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连谏 《现代妇女》2005,(6):28-29
其实,婆婆在停止做八段锦的日子,她已是明了汉强去了哪里,只是,她不忍心戳破我精心编织的谎言,而且也愿意配合我的谎言,好让自己感觉,汉强并没有离开我们,真的,只是离我们远一点就是了。  相似文献   

每对走进婚姻的男女,无不渴望着尽情享受那种灵肉相融,快慰餍足的"性"福,然而,刚刚步入新婚的夫妻,因为对彼此的性生理和性心理缺乏足够的了解,加之彼此都缺乏性经验,性爱生活质量与内心的渴望相去甚远,于是,疑问迭起,"性"事重重。  相似文献   

仅仅是出于好奇,他们模仿电视节目,玩了一场"交换主妇"的游戏,这个闻所未闻的故事结局会如何呢? 一孙丽和柳宛玲是一对无话不谈的好姐妹。两人都出生在湖北省荆州市,从小在同一座院子里长大,中学大学念的也是同一所学校,大学毕业后,两人又双双南下广州打工。后来勤劳肯干的孙丽在广州开了一家服装店,外形出众的柳宛玲则升职成了所在公司的销售部主任。2005年,两人先后在广州  相似文献   


Ritualistic, overwhelmingly violent bikie gang or cult-inflicted abuse of women, entrenched by co-opting third party cult or gang members, has been referred to as ‘domestic violence’, ‘intimate violence’ or ‘intimate partner violence’. The present article questions the aptitude of these terms to convey the realities of this violence, in light of the experiences of women attending a South Australian domestic violence service, all of whom were escaping violent partners who were members or associates of bikie gangs and cults. The paper asks, ‘is torture an appropriate term for such violence?’ and discusses the impact of social, legal, organisational and human rights parallel states that collaborate to make it almost impossible for these women to escape this violence and make it difficult for social workers to work effectively with them. The paper concludes that the State needs to adopt a human rights rather than legal focus when addressing the issue of violence against women.  相似文献   

Self-reported health is a key quality-of-life measure affected by well-known cognitive biases, such as adaptation (or anchoring to past health conditions) along with a socio-economic vector. There are good reasons to think that both effects heterogeneously impact the health distribution. This paper carries on empirical exercise to test whether the effects of adaptation and income are indeed, affected by individual heterogeneity. We use a continuous scale of health (the Visual Analogue Scale or VAS) and ex-post evaluations of the individual health status to capture adaptation using quantile regression. Our findings suggest that adaptation effects exhibit an inverse U-shaped form, more common in the median of the health distribution. Income effects exhibit a marked and non-linear impact at low quantiles. This is consistent with the hypothesis that income investments for relatively healthy people translate into very moderate effects on health. Health changes evaluated by the median individual are relatively more affected by adaptation.  相似文献   

The young British-born Vietnamese are a relatively invisible group in ‘super-diverse’ London who are often misidentified in their everyday encounters. Eluding more straightforward processes of ethnic or racial assignment, the young Vietnamese ‘pass’ in various different ways as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai or ‘Oriental’. Drawing upon primary interview data and participant observation, this article traces ‘passive’ and ‘deliberate’ forms of passing to highlight how intersecting processes of class, gender and place enable/engender different kinds of passing. It is argued that Vietnamese-passing challenges more ‘celebratory’ readings of (super-) diversity by concealing (and depoliticising) difference and erasing Vietnamese voices rather than allowing for their proliferation. It is suggested that practices of passing may become more common in super-diverse societies, as markers of visible difference become increasingly complex and less determinable, especially among newer, non-colonial migrant groups who are more ambiguously positioned within existing identity regimes.  相似文献   

5月18日,我有幸到中央电视台参加《焦点访谈》栏目评奖工作。会议开始,先从今年第一季度播出的80集《焦点访谈》中,挑出候选的14集给评委现场播放,再进行讨论评出金银铜奖。评奖的事不在这里细说,单说其他一点感悟。14集中,我印象较深的是《专卖还是专横》及《卡式表卡住什么》,前一集说的是辽宁盘锦市某县只准销售本地产的辽河牌啤酒,不许销售其他地方产的啤洒。为此该县专门成立了一个“酒类专卖局”,巡查商店摊点,凡是销售其他牌子啤酒的,吊销营业执照,强令停业。后一集说湖南衡阳市电业系统下令居民更换插卡式电表,统一由该系统出售电表并负责安装,购买安装一个电表收费2000多元,而据调查,电表出厂价仅为300多元。  相似文献   

陈耘 《职业》2002,(4):31-32
如今的就业市场,专科生找不到工作,稀松平常;大学生没有合适的“饭碗”,不再是天方夜谭;研究生早已失去了“物以稀为贵”的优势而不得不“降价出售”;博士生失业或下岗,或许还能被新闻媒体淡淡“炒”上几句。人们在慢慢习惯并接受这种现实时,有没有注意到一个特别群体———女研究生。这几年,考研的应届本科毕业生中,女生的比例越来越高,原因固然种种,但每个人都多多少少考虑到“提高学历在就业市场上更有利”,然而毕业时她们发现情况不像想像的那样美好,自己的身价并没有因为硕士学位帽而提高多少。目前,女研究生就业难形成…  相似文献   

The concept of whiteness is seductive; it strikes a chord and resonates, highlighting what was long ignored in the history of immigrants in America. However, in reading the literature, one cannot help but be troubled by the reduction of a plethora of relations to a singular binary, as important as that binary may be. This paper examines the experience of Polonia (the Polish Diaspora) in America, drawing on broad historical evidence as well as a particular ritual of identification (the Pulaski Day Parade in Philadelphia), in order to highlight the follies of reducing the immigrant experience to one of ‘becoming white.’ This paper challenges three major assumptions in whiteness studies: the particular relationship between ethnicity and race found therein; the assumptions regarding the assimilation of immigrant groups; and the centrality of the white/black binary in processes of identification. Ultimately, the argument presented here posits that to maintain whiteness as an analytically useful concept, it needs to be placed within the complex multitude of relations in which it occurs in the actual experiences of immigrants.  相似文献   

四个即将毕业的女大学生来到某实力雄厚的公司实习,她们都想最终留下来,而实际的情况却是只能有一个人留下来.四个女大学生的能力实在不相上下,平时的表现也都不错,真是让老板难以取舍.  相似文献   

This article examines the Islamization of suburban space in southeast England. Its microgeographies of racialization challenge binary either/or logic, favoured by ‘mosque conflict’ approaches and instead demonstrate how residents’ negotiations are channelled through everyday both/and logic rooted in multiplicity and indeterminacy. A key element in negotiations is the ‘sometimes quality’ of the ‘Islamic Centre’ that allows it to be both a ‘mosque’ and ‘not-a-mosque’. Moreover, each of the differently positioned residents shows uneven discursive capacities for identity, belonging and community in relation to the Islamization of suburban space, and each is afforded differential empowerment and capabilities under social discourses of ‘multiculturalism’ and ‘tolerance’. In examining these microgeographies of racialization, this paper also extends representational accounts of lived experiences surrounding the Islamization of space by attending to affect, emotion and materiality. To do so, the notion of ‘discursive assemblage’ is developed.  相似文献   

与陌生人初次交谈时,谈论天气绝对不是一个可行的办法,绕来绕去总是打太极,至多只能作为填补冷场的话题,而谈论“你是哪里人。则是一个不错的选择。然而,当我回答这个问题的时候,却遇到了问题。  相似文献   

正我是从哪里来的?几乎所有的孩子都问过父母这样的问题。日前,微博上有人提出这个问题,引起数千网友晒身世:众多来自垃圾桶的邻居互相问候、来自买奶粉或充话费附送的网友自嘲、来自卖烤红薯的大叔的网友晒童年恐怖感觉……然而,专家认为,在父母那里看似玩笑的笑谈,可能会对儿童心理造成伤害,甚至影响孩子对父母的信任。  相似文献   

据相关数据统计,2009年城乡居民收入差距为3.33倍,行业收入差距为1593倍,地区收入差距为2.43倍,居民最高收入组与最低收入组相差23倍.在题为<深化改革,调整结构,促进形成公平合理的收入分配格局>的论坛主旨报告中,全国人大农业与农村委员会委员、中国劳动学会会长、原劳动保障部副部长华福周指出了我国收入分配领域改革的四大"病症":劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重和居民收入在国民收入中的比重仍然较低:收入差距继续扩大;分配秩序不规范;收入分配的宏观调控体系尚不健全.  相似文献   

年过四十之后,触耳总是这类"女人吁天录". 当初"一不留神"写了个<致橡树>,被浪漫纯情的姑娘们苦苦追索二十多年,似乎我在经营着一个橡树苗圃哩.尽管紧接着又写<神女峰>,告诉她们"与其在悬崖上展览千年,不如在爱人肩头痛哭一晚",年轻人是不耐烦听完的.等岁月把她们从悬崖上逼下来,已找不到那个可以痛哭的肩头了.  相似文献   

"www .bangdengxieye.com",也许只是浩瀚的网络世界中一个极其普通的英文域名.然而,令人惊讶的是,英文域名中"bangdeng"几个英文字母的拼写恰恰与国内一家企业的注册商标雷同.域名是企业的网络"商标",在紧急叫停未果后,这家企业高举讼旗,将英文域名的注册者推上被告席.2005年12月12日,随着湖南省益阳市中级人民法院审判庭响起一声清脆的法槌,这起全国首例由抢注英文域名引发的商标侵权官司落下了帷幕.  相似文献   

“www.bangdengxieye.com”,也许只是浩瀚的网络世界中一个极其普通的英文域名。然而,令人惊讶的是,英文域名中“bangdeng”几个英文字母的拼写恰恰与国内一家企业的注册商标雷同。域名是企业的网络“商标”,在紧急叫停未果后,这家企业高举讼旗,将英文域名的注册者推上被告席。  相似文献   

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