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自19世纪,随着大批华人劳工进入美国,华人形象在美国文学作品中经历了各种变化。19世纪初期,不少美国作家开始在其文学作品中表达对华人的讽刺和挖苦,塑造各种负面的华人形象。之后,由于黄祸论的影响,华人形象在文学作品中的形象愈加负面。20世纪30年代,受金融危机影响,一些美国作家通过塑造不同的华人形象,毫不掩饰对华人的歧视和恐惧。然而,随着时间变化,华人形象积极的一面被挖掘,并一步一步被强化。  相似文献   

同事近日出差去德国。回国后提出一个奇怪的问题:在多特蒙德市,由于公务安排,他们每天都要下午五六点钟才结束工作,才有闲暇逛商店.但他们每次都难如愿。因为只要一到6点,哪怕店内挤满顾客,店员也要礼貌告知:下班了,送客。  相似文献   

1901年,美国人道格拉斯在林场散步时,发现附近新近砍伐留下的树墩上的图案,达·芬奇称之为“年轮”。有趣的是这些围绕同一中心的圆圈都有着相同的纹理:外围三圈较宽,里面两圈较窄。道格拉斯仔细研究后认为,外面三圈较宽年轮表明近3年气温较高,雨水充沛,树木生长较快;里面两圈较窄的,说明较早的2年,环境与气候均不利树木的生长。  相似文献   

沈从文在他的作品中,在对湘西生活和城市生活的生动表现中,通过血肉饱满的灵魂,表达自己对于人性思索以及对生命的热爱;揭示出人类生命形式里所具有的终极关怀;他尝试通过对人类生命的真切认识与理解来超越这种充满宿命的人性关怀,到达理想的家园。沈从文的文学观,是人的文学观;沈从文的文学形象,是在人性的对比中形成对自然、生命和道德的挽歌;沈从文在他的作品中涂上一层宿命色彩,探索人性的悲剧。  相似文献   

对上帝问题的探讨是哲学中不可避免的问题。近代哲学充满了哲学批判意识和科学理性精神,自然科学的发展大大地开阔了人的视野,上帝已经由人格化的神渐渐的转变为理想化了的、世俗化了的上帝。  相似文献   

如今社会,新闻反转的事件随处可见,从女子被狗咬到阎肃被死亡等事件无不彰显了当今浮躁的媒介环境。在这样屡见不鲜的新闻反转事件中,媒介在其中也发挥了重要的作用,本文试图从原因入手,对媒介形象的重建进行反思。  相似文献   

伊甸园神话作为古老的创世神话不断被以不同的批评方法加以解读,本文则是在吸取前人解读的基础上对文本进行细读,进一步围绕智慧果被食这个中心,对上帝的矛盾,以及导致智慧果被食的关键因素蛇与夏娃进行分析,从而更深入把握伊甸园神话对人的意义.  相似文献   

成功的个人品牌代表一种信誉、一种鲜明的个人印记。姚明在自身形象塑造方面是相当成功的。姚明的个人形象即是:篮球、阳光、向上、直面挑战、英雄主义等。作为中国第一位走向世界体坛的巨星,姚明被媒体塑造成为中囡的民族偶像。  相似文献   

光棍节已成为新兴节日的典型代表。近年来,这一节日的影响力和社会认可度迅速攀升。在光棍节的形成和发展过程中,媒体起到了关键性作用,并且,从2003年初创至今,媒体所呈现的光棍节形象已发生流变。对主要报纸媒体资料的研究发现,光棍节的媒体形象从早期的社会文化形象和娱乐形象逐步演变为突出商业气息的商业形象,因此,要加强媒体的社会文化传承功能和市场化环境下媒体的自觉和自主性。  相似文献   

The thrust of this essay is threefold. In the first place, it speaks of the advent of American Studies (including American Literature) in India. Secondly, it traces the changing graph of American Literature in Indian universities. Finally, it attempts to explain the shifting paradigms in this field, looking at the road ahead. Investigating these major issues, the essay tackles related matters pertaining to pedagogy, mainstream ideology, and canon-formation. The views expressed are rooted mainly in the author’s personal experience, based on almost four decades of active involvement in American Literature, and an awareness of the fluctuating graph of the discipline in India and the manner in which the discipline is taught in universities within and outside India. Here the attempt is not to isolate “American Literature” as a water-tight category but to see it as a growing, evolving, permeable system shot through by different beliefs, ideologies, and other literatures of the world.  相似文献   

This piece explores the emergent themes and subthemes represented within the recent contemporary discourse on Native American food security. Analysis revealed traditional foods as the most common theme present within the sampled literature. We offer a review of this theme (and related subthemes such as food access and human and environmental health) to illuminate the primary concerns, opportunities, preferences, and barriers associated with Native American food security. Our assessments also provide a nuanced understanding of existing literature related to food security and sovereignty, as well as key dimensions of environmental and social equality.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on African‐American women’s suicide rates. This topic is often neglected due to African‐American women’s low rates of suicide occurrence. This review seeks to answer the call for increased scientific inquiry on matters related to African‐American women and suicide. The author begins by identifying complex dynamics surrounding African‐American women’s unique social position in order to establish a better understanding of how socio‐cultural influences are addressed in the literature in relation to the suicide paradox. Both theoretical and empirical studies are thoroughly assessed in order to identify the risk and protective factors exclusive to African‐American women. The literature concludes that a history of mental disorders, particularly depression, a history of physical and emotional abuse, and a history of alcohol and substance abuse have all proven significant in increasing the risk of suicidal behavior among African‐American women. Untreated depression continues to be the leading cause of suicide among African‐American women. Contrarily, the literature identifies religious/spiritual beliefs, strong social ties, low rates of suicide acceptability, and unique coping strategies developed as a result of longstanding oppressive conditions as primary reasons for African‐American women’s exceptionally low suicide rates.  相似文献   

In recent years there has been a widespread perception of climate change as a growing threat to security, both at the individual level and at the international level. This increased attention is mainly due to scientific research, which indicates that climate change is a process already underway, with observable facts and potentially serious consequences. Moreover, according to some scholars, even the immediate implementation of stringent mitigation measures—i.e. reducing greenhouse gas emissions—would not contain the effects of climate change in coming decades, making it necessary to combine the efforts of mitigation policies targeted for the prevention of major threats. Are there any chances for climate stabilization to be sustainable with the economic growth required under a capitalist system? On the one hand, climate environmentalists raise concerns about the risks associated with global warming. On the other hand, leading economists’ main concern is to foster economic growth, thus, a trade off is advocated. In fact, policy-makers are unlikely to impose a burden on the economic growth of their own country in order to meet the targets imposed by the international climate change agreements. This work intends to identify and suggest a framework for climate policies, with the aim to maximize social consensus, through an integration of the issues raised by both disputing fields. A proposed solution is to take into consideration an additional GDP driver, the so-called human capital that would allow a social change.  相似文献   

ICONOGRAPHY AND COLLECTIVE MEMORY: Lincoln's Image in the American Mind   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Existing approaches to collective memory explain away images of the past by relating them to their economic, political, and social "sources." The present case study of Abraham Lincoln suggests a modification of these views, one that includes as a key element the agents who connect memory and social structure. As the U. S. entered World War I, the agents of Lincoln's memory debated which version of the Lincoln image to commemorate—the epic hero or the folk hero; the strong, dignified Lincoln or the tender-hearted, common man. The public controversy over George Gray Barnard's and Augustus Saint-Gaudens's statues articulated the tension between these two images. Different conceptions of Lincoln's appearance reflected different public views of modern democracy. Since this limited the range of Lincoln images that commemorative agents could promote, a structure-centered approach that treats public readiness to appreciate or reject different ways of portraying the past must supplement the agent-centered approach to collective memory.  相似文献   

This study examined African American women's perceptions of their adolescent children's well-being since gaining employment. This study departed from other studies that focused on the entire Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) population and/or compared subgroups within the population. In this study, the sample population is composed of all African American mothers and all of the mothers receive Temporary Assistance to Needy Families benefits and have gained employment. The study explored the relationship between adult supervision of adolescent children that resided in distressed communities and adolescent overall well-being as measured by academic well-being, emotional well-being, and social well-being.  相似文献   

Older youth preparing to emancipate from the foster care system are often served in residential treatment settings where they have limited opportunities to practice skills for independent living in a community setting. Stepping these youth down to less restrictive environments such as treatment foster care is a growing trend, especially for youth with mental health issues. Yet, few studies have explored the youth's perspective on making this transition. This study utilized qualitative interviews with youths who were participating in a treatment foster care intervention study (n = 8) to gain their perspectives on the process of transitioning from residential care. Youths were interviewed right before they exited residential care and two months after placement in the new foster home. Youths reported hopes for gaining family in the new home as well as fears of placement disruption. Findings point to the need to enlist youths in discussion and problem solving about difficulties they anticipate in the new home and expectations for their relationship with the new foster parents. In addition, the struggles described after two months in the home point to the need for youths to build specific skills to better manage ongoing relationships with foster parents and for foster parent training on how to help build these skills.  相似文献   

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