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New technology-based firms, particularly those that develop their business around a new technological platform, are likely to be impacted by globalization, in terms of both pace of innovation and pressure of competition. For these firms, strategic decisions and growth processes are characterized by a deep inter-relationship amongst the processes of internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship; processes which have tended to be examined independently in distinct bodies of literature. In practice strategic decisions concern each of these processes and address issues such as organizational boundaries, location of the operational activities, what activities to focus on and selection of value partners. The business model by which firms operate needs also to accommodate the spatial dimensions indicated by globalization; and the emergence of global technology markets. Little is known to date about the extent to which business models accommodate or are adapted to internationalization, innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper presents a review of the business model literature from which a generic business model framework is derived, identifying and introducing the main elements of these processes as the firms?? focus, modus and locus. This contribution makes a clear distinction between the business model and the strategy concepts and highlights the relevance of location decisions??not considered by extant business model literature to date. While our discussion draws on the high technology new venture as our primary example, we believe our business model conceptualization has general applicability.  相似文献   

The Precautionary Principle calls for preventive actions when an activity is believed to threaten human health or the environment, even if there is no scientifically established evidence. In a recent conference at the Wingspread Center in Racine, Wisconsin, a cross-section of environmental leaders met to establish a concensus statement on this principle and steps corporate strategies can take for implementing the principle on a company-wide basis.  相似文献   

This article reviews and discusses empirical literature on the micro-mechanisms of Burt’s concept of brokerage for inter-firm business networks from a governance perspective. Using a combination of a literature review and a qualitative metasynthesis, research gaps are first identified in the literature about these micro-mechanisms and then filled with interpretations, stemming from a qualitative metasynthesis of 13 in-depth case studies on brokerage for business network environments. The paper discusses three related elements and their inter-relationship in the brokerage process: the enabling factors for brokerage in business networks; the brokerage activities, particularly the combination of “bonding”, “bridging”, exclusion, and moderation/negotiation in different network configurations; and the outcomes of brokerage for business networks. We argue that network managers should take care of these elements when using brokerage to govern business networks. For example, the positional factors of agents in the network who take over brokerage functions need to be monitored and a balance of their embeddedness in the network and independence of focal firms should be safeguarded. Moreover, activities associated with brokerage should be steered and controlled in order to generate network benefits such as a higher collaborative stance of the partaking firms or learning processes amongst them.  相似文献   

The so-called Residual Income Valuation theorem states that the value of a project or a firm can be determined either on the basis of cash flows between the firm and its owners or by using residual incomes, provided that cash flows and residual incomes are derived from a set of accounting data that fulfills certain regularity conditions. Residual income is defined as accounting earnings reduced by a capital charge on book equity capital. In this paper it is shown that this theorem also applies when residual incomes and in particular the discount factors are uncertain. Risk-aversion of principals and agents is taken into account on the basis of properly defined risk-adjusted discount rates. This approach is preferred as it facilitates practical application. Implications are drawn with regards to valuation but also to the design of management remuneration systems. It is shown that the capital charge rate used to determine the performance-related compensation component should be reduced below the risk-adjusted rate, if the fixed component falls below a certain threshold. Absent agency cost or other externalities, the reduction of the capital charge rate is required to avoid underinvestment.  相似文献   

Resource-based learning capacity (RBLC) is an organization's specific resources – both human and tangible – that can be organized to enhance learning processes. This study develops and tests a model that examines the relationship between the learning efforts of focal firms from their international business affiliates (IBAs) – organizations located outside the focal firm's domestic market with whom the focal firm has a relationship – and the focal firms' RBLC. This learning process refers to the transfer of knowledge from the IBA to the focal firm. Results indicate that while learning effectiveness positively influences the RBLC of the focal firm, learning efficiency has a negative impact on RBLC. The IBA's home country network centrality and the tie strength between the focal organization and the IBA are found to influence learning effectiveness positively. Tie strength also enhances learning efficiency. Finally, the findings indicate that the IBA's home country network centrality enhances the strength of the ties between the focal organization and its IBA.  相似文献   

Inventory decision makers routinely face ambiguity due to the psychological awareness that there is unknown information about salient events that is knowable in principle. Researchers on inventory control behavior in the face of uncertainty have primarily focused on uncertainty due to stochastic variability. However, most decision situations in the naturally occurring world involve both forms of uncertainty—ambiguity and stochastic variability. We report the results of two experiments that partial out the effects of ambiguity and stochastic variability by orthogonal manipulation of these two forms of uncertainty in a newsvendor task. Contrary to established mathematical models of decision making under uncertainty, increased ambiguity results in increased mean absolute percentage error, and a corresponding decrease in profit. We also find a systematic bias toward underordering associated with increased ambiguity, which is over and above the bias associated with increased stochastic variability. We do not see evidence for learning with repeated play, so that the effects of induced ambiguity appear to persist. Finally, based on our findings, we suggest measures that managers can use to ameliorate the effects of ambiguity.  相似文献   

We present a two-stage full recourse model for strategic production planning under uncertainty, whose aim consists of determining product selection and plant dimensioning. The main uncertain parameters are the product price, demand and production cost. The benefit is given by the product net profit over the time horizon minus the investment depreciation and operation costs. The Value-at-Risk and the reaching probability are considered as risk measures in the objective function to be optimized as alternatives to the maximization of the expected benefit over the scenarios. The uncertainty is represented by a set of scenarios. The problem is formulated as a mixed 0–1 Deterministic Equivalent Model. The strategic decisions to be made in the first stage are represented by 0–1 variables. The tactical decisions to be made in the second stage are represented by continuous variables. An approach for problem solving based on a splitting variable mathematical representation via scenario is considered. The problem uses the Twin Node Family concept within the algorithmic framework known as Branch-and-Fix Coordination for satisfying the nonanticipativity constraints. Some computational experience is reported.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the inventory decisions of two retailers who are supplied by a single supplier with uncertain capacity. When capacity is allocated in proportion to the retailers׳ orders, the retailers compete for the capacity by inflating their orders (i.e., the rationing game). In addition, we allow the retailers to implement transshipment between them such that they cooperate by transshipping the surplus stock of one to another who is out of stock. Our analysis of Nash equilibrium orders shows that, while order inflation in the equilibrium orders persists in the rationing game with transshipment, it may not occur if the amount of capacity shortage is small and the transshipment prices are low. Thus, carefully chosen transshipment prices may alleviate order inflation behavior. We also characterize centralized orders that maximize the total profit of the retailers and compare them to equilibrium orders. In particular, we investigate coordinating transshipment prices that induce the retailers to choose centralized orders. Our numerical analysis shows that, even for two identical retailers, coordinating transshipment prices exist in a more limited range of parameter values in the rationing game than they do outside the rationing game due to capacity uncertainty and limitation.  相似文献   


This study uses data from a series of comparative case studies to analyse the interorganizational networks of business associations providing workforce development services in the United States. Three aspects of the networks were of particular interest, including (a) the form the partnerships took, (b) the trade-off to involving educational or community vs. business partners in providing workforce development services and (c) the strengths of associations in brokering services to adults or youth. The findings demonstrate that business associations work in intermediary networks or provide their services directly. The conclusions suggest that human resource development professionals should work more actively with local business associations to recruit, train and provide supports for workers in US firms.  相似文献   

The factors that determine firms' levels of internationalization remain a focal area of international business research. Within this research stream, studies building on the upper echelons theory have investigated the influence of the demographic characteristics of the top management team (TMT) on firms' international expansion. However, the literature to date has overlooked the TMT's overall degree of internationalization as a key driver of firm-level internationalization. In our paper, we argue that by having self-selected into careers abroad, foreign TMT members by definition have a higher cognitive tolerance of foreignness than domestic TMT members do. We theorize that foreign TMT members' higher cognitive tolerance for foreignness enhances the overall TMT's level of international attention and international trust, thereby facilitating strategic decisions that favor firm-level internationalization. Additionally, we propose two key contingencies that attenuate this relationship: the institutional diversity of the firm's home region and the firm's global focus. Analysis of Fortune Global 500 firms supports the hypothesized relationship between TMT internationalization and firm-level internationalization, as well as the two moderation effects.  相似文献   

Solar energy policy-makers and solar energy advocates use significantly different scenarios upon which they perceive and evaluate the adoption of solar technologies. The differences between the two groups seem to be rooted in different hierarchies of values relating to solar energy policy. Policy-makers emphasize the economic and national security values of solar energy. On the other hand, solar energy advocates stress environmental, ethical and social values. Aside from understanding the different groups in the on-going energy debate better, the findings of the study have important implications for planners both in government and industry as they may help increase the effectiveness of their plans.  相似文献   

基于需求不确定性环境,构建两个制造商、两个排他性零售商构成的链与链价格竞争模型,识别了纵向联盟的形成机制及制造商与零售商收益分享合同的选择范围,并分析了产品竞争、价格风险对联盟及收益分享合同选择的影响.研究结论表明,联盟的选择不受价格风险的影响而取决于产品的竞争强度,但基于联盟的零售商收益分享比例范围将随着价格波动的增加而逐渐提高.  相似文献   

Additive manufacturing (AM) has been touted as a transformative technology that alters the way production is organized across geographical and organizational boundaries, yet little is known what this means for firms' internationalization of production. In this paper, we take an internalization theory perspective to hypothesize how the adoption of AM technology influences a firm's propensity to have an international production subsidiary, the number of foreign production subsidiaries that it operates, and the number of countries in which it has foreign production subsidiaries. To test our hypotheses, we rely on European Patent Office data to identify firms with AM-related patents and match this information to firm-level data of international production subsidiary networks from Bureau Van Dijk. Using both propensity score matching and zero-inflated negative binomial regressions, we find that AM firms are more likely to have a foreign production subsidiary than non-AM firms and operate them in more countries. We find partial evidence that AM firms have more foreign production subsidiaries than non-AM firms, in particular as compared to comparable innovative firms.  相似文献   

We develop a real options model of market entry that focuses on the dueling growth and deferral options by differentiating between endogenous uncertainty and exogenous uncertainty. While exogenous uncertainty influences the growth option market value or price, it is endogenous uncertainty that influences the value of the growth option through the ability to create a competitive advantage from preemptive market entry. First, the firm can decrease the exercise price of the growth option (i.e., the cost of the follow-on investment) through experiential learning that reduces endogenous uncertainty. Second, the firm can increase the relative discounted cash flows of the follow-on investment due to its ability to influence market demand that reduces endogenous uncertainty. On the other hand, the value of the deferral option increases with exogenous uncertainty as firms cannot influence exogenous uncertainty, and therefore, should invest elsewhere while waiting for the exogenous uncertainty to subside. As such, we provide a solution to the conundrum that the value of both the growth option and the deferral option increase with uncertainty. Finally, we demonstrate how the model addresses sequential market entry; irreversibility and market entry mode; competition; scarce strategic resources; host country development level; and industry life cycle stage.  相似文献   

Wen-Hsien Tsai  Shih-Jieh Hung   《Omega》2009,37(2):471-481
Competition and demand volatility often cause modern enterprises to be confronted by uncertain environments. When a firm manages revenue in such competitive and risky environments, the optimization of pricing and capacity allocation, subject to a fixed time and capacity, becomes a complicated problem. Many previous papers concerning revenue management (RM) and pricing require that the firm possesses the ability to know the demand curve (or demand distribution) and set prices on it to maximize profits. However, this assumption may not be the case in some industries. Therefore, this paper focuses on the dynamic lead indicators rather than assumptive lag indicators to establish a concise and flexible decision model for practical use. This paper provides an integrated real options (IRO) approach with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for the auction RM problem under competitive/dynamic pricing and revenue uncertainty in Internet retailing. A numerical example is also presented to illustrate that the IRO approach can generate better decisions than the naı¨ve (or risk unawareness) approach in revenue quality of safety and profitability. The new perspective and approach proposed by this paper can be extended to other RM fields whenever both profitability and risk are critical to decision making.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2022,55(6):102180
We know little of why a minority of firms pursue counter-cyclical strategies and consequently outperform competitors during recessions. Based on the theory of institutional isomorphism, we hypothesize that these firms avoid the mimetic and normative pressures that promote strategic convergence during uncertainty. We demonstrate these effects at the board-level in a sample of 1,615 U.S. firms. Mimetic processes are evident, with firms' connectedness in board interlock networks attenuating profitability and decreasing firm value during recessions—a reversal of the positive effects during expansions. Normative pressures arise from homogeneity in directors’ educational and professional experience, with greater consequences for long-term performance. Overall, recessionary performance is improved when firms occupy relatively isolated positions in informational networks and appoint directors from a range of backgrounds.  相似文献   

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