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Integrating HIV/AIDS prevention with FP/RH services is a model promoted by the China/UNFPA Project in preventing HIV/AIDS.The model was characterized by taking advantage of the population and family planning network to conduct IEC activities,condom promot…  相似文献   

在第五次国家方案(2003-2005)——联合国人口基金对中国的援助计划中,人口老龄化及其对政策影响的研究项目(CPR/03)06)协议在京正式签署,项目周期三年。该项目由中国政府和联合国人口基金共同投入,联合国人口基金和国家外经部作为该项  相似文献   

Status QuoAn epidemiological survey jointly conducted by China and the WHO and UNAIDS indicates that China now has 840,000 people living with HIV/AIDS, 80,000 of whom are AIDS patients. Although this figure translates into a mere 0.6‰ of the country's total population, the total number comes the second place in Asia and the 14th in the world. The prevalence rate among adults is less than 0.1%, but the epidemic has been found in all the 31 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) of the country and the number of newly-infected people is increasing fast. Major methods of HIV transmission include drug-taking, blood donation (a major means of living for farmers in some impoverished regions) and sex.  相似文献   

According to a report published by the PopulationReference Bureau (PRB), an estimated number of 40million people were living with HIV/AIDS by theend of 2001. Sub-Saharan Africa, with less than 11%of the world's population, contains more than 70% ofall HIV-infected people. But no region is unaffected:Adults and children with HIV/AIDS number morethan 28 million in sub-Saharan Africa, 7 million inAsia, 2 million in Latin America and the Caribbean,and another 3 million in other regions. UNAIDSestimates that 5 million people became infected withHIV in 2001, more than replacing the estimated 3million people who died from the disease during theyear.  相似文献   

项目背景与意义 "十一五"时期,中国的人口和计划生育事业进入了坚持科学发展观、全面深化综合改革、稳定低生育水平、统筹解决人口问题、促进人的全面发展的新阶段。新形势对人口计生原有的工作思路与工作方法提出了挑战,同时也带来了发展的机遇。如何抓住机遇、应对挑战,更好地履行职责,成为人口计生部门在"十一五"时期创新发展的重中之重。  相似文献   

中国与联合国人口基金自1979年开始合作,旨在形成可持续的人口政策,增强生殖健康/计划生育的服务能力。总体上可以分成三个阶段。第一个阶段是从1979年到1990年,合作重点是基础能力建设。在人力资源开发、硬件建设、科学研究、技术支持、避孕产品保障体系等方面,人口基金都给予了重要而积极的支持。  相似文献   

四川省射洪县自创建人口和计划生育优质服务先进县以来,把推进计划生育/生殖健康优质服务,努力提高出生人口素质作为一个重要课题,进行了认真的研究和探索,并将它作为实现计划生育“ 两个转变”的一项民心工程来抓,取得了一定的成果。  相似文献   

The development of marketing information on the readership of the lesbian/gay press attests to the press's success as a medium and its attraction to advertisers. Yet such marketing data, highly skewed towards affluent, urban, white-anglo gay males, raise some serious problems. Such data has been misused by opponents of lesbian/gay rights as representing the entire lesbian/gay community. They also reflect the change of the lesbian/gay press from a medium representing a minority community to one representing an important niche market. An examination of readership data from five major urban lesbian/gay newspapers illustrates these problems.  相似文献   

In recent years,China has made positive progress in HIV/AIDS prevention and control.The commitment of the central government and participation of various departments have greatly advanced HIV/AIDS prevention.However,we should understand that in order to f…  相似文献   

From January 19th to25th,2006,the NPFPC/UNDP HIV/AIDS prevention and safe mobility project held peer education training workshops in several pilot sites including the cities of Heihe,Heilongjiang Province,Yanji,Jilin Province and Dandong,Liaoning Province…  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS具有很长的潜伏期、巨大的传染性和强烈的年龄选择性(主要打击社会的中坚力量──20~40岁的成年人),这些特点使得HIV/AIDS与一般的自然灾害不同,它不仅仅是个卫生问题和人口现象,而且会导致严重的社会经济和家庭危机。在我国目前,进行对HIV/AIDS社会经济后果的研究和对HIV/AIDS防治行为的经济-有效性分析有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于加强人口与计划生育工作稳定低生育水平的决定》提出“要开发、推广避孕节育、优生优育、生殖健康的新技术、新产品,发展生殖健康产业”。为了落实中央决定,国家计生委提出了发展计划生育/生殖健康产业,以事业带动产业,以产业促进事业的战略构想。过去几十年,人们对计划生育药具和技术的需求主要依赖国家的计划供应和免费服务,这对保证广大已婚育龄群众的基本需求,做好人口与计划生育工作,确保人口计划的完成起到了至关重要的作用,同时也为今后进一步做好人口与计划生育工作积累了丰富的经验。虽然国家向实行…  相似文献   

The State Family Planning Commission (SFPC) launched the quality of care (QoC) program in 1995. This program is composed of the following aspects: Popularize scientific knowledge about healthy childbirth and rearing Provide informed choices regarding contraceptive methods Provide hygienic counseling for women during puberty, matrimony, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause Treat infertility Provide gynecological exams Provide sex health counseling At present, 83% of counties…  相似文献   

In an effort to take advantage of the extensive network of the provincial family planning authorities,mobilize public participation and improve interagency coordination in fighting HIV/AIDS,the provincial government of Henan,in central China,lays out five…  相似文献   

国家计生委国际合作司不久前邀请首都部分新闻工作者,就中国计划生育/生殖健康工作的有关进展,进行了交流。国家计生委副主任张玉芹出席了会议并作了重要讲话。 张玉芹副主任在讲话中指出,自1994年“人发大会” 以来,中国的计划生育工作水平不断提高。“人发大会”所提出的生殖健康新概念,以及涵盖家庭、生活、生育等方面的一系列新的理念,为世界范围内的人口与发展指出了新的奋斗方向,也为我国的人口与计划生育提供了新的思路、新的概念和新的方法,并对我国计划生育工作产生了重要的影响。“人发大会” 以后,我国及时提出和…  相似文献   

中国人口发展的R/S分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
引言 近年来,人口系统的非线性特性研究越来越受到学术界的重视。这是因为,人们在认识和分析人口系统时面临许多经典人口学理论所难以解决的问题,迫切要求新方法和新手段的引入。在非线性科学研究中,非线性人口学被列为重点项目。四川大学人口研究所和物理系已承担1992年国家青年社会科学基金资助的“混沌与人口系统的内禀随机性”研究项目,对人  相似文献   

Current Situation and Challenges Family planning among the floating population is critical to stabilizing the current low fertility level in China. The majority of the floating population is farmer workers who are sexually active. According to the 2004 sampling survey conducted by the National Statistical Bureau, the number of  相似文献   

In 2001 alone, 5.3 million people worldwide were infected with HIV/AIDS, bringing the total number of HIV/AIDS carriers to 36.1 million, according to statistics jointly released by the United Nations and the World Health Organization. In this year, AIDS claimed 3 million lives. Of all HIV/AIDS patients, 34.7 million are adults. Women account for 16.4 million and children aged 15 and below 1.4 million. In the worst-hit sub-Sahara region, the figure has reached 25.3 million.…  相似文献   

<正>《人口学刊》是我国创办最早的人口学杂志之一,是面向国内外公开发行的国家级人口学专业期刊,已入选中国人文社会科学引文数据库来源期刊(南京大学)、中文核心期刊要目总览(北京大学)、中国人文社会科学核心期刊(中国社会科学院),是国家社科基金重点资助期刊,2013年、2015年中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊。《人口学刊》固定栏目有:人口与社会、人口流迂与城市化、人口老龄化与社会保障、劳动就业与人力资源开发、人口与资源环境、计划生育理论与实践、留守问题研究、国际  相似文献   

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