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One of the continuing challenges posed by unprecedented urbanization in the developing countries is the provision of adequate housing. Over the last three decades, Nigeria, like several developing countries, has emphasised public housing schemes, but with little success. This coincides with global paradigm shift from direct public provision of housing to the enablement of private shelter initiatives and housing production. The paper discusses private housing development features and dynamics and the factors affecting the sector in the country. It argues for the creation of an enabling environment, including support of housing initiatives and investments by householders, small-scale providers, and entrepreneurial private firms. The paper identifies the implications of enabling strategy for housing finance, access to land, residential infrastructure, institutional regulations and building materials and related industry particularly in the light of the need for the private sector to play greater roles in housing. It draws from aspects of empirical study by the authors and some review of housing policy-related issues.  相似文献   

This paper studies the transmission mechanisms that underlie China's house price fluctuations using a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. The model is estimated with Bayesian methods, which accounts well for business cycle properties of the housing market. Results show that shocks to housing productivity and the government land supply to housing developers are the primary contributors to house price volatility, accounting for 37% of house price volatility in the short run and 32% in the long run. The importance of housing valuation shocks and shocks to migration only increases in models without the supply side of the housing market.  相似文献   

Using primary survey data and interview evidence this paper analyses the implementation and enforcement of public and private environmental regulation in the Serbian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable (FFV) sector. This provides a basis for engaging in a wider debate on the nature of agri-food regulation in post-socialist economies. Depictions of the restructuring of agri-food supply chains as a shift from public to private regulation are rejected. Rather two distinct supply chains co-exist: a small number of export oriented producers operate subject to extensive private regulation while the majority of FFV farmers occupy regulatory voids, immune to both private and private control. Those farmers operating under extensive private regulation are more likely to obey appropriate public regulation. Findings highlight the differentiated nature of regulatory regimes that can co-exist within a national production sector.  相似文献   

Traditional labor supply models grounded in the trade-off between labor and leisure are incomplete to the extent that they neglect time spent in home production: productive labor that is not exchanged in a market setting. Models that do incorporate home production typically predict a negative relationship with the wage rate, a relationship emphasized by most analyses of time devoted to home production during recessions. However, empirical studies of the behavior of home production over the business cycle find that home production is relatively acyclical. The prominence of the fall in house values during the Great Recession suggests an alternative driver of hours dedicated to home production: non-labor endowments and assets, specifically housing equity. This paper explores the role that changing house values play in determining time dedicated to home production using the American Time Use Survey. It concludes that on the margin, time allocation responds to changes in house values in the anticipated way only under certain conditions. Specifically, when non-owners are excluded from the analysis the anticipated results do not hold. Some suggestions to explain this result are provided, as well as a discussion of future clarifying research.  相似文献   

Given that most economies are now in recession, policymakers are looking to small firms to act as engines of economic growth; this has led to a revived interest in the role of enterprise policy. The 'new' enterprise policy is systemic, promoting and shaping externalities and capabilities. At its core are R&D, innovation and education. It encapsulates a shift from direct intervention towards creating an enabling environment for small firms and entrepreneurship. At present there is a research lacuna regarding the evaluation of such policies. The aim of this paper is to fill this gap by making two key contributions. First, I demonstrate that traditional enterprise evaluation metrics are too narrow: they focus almost exclusively on private firm impacts, rather than broader societal impacts caused by the pervasive nature of 'new' enterprise policies. Second, I illustrate how logic models could be expanded to account for these broader impacts.  相似文献   

Before the economic crisis hit Indonesia in 1997, land development had been one of the prime sectors for investment. Land development companies were mushrooming. They were basically working together in share holdership or were interconnected through family relationships. They were also related to the ex-First Family of Indonesia. This had given them the possibilities to influence any policy and regulation concerning land development and thus distorting the housing market in the area. The buyers of the houses produced by the developers were mostly young professionals who worked in the private sector, classified as middle and high-income segments. The excessive land development, done by a few developers only targeted a small minority of the riches had been part of the trigger of the monetary crisis and caused calamity of the country as a whole.  相似文献   

The increase in U.S. mortgage rates from nine per cent in 1976 to fifteen per cent in 1982 raised monthly mortgage payments by about sixty per cent, even before rising house prices in the United States over this period are taken into account. Not surprisingly, attention has been focused on ways and means of counteracting spiralling housing costs. One proposed solution is land leasing. Under such an arrangement, the homebuyer purchases the house but leases the land. (There may be an option to buy the land at some time in the future.) Land leasing reduces the overall purchase price, and hence lowers the minimum down-payment and the initial monthly mortgage payment. In Hawaii, land leasing has been a readily available alternative to land owning throughout the postwar period. The analysis of residential housing prices in Hawaii provides some quantitative estimates of the relative prices of leasehold versus fee simple properties. The average price differential is surprisingly small. One explanation of these small price differentials, for which a model is developed and tested here, is that borrowing-constrained households use high discount rates to calculate the present value of the future land price that they will, in effect, have to pay at the expiration of the lease. These discount rates are estimated in a nonlinear hedonic property price equation. The results are then employed to answer the question: Under what conditions would a leaseholder buy the land outright before the expiration of the lease?  相似文献   

Globalization, de-industrialization and Hong Kong's private rental sector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of scholars have identified a changing role for private rental housing, as it becomes a more mainstream tenure to house the insecure rich and poor alike in globalizing cities. Hong Kong is an important global city and is experiencing rising rates of social polarization associated with globalization generally, its articulation with the Chinese economy specifically and the impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997. Our empirical research suggests that Hong Kong's private rental sector has responded to and articulates with the city's specific globalization trajectory. It increasingly houses the highly paid, highly skilled but relatively insecure elite and the low paid, low skilled and very insecure underclass, for whom prospects of public housing or home ownership are diminishing. Private renters are younger, more mobile and house both top-end and bottom-end ethnic minorities. The traditional role of private renting and large scale obsolete inner-city housing stock, combined with the aggressive development of up-market and highly desirable private housing estates makes the sector particularly adept at meeting the needs of Hong Kong's hour glass shaped global society. We anticipate that the size of the private rental sector will increase, albeit from a low base and that its hour-glass shape will become more pronounced.  相似文献   

詹水芳  齐峰 《科学发展》2014,(2):105-112
上海深化农村土地管理制度改革的思路是:通过有序流转承包农用地,促进农业规模经营、集中经营;通过归并、整理农民宅基地,促进农民集中居住;通过有序开发、规范利用农村集体建设土地,为农村第二、第三产业发展提供空间;通过完善征地补偿制度,确保农民利益。为此,上海要抓紧开展确权登记工作;培育新型经营主体,推动农业规模经营;加快宅基地归并和土地整理;完善农村集体建设用地流转收益分配制度;鼓励利用农村集体建设用地建设公租房;完善"征地留地""征地留房"等补偿安置方式。  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the New Economic Policy (NEP) in 1970, the rapid rate of urbanisation has meant an accelerated growth in the demand for housing. Housing needs have been identified under successive Malaysian Plans as a major social objective, where the overall goal is to ensure that all Malaysians have access to adequate housing.The responsibility for the low-income housing programme rests with the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, who have been unable to keep to housing targets set by successive Malaysian Plans. By 1985, the end of the fourth Malaysian Plan period, the overall shortfall was 56%.Today the private sector dominates the construction scene. Due to the lack of government enthusiasm for solving housing shortages and lack of funds, the private sector is increasingly encouraged by the government to build extensive areas of suburbia in and around the largest cities. In the fifth Malaysian Plan (1986–1990), the private sector is expected to supply 80% of the housing provision.The aim of this paper is: (1) to analyse the composition and structure of the private sector; (2) to discuss the current production process and government action to encourage private speculative construction; and (3) to analyse the performance of the private sector to date in fulfilling the housing targets.  相似文献   

Abstract The fresh vegetables commodity chain linking Kenyan producers with United Kingdom (UK) consumers employs significant numbers of workers in production and processing. This chain is dominated by UK retailers that determine the production imperatives of Kenyan firms upstream in the chain and, indirectly the employment strategies they adopt. This paper explores how competitive pressures are transmitted through the supply chain, and how exporters absorb these risks by placing greater emphasis on organizational flexibility and the elasticity of labor in horticultural production. The paper argues that while the industry provides substantial employment opportunities in Kenya, the commodity chain is dependent upon the “gendered” and insecure forms of employment it creates.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government has pledged to deal with the imbalance between supply and demand of housing. Given the innate constraints of limited land resources in Hong Kong and the extensive and expedient control enforced through lease conditions, the Hong Kong government can alleviate the long-recognized problem of housing shortage by modifying specific development conditions. Therefore, the supply of housing units can be changed at a faster pace to satisfy the requirement of private dwellings. Other factors affecting the property market in Hong Kong include land supply, economic issues, population growth, and income growth. Many studies, for example, Hui et al. (Monograph, Department of Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Government (Study of Housing Demand, Hong Kong Government Printer, Hong Kong and Study of Housing Demand Model, Hong Kong Government Printer, Hong Kong), have investigated in detail the impacts of these factors on the property market. However, little or nothing is known about the planning and development control through lease conditions. Therefore, this study particularly attempts to examine how the Hong Kong government exerts its influence in the local private residential market through changing the development conditions. These conditions will be studied separately and distinctively in order to capture their unitary effects upon the local private residential real estate market. Section 1 looks at Hong Kong's tenure system, followed by the deliberation of how planning and development control is done through lease conditions (in Section 2). 3 and 4 set out the analytical framework and report on the findings of how lease conditions affect property supply. The concluding section gives out recommendations.  相似文献   

Certification within organic agriculture exhibits flexibility with respect to practices used to demonstrate that a product meets published quality standards. This case study of Mexican certified-organic agriculture finds two forms. Indigenous smallholders of southern Mexico undertake a low-input, process-oriented organic farming in which certification is based upon extensive document review, group inspections, and assessment of on-farm capacity to produce organic inputs. More recently, northern Mexican large agribusiness producers have implemented certifications based upon laboratory testing and assessment of purchased inputs. To specify these differences, this article examines large and small producers in Mexico's organic agriculture sector based on a diagnostic census of Mexican organic agriculture in 668 production zones and field surveys in 256 production zones in which 28 indicators were analyzed. After comparing the organic cultivation and certification practices of large, agro-industrial, input-oriented private firms versus small, cooperatively organized, indigenous and peasant groups, we analyze the implications of this duality for certification frameworks. We argue (with Raynolds, L., 2004. The globalization of organic agro-food networks. World Development 32(5), 725–743; Gonzalez A.A., and Nigh, R., 2005. Smallholder participation and certification of organic farm products in Mexico. Journal of Rural Studies; DeLind, L., 2000. Transforming organic agriculture into industrial organic products: reconsidering national organic standards. Human Organization 59(2), 198–208) that the increasing bureaucratic requirements of international organic certification privilege large farmers and agribusiness-style organic cultivation and present the possibility of a new entrenchment of socio-spatial inequality in Mexico. While organic and fair trade agriculture has been touted as an income-generating production strategy for small producers of the Global South, our study suggests that Mexican organic agriculture reproduces existing social inequalities between large and small producers in conventional Mexican agriculture.  相似文献   

Consistent with the global trends towards the adoption and implementation of sustainable urban planning strategies, this study discusses the problem of housing land shortage, considering the ever rapidly growing human population. Urban land is one of the most precious resources that need to be consumed and developed wisely. In this context, housing density is a widely used tool to control housing land consumption and ensure acceptable housing environments. With reference to the Gaza Strip (Palestinian Territories), the main aim of this study is to highlight the role of increasing housing density in order to face the problem of housing land scarcity. Within this scope, building legislation implemented in Gaza has been reviewed with reference to housing density. A questionnaire and a case study have been analyzed to propose recommendations related to housing planning and design. It has been concluded that rationalising urban land consumption in Gaza can be achieved by a dual strategy approach that increases housing density above the currently specified limit, and reduces the area of the typical Palestinian housing unit. This has to be done without sacrificing the limited open spaces available in the local housing environment. Thus, solutions that strike a balance between dense housing patterns and adequate urban environment, are essentially required here.  相似文献   

This study provides an empirical assessment of the optimal site area for master-planned high-density housing development in Hong Kong. Conventional hedonic pricing methods are not used because they cannot separate the amenity value of large sites from the price effects caused by market power. We obtain our estimate from a unique data set containing the choice of applicants for public housing units in 128 housing estates in Hong Kong between 1990 and 1998. An inverted U-shaped relationship between site area and popularity of the estate is revealed. We conclude that the land areas of most public housing estates in Hong Kong are sub-optimal. Our estimated optimal site area serves as a quantitative benchmark for the government in its future disposal of public as well as private housing land.  相似文献   

Most sociological studies classify all farmers in a single category, usually the petty bourgeoisie or "middle class.' Recent studies, however, have criticized this view and have demonstrated how factors such as land, capital, labor, and management differentiate agricultural producers. Further, Mooney argues that the subjective elements of the class structure of agriculture have been ignored. This article examines the subjective and objective elements of the class structure in tobacco production. Data collected form a random sample of flue-cured tobacco growers and allotment holders in Pitt County, North Carolina, indicate that measures of class were relatively poor predictors of support for government intervention and for the tobacco program. The implications of these findings for class analyses of agriculture and New Deal farm programs are suggested.  相似文献   

Vegetative characteristics of urban land covers in metropolitan Tucson   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study we developed a methodology that associated land cover categories to aerial photographs. We selected 4, 42-mile (10 km2) study sites within metropolitan Tucson, Arizona for our pilot study. Land uses within these sites covered the range of landscapes found within Pima County, Arizona, although not necessarily in proportions representative of the metropolitan area. We designated land cover categories within the pilot sites based on recent (March, 1990) aerial photographs and developed a geographical information system (GIS) database of these land cover categories. We measured vegetation attributes on randomly selected samples within each land cover category and classified vegetation occurring on specific land cover categories according to the Brown et al. (1979) system. Our land cover classification system was nominal with a hierarchical structure, facilitating organization and providing flexibility for adding new categories.Our results showed that although neighborhood parks contained the greatest vegetated areas within our four study plots, very low density housing (4 acres/house), rivers whose banks were partially stabilized, naturally occurring washes (with no bank stabilization), and natural open space contained the highest percentage of native vegetation. Within our four study sites, low density housing (4 acres/house), rivers with partially stabilized banks, naturally occurring washes (no bank stabilization), and natural open space land cover categories contained the most area that was covered with vegetation providing escape cover.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the theoretical and empirical parameters of social regulation in contemporary global food markets, focusing on the rapidly expanding Fair Trade initiative. Fair Trade seeks to transform North/South relations by fostering ethical consumption, producer empowerment, and certified commodity sales. This initiative joins an array of labor and environmental standard and certification systems which are often conceptualized as “private regulations” since they depend on the voluntary participation of firms. I argue that these new institutional arrangements are better understood as “social regulations” since they operate beyond the traditional bounds of private and public (corporate and state) domains and are animated by individual and collective actors. In the case of Fair Trade, I illuminate how relational and civic values are embedded in economic practices and institutions and how new quality assessments are promoted as much by social movement groups and loosely aligned consumers and producers as they are by market forces. This initiative's recent commercial success has deepened price competition and buyer control and eroded its traditional peasant base, yet it has simultaneously created new openings for progressive politics. The study reveals the complex and contested nature of social regulation in the global food market as movement efforts move beyond critique to institution building.  相似文献   

Abstract It is widely assumed that the development of commodity production in agriculture will necessarily lead to the displacement of peasant producers by more strictly capitalist forms of production. I argue that no such transition can be assumed in general, nor can it be shown to be occurring in Nigeria. The first section identifies the various ways in which the peasantry are said to be transformed along capitalist lines. The second section examines conditions under which agrarian capitalism has been established, both in Europe and in Africa. It discusses attempts by governments and capitalists to subordinate peasant producers in Africa to their direction. The third section examines attempts to establish plantations, capitalist farms and state farms in Nigeria and considers what light evidence of inequalities among peasant households sheds on the possible emergence of capitalist producers from among the peasantry. It discusses whether rural development projects are likely to transform peasant production along capitalist lines and/or subordinate peasants to the requirements of capital and the state. I conclude that state support has provided niches for capitalist farming, but that Nigerian agriculture is not being transformed along capitalist lines and that both capital and the state have found it difficult to subordinate peasant producers to their direction  相似文献   

There is extensive research investigating race and nativity disparities in the US housing market, but little focuses on the group representing the intersection of the two literatures. This study investigates whether black immigrants are disadvantaged due to racial stratification or are able to leverage human or ethnic capital into positive housing market outcomes compared to US‐born blacks. I find that racial stratification affects the housing market outcomes of black immigrants. However, high homeownership and house value relative to US‐born blacks suggest that immigrants are able to use ethnic community capital to avoid some of the disadvantage experienced by native‐born blacks.  相似文献   

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