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文章中的“教育移民”特指高素质群体西向迁移的一种社会现象。作者对“教育移民”的现象、社会意义、价值、动因和内在机理进行分析,提出构建“教育移民”长效机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代中期,因移民问题日益严重,英国政府开始推行“限制—融合”移民政策。这一政策由“移民限制”和“移民融合”两部分构成,二者相辅相成。进入20世纪70年代,英国政府又相继出台了《1971年移民法》《1976年种族关系法》,分别对“移民限制”和“移民融合”两个部分进行适时修改与补充,进而巩固了“限制—融合”移民政策,社会效果明显。作为长期国策,其修正与充实是在“宏观既定、微观调整”的过程中进行的,并在这一时期形成并确定了完善方式与模式,运作至今。  相似文献   

近年来,我国积极推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展,共建“一带一路”已成为全球范围内广受欢迎的合作平台,在此过程中海外移民与文化的影响作用也日益凸显。本文基于交易成本和外来者劣势理论,以海外移民网络作为调节变量阐述文化距离影响我国对外直接投资的理论机制,并利用OECD共建“一带一路”国家数据进行实证检验。结果表明,海外移民网络的扩大减弱了文化距离对我国对外直接投资的负面影响,海外移民网络会正向调节文化距离与我国OFDI的关系;海外移民网络促进OFDI的正向作用在文化距离较小、已同中国签订共建“一带一路”合作文件的国家中更为显著;我国应主动发挥海外移民网络及华侨华人作用,团结海外移民力量,加强海外统一战线建设,推动高质量共建“一带一路”。  相似文献   

简析欧洲移民历史进程及移民类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一从欧洲近代史来看,欧洲大陆是今天许多国家、特别是发展中国家移民向往的“移民的大陆”,曾经是输出移民或外迁移民的大陆。KlausJ.Bade教授认为,“欧洲移民外迁的目标地区主要是两个地区:一是通过陆路到东部俄罗斯及东欧国家;二是通过大西洋航线从欧洲大陆移民美洲大陆”1。  相似文献   

1899至1907年,是冲绳移民前往夏威夷的“自由渡航”时期,也是冲绳向夏威夷移民的“黄金时期”。然而,“移民一世”的“夏威夷梦”,被繁重的工作强度、严苛的白人监工、恶劣的生活条件以及无处不在的歧视一一击碎。由于冲绳劳工来到夏威夷比日本本土移民劳工晚了15年,加上日本本土移民对冲绳移民根深蒂固的歧视,夏威夷群岛上的冲绳移民作为“双重少数族裔”,经历了噩梦般的“双重歧视”。也正是因为来到夏威夷并充分体会了这种“双重歧视”后,冲绳移民开始身份认同的自我构建:作为冲绳人、日本人和美国人的三重身份,让他们的移民经历在美国移民史上具有了特殊意义。当他们充分而深刻地认识到自己作为“冲绳人”的特殊性后,他们抑或摒弃特性,以更加“日本化”的生活方式寻求族裔认同;抑或紧紧抱团,与自己的冲绳同胞分享所有孤独与焦虑。总之,来到夏威夷的冲绳移民们开始采取行动来回应外界的种种恶意,并试图构建符合自我身份认同的冲绳社区。  相似文献   

如果把那些以作者对事件的亲历性去感动人的“新移民文学”作品视为已有的“表达范式”的话 ,那么 ,对那些以其独具的言说形式逸出了我们已有的认知经验的作品 ,则可归入“另类写作”的范畴。它们的出现 ,对改变“新移民文学”的言说形式 ,提高整个“新移民文学”的艺术层次 ,无疑有着不容忽视的意义。  相似文献   

在华人移民美国100多年的历史进程中,从“叶落归根”到“落地生根”观念的嬗变是一个不可忽视的问题。对它进行研究不仅有助于我们了解华人移民美国的历史以及他们思想观念转变的原因,同时也有助于我们理解中国政府的华人华侨政策及海外华人与祖国血肉相联的关系。  相似文献   

我国的移民政策蕴涵着人本主义的价值理念.在四川雅安移民的安置过程中,该市认真贯彻国家移民政策,在实践中本着人本主义的工作理念,换位思考,有情操作,对移民在政治、生产、生活等方面给予了细致的关心,使移民安居乐业,成功实现了“搬得出,稳得住,逐步能致富”的工作要求,本文基于价值理念和移民政策对人本视城下的西部移民新村建设问题及对策进行了探讨.  相似文献   

一、“武装移民”侵略计划的制定日本向中国东北移民是日本侵略中国的国策。日俄战后,日本加紧对中国东北侵略的步伐,其中向中国东北移民,是日本向中国扩张的一项重要措施。当时,日本陆军大将儿玉源太郎竭力提倡向“满洲移民”的必要,小村外务大臣也高唱“满洲中心论”,第一任“满铁”总裁后藤新平在其就职书中说:“经营满蒙的诀  相似文献   

农地经营权流转与宁夏生态移民发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者通过对宁夏生态移民迁入地发展滞后的现状分析,发现农地建设与经营成本负担是制约生态移民迁入地发展的主因。根据制度变迁理论,结合十七届三中全会决议,文章探讨了生态移民农地经营权流转制度,提出采取“农地收购”、“招募式移民安置与农地产业化经营模式”是解决当前农地短缺和生态移民发展问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

Research shows that having undocumented parents lowers the educational attainment of children that grew up in the United States, but we know less about how it affects the education of children left behind in their origin countries. We use fixed effects models and data from the Mexican Migration Project to examine this relationship. We find that having both parents documented increases the educational attainment of children left behind by over two years in comparison to similar children with mixed-status, undocumented, and nonimmigrant parents. The effect is especially robust for boys that migrate as teenagers. These findings reveal that US immigration laws that define most Mexican immigrants as undocumented have had a devastating effect on the education of Mexican children left behind.  相似文献   

简论德国移民的历史进程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋全成 《文史哲》2005,(3):86-93
从德国移民发展的历史来看,德国始终存在着移民现象。在第二次世界大战中,德国实现并经历了从移民迁出国到移民迁入国的根本变迁。第二次世界大战以后,德国经历了三次大的外国移民潮:客籍工人潮、回归移民潮和难民潮,最终使德国成为事实上的非典型意义的移民国家。  相似文献   

劳务移民是生态移民的一种重要形式。劳务移民的城市适应是其在城市生产生活方式、社会交往、自身文化心理等方面不断变化、调试的行为过程。在城市适应过程中面临的诸多困难,需要从政府层面、社会层面、安置地社区层面及劳务移民自身层面出台政策、采取措施,突破其城市适应的困境,尽快融入城市。  相似文献   

宋全成 《齐鲁学刊》2004,(1):151-156
第二次世界大战以来,特别是20世纪90年代两德统一以后,德国越来越成为事实上的非典型的移民国家,移民社会问题成为德国社会问题的核心。德国人内部针对移民存在着广泛的不信任和防御心态,由此产生了一系列暴力排外行为。其原因在于德国政党、政府和社会大众不愿意承认德国作为非典型意义的移民国家存在的事实。从2001年起,德国拟制定新移民法,以解决德国移民问题。  相似文献   

Despite popular commentary claiming a link between immigration and crime, empirical research exploring this relationship is sparse. Especially missing from the literature on immigration and crime is a consideration of how immigration affects rates of crime at the macro-level. Although individual-level studies of immigrant criminality and victimization tend to demonstrate that immigrants typically engage in less crime than their native-born counterparts, the effect of immigration on aggregate criminal offending is less clear. In this research, we attempt to address this weakness in the literature by examining the effects of aspects of immigration on crime rates in metropolitan areas. We combine 2000 US Census data and 2000 Uniform Crime Report data to explore how the foreign-born population influences criminal offending across a sample of metropolitan areas. After controlling for a host of demographic and economic characteristics, we find that immigration does not increase crime rates, and some aspects of immigration lessen crime in metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

宋全成 《文史哲》2007,(4):147-154
从20世纪70年代到90年代,欧洲的外国移民问题逐渐成为影响欧洲国家的政治、经济、社会安全、文化价值观等领域的核心社会问题。这既是进入欧洲国家的外国移民由"欧洲特点"向"非欧洲特点"转变、移民文化变更因素的结果,也有欧洲国家自身经济衰退、政治与移民政策摇摆不定的原因。  相似文献   

赵惠民 《齐鲁学刊》2007,1(4):53-57
清末民初的黄河三角洲移民以政府组织的生存型移民为主。移民群体主要由灾民构成。移民安置区域集中在黄河大堤周围和黄河尾闾新生淤地。由于特定的历史条件,绅士在移民活动中自始至终发挥着重要作用。土地分配不足,安土重迁观念的影响,掠夺性耕作方式导致的土地盐碱化等,使移民返迁比率较高。  相似文献   

Whether immigration increases crime has long been a source of political debate and scholarly interest. Despite widespread public opinion to the contrary, the weight of evidence suggests the most recent wave of U.S. immigration has not increased crime, and may have actually helped reduce criminal violence. However, with recent shifts in immigrant settlement patterns away from traditional receiving destinations, a series of contemporary studies suggests a more complicated immigration-crime relationship, whereby Latino immigration is said to increase violence in newer immigrant destinations (but not in established destinations) and has varied effects for different racial/ethnic groups. With few exceptions, these more recent studies rely on cross-sectional analyses, thus limiting their ability to examine the longitudinal nexus between Latino immigration and violent crime. This study brings to bear the first longitudinal data set to test the relationship between immigration and racial/ethnic homicide in U.S. metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2010. Results from bivariate longitudinal associations and multivariate fixed effects models are contrary to recent findings – Latino immigration is generally associated with decreases in homicide victimization for whites, blacks, and Hispanics in both established and non-established immigrant destinations, though these associations are not significant in all cases.  相似文献   

Scholars of immigration disagree about the role ethnic communities play in immigrant families’ engagement in educational institutions. While some researchers argue that the concentration of disadvantaged ethnic groups may prevent meaningful engagement with schools, others argue that ethnic communities can possess resources that help immigrant families be involved in their children’s schooling. In this study we use a nationally representative dataset of Hispanic children from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort (ECLS-K) to determine if the relative size of the Hispanic population in the school affects levels of their parents’ involvement in their education, as well as parents’ perceptions of barriers to their involvement. Our results suggest that a large Hispanic presence in a child’s school can help increase immigrant Hispanic parents’ involvement in their children’s schooling, but there are no benefits for US-born Hispanic parents, indicating that ethnic communities help immigrant families acculturate to American institutions.  相似文献   

王永强 《阴山学刊》2010,23(1):80-85
民国时期,在西北移民垦荒思潮和八年抗日战争的影响下,大批贫民和难民涌向西南、西北大后方开垦荒地。新垦荒地虽在短时间内取得了一定的经济效益,但从长远看,由于西北地区特殊的地理、气候条件的原因,大面积开垦荒地造成的负面影响极其深远,加剧了西北地区耕地的荒漠化,恶化了西北地区的生态环境。  相似文献   

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