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This study investigated a potential moderator of the association between popularity and relational aggression: social dominance orientation (SDO), the degree to which an individual endorses the importance of social hierarchy. One hundred eighty‐five ninth graders completed a sociometric assessment of RA and popularity, and a self‐report SDO measure. SDO was positively associated with popularity for both boys and girls, and with RA for girls. Popularity and RA were positively correlated for both genders. Regression analyses showed that SDO moderated the association between popularity and RA for girls, but not for boys. Girls who were both popular and who were social dominance‐oriented were particularly high in peer‐nominated RA. SDO may provide a useful framework for understanding the role of popularity in adolescent peer groups.  相似文献   

陶卫宁 《唐都学刊》2003,19(1):133-137
烟草于明代中后期传入我国。烟叶的吸食直接导致烟草业的发展。考虑到吸烟和种烟的过度发展对社会所造成的危害,所以从明末开始,政府就主张禁烟。早期,明清政府的禁烟重点在于禁吸。康熙朝以后,禁烟的重点转移到禁种上。由于诸多主客观方面的原因,嘉庆朝以后,烟禁取消。  相似文献   

20世纪60年代初期,在中巴双边陆地边界谈判过程中,巴基斯坦表现积极,极力推动中巴之间的边界谈判。其原因是复杂的,是由巴基斯坦当时的内外环境所决定的。巴基斯坦希望通过中巴边界谈判,达到其改善和中国的关系,进而改变其整个周边外交环境的目的。本文拟对中巴边界谈判过程中,巴基斯坦积极推动中巴边界谈判的表现、原因以及目的进行梳理和分析。  相似文献   

王怡静 《创新》2009,3(5):91-94
随着自然主义的思潮涌进中国,中国作家的作品中也逐渐透露出诸多自然主义写作原则。一部《半生缘》描述了一段擦肩而过的爱情,道尽了世间的无奈,也暗暗透露出作者浓厚的悲观主义色彩。探究其描写手法,我们发现张爱玲女士在写作中运用了很多自然主义的描写原则,无意或有意,我们不得而知。诚然,在中国文坛上始终没能出现一支明确标榜“自然主义文学”的流派,但自然主义的创作方法和文学观念则渗透在中国文学的各种不同流派之中,对20世纪的中国文学起到了深远的影响。  相似文献   

This article examines the articulation between the senses of taste and sight through the representations of their organs, the tongue and the eye, in early modern Europe. The relationship between taste and sight first brings to mind gastronomical aesthetics, and the part played by the eye in the relish of beautifully presented dishes. The first part of this article is therefore devoted to exploring the taste of the eye (or the foretaste of sight) and highlights the harmony of taste and sight in early modern cuisine. However, the forms of reciprocity between taste and sight cannot be reduced to the sole figure of culinary aesthetics, which tends to blur the other multiple modalities that this sensorial association could reveal. The second part, the sight of the tongue (or the invisibility of taste), thus examines more complex layers of the relationship between the sense of sight and the taste organ, through a study of the representations of the tongue and of the gaping mouth in early modern visual culture. Drawing on early modern textual and iconographic resources and exploring: cookbooks; physiognomic works; conduct books; and also engravings and paintings related to the culinary arts, the seven deadly sins, and representations of madness and the fool in early modern visual culture, this essay argues that examining the representations of the sense organs is a suggestive way to explore the relationship between the senses.  相似文献   

Social scientists note individuals tend to respond favorably to sensitive topics in surveys, but few consider factors triggering these responses. This study uses unique data to examine respondents’ racial/ethnic attitude under direct and indirect modes of elicitation. In particular, the list experiment provides a cloak of anonymity to a random subsample of individuals that allows them to respond truthfully about their racial/ethnic attitudes. By comparing responses between administration modes, this study evaluates whether social desirability pressures mediate, and racial/ethnic composition moderate, the relation between education and racial/ethnic attitudes. Findings indicate an initial positive relation between education and racial/ethnic attitudes, but desirability bias mainly drives this relation. Furthermore, there is some support racial/ethnic composition moderates the influence of social desirability on education.  相似文献   

One central concern of social work is advocacy for social justice. This is a lofty ideal but a difficult ideal to achieve in view of social work being delivered in sociopolitical contexts with varying degrees of tolerance of advocacy. This discussion is based on a case study from Singapore and considers some of the particular constraints and opportunities in that context, while also making the point that those similar constraints and opportunities exist in all contexts. A model that combines principles of advocacy and collaboration is proposed as a means of embracing social work advocacy in Singapore and other contexts.  相似文献   

To understand social issues and practices such as those related to climate change and technological change that are clearly future-oriented – collectively experienced events that are “not yet” – and co-constructed by different actors, we need nuanced conceptualizations of how people think about, negotiate and co-create futures that allow us to understand not only what people (can) think and do about future-related issues but also how that happens, what for and with which implications. However, so far, one of the key theoretical approaches that has conceptualised how people make meaning in situations of change and uncertainty – the socio-psychological social representations theory (SRT) – has not often engaged with the future or with different forms of temporality. By contrast, the French pragmatic sociology of engagements and critique (PS) has engaged with these notions, conceptualising them in relation to materiality and a plurality of moral orientations – two dimensions often seen as key to how collective futures are made and imagined. To offer a more nuanced and systematic conceptualization of how people represent the future and with what consequences, this paper will present, compare and synthesise SRT and PS, as a first step towards an interdisciplinary research agenda on social change and representations of the future.  相似文献   

黄冬娅 《社会》2014,34(4):138-164
当前私营企业主在中国政治生活中扮演了隐秘却愈具影响力的角色,现有研究从“没有资产阶级,就没有民主”的理论命题出发,探讨市场转型中中国是否出现了一个自主并与国家权力抗衡的社会阶层,由此,已有研究得出基本一致性的判断,由于私营企业主与国家之间共享政治价值和共享利益,中国出现的是一个依附于国家并与国家权力共谋的社会阶层。本文认为,现有研究立足于“私营企业主”在民主转型中角色的阶级想象,而过于关注私营企业主对于民主转型的影响,从而忽视了深入剖析和探讨私营企业主对于当代中国政策过程的影响。因此,深化当代中国私营企业主与国家关系及其政治影响的认识,需要从“民主转型”转向“政策影响”的主题。  相似文献   

毛丹  张洪 《社会》2017,37(1):94-126
阶级实体和概念都是关系性的,工人阶级的状况和性质需要从工人、国家、资本三方关系的形成与变化入手进行考察。在资本主义国家中,国家在三方关系中占据中心位置,对劳资关系和工人阶级具有塑造能力,国家并非只会选择做优势阶级的刻板代言人;劳资矛盾是否激化以及工人阶级成为秩序合作者还是激进行动者,与国家如何定位和处理劳资关系有关。社会学的阶级分析在当代还有没有潜力很大程度上也取决于国家在劳资问题上的角色与措施,可能缓解工人对国家和资本的对抗性、促使工人转变成秩序的合作者,也可能激发工人的对抗意识。如果是前者,阶级分析会因劳资对抗问题的缓解而不再具有重大的政治和社会意义;如果是后者,阶级分析就不仅是恰当的理论分析工具,还具有重大的实践内涵。上述视角可能也适用于研究社会主义国家的工人问题。  相似文献   

Moderators of the well‐established association between status and overt and relational aggression were tested in a four‐year longitudinal sample (N = 358) of high school students. Self‐perceptions of popularity were found to moderate the link between actual peer‐perceived popularity and aggression, with adolescents who were both popular and aware of their popular status, scoring highest on peer‐nominated aggression and showing the greatest increases in aggression over time. Self‐perceptions of liking moderated the associations between social preference and aggression as well. Adolescents who saw themselves as disliked were particularly likely to show increases in aggression over time. The moderating effect of self‐perceptions was further moderated by gender in several cases. Findings are discussed in light of Coie's theory of the development of peer status theory. The social‐cognitive elements of high peer status, particularly of perceived popularity, are also highlighted.  相似文献   

自清末实施司法改革以来,司法独立原则被正式引入中国。北洋政府初期,虽然政局扰攘不安、社会经济紊乱,但在一定时期内司法独立原则仍保有形式上的尊崇。而1919年冬,湖北督军王占元、省长何佩瑢藉口本省高等审判厅厅长刘豫瑶徇私枉法,竟擅自委任督军署军法课长程定远暂代厅长,并派兵拘押原代理厅长陈长簇,劫夺厅印,开民国以来地方最高军政长官联手干涉司法行政的嚆矢。由于该案性质极其恶劣,随即招致中央司法部与湖北高等审判厅的群体反击。双方围绕司法行政等问题往复申辩,最终以中央政府介入调停和司法独立原则获得重申而告结。该案中反映的各种认知冲突及各方的行为模式,折射出北洋军阀时期军政关系的多元面相。  相似文献   

Initially introduced as part of Australia's Northern Territory Intervention in 2007, Income Management (IM) explicitly targeted inhabitants of remote NT Indigenous communities. IM is a form of welfare conditionality that involves compulsorily ‘quarantining’ at least half of individuals' social security income. It has been heavily criticised for being racist, discriminatory, and a violation of individual rights. The introduction of New Income Management (NIM) in 2010 extended IM beyond Indigenous communities and introduced a new set of eligibility criteria that shifted the focus of IM from Indigenous people to working age recipients of social security income. This in depth study of the early parliamentary debates on the compulsory IM programs traces the patterns of political discourse that led to IM coming to be seen by many policy makers as a normal and legitimate technique within Australian social policy. Situating the IM programs within neoliberal concerns about welfare dependency and active citizenship, this article argues that the introduction of NIM heralded a shift from a conception of IM as part of a focused social experiment targeted at remote Indigenous communities to a potentially mainstream social policy option.  相似文献   

Married individuals are healthier than single individuals though the reasons are not well understood. Individuals with spouses/or partners are less likely to smoke. We explore the relationship between health and marital status by analyzing three potential channels through which marriage affects smoking, i.e., consumption externalities (one spouse's smoking affects the other spouse's welfare), altruism (one spouse reduces smoking in response to the other spouse's bad health), and learning about risks of smoking from the health experience of one's spouse. We find spousal health does not affect smoking due to altruism or learning within the household but do find evidence for consumption externalities.  相似文献   

Each welfare system has its own welfare relations for shaping and maintaining certain types of welfare practices and welfare ideologies. Welfare relations concern the distribution of welfare responsibilities among various social institutions, the public's welfare expectations and entitlements, and the status of welfare recipients. Welfare policies, which are a legal basis of the dominant class's philosophy as well as a mechanism for policing welfare recipients' use of benefits, play an important role in shaping and constructing the welfare relations of a country. This paper discusses how welfare policies construct the required welfare relations with regard to Hong Kong's social security system. It is argued that the persistence of Hong Kong's residual welfare model is partly based on the residual welfare relations which facilitate family-centred and market-oriented welfare practices.  相似文献   

This article explores the findings of a study on the role of the social worker in adoption with a focus on ethics, concentrating on the perspectives of adopted people, birth parents, and adoptive parents. Their reflections challenge policy attempts that are framed around “new beginnings” for children. The focus on hope in such policy projects fails to understand that hope inevitably coexists with anger and loss. The concept of ethical trespass, with its recognition of the inevitability of harm, is explored in terms of its possibilities for recognizing the lived realities for multiple stakeholders. The mitigation of ethical trespass requires social work practices that are characterized by humility, honesty, and reflexivity.  相似文献   

Aggressive behavior has been well studied in terms of interindividual differences among aggressors and victims, but has been understudied, especially within naturalistic contexts, in terms of aggressor–victim relationships. The social relations model (SRM) is a powerful conceptual and analytic tool for studying dyadic phenomena, and we describe the use of multivariate SRM to study aggression. Boys and girls (N = 210) in middle schools (sixth and seventh grades) completed a newly created dyadic aggression and victimization inventory (DAVI). Results support the reliability and validity of the DAVI in assessing inter‐individual and inter‐dyadic differences in aggression and victimization. Occurrences of aggression were accounted for primarily by inter‐dyadic variability, indicating the importance of considering aggressor–victim relationships. We discuss the implications of this relationship focus for future research and intervention efforts.  相似文献   

Each day for five days, 79 fifth‐grade children reported on events that occurred at school and they and their parents described their interactions with each other each evening. Consistent with previous research, it was found that on days when children reported more academic or peer problems during the day at school, they later described more aversive interactions with their parents. As hypothesized, increases in anxiety and drops in children's state self‐esteem partially mediated this link. However, parents did not report any differences in their interactions with the target child on days when the child experienced problems at school. This study suggests that negative events experienced by children while at school lead to short‐term changes in mood and self‐esteem, which influence their perceptions of subsequent interactions at home with parents.  相似文献   

强舸 《社会》2013,33(2):131-155
本文以一个自行车黑市为案例,考察关系网络与地下经济活动相互作用的动态过程。研究表明,自行车黑市活动衍生的关系网络促进了信息传递,提升了信任水平,降低了安全风险,增加了黑市的效益,塑造出互惠的交易模式。随着黑市的运作,关系网络继续演化,当信息和信任积累到一定程度时,黑车贩子间达成了关于货源收购和价格同盟的卡特尔协议,黑市的运作方式再一次被改变。关系网络对潜在违规力量产生威慑,起到维护市场秩序的作用。  相似文献   

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