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Siting Noxious Facilities: A Test of the Facility Siting Credo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past decade it has become increasingly difficult to site noxious facilities, despite the fact that there is a growing need to do so. To address this problem, a set of guidelines for a fairer, wiser, and more workable siting process—the Facility Siting Credo—was developed during a National Facility Siting Workshop in 1990. This paper presents an empirical test of these guidelines. A questionnaire based on the Credo was completed by stakeholders in 29 waste facility siting cases, both successful and unsuccessful, across the United States and Canada. Using an independent determination of outcome (success), a preliminary ranking of the importance of various Credo principles was obtained. The data reveal that establishing trust between the developer and host community is an important factor in facilitating the siting process. The siting process is most likely to be successful when the community perceives the facility design to be appropriate and to satisfy its needs. Public participation also is seen to be an important process variable, particularly if it encourages a view that the facility best meets community needs. Moreover, a siting process where communities volunteer to host facilities is an approach that holds promise for meeting many of these key success criteria.  相似文献   

Nuclear facilities have long been seen as the top of the list of locally unwanted land uses (LULUs), with nuclear waste repositories generating the greatest opposition. Focusing on the case of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in southern New Mexico, we test competing hypotheses concerning the sources of opposition and support for siting the facility, including demographics, proximity, political ideology, and partisanship, and the unfolding policy process over time. This study tracks the changes of risk perception and acceptance of WIPP over a decade, using measures taken from 35 statewide surveys of New Mexico citizens spanning an 11‐year period from fall 1990 to summer 2001. This time span includes periods before and after WIPP became operational. We find that acceptance of WIPP is greater among those whose residences are closest to the WIPP facility. Surprisingly, and contrary to expectations drawn from the broader literature, acceptance is also greater among those who live closest to the nuclear waste transportation route. We also find that ideology, partisanship, government approval, and broader environmental concerns influence support for WIPP acceptance. Finally, the sequence of procedural steps taken toward formal approval of WIPP by government agencies proved to be important to gaining public acceptance, the most significant being the opening of the WIPP facility itself.  相似文献   

为什么高管薪酬具有行业差异,高管薪酬与哪些行业特征因素有关?本文以2001-2008年沪深两市非金融类上市公司为样本,对这些问题进行了实证分析。结果表明,产品市场竞争、资产专用性、盈利性、企业规模以及财务风险是影响行业高管薪酬的行业特征因素,在产品市场竞争越激烈、资产专用性越高、盈利性越好、企业规模越大以及财务风险越高的行业,高管获得的薪酬越高。成长性、经营风险、代理成本、技术水平等行业特征因素对行业高管薪酬没有显著影响。  相似文献   

管理层薪酬结构的激励效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于不同的薪酬形式对于管理层具有不同的激励效果和强度,本文研究了我国上市公司管理层薪酬结构的特点以及薪酬结构与经营业绩的相关性。研究结果表明:高薪低在职消费型激励效果最佳,低薪高在职消费型激励效果最差,其余的薪酬结构激励效果居中;货币薪酬的提高会增强薪酬结构的激励效果,在职消费水平的提高则会降低薪酬结构的激励效果,股权激励对薪酬结构的影响是双向的并在一定程度上受货币薪酬的影响;货币薪酬、持股比例与经营业绩正相关,在职消费与经营业绩负相关,但显著性水平存在差异。不同股权性质、资产规模、行业和地区的企业薪酬结构明显不同,薪酬结构与经营业绩的相关性也受到影响。  相似文献   

Analysis of Local Acceptance of a Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Like many other countries in the world, Korea has struggled to site a facility for radioactive waste for almost 30 years because of the strong opposition from local residents. Finally, in 2005, Gyeongju was established as the first Korean site for a radioactive waste facility. The objectives of this research are to verify Gyeongju citizens' average level of risk perception of a radioactive waste disposal facility as compared to other risks, and to explore the best model for predicting respondents' acceptance level using variables related to cost-benefit, risk perception, and political process. For this purpose, a survey is conducted among Gyeongju residents, the results of which are as follows. First, the local residents' risk perception of an accident in a radioactive waste disposal facility is ranked seventh among a total of 13 risks, which implies that nuclear-related risk is not perceived very highly by Gyeongju residents; however, its characteristics are still somewhat negative. Second, the comparative regression analyses show that the cost-benefit and political process models are more suitable for explaining the respondents' level of acceptance than the risk perception model. This may be the result of the current economic depression in Gyeongju, residents' familiarity with the nuclear industry, or cultural characteristics of risk tolerance.  相似文献   

We critique two 1986 Department of Energy reports concerning the selection of sites for characterization as the nation's first high-level nuclear waste repository. We find that the multiattribute utility analysis of the five nominated sites was well done, although we express concern about the assessed probabilities, question the construction of two important attribute scales, and disagree with some of the value tradeoffs that were used. In contrast, we find the logic of the recommendations report to be weak and unconvincing.  相似文献   

本研究基于锦标赛理论讨论了中国高管团队薪酬差距的影响因素,高管薪酬差距与公司绩效的关系,并利用2006年我国440家沪市A股上市公司年报数据进行了实证分析。分析结果表明,公司董事长总经理两职兼任会显著扩大高管团队薪酬绝对和相对差距,国有股比例的提高会对高管薪酬绝对与相对差距产生显著抑制作用。企业绩效、企业规模对高管薪酬绝对差距产生显著正向影响,但对相对薪酬差距的影响并不显著。分析结果发现高管团队薪酬差距对公司绩效的正向影响作用显著,锦标赛理论得到支持。本研究同时显示,团队薪酬水平对公司绩效的影响大于团队薪酬差距的影响,体现出目前高管更为关注的仍然是薪酬水平,这也为高管薪酬设计提供了新的管理启示。  相似文献   

How do mitigation and benefits measures affect public acceptance for siting different kinds of potentially hazardous facilities? What kinds of benefits measures are seen as most (or least) appropriate for different kinds of facilities? This study used a nationwide telephone survey consisting of 1,234 interviews with randomly selected respondents to test for the effects of packages of safety and benefits measures for siting a landfill, prison, incinerator and nuclear waste repository. The experimental design used in the survey permits analysis of the fractions of respondents who are willing to change their initial levels of acceptance (or opposition) when presented with a sequence of the safety and benefit measures. The measures vary significantly in their impact on levels of acceptance for the facilities, and some measures that would at face value appear to reassure residents of facility safety turn out to lack credibility and therefore diminish facility acceptance. Ordering of the benefits versus safety measures significantly affects changes in acceptance in surprising ways. The perceived appropriateness of different kinds of benefits measures varies systematically by the type of facility under consideration. It appears that successful benefits packages will directly address the underlying dimensions of concern caused by the facility. These findings point to the importance of further research on “commensurable” benefits measures.  相似文献   

罗彪  陈帅 《中国管理科学》2016,24(3):117-124
针对子公司角色变化引起的行为变化,将子公司行为细分为探索行为和开发行为,利用委托代理理论进行报酬契约设计,探究企业集团相关决策变量对子公司二元行为努力的影响机理。研究结果表明:总部最优产出分享系数和子公司开发行为努力程度随总部支持的提高而降低、随开发行为盈利水平的降低而降低、随探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平的提高呈"正U"型趋势;探索行为努力程度在探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平较低时随总部支持的提高呈"倒U"型趋势,反之呈线性增长趋势;另外,探索行为努力程度随开发行为盈利水平、探索行为预期收益率和子公司可投入水平的提高而提高。最后,本文利用数值算例对上述结论进行了直观演示。  相似文献   

传统经济学理论建立在自利的人性假设之上,但事实上在许多情形下,公平意识会影响人的行为。以薪酬激励合约为中介,构建不同产权基础的公司与不同经理人员特质的内生配置模型,把不公平厌恶偏好的异质性纳入到配置模型中,以310位企业经理人员作为实验对象,通过一组独裁者博弈实验和两组策略博弈实验共9014次分配决策,检验被试几种主要类型的社会偏好,从中甄别出经理人员不公平厌恶偏好的相对强度,结合调查问卷的数据证实经理人员不公平厌恶偏好、努力水平、公司股权结构和公司绩效之间由薪酬激励契约联结起来的内生配置关系。研究结果表明,具有不同公平性偏好的行为人对于等额的薪酬不公平的反应有所不同,从而影响合约的履行效果,控制权收益对薪酬的浮动部分具有替代效应,产生反向的激励效应,替代程度越大,反向激励效果越大。  相似文献   

Research literature indicates the importance of workforce development in the successful implementation of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMTs). However, the relationship between advanced technologies and workforce training is assumed to be a direct one with limited consideration provided to factors that may influence it. This study examines the impacts of environment and human resource (HR) manager perceptions on the provision of workforce development activities. A human-centered technology philosophy is proposed as a conceptual framework for examining the role of HR manager perceptions to mediate the relationship between AMTs and workforce development. Results from hierarchical regressions indicate that the perceptions of HR managers regarding technology-driven workforce need to explain a large portion of the variance for both individual and process development activities. Findings support that the managerial role of assessing workforce developmental needs from basic AMTs places HR managerial perceptions at the focal point of social–technical systems. The role of environmental uncertainty is also examined as a moderator of managerial perceptions of technology-driven needs in an AMT environment. The results suggest that environmental uncertainty did not moderate the relationship between HR perceptions as a predictor of workforce development activities. This could imply that HR managers may not consider critical external environment issues when making decisions of workforce development activities. The implications of these findings for HR perceptions in an AMT environment are discussed, and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(8):1656-1671
During the past four decades, a number of social science scholars have conceptualized technological disasters as a social problem. More specifically, research in this arena has identified individual and collective stress as a secondary trauma of processes intended to provide compensation and economic relief from disasters in general and, more specifically, technological disasters. Based on data from a 2013 household telephone survey of 1,216 residents of coastal Alabama, this article examines the relationship between psychosocial stress and compensation processes related to the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We examine involvement with claims, settlement, and litigation activities; vulnerability and exposure to the spill; ties to resources; resource loss and gain; perceptions of risk and recreancy; and intrusive stress and avoidance behaviors as measured by the impact of event scale. Regression analysis reveals that the strongest contributors to intrusive stress were being part of the compensation process, resource loss, concerns about air quality, and income. Although being involved with compensation processes was a significant predictor of avoidance behaviors, the strongest contributors to avoidance behaviors were resource loss, air quality concern, income, being male, minority status, and community attachment. Beliefs that the compensation process was as distressing as the oil spill also significantly contributed to intrusive stress and avoidance behaviors. This research represents a step toward filling a gap in empirical evidence regarding the extent to which protracted compensation processes exacerbate adverse psychosocial impacts of disasters and hinder community recovery.  相似文献   

企业内部薪酬差距的效应:研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘宁  张正堂 《管理学报》2007,4(6):839-843
企业内部薪酬差距的设计是薪酬管理中的重要内容。学者们对于薪酬差距的效应的认识有很大差别:竞赛理论认为薪酬差距可以改善员工工作态度、提高个人和组织绩效;行为理论则认为薪酬差距过大会破坏员工的合作关系而有损于个人和组织绩效,这2种观点都得到了一些实证研究的支持。通过对这2种观点的总结和分析对今后的研究会有启发。  相似文献   

近年来的研究表明,CEO报酬不仅受公司业绩的影响,还受到其他诸多因素的影响,而且,CEO报酬与其决定因素之间往往存在着非线性关系。本文以2003-2005年沪深股市的A股上市公司为样本,采用BP神经网络对CEO总报酬、CEO年薪、CEO持股价值及其决定因素分别进行训练和学习,结果表明:(1)网络训练输出值与实际值的拟合度分别达到91.09%、97.23%和78.44%;(2)网络的预测能力相对于传统的线性回归模型分别提高了92.72%、92.08%和53.89%。因此,本文认为在分析和确定CEO报酬水平时引入神经网络模型是可行的。  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(8):1601-1617
Resilience is the capability of a system to adjust its functionality during a disturbance or perturbation. The present work attempts to quantify resilience as a function of reliability, vulnerability, and maintainability. The approach assesses proactive and reactive defense mechanisms along with operational factors to respond to unwanted disturbances and perturbation. This article employs a Bayesian network format to build a resilience model. The application of the model is tested on hydrocarbon‐release scenarios during an offloading operation in a remote and harsh environment. The model identifies requirements for robust recovery and adaptability during an unplanned scenario related to a hydrocarbon release. This study attempts to relate the resilience capacity of a system to the system's absorptive, adaptive, and restorative capacities. These factors influence predisaster and postdisaster strategies that can be mapped to enhance the resilience of the system.  相似文献   

A de minimis risk management strategy sets a threshold so that risks below the specified level are defined as trivial and exempted from further consideration. The intended purpose is to help avoid inappropriate and wasteful concern with insignificant low-level risks. In most instances a de minimis strategy is likely to have beneficial or innocuous effects, but under certain circumstances large differences may develop between nominal and actual de minimis levels. The potential for such discrepancies illustrates why de minimis (and all other risk management) strategies should be evaluated on the basis of the portfolio of risks that would accumulate from applying such strategies over time, rather than on the apparent reasonableness of any single instance of application.  相似文献   

Jonathan M. Lee 《Risk analysis》2015,35(10):1820-1836
This study uses state‐level panel data from a 33‐year period to test the hypotheses of offsetting and enhancing behavior with regards to motorcycle helmet legislation. Results presented in this article find no evidence of offsetting behavior and are consistent with the presence of enhancing behavior. State motorcycle helmet laws are estimated to reduce motorcycle crashes by 18.4% to 31.9%. In the absence of any behavioral adaptations among motorcyclists mandatory helmet laws are not expected to have any significant impact on motorcycle crash rates. The estimated motorcycle crash reductions do not appear to be driven by omitted variable bias or nonclassical measurement error in reported crashes. Overall, the results strongly suggest that mandatory helmet laws yield significant changes in motorcycle mobility in the form of reduced risk taking and/or decreased utilization.  相似文献   

《Risk analysis》2018,38(2):345-356
This article investigates the determinants of flood risk perceptions in New Orleans, Louisiana (United States), a deltaic coastal city highly vulnerable to seasonal nuisance flooding and hurricane‐induced deluges and storm surges. Few studies have investigated the influence of hazard experience, geophysical vulnerability (hazard proximity), and risk perceptions in cities undergoing postdisaster recovery and rebuilding. We use ordinal logistic regression techniques to analyze experiential, geophysical, and sociodemographic variables derived from a survey of 384 residents in seven neighborhoods. We find that residents living in neighborhoods that flooded during Hurricane Katrina exhibit higher levels of perceived risk than those residents living in neighborhoods that did not flood. In addition, findings suggest that flood risk perception is positively associated with female gender, lower income, and direct flood experiences. In conclusion, we discuss the implications of these findings for theoretical and empirical research on environmental risk, flood risk communication strategies, and flood hazards planning.  相似文献   

This study examined to what extent nuclear risk perceptions, organizational commitment (OC), and appraisals of management are associated with each other among nuclear power plant personnel. The sample consisted of 428 nuclear power plant workers who completed a questionnaire at their workplace. Perceived nuclear risk and OC were most closely related to the appraisals of the top management of the organization. As the trust in and satisfaction with the top management increased, perceived nuclear safety and acceptance of the organizational goals and values heightened. This result is discussed in the context of industrial safety management.  相似文献   

The Outsourcing Game is a role‐play simulation that has been deployed in industry and academic training courses worldwide. It incorporates the concepts of hidden actions, hidden information, and misaligned incentives, and conveys messages about power, trust, and reputation. The game depicts the adventures of Acme, the brand owner of a product manufactured by an outsourced supply chain. Through a series of negotiations, Acme attempts to influence its partners (two suppliers and two service providers) by distributing its procurement “spend.” These partners, in turn, sway each other via side payments. To simulate the non‐linear shifts in power that occur as outsourcing increases, we represent decision‐making by a voting scheme with uneven vote allocations. This paper analyzes a database of game results to reveal behavioral factors that can undermine conspicuous win–win process improvements. For instance, preferences can be sensitive to the sequence in which the alternatives are encountered; decision‐makers might value not only their own rewards, but also fairness in the allocation of total gains; and effectiveness of negotiation tactics will vary with community norms of acceptable behavior. Along the way we extend the political economics literature about power in block‐based voting by proposing a heuristic approach for incorporating voter preferences.  相似文献   

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