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This study examines how diversification in Indian business groups creates multiple forms of agency problems and has performance implications for group-affiliated firms. Departing from prior literature which emphasizes the principal–principal agency conflict in business groups, we argue that business group diversification leads to dual agency problems between controlling and minority shareholders (principal–principal) and shareholders and managers (principal–agent) in affiliated firms. Both these agency problems arise in diversified business groups through cross-subsidization of affiliated firms by inefficient capital investment, continuing presence of affiliated firms in declining industries, tunneling of resources from profitable affiliated firms, lack of attention by business group headquarters to affiliated firms, and affiliated firm managers' sense of perceived security, which negatively impacts affiliated firms’ performance. These agency issues are reduced with the increase in product market competition from exposure to international markets and through concentrated promoter ownership in the affiliated firms. Our hypothesized model finds empirical support in a sample of 828 business group–affiliated firms in India.  相似文献   

Although previous studies on international diversification are plentiful, they mainly focus on the effect of international diversification on overall firm performance, and the results are mixed. This study extends this line of research and explores the impact of international diversification on new product performance. Specifically, we ask if international diversification explains the stock market reactions to new product introduction (NPI) announcements. We find an inverted-U-shaped relationship between international diversification and the announcement returns of NPIs, revealing that the market value of NPIs initially improves and then declines with increasing international diversification. The results also show that intangible assets, such as technological and marketing capabilities, positively moderate the relationship between international diversification and the market value of NPIs. Our study not only highlights the importance of considering both sides of international diversification in affecting investors' assessments of corporate new product strategies, but also shows the possibility of internal capabilities in changing the fixed relationship between international diversification and the market value of new products.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of business group affiliation on the relationship between international diversification and firm performance for emerging economy firms. We develop the theoretical arguments based on an integration of the literature on international diversification with the institutional theory perspective. We argue for a U‐shaped relationship between international diversification and firm performance, and suggest that a firm's affiliation to a business group moderates the relationship between international diversification and firm performance. Based on a sample of Indian firms, we find that firm performance is positively related to the degree of internationalization, while business group affiliation reduces the positive effect of internationalization on firm performance.  相似文献   

This article investigates whether international operations of service firms increase performance while reducing risk. The article draws on a longitudinal dataset of 584 internationally operating service firms from the United States. Analysis indicates that international diversification is negatively related to risk‐adjusted performance. However, it is established that international diversification interacts with internationalization and positively influences risk‐adjusted performance. This finding offers significant promise for firms, as it indicates that international operations (if managed well), through exposure to varied foreign markets coupled with adequate global scope, can lead to firms’ increased risk‐adjusted performance. The results provide a mechanism for decision‐makers to better understand international operations of service firms and present a strategy for achieving success in international markets by effectively managing two important levers: internationalization and international market diversification.  相似文献   

This study examines the individual effects of product diversification on performance and the moderating effects of international diversification on the product diversification–performance link in the context of a boom and bust cycle. Most prior research on firm strategies largely neglect the business cycle. We use data on a large sample of Spanish manufacturing firms from 1994 to 2014. In this period, the Spanish economy experienced a boom period (1994–2008) and a bust period involving a severe economic crisis (2009–2014). Our study highlights the important role of each stage of the economic cycle. Specifically, with respect to product diversification, our findings show that in a boom, moderate diversifiers obtain better profitability levels than their highly diverse or limited diversification counterparts do. In contrast, during an economic downturn, moderate and high diversifiers can be equally effective up to some point of optimization. Our findings also reveal a negative and significant effect of internationalization on profitability, independent of the stage of the economic cycle. Product and international diversification are complementary strategies during a period of economic growth when firms opt for moderate levels of product diversification. Meanwhile, when firms choose high levels of product diversification, both types of strategies are complementary during the boom cycle, but substitutive during the bust cycle.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of ownership on product and international diversification. While ownership concentration has received considerable attention from agency theorists we argue that a more nuanced analysis is necessary. We consider how the identity of owners moderates the impact of ownership concentration on diversification strategies. We develop a framework that explains how the combination of different motivations, resources and capabilities associated with different types of owners results in significantly variable relationships between ownership concentration and both product and international diversification. From a theoretical perspective this suggests a social contextualization and extension of the agency theoretic approach that characterizes the field. Based on a study of 222 European firms between 1994 and 2007 we show that family ownership concentration has a positive impact on product and a negative impact on international diversification while the impact of institutional and state ownership concentration is negative on product diversification and positive on international diversification compared with family ownership. This is the first study to provide a comprehensive framework explaining how ownership concentration and identity interact and affect both international and product diversification.  相似文献   

The risk implications of product diversification have received considerable attention from scholars. However, our understanding of the effects of geographic diversification on risk is more limited. Relying on resource-based theory to frame our arguments, we argue that despite some similarities, the two types of diversification have differing effects on firm risk. We first establish the risk reducing effects for product diversification. We then integrate the unique aspects of geographic diversification that serve as a boundary condition to the RBV perspective, arguing for the risk increasing effects of geographic diversification. Finally, since many firms pursue both forms of diversification simultaneously, we explore the joint effects of both product and geographic diversification. We test our hypotheses in a longitudinal model on a sample of S&P 500 firms. Our findings suggest that total product diversification, as well as related diversification reduce risk, while total geographic diversification increases risk. Furthermore, our data provide evidence of a complex combination of joint effects of these two forms of diversification. These findings offer a more complete understanding of the risk effects of corporate diversification.  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between foreign direct ownership of firms and firm‐ and region‐level output volatility using a novel panel data set for European countries. We document a positive, highly robust, relationship between firm‐level foreign ownership and volatility of value added. This relationship holds cross‐sectionally and in panels with firm fixed effects where the relationship captures within‐firm variation over time. Considering domestic firms with assets in foreign countries, we document that it is international diversification, rather than the nationality of the owner, that explains this positive correlation. Our results can also be found at the aggregate level, where we show that region‐level volatility is correlated positively with foreign investment in the region. We show that this positive relation between aggregate volatility and foreign investment can be explained by the granularity of the firm size distribution and the fact that foreign ownership is concentrated among the largest firms.  相似文献   

This article aimed to examine the impacts of reporting‐type corporate responsibility activities (CRA‐R) on corporate social and financial performance. Academic research has explored how varying attributes of markets, industry sectors and firms might shape corporate social and financial performance, but includes little effort to examine the impacts of different kinds of CRA on corporate performance. We build on debate about the value of firms' reporting activities related to corporate responsibility. Recent literature suggests that CRA‐R is superficial marketing or “greenwashing.” Despite this viewpoint, corporate reporting activities related to responsibility are rising. In order to solve this puzzle, this article explores the impact of CRA‐R on corporate performance. First, drawing from the institutional perspective, we propose that CRA‐R will positively impact corporate social performance (CSP) oriented toward secondary stakeholders. Second, combining the stakeholder–agency perspective and corporate responsibility literature, we motivate the hypotheses that CRA‐R positively influences corporate financial performance (CFP). Empirical testing with a unique dataset of large US corporations selected in the Fortune 500 support the proposed hypotheses. In particular, both corporate social responsibility and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) activities positively influence corporate environmental performance, and financial performance. In particular, GRI reporting is a strong indicator to impact both social and financial performance. Our findings indicate that CRA‐R should not simply reflect shallow motivations, but deliver value to noninvestor stakeholders as well as investors.  相似文献   

The literature suggests that corporate diversification destroys firm value. This value destruction is usually considered to be a consequence of managers' pursuing diversification strategies to benefit themselves rather than to increase firm value. This paper provides evidence that casts doubt on this agency theory‐based explanation for corporate diversification. Evidence based on insider trading suggests that managers themselves consider their diversification strategies to be value‐increasing. Specifically, it is documented that corporate insiders (directors) purchase more of their firms' shares in the open market when corporate diversification is high. Moreover, insiders purchase more when the level of diversification discount is high, suggesting that they disagree with outside investors' undervaluation due to diversification. It is also found that the market reaction to insiders' purchases is positively related to corporate diversification. This result suggests that outsiders consider the amount of favourable information contained in insiders' purchases to increase with the extent of corporate diversification.  相似文献   

 随着多元化经营趋势的发展,企业与竞争对手在多个市场上相遇并形成多点接触早已成为常态。在企业与竞争对手间形成多点接触的背景下,许多学者验证了多点接触会对企业绩效产生一定的影响。同时在转型制度环境下,政治关联将有助于降低市场壁垒使企业进入对方所在的市场,这会增强企业间的多点接触程度并降低竞争强度。然而,对政治关联如何影响多点接触进而影响企业绩效的内在机制还鲜有研究。        基于政治关联对企业进入对方所在市场行为影响的逻辑,将市场互换性作为调节变量,利用STATA软件和OLS回归分析方法,以2008年至2014年中国9家上市民营房地产企业在151个区域市场分布变化情况作为样本,结合相互容忍假说,探讨在多点竞争环境下政治关联和多点接触与企业绩效的关系。        实证分析结果表明,政治关联可以降低市场进入壁垒,使企业达到主动增加与其主要竞争对手多点接触程度的目的,进而对企业绩效有积极的影响;另外,市场互换性能负向调节政治关联与企业绩效的关系。        在中国制度环境下,讨论多点接触对企业经营过程产生的影响,为中国企业在多点竞争环境下实现提升绩效的目的提供一个方向,为企业有效增加多点接触程度提供更多的解决方法,也为日后进行多点接触问题的研究拓宽了思路。  相似文献   

This paper explores the process through which institutional support initiatives contribute to the international performance of firms from the small open economy of Malaysia. We examine both direct and indirect causal effects of institutional support (informational, training, trade mobility and financial aid-related support) on internationalization. We develop a model to address how institutional support initiatives affect the performance of export-oriented or so-called born global firms. From a survey of 250 firms from Malaysia, an emerging Southeast Asian market, we find that government support initiatives do not have significant impacts on firm performance unless examined based on processes of government support initiatives, international knowledge, commitment, competitive capabilities, and international performance. Government support initiatives play a critical role in export-oriented firms from small open economies (SMOPECs) in emerging markets by contributing to a number of contextual deficits that determine the international performance of a firm. This study provides guidelines for policy makers and business owners on how institutional support can facilitate the accumulation of knowledge about international markets, enhance commitment to exports and help firms gain competitive capabilities in the export market for greater success in international markets.  相似文献   

Previous research has observed technological diversification from a strategic viewpoint and regarded it as a strategy used by firms to differentiate themselves from competitors. This perspective, however, overlooks the fact that firms' strategies can also be understood as conformity to institutional pressure to gain legitimacy. In order to study the technological diversification–firm performance relationship from a more comprehensive viewpoint, this paper starts from a strategic balance perspective and investigates how technological diversification conformity enhances firm performance. Using a unique dataset of Chinese listed firms' patenting activities from 2003 to 2014 and adopting ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, we produce empirical findings that reveal a curvilinear (inverted U-shaped) relationship between firms’ conformity in technological diversification and their performance. Our results further delineate the boundary conditions that influence this relationship. We find that firm age positively moderates the relationship, that is the conformity-performance relationship is steeper with the older firms. Moreover, the result suggests that state ownership negatively moderates the relationship, that is, the relationship is flatter when firms are controlled by the state.  相似文献   

Whereas the agency theory predicts that dual-class shares decrease firm performance, the stewardship theory predicts that dual-class shares increase firm performance. The cumulative findings on the performance consequences of dual-class shares have been weak and/or inconclusive. Because endogeneity is a constant challenge in empirical corporate governance studies, this study uses a unique law change in Switzerland as a source of exogenous variation in the fraction of firms with dual-class shares. Controlling for firm fixed effects and time-varying confounders, we find that dual-class shares neither harm nor benefit firm performance on average. However, dual-class shares increase firm performance if the firm requires external finance and dual-class shares decrease firm performance if the firm does not require external finance. External financing needs mitigate the agency costs between controlling and minority shareholders and create a context in which dual-class shares facilitate firm-specific investments instead of private perquisites. The study’s results have both managerial and policy implications.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between independent directors, the audit committee (AC), and firm performance, taking into account the impact of the chief executive officer’s powers and block shareholders. We use the maximum likelihood estimator, based on agency theory assumptions and cylindered panel data, to examine three models of firm performance. The results show that the independence of the board is reflected clearly by increased economic and equity performance of the firm. However, an AC that is fully independent or meets frequently is associated with lower firm performance. Unlike pension funds, institutional shareholders can be considered an effective control mechanism in the context of France. Our results development includes advanced explanations for market liquidity and shareholders’ portfolios. The study period ends before the European regulation on ACs came into effect in 2008. This allows for an appreciation of soft law in French corporate governance. It also lets us compare the data with the way firms operate their boards one decade later. The evidence provides useful guidelines on the supremacy of soft law in corporate governance and suggests that the composition and functioning of the board of directors should be moderated based on the firms’ context. The specificity of the cylindered panel data helps to better examine the impact of the board and AC’s independence and functioning in French corporate governance structure.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the influence of corporate governance, specifically political connections and gender diversity, on board and managers’ remuneration in savings banks in Spain. We also analyze whether financial experience moderates the relation between political experience and board compensation. To the best of our knowledge, the effects of having politicians on remuneration levels of financial firm have not been studied. Connections are important in hiring decisions and in generating business so it is interesting to explore whether they are important when it comes to compensation policies. We use a panel data and financial and corporate governance information from 44 savings banks for the period 2004–2009. Our results show that the previous political activity of the chairperson positively influences board remuneration. Our study provides the first evidence for a link between political connection and compensation policy, showing that, in addition to the standard firm-level factors, political and financial experience are material determinants of economic significance in compensation policies. Specifically, we show that financial expertise may substitute for governance mechanisms that are lacking in firms with weak governance environments (e.g. saving banks with high politicization).  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》1987,20(1):115-122
For a number of years, many large American and European firms have expanded their operations to multiple, international locations and increased the number and types of products/services that are offered in these locales. For some, less than satisfactory performance has been achieved from these efforts. Problems associated with managing the diversity that results from expanding and enhancing product lines and services (brought about through implementation of a diversification strategy) and establishing international locations (called internationalization) may contribute to these performance difficulties. Use of particular structural forms to manage diversity has not succeeded. This paper proposes the development of competitive advantages that can be applied across diverse business units as a means to manage diversity more successfully in large, multinational corporations. These competitive advantages may be achieved in terms of product markets served, technologies used, the dominant logic of key managerial personnel and establishment of corporate level distinctive competencies that can be applied across all of the organization's business.  相似文献   

我国民营企业政治关联、多元化战略与公司绩效   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文以我国2002-2005年在沪深证券交易所上市的民营企业为样本,综合考察了政治关联与多元化对公司绩效的共同影响,探讨企业政治关联是否具有多元化效应,这种多元化效应是否真正促进了企业绩效的实现。本文研究结果发现:第一,无政治关联企业的多元化与公司业绩关系呈倒U型,具有政治关联的企业多元化与公司业绩关系呈逆L型;第二,具有政治关联的企业更可能实施多元化,尤其是非相关多元化;第三,有政治关联的民营企业在进行国际化发展时,更有可能通过非相关多元化战略进行扩张,但是对于无政治关联的企业,则更可能通过专业化战略拓展海外市场。进一步,本文发现,国际化与相关多元化在一定程度上存在着替代关系,而与非相关多元化存在一定程度的互补关系;第四,具有政治关联企业的多元化(包括相关多元化与非相关多元化)比无政治关联企业更可能促进企业短期经营状况的改善,即会计绩效的提高;但具有政治关联企业的非相关多元化将对未来的绩效表现产生负面影响,即损害公司的市场价值。  相似文献   

Using a novel, hand-collected data set covering all German non-financial firms listed in the Prime Standard of FWB (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), we examine determinants of executive compensation in German listed firms. We distinguish three potential determinants: firm characteristics, firm performance, and corporate governance characteristics. While we find that simple firm characteristics like size and industry affiliation together with time effects explain more than 60 % of variation in overall compensation, performance characteristics are economically inconsequential for the explanation of compensation levels. When we distinguish between widely held firms and firms with a large blockholder, we find that the latter grant compensation packages that are smaller, less sensitive to the firm’s stock market performance but more sensitive to the firm’s operating performance. Finally, we confirm that supervisory board characteristics also affect the level of executive compensation in German firms. Overall, our findings suggest that although the corporate governance environment in Germany has changed dramatically during the last decade, German listed firms are still exposed to high agency costs.  相似文献   

As interest increases in the political engagement between multinational enterprises (MNEs) and emerging economy host governments, less is known about wider MNE stakeholder engagement and the development of nonmarket capabilities in institutionally fragile environments. This study investigates how MNEs engage stakeholders through corporate political activity (CPA) during the pro-market reform of Uganda's electricity generation sector. Data is collected through semi-structured interviews, archival materials and fieldwork notes, and is analyzed using an NVivo-supported grounded analytic method. We find both proactive and reactive leveraging of CPA to manage diverse stakeholders. We argue that the host government remains the most important political stakeholder in the early phases of reform, but changes in institutional and political environments necessitate strategic adaptations as the reform process progresses. These adaptations include the need for local engagement and the accommodation of multi-level stakeholder pressures. Our findings contribute to an understanding of corporate political capabilities in Africa's emerging markets, and illustrate how these capabilities can be strategically leveraged to effectively manage diverse stakeholders.  相似文献   

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