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SAMHSA Opens Recovery Month with NSDUH, Melding of Mental Health Faces & Voices on the First Year of Recovery Month without SAMHSA Money Centers' Branding Should Take a More Sophisticated Approach White House will Nominate Botticelli as ONDCP Chief TCA Wants Counseling for Buprenorphine Patients Study Links Medical Marijuana to Reduced Rx Opioid ODs Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

ACA Impact: Residential Treatment Threatened by Lack of Data, MAT Livengrin Defines Special Programs but Avoids Abundance of Tracks Model Recovery Community Centers Focus on Engagement HD Videoconferencing Offers a Treatment Alternative Botticelli Finally in as Deputy Director at ONDCP Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

Recovery Advocates Pressure Treatment System to Cast Aside Acute Care Model College Campuses Becoming Active Site for Array of Recovery Support Services Leaked Strategy Further Exposes Weaknesses of ONDCP Florida SSA Shares Advice on Budget Issues SSAs to Ask Pregnancy Test Makers to Include Alcohol Warnings FDA Requires Medication Guide be Given to Vivitrol Patients HRSA Funding in Budget for Training Addiction Specialists HIT Bill Would Provide ARRA Funding to Addiction Treatment Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

Delaware Uses Penalties and Rewards to Increase Utilization and Retention ONDCP Strategy Document Addresses Rx Monitoring, ATR, Screening Delaware: Not NOMs Sex‐Drug Fusion Complicates Methamphetamine Recovery House Passes Parity Bill No Medication‐Substance Abuse Link Found in ADHD Study Clarifications Briefly Noted State Watch Business Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

Recovery Coaches Help Women Get Treatment, Regain Custody of Their Children Study: Impact of Substance Disorders on Medicaid Costs has been Underestimated What Babies Get Tested for Drugs: A System that is ‘Ripe for Bias’ Wyoming Starts SBIRT in Medicaid‐Substance Abuse Partnership From Our Readers: Challenges and Plans for 2009 Still No Nominee for ONDCP or SAMHSA Posts Briefly Noted State Watch Resources Business Coming up  相似文献   

Peer Recovery Workers Gaining Foothold; Their Role May Grow Under Health Reform McLellan to Leave ONDCP Primary Care Physicians Needed in Addiction Treatment Workforce Methadone Staffers Need Training: AATOD and NAMA Code of Ethics for Methadone Advocates NAADAC Prepares First National Scopes of Practice ABAM Certification Hoped to Lead to Official Addiction Specialty Workforce Development Tools Seen in Health Reform Law The Graying Workforce Briefly Noted Resources Coming up  相似文献   

Babies Aren't ‘Addicts’; Mothers Should Get Methadone or Buprenorphine The Ranch Takes More Steps to be Insurance‐Friendly Marchman Act Lawyer Accuses A&E Interventionist of Lying Fla. Convenes First Task Force on Rx Drug Abuse and Newborns ONDCP: Chronic Rx Users Get Pills from Doctors or Dealers Kerlikowske Calls for ‘Third Way’ in Drug Policy Report: At Least 25 Million Americans in Recovery from SUDs Coming up  相似文献   

New Jersey's Recovery Mentor Initiative Increases Workforce More Good News for Youth in Annual Survey, but Treatment Gap Persists Review Shows No Beneficial Link Between ONDCP Campaign, Youth Use Theme at Annual Forum is Change and Journey into the Future Alcohol Expenditure Study Show Alcohol Industry Has Financial Interest in Underage Drinking Reversal of Doctor's Conviction Calls Attention to Pain Management Briefly Noted Grants and Funding Coming Up  相似文献   

Briefly Noted     
Drug‐Free Communities (DFC), a significant prevention grant program totaling more than $101 million and administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), will be moving to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), but the change is mainly one that affects interagency machinations in Washington and not the end recipients of the funding — drug‐free coalitions. The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) will retain the program and policy oversight. The funding will go to the ONDCP, and then be distributed to the CDC instead of to SAMHSA, as it has been in the past. The DFC grant program funds anti‐drug coalitions ‐‐ there are more than 700 across the country. Most are members of Community Anti‐Drug Coalitions of American (CADCA), which has 5,000 members. The CDC will be the new agency that subcontracts with the ONDCP to do the day‐to‐day administration of the DFC program. The change was announced Feb. 4 at CADCA's National Leadership Forum by ONDCP Director James Carroll. For a 2019 fact sheet on DFC, see https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp‐content/uploads/2019/12/FY‐2019‐DFC‐Fact‐Sheet‐20191220‐converted.pdf .  相似文献   

Field Still Has High Hopes for ONDCP and McLellan's Vision Fla. Center Makes Financial Commitment to Ensure That Clients Pursue Aftercare Nominee for Demand Reduction Post at ONDCP IRETA: New Research Center to Study How People Recover Regulations Require Full Scope of Services: Legal Analysis Integrating Behavioral and Primary Care: San Ysidro Health Center More than NAADAC at Scopes Meeting Briefly Noted State News Call for Applications Resources Obituary Coming up  相似文献   

Baltimore Officials Credit Saved Lives to Peer Administration of Narcan GAO Report Says ONDCP Anti‐Drug Campaign Didn't Overpay Consultants How ONDCP Measures Response to the Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Appropriate Spending for the Anti‐Drug Media Campaign Cost Calculator Helps Employers Manage Problem Drinking A Breakdown of Problem Drinkers, by Industry Profile Alcohol Advertising in Magazines Continues to Overexpose Youth Data Confirm SAMHSA's Efforts Toward Young Adolescents Names in the News Resources Briefly Noted Coming Up…  相似文献   

Last month, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) issued a “Dear Colleagues” letter calling on personal protective equipment (PPE) suppliers to honor requests from substance use disorder (SUD) treatment providers. “Treatment providers and all others associated with maintaining this vital sector of healthcare serve in a critical capacity and will require personal protective equipment (PPE) during unavoidable face‐to‐face patient interactions,” wrote James W. Carroll, ONDCP director, in the April 23 letter.  相似文献   

Baclofen: Hope for Alcoholism Treatment, but More Trials Needed Centers Push Ahead to Market on Web, Despite Ethics Concerns How ONDCP Changed Course on Naloxone: Harm Reduction FDA Approves Naloxone Auto‐Injector Decoding Quality: Medication‐Assisted Treatment and Choices Coming up  相似文献   

Hill to OMB: Don't Cut SAMHSA Prevention Funds Richmond Agency Serving Homeless Says Growth Will Fulfill Mission ONDCP Stresses Importance of Treatment, Not Incarceration Federal Agencies Release Third Set of FAQs on Parity OASAS to Fund Housing for NYC Homeless Families Briefly Noted Names in the News Coming up  相似文献   

House Bill Focuses on Treatment Accountability, Harm Reduction State Grant and Employers Support New Private Treatment Program The Souder Report The ONDCP Annual Report Combat Methamphetamine Act Includes Treatment Provisions Advocacy Coalition Maintains Optimism on N.Y. Parity Measure Surveys: California Youths Discuss Appeal of ‘Alcopops’ Inhalants and Youth Briefly Noted Resources Coming Up  相似文献   

Heroin Bills Will Help Remove Insurance Barriers to Treatment in New York Fast‐Growing Inpatient Company Sees More Opportunities Overseas Waiting Lists, Lack of MAT Targeted at Heroin Summit Pharmacogenetics to Be NIAAA Focus for Next Decade A Recovering Alcoholic's Views on Marijuana NASADAD Asks Obama to Nominate Botticelli to ONDCP Post Briefly Noted Coming up  相似文献   

CDC and NIDA Tout PrEP for HIV‐Negative Injecting Drug Users Monitor Vendor Protocols when Signing up for Drug Testing AAP OKs Breastfeeding on Methadone but Not Buprenorphine ONDCP and SAMHSA Release Opioid Toolkit, Promote Naloxone SAMHSA Releases Draft Outcome Measures, Gives 9/17 Deadline for Feedback DOJ to Allow Marijuana Ballot Initiatives to Go Forward Briefly Noted In the States Coming up  相似文献   

Advocates Encouraged by Re‐Introduction of Bill to Prevent Underage Drinking ONDCP Director Questioned on Cuts at First Committee Budget Hearing Provisions of the STOP Underage Drinking Act Study: Certain Alcohol Ads May Influence Adolescent Drinking Controlling Access a Key Requirement of HIPAA Security Rule Names in the News Call for Registrants Business Notes Briefly Noted Coming up…  相似文献   

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