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Physician executives continue to have ambitions for the health care CEO role, despite the difficult economic times. And though few have yet been chosen for the position, the expectation is that this will change markedly in the next five to seven years. Today, physician executives have legitimate, relevant professional experiences that directly qualify them for CEO roles in health initiatives. And no executive is more qualified to deal with medical care management issues than the physician executive. Key elements of preparedness are: Executive thinking, bundling projects, and learning to manage managers. The opportunities will be open to those who are ready to take them on.  相似文献   

Why should physician executives care about medical informatics? For that matter, what is medical informatics anyway? Broadly defined, medical informatics is the study of the collection, storage, retrieval, and analysis of data and information in health care to support clinical and administrative decision making. Informatics is important because, in the past 10 years, powerful computer, software, and information technologies have been developed to enable health care organizations to automate some of the work of decision making, for improved quality of care and cost control, and for successful managed care contracting. This new emphasis on informatics in health care was the impetus for the founding by ACPE earlier this year of The Informatics Institute, which will be involved in educational and research activities in the growing area of medical informatics. In this new column in Physician Executive, Dr. Marshall Ruffin, President and CEO of the Institute, will discuss the role of medical informatics in health care delivery and financing and its relation to physician executives.  相似文献   

Health care organizations looking for physician executives prefer seasoned veterans--doctors who have already done the job. They want job-specific experience. Most organizations do not provide training grounds and orderly career ladders for aspiring physician executives. The Permanente Medical Groups, Family Health Plans, and some very large group practices are exceptions, but, for the most part, rising medical directors in these organizations stay with them. Most hospitals are not large enough to have associate or assistant medical directors or an environment that could provide a training ground for rising physician executives. On the other hand, hospitals, larger group practices, health insurance companies, and managed care organizations provide ample opportunities for nonphysician managers to train, gain experience, and climb the ladders. How can the novice physician executive break into the world of management and begin establishing management credentials? The author provides some key steps that can lead to success.  相似文献   

Hospitals and other health care organizations are adding physician executives at such a rate that demand is outstripping supply-there are more opportunities for seasoned physician executives than there are physicians with track records as medical managers. It is possible that hiring management will have to consider the employment of a physician who wants to be in management but has no track record as a physician executive. In some cases, it may even be preferable to employ a neophyte physician executive, especially when the physician is a respected clinician already on the organization's medical staff. In selecting such a physician, however, an evaluation must be made of the probability that the physician will be successful in the new role. The author points to 10 criteria that the hiring organization should observe in hiring inexperienced managers.  相似文献   

One would be hard pressed today to find a profession that has not experienced the effects of downsizing. Health care management is no exception. Although physicians were once regarded as relatively safe from layoffs, it is now estimated that "at least" 10 percent of physician executives will fall victim to health care downsizing in 1995. Furthermore, with a 14.3 percent turnover rate of hospital CEO positions in 1994, reversing a two-year drop, health care downsizing appears to be on the upswing. This article analyzes downsizing in the health care industry and gives some advice on how physician executives can deal with it successfully.  相似文献   

Most physician executives today have acquired substantial management training and experience, and many have worked with and relied on the expertise of mentors for their career guidance and development. Physician executives are actually becoming executives who happen to be physicians. They view themselves first as leaders, then as physicians, and finally as managers. That is a remarkable transformation in perception. To chronicle this process, Witt/Kieffer, Ford, Hadelman & Lloyd conducted a national survey this spring among senior physician executives in both payer and provider organizations. The data provide a "snapshot" of their role, and may also suggest some future scenarios for the industry. The primary reasons for choosing to pursue a management role noted by most participants include a desire to be part of the health care solution and an interest in management and leadership challenges.  相似文献   

The rapid change in the managed health care industry is placing substantial demands on the managerial and leadership skills of physician executives. These changes are forcing a reevaluation of the fundamental principles of managed care organizations, specifically in terms of patient satisfaction, cost containment, and quality health care. Additionally, the physician executive will be confronted with substantial issues concerning future staffing needs. This article assesses the health care industry's environment to suggest where managed care is going and how physician executives should position themselves to optimize their position in the marketplace.  相似文献   

The need for physicians in management roles in the health care system has never been greater. And the years ahead will see that need broadened and intensified. To maintain their leadership role in medical affairs in hospitals and other types of health care delivery organizations, physician executives will have to envision provider organizations and systems that have not yet been conceived, let alone developed and implemented. They have to become totally open-minded and futuristic in their thinking. And they will have to help other physicians accommodate this new way of thinking if the medical profession is to continue in a leading role in health care matters. Although numerous factors will have to be anticipated and analyzed by these new physician leaders, the ascendancy of primary care in a managed health care world long dominated by the technical and technological superiority of hospital care will present a particular challenge to the physician executive.  相似文献   

Today, interest in defining the role of the physician executive and ensuring this individual is effectively integrated into the organization is high for good reason--the ranks of physician executives are growing. What attributes should health care organizations look for when hiring physician executives and what should they should expect of them once they are on the job? Physician executives should: (1) have demonstrated clinical and management skills; (2) have a comfort level with participatory decision-making; (3) have superb interpersonal skills; and (4) be a champion of the patient. Physician executives should expect the following support from their organizations: (1) varied roles and responsibilities; (2) mentoring by other senior executives; (3) lifelong learning opportunities; and (4) complete support of the management team.  相似文献   

The literature is replete, many would say depressingly so, with accounts of the changes that are rocking the health care delivery system. The demands on the system's leadership increases with every change. And the future holds even more changes, with a level of uncertainty that will makes today's demands seem childplay. Physicians, especially physician executives, will surely be key factors in helping the system maintain its fundamental charge of high-quality patient care provided at reasonable cost, but what exactly is expected of them? One point is clear: While their clinical backgrounds will continue to arm them well for reaching the executive suites of health care organizations, physicians who hope to fully succeed in management will have to acquire and master a widening range of management skills. An indication of just how demanding the health care management job will be is provided in this report, based on interviews with physician executives and the people who seek and sell their services.  相似文献   

Do physician executives approach managing and leading health care organizations like a CEO of a Fortune 100 company? Or does their training as physicians first give them a unique perspective, leading them to view organizational issues differently? The authors suggest that to be a physician executive is to be the practitioner, teacher, coach, and mentor for a new philosophy of leadership and management called Leading Beyond the Bottom Line. While the financial health of an organization is critical to its survival and its ability to fulfill its purpose, the trap is to focus on maximizing the bottom line. This new philosophy leads an organization to attend in equal measure to the (1) welfare of its patients, (2) its financial health, (3) the well-being of its employees, and (4) the building of its community. "The Optimal Organization" is one in which these four objectives are seen not only as related, but interconnected, and the goal is to maximize all of them. The legitimate role of the physician executive is to manage in search of Pareto Optimum, or the maximum benefit for all four organizational objectives. Clearly, this is a tougher job than maximizing profits or just optimizing profits and patient care.  相似文献   

This article is based in part on responses from 150 physician executives who participated in an interactive discussion of future trends at the American College of Physician Executives' 1999 Spring Institute and Senior Executive Focus, in Las Vegas, Nevada, on May 13, 1999. The session included electronic polling on 40 predictions, such as the future composition of the clinical workforce and how technology will affect the way that medicine is practiced and the patient-physician relationship. The prediction for physician executives? A growing number of physician executives will find themselves at the top of their careers in the next decade. The physician executive of the future will have a broad array of management opportunities and career choices. More doctors will be managers. Physician executives will work at every level of health care organizations, across the continuum of care, from large complex urban systems to small rural settings.  相似文献   

In the continuing push for cost containment in health care, many organizations have turned to cost reduction methods that fundamentally change the way care is delivered. As health care organizations continue to make financially-driven staffing changes that impact patient care, medical leadership must take on greater responsibility for operational management. Physician executives are uniquely qualified to take on leadership roles in work redesign, and must do so to ensure excellent and fiscally-responsible patient care. This article presents a proven methodology for work redesign that helps physician executives apply their clinical skills to operational management in designing new health care delivery models.  相似文献   

The author found himself in a surprising situation in the Fall of 1998. For the first time in his life, he was looking for a job. Kent Bottles, MD, shares his experience of reinventing himself from academic chairman in an integrated delivery system to health care consultant. He stresses that physician executives need to package their experiences in terms of transferable skills that are easily understood by potential employers. He also emphasizes that acquaintances are more important than friends in obtaining employment; one needs to network with acquaintances and rely on the sympathy of relative strangers. A lot of hard work, networking, and "selling" his reinvented self resulted in a CEO hiring him. With all the changes brought on by the global economy and the uncertainties of the health care marketplace, other physician executives may be faced with the need to reinvent themselves.  相似文献   

Why an MBA?     
As physicians move into medical management, leaving clinical practice behind to play a major role in managing physician performance and clinical processes, they are having to deal in the business world. Physician executives are donning the pinstripe suit instead of the white coat, and adding a business acumen to their clinical skills. Many have opted to pursue executive MBA programs to learn the business competencies they need to manage health care organizations. This article summarizes the educational opportunities available in executive MBA programs and discusses the value of business training for aspiring physician executives.  相似文献   

The newest health care trend involves changing the core business--health care delivery and the resources involved--through better care management. This impacts every practitioner all day, every day. This issue truly belongs to the physicians, and thus to physician executives. Care management is the latest frontier, the place where the delivery of quality care, in the most efficient way, at the best possible cost, all come together. And physician executives are being challenged to make it happen, to change the way medicine is practiced and health care is delivered across the country, to move from treating episodes of care to a true preventive mindset and population-based methodologies. This column outlines the skills in care management that systems-based physician executives will need to develop or enhance to remain competitive--effective communication skills and team-building capabilities are critical attributes for those who hope for success.  相似文献   

What should physician executives do to prepare for a career move? This is not a list of items to improve technical skills and knowledge, but information on how to accurately and clearly present your experience and gain credibility. A few of the basic career preparations that physician executives must make include: (1) Get your paperwork in order, both a resume and a curriculum vitae; (2) seek feedback and critical input; (3) refresh or establish your interviewing skills; and (4) focus on your communications techniques. Physicians executives cannot rest on their deserved laurels as strong practitioners when aspiring to a senior management role. It is critical to emphasize other skills--decisiveness, communication, and management experience in a range of health care organizations.  相似文献   

With all the changes occurring in the U.S. health care system come new opportunities for physician executives willing to boldly go where no one has gone before. These positions are being newly created and thus are somewhat undefined and uncharted. Health care organizations want individuals for high-risk positions with unique skill sets and bright, new ideas. Organizations want to find people who can do what has never been done before-for them, at least, if not anywhere in the universe. How does that translate into experiences that you might want to acquire? Most organizations today are looking for individuals with some networking experience, but analogous experience (such as in a multi-site medical group or active involvement in formation of IPAs) is often a good alternative. In addition, true line experience in one or more organizations is a solid credential. Knowledge of where managed health care dollars begin and end is a necessity. As always, executive style and presence are expected.  相似文献   

Consultants are usually well-meaning people who enjoy the variety of organizations and problems they face in their work. Most do not like to get bogged down in fruitless and wasteful consulting engagement any more than managers of health care organizations like to supervise them, but at least the consultants are paid for their time. The health care organization that defines a project poorly, does not know what it wants from consultants, or does not direct consultants will pay the price in increasingly scarce resources squandered. The tips in the following article for managing an information systems consulting engagement apply to most consulting engagements and to the use of other expensive advisers, such as attorneys and engineers. But information systems is a field particularly foreign, and often threatening, to most administrators and physician executives, so the risk of wasting money on unsuccessful consulting engagements is high.  相似文献   

In summary, physician managers have a bright future. They are working on one of the most exciting professional interfaces--medicine and management. The future of medicine is both high-tech and low-tech. It will challenge all physician executives. For a few years, health care organizations will experience turbulence and stress. The name of the game for physician managers will be organizational survival. The nation will then move into an era of abundance in medical care, and the management game will switch from survival to thrival. Managers are key players in the world of tomorrow. The physician executive is a manager and therefore a key player. One of the best things about the future of the physician is that he has one.  相似文献   

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