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荣振环 《经理人》2012,(11):110-111
打造品牌的新辨识度上世纪90年代,诺基亚CEO奥利拉就预言了手机的移动互联网前景,他意识到通话将成为手机的一个附加功能,其未来在于接入互联网,而诺基亚在一定程度上将变为软件公司。虽然诺基亚省悟得很早,但在行动上却有些"茫然",因未能把握智能手机的发展趋势,至今仍陷经营困境,曾经的首选品牌正在被边缘化。  相似文献   

林瑞明 《经理人》2012,(4):74-77
2011年,以苹果iPhone~I领的智能手机风r潮席卷全球,也带来了手机品牌的“改朝换代”。一度炙手可热的品牌逐渐退出了市场的最前沿,尤其是传统意义上的三大手机巨头一诺基亚、摩托罗拉、索尼爱立信一相继沦落:诺基亚失去了把持多年的霸主地位、摩托罗拉移动则寄身Google……  相似文献   

本文利用品牌偏好指数分析法,对大学生手机市场中,诺基亚、Iphone、三星、索爱等品牌的偏好程度进行了调查和分析,发现多数品牌存在质量不高、品牌定位有偏差、在大学生市场认知度低等问题,并从体验营销、口碑营销、市场细分和定位等方面提出了提高大学生手机品牌偏好的对策。  相似文献   

品牌是经济的命脉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一个地方乃至一个国家经济的发展,无非是积淀一个或十几个叫响市场的品牌。通用、微软、沃尔玛、英特尔、可口可乐,托起了美国经济;丰田、三井、松下、日立,振兴了日本经济;奔驰、宝马、西门子、梅赛德斯,则标志了德国经济。芬兰只有一个品牌,诺基亚。然而,诺基亚以其占领世界手机市场36%、位居“2001年全球最佳品牌龙虎榜”第四位(品牌价值350.4亿美元)的  相似文献   

<正>技术和品牌是相辅相成的。技术是品牌的基础,品牌是技术的体现。2006年新生代市场监测机构CHMS06 (中国市场与媒体研究)的报告显示,摩托罗拉在中国手机市场的品牌竞争力排名上,继2004年被诺基亚夺得第一的位置而屈居第二后,2005年又再一次被三星赶超  相似文献   

郎咸平 《经理人》2007,(6):60-60
现代都市人的必需品、随身物是什么?手机必在三大之列。近年来,手机行业在亚洲地区的发展最为显著,截至2006年底,短短三年内,亚太区手机申请人数上升两倍,达60亿,以中国计,渗透率亦有31%。今日全球手机市场主要由诺基亚和摩托罗拉等国际品牌瓜分,如此看来,只要将品牌国际化,要在市场中赢得一席之位并不难。  相似文献   

2013年9月3日,微软官方网站正式发布消息称,微软公司于美国时间2日晚间宣布收购诺基亚设备与服务部门,并购买诺基亚的专利许可证和地理位置服务平台许可证。微软将获得包括移动手机、智能设备业务以及业内领先的设计团队,运营包括所有诺基亚设备和服务相关的生产设备、市场营销、技术支持。据悉,2014年第一季度收购将全部完成。收购之后,大约有包括芬兰本土以及世界各地的32000名诺基亚员工过渡到微软,诺微"联姻"的时代开启了。  相似文献   

诺基亚全盛时期,全芬兰1%人口在诺基亚上班,每年贡献国家1.5%的GDP。然而,2007年之后,罹患胰腺癌的乔布斯,悄悄创新了iPhone。iPhone的触控式屏幕,指尖一划,将手机巨人诺基亚推到了墙角。纵观诺基亚失落的主因:一是产品设计无亮点,缺少独特功能,与其他智能机相比,没有竞争优势;二是技术创新滞后,与  相似文献   

<正>诺基亚四合一的核心在于捍卫手机市场的王者至尊。手机游戏市场硝烟弥漫 全球最大的手机生产商诺基亚公司一直在不断寻找新的收入来源,公司目前正竭力开拓手机多媒体内容市场,期望能成为一个提供手机游戏、铃声等多媒体内容的中间商。诺基亚正在草拟一份包括游戏、铃声、屏幕保护、图像和视频在内的授权手机内容网络目录。同时还开发出了相应的手机及网络软件,服务提供商可以藉此将目录中的内容发送给用户。  相似文献   

你是一个影像发烧友吗?你期待无论何时何地,都可以轻松进行专业影像的捕捉、编辑和分享吗?你渴望着因分享而来的无穷乐趣吗?如果是,很简单,只要拥有诺基亚N93和诺基亚N73,你的梦想就会立刻在手中变为现实!诺基亚N93和诺基亚N73是诺基亚N系列多媒体电脑手机家族的两个最新成员。诺基亚N系列的每款产品,包括诺基亚N70、N71和N72在内,在拥有先进的智能手机功能之外,都是功能超强的影  相似文献   


This study reports on the short-term effects of an educational programme for immediate supervisors on employees' back pain problems. The course was designed to help supervisors more efficiently deal with employees returning to work after being treated for back pain. Forty-seven supervisors who had personnel either undergoing treatment for back pain problems or were candidates for this treatment were invited to attend a one-day course. This educational package consisted of information about back pain and stressed specific behaviours which supervisors could use to help their employees successfully return to work. The results showed that 78% of the supervisors found the course to be satisfactory enough to recommend it to a colleague without hesitation. Furthermore, independent ratings made by the supervisors and their employees suggested that supervisors complied with the recommended programme. Returning employees, moreover, gave their supervisors significantly higher ratings of support than a control group whose supervisors had not attended the educational programme. It was concluded that an educational programme which alters specific supervisory behaviours may be an effective method of assisting employee return to work after treatment for back pain. Further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of such a programme on absenteeism due to illness.  相似文献   

With the recent global recession, senior executives are desperate to cut costs from back office functions like information technology, human resource management, finance and accounting. Outsourcing these functions has been the primary cost reduction strategy for the past decade, and remains a viable option. But some innovative companies actually see the potential to participate as a supplier in the outsourcing space. Companies such as Lloyds of London, Bank of America, Barclays Bank, and BAE Systems have transformed high-cost, low-performing back office functions into commercial enterprises by partnering with key suppliers. The suppliers typically centralize, standardize, and web-enable the customer’s back office processes, retrain, empower, and motivate transitioned back office staff, and leverage the assets to attract external customers. The results are impressive: lower costs, better service, and revenue generation. Of course, such radical transformation is never pain-free. We aim to help senior executives assess the viability of commercialization of their own back offices and offer eight lessons derived from one customer’s experiences.  相似文献   

This study reports on the short-term effects of an educational programme for immediate supervisors on employees' back pain problems. The course was designed to help supervisors more efficiently deal with employees returning to work after being treated for back pain. Forty-seven supervisors who had personnel either undergoing treatment for back pain problems or were candidates for this treatment were invited to attend a one-day course. This educational package consisted of information about back pain and stressed specific behaviours which supervisors could use to help their employees successfully return to work. The results showed that 78% of the supervisors found the course to be satisfactory enough to recommend it to a colleague without hesitation. Furthermore, independent ratings made by the supervisors and their employees suggested that supervisors complied with the recommended programme. Returning employees, moreover, gave their supervisors significantly higher ratings of support than a control group whose supervisors had not attended the educational programme. It was concluded that an educational programme which alters specific supervisory behaviours may be an effective method of assisting employee return to work after treatment for back pain. Further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of such a programme on absenteeism due to illness.  相似文献   

We consider coordination issues in supply chains where supplier's production process is subject to random yield losses. For a simple supply chain with a single supplier and retailer facing deterministic demand, a pay back contract which has the retailer paying a discount price for the supplier's excess units can provide the right incentive for the supplier to increase his production size and achieve coordination. Building upon this result, we consider coordination issues for two other supply chains: one with competing retailers, the other with stochastic demand. When retailers compete for both demand and supply, they tend to over‐order. We show that a combination of a pay back and revenue sharing mechanism can coordinate the supply chain, with the pay back mechanism correcting the supplier's under‐producing problem and the revenue sharing mechanism correcting the retailers' over‐ordering problem. When demand is stochastic, we consider a modified pay‐back‐revenue‐sharing contract under which the retailer agrees to not only purchase the supplier's excess output (beyond the retailer's order), but also share with the supplier a portion of the revenue made from the sales of the excess output. We show that this contract, by giving the supplier additional incentives in the form of revenue share, can achieve coordination.  相似文献   

在考虑消费者退货的情形下,通过构建包括一个制造商、一个零售商和消费者的二级供应链模型,研究了订货量决策以及制造商开通直销渠道的问题。分析提供退款保证和决策顺序对均衡结果以及制造商开通直销渠道的影响。研究发现:在单一渠道供应链中,提供退款保证提高销量,制造商和零售商利润以及消费者剩余;在不提供退款保证情形下,制造商利润和零售商利润都随零售满意度递增;在提供退款保证情形下,制造商利润和零售商利润都随零售满意度先递减后递增;当直销渠道的成本较高时,制造商将不开通直销渠道;提供退款保证有利于制造商开通直销渠道。在双渠道供应链中:在顺序决策情形下,直销量随零售满意度递增,然而在同时决策情形下,直销量却随零售满意度递减;提供退款保证虽然降低零售商利润但能够提高消费者剩余,零售商利润随直销成本递增,在提供退款保证情形下,制造商利润和总利润随直销成本先递减后递增;当零售满意度较高,且直销成本也较高时,提供退款保证使制造商和零售商“双输”,当零售满意度较高,但直销成本较低时,提供退款保证使制造商和零售商达到(win-lose)。  相似文献   


The current study used a multiple baseline design to investigate the effects of graphic feedback, goal setting, and manager praise on customer service behaviors in a large retail setting. Direct observation of customer greeting, eye contact, and smiling was used to collect data. After baseline data were collected feedback graphs were posted twice each week in the employee break room. A second intervention phase included goal setting and manager praise. Goals were developed based on employees' prior performance and were posted on the graphs. Managers then delivered immediate, verbal praise to employees. Graphic feedback produced slight increases in the customer interaction variables in the front of stores 1 and 2. Another small increase in performance was seen in the back of store 1 and the front and back of store 2 with the implementation of the interventions.  相似文献   

This corss-sectional study exmaines the relationship between healthy lower and psychosocial and physical factors in a random sample of 1773 male construction workers. Infoamtion on lower back status, lifestyle habits, stress, psychosomatic and psychological symptoms, psychosocizal demands and resoruces and physical workload were collected by means of a postal questionnaire. Measures of psycholocial and physical factors were based on factor analysis of the data. The criterion variable 'healthy lower back' (HLB)—no lifetime history of low back pain—proved to be valid compared with an interview and a physical examination. A total of 216 workers (12%) reported HLB. The prevalance rate decreased significantly with increasing age. The prevalence rate of HLB was 6% among workers reporting high stress levels. It was postively influenced when there was a balance between demands and resoruces. A low level of physical workload also increased the prevalence rate of HLB. When age, lifestyle and physical factors were kept constant in a multivariate analysis high scores on the discretions index and low scores on eh psychosomatic, psychological and stress indices cosntributed significantly to an increase prevalence rate of HLB.  相似文献   

为探究C2C平台在线评论中好评返现行为的演化机制,将前景理论和风险感知因素引入演化博弈过程,构建了有别于传统收益矩阵的收益感知矩阵,以更好地刻画奖惩机制设置下买家和商家行为决策的动态演化过程。从前景理论和风险感知的视角诠释最优演化结果难以实现的原因,通过仿真收益和价值感知等不同参数对演化结果的影响,有针对性的提出治理好评返现的措施。研究结果表明:决策者的认知偏差、乐观偏见、确定和反射效应将使系统难收敛于最优演化稳定点;提高决策者对"收益"和"损失"的价值感知及损失规避程度有助于系统演化至最优结果;当博弈双方的初始选择概率,买方的客观差评收益、道德成本、公共利益感知和卖方的好评返现运营成本、抢占市场收益等参数围绕阈值变动时能够改变策略的演化倾向和稳定性。  相似文献   

讨论了一个季节性商品销售环境下的两级供应链库存决策模型,在分析传统回收契约模型的基础上,引入了一个特殊的回收契约,讨论不同契约参数下供应链成员的最优决策.研究表明,在该契约下通过合理的契约参数设计,供应链可以实现帕累托改进.用一个算例对结论进行了说明.  相似文献   


Female assembly workers reporting constant neck and shoulder pain, despite ergonomically acceptable working conditions, were interviewed. As a starting point in the interviews, the patients were asked to describe their general situation at work. Their reports were fed back and discussed with company management in a wider group meeting and resulted in an improvement in their attitudes to those workers. A climate of confidence and well-being was created, which the women experienced as genuine. The workers' report of pains improved dramatically and absence due to musculoskeletal disorders was reduced by more than 90% during the following year.  相似文献   

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