  相似文献   

从词源上看,正义最初是指向某种神性秩序。随着人类社会进入政治国家,正义也朝向日常政治生活的规训转变,但这种转变并未消解其作为整体性或基础性的秩序意涵。在这种转变中,政治生活或经济生活中某个个体或群体借由某种权利介入秩序运行之中,正义转变为对实存秩序的反抗,并在与秩序的冲突中呈现出自身的张力。在现代社会之中,秩序内外的正义冲突实质上是个体之“权利”与政治国家之“权力”之间的冲突。化解这种由人格化资本在政治秩序中所导致的“无主体”或“物主体”的社会秩序,需要以作为整体之个体来弥合“权利”幻想的碎片化,从而为正义实践塑造坚实的确定性基础。  相似文献   

郑杭生 《学术交流》2006,(8):131-132
各位领导,各位代表:2006年年会选择以“科学发展、共享和谐”为主题,突出了时代的要求,突出了科学发展观和和谐社会与社会学的内在联系,这是一个非常好的主题。科学发展观、和谐社会的提出,一方面表明,社会学及其各个分支都能够为落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会做出自己的贡献,并且已经在一些方面做出了自己的贡献;另一方面,也给社会学提出了更高的要求。一是要求中国社会学能够从社会学的视角,解决落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会中所遇到的种种前所未有的实际问题和社会政策、战略问题;二是要求中国社会学能够从社会学的视角,对中国社会前所…  相似文献   

In the contemporary epistemological debate on social reality, characterized by the crisis of post‐modern theories and the emergence of new forms of realism, are there any approaches not acknowledging some specific ontological character to the construction of social objects? The question is apparently rhetorical, but the implication of this problem are not obvious. In the sociological literature the opposition between reality and construction is not clearly defined. Sometimes it is considered a dichotomy, in other situations the synthesis of alternative theses in a dialectical horizon. The more systematic attempt considers reality and construction as analytical macro‐dimensions where the relation between social ontology and epistemology operates. From this stance, the acknowledgement of the role of social construction in a wider realist horizon is the true overtaking of postmodern philosophy. If it is true that facts exist beyond representations, it is also true that representations themselves have a specific effect on reality, who continually re‐structures itself around specific relations of emergent power. Stating that reality is socially constructed is an evident limit of postmodern theories. On the other hand, stating that only facts exist constitute an impoverishment of realism and its replacement in neo‐positivism. Social phenomena are real because they are based on specific properties of the inter‐subjective construction of social reality. This thesis represents the revitalization of an advanced, anti‐positivistic realism and the definition of the specificity of social objects. The aim of this essay is to search for a specific place of construction within the development of realist social ontology.  相似文献   

Social workers increasingly practice in medical settings; however, there are few applications of clinical practice theories at their disposal. Using fictional composite cases based on the writers’ experiences in medical social work, the authors illustrate how clinical practice theories can be used in the assessment and treatment of Veterans. These cases illustrate real world applications of clinical practice theories for what is often seen as task-oriented work. The authors place case management or casework in medical settings within the confines of clinical social work and suggest clinical practice theories have important applications to these efforts.  相似文献   

There has been very little research on why individuals hold different attitudes toward Social Security. In this article we integrate social location theory and political predisposition theory to provide a framework of explanation and test these theories using a unique sample from the 1998 General Social Survey. Our multivariate results reveal that social structural positions along the lines of race, gender, class and age play a more important role than political predispositions in explain-ing individual differences in support for the current Social Security system against privatisation. Political party affiliation also partly contributes to variation in support for Social Security, but political ideology does not have a significant effect. Our results suggest that with regard to support for Social Security, primary consideration must rest on social structural positions. Racial minorities, women, the poor and the elderly tend to dislike a drastic change in the current Social Security system, and Social Security reform ought to pay attention to their concerns. Our robust finding of a positive relationship between age and support for Social Security also challenges much of the established knowledge, pointing to an intergenerational discord over Social Security. It is also important to differentiate among social welfare programmes in order to uncover the real determinants of public attitudes towards them.  相似文献   

Abu Dhabi's transformation to a modern society in recent decades provides an ideal context to explore the interplay of tradition, transition, and modernization at various levels, which shapes the trajectory of the development of social trust. This study offers multilevel analyses of the effects of social, psychological, and ethnical factors on social trust by using data from Abu Dhabi General Social Survey conducted in 2018. The results sustain the validity of both social capital and social network theories in explaining social trust. Contrary to the findings in other Middle East countries, in Abu Dhabi, the full‐time employed and people who are more satisfied with their household income tend to show a higher level of trust. A negative but insignificant relationship is found between community ethnic fragmentation and social trust.  相似文献   

Social work practice is often criticised for lack of support of theories and research evidence. This article attempts to learn from business practice and proposes the creation of a plan as an essential part of social work practice and education to encourage the use of theories and research evidence in social work practice and to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of social work practice. Based on logic modelling, a modified logic social work practice plan is presented and illustrated using a case example. The plan incorporates basic social work elements and the elements of alternative interventions, monitoring and control as well as cost. The potential benefits of inclusion of practice plan in social work practice and the ways to promote the adoption of a practice plan in social work education and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

严振书  程元恒 《创新》2010,(5):117-121
社会转型是加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设的历史大背景,因此,国内外学者从转型的视角对社会建设问题展开了较为广泛而深入的研究。相对而言,国内研究此问题的目的较为单一,那就是为了推动转型期社会建设更好更快地发展;而国外的研究则倾向于对该问题的"认知和理解","先入为主"的观念较为明显,有时甚至将此问题意识形态化。鉴于研究目的的不同,二者在研究方法、研究深度以及所得出的结论、存在的不足等方面也有所不同。  相似文献   

Mixed ethnicity children are over-represented in the care system and constitute a significant group of those seeking adoption placements. Social workers are presented with a specific set of concerns in seeking to find adoption placements for mixed ethnicity children as they come from two or more cultural backgrounds. Practitioners face uncertain principles concerning how to respond to these issues, especially in light of social and political pressures, and within the realm of existing debates around 'transracial' adoption. There is a danger that among these uncertainties the individuality of the child will be lost as his or her identity needs become viewed narrowly. Social workers may seek to simplify and classify the identities of mixed ethnicity children in the adoption process through pressures that they feel to find 'matched' placements. This paper explores how theories concerning identity can provide some insight into the difficulties practitioners face and may help to inform social work practice in this area.  相似文献   

2006年中共中央十六届六中全会的召开使中国大陆专业社会工作的发展焕发了新的气象。专业社会工作开始告别以前游离于福利体制外的纯粹的学术活动阶段,进入到制度化建设的新时期。社会需求是专业社会工作发展的前提,从业现状是专业社会工作发展的依据,制度安排是专业社会工作发展的核心。中国专业社会工作制度的构建必须遵循本土性、协调性和实证性三大原则,应从专业制度、职业制度和其他配套制度三方面入手。  相似文献   

数据分析显示,市民最喜欢的职业主要是市民就业比较集中的行业,如成为行政机关干部、教师和科研人员;市民最不喜欢的职业主要是农民工就业比较集中的行业,如建筑业、饭店服务业等。市民与农民工社会距离的类型以中、远距离为主。在社会距离的评价上存在一定程度的非对称性。社会地位差异、文化差异、空间隔离和非正式制度对社会距离有很大影响。市民与农民工的社会距离有不断缩小的趋势,两大群体之间已经出现了一定程度的社会融合。  相似文献   

社会发展:涵义、结构和功能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
社会发展是一个评价性范畴,其本质是社会实践,其核心是人的发展,其形式是社会时间和社会空间.社会发展既有自己内在的基本要素,又有外在的基本形式,其结构是内在要素与外在形式的统一.社会发展有四大功能改造变革的功能、满足维护的功能、调控功能和创新功能.  相似文献   

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