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透过社会网观点看本土管理理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李智超  罗家德 《管理学报》2011,8(12):1737-1747
在社会网理论架构下,合理的治理机制和社会结构实质是在密网与疏网、结构洞与密封团体、耦合与脱耦、自组织与层级治理之间取得动态平衡。中国人社会行为与网络结构特质是"差序格局"和"情境中心"的,因此"圈子"、"熟人关系"(人情交换)、自组织治理机制是理解中国本土管理之道的关键所在。中国本土管理思想与社会网观点有契合之处,社会网分析可以为研究中国本土管理提供坚实的理论基础和有力的分析工具。  相似文献   

中国是个熟人社会、关系社会,每个人都生活在各种各样的圈子之中,并通过圈子里的互助、关爱,编织盘根错节的关系网,构建坚实稳定而又温情脉脉的社会交往结构。圈子文化本无可厚非,但是这种文化一旦进入官场,与权力勾连在一起,便成为滋生腐败的土壤。  相似文献   

现在,社会上流传着这样一句话:进了班子还要进圈子,进班子不进圈子等于没进班子,进了圈子不进班子等于进了班子。简单说,就是做官要懂得融入所谓的小圈子。中国社会自古以来十分看重人情,做什么事情往往把人情关系放到重要位置,认为这样才能事半功倍。在干部队伍中,看重人情关系的现象也有一定市场。正如上面提到的,入圈就能得到好处和实惠,不入圈就要受到冷落甚至打压。干部能否得到提拔重用,要看与上级领导尤其是一把手的关系亲疏。这样的现象在现实中的确存在。  相似文献   

中国是个熟人社会、关系社会,每个人都生活在各种各样的圈子之中,并通过圈子里的互助、关爱,编织盘根错节的关系网,构建坚实稳定而又温情脉脉的社会交往结构。圈子文化本无可厚非,但是这种文化一旦进入官场,与权力勾连在一起,便成为滋生腐败的土壤。官场"圈子文化"根源只有找到病根,才能开出药方。治理"圈子腐败"首先要认识"圈子文化"嫁接并生长在"权力场"上的三个根本原因:一是权力过分集中的组织机构体制。我们的国家机构是按照民主集中制原则组织起来的,而且在党的组织、行政系统、军队系  相似文献   

最近抓贪腐抓出了一些窝案,“打老虎”打出了团伙,所以又有人感慨中国“关系社会”的“劣根性”。这种认识虽然情有可原,但这样的思维是不全面的。关系与圈子就和法律一样,都是工具,可以用来为恶也可以用来为善,且都是一个社会治理机制中不可或缺的部分,只不过一个是非正式机制,一个是正式机制,各有功能,也各有利弊,需要相辅相成才能带来好的社会治理。好的关系治理可以带来和谐关系、礼治社会、自治团体和社群伦理,但关系和圈子若在没底线的人手上,就成了特权、后门。裹挟进圈子的人,称兄道弟,互相吹捧,出了问题,百般包庇;对圈子外的人则多方刁难,排斥打击,落井下石。同样的,法律落在这些人手上也一样为恶,走漏洞,操控立法,造就一堆“华尔街肥猫”,危害社会。  相似文献   

正圈子,看不见摸不着,却又随处都有。一般来说,人都不愿离群索居,而喜欢"呼朋唤友",因此,许多人会因爱好而结成圈子。在圈子里,彼此可相互切磋、取长补短,从而提高技艺,增添生活情趣。这样的圈子,是值得倡导的。然而,有一种圈子,却是人民群众深恶痛绝的。这就是腐败圈子。权力圈子——人身依附,"共荣辱、同进退"  相似文献   

最近抓贪腐抓出了一些窝案,"打老虎"打出了团伙,所以又有人感慨中国"关系社会"的"劣根性"。这种认识虽然情有可原,但这样的思维是不全面的。关系与圈子就和法律一样,都是工具,可以用来为恶也可以用来为善,且都是一个社会治理机制中不可或缺的部分,只不过一个是非正式机制,一个是正式机制,各有功能,也各有利弊,需要相辅相成才能带来好的社会治理。好的关系治理可以带来和谐关系、礼治社会、自治团体和社群伦理,但关系和  相似文献   

<正>工作中,一些基于兴趣的圈子存在的意义,在于可以让人开阔自己的思路,认识很多日常工作中没法接触到的人。但是,一个人如果仅仅依靠圈子,那也是难以成就未来的。因为在职业发展到一定阶段,人脉所占的比重要远远低于组织因素和个人能力的比重。  相似文献   

陈仓 《领导文萃》2008,(8):61-64
自从有了城市,中国民间便有了城乡“二元结构”,有了农民、市民和流民的分野。农民和市民社会是熟人社会,流民社会俗称江湖,是个陌生人社会。江湖上的人无父母、家庭、宗族、邻里依靠,个人势单力薄,  相似文献   

中国企业“走出去”实现国际化扩张、获取海外资源过程中,面临着多重制度嵌入以及相应的制度压力。基于全球合法性构建的战略考虑,企业会选择母国社会责任脱耦(即企业社会责任实践(“做”)与社会责任报告(“说”)不一致)回应母国和东道国制度逻辑冲突。文章基于制度逻辑视角,利用2011—2018年中国上市公司研究样本数据,分析了国际化程度对于母国社会责任脱耦的影响,检验了行业竞争压力和制度差距的调节作用。实证结果发现:(1)随着国际化程度加强,企业在母国市场的反应性社会责任脱耦减弱,而战略性社会责任脱耦加强;(2)行业竞争压力削弱了国际化程度和母国反应性社会责任脱耦的负向关系,而对国际化程度和母国战略性社会责任脱耦的正向关系具有强化作用;(3)制度逆差对于国际化程度和母国反应性社会责任脱耦关系具有负向调节作用。研究结论为新兴经济体企业如何通过社会责任战略回应国际化的复杂制度压力和合法性要求提供了经验借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper presents the main findings of postal questionnaires on quality circle failure based on a total response from 127 manufacturing organisations. Also reported are the results of interviews held in four of the respondent companies with facilitators, and leaders and members of quality circles which had failed. The findings indicate that some companies are still ignoring the well documented guidelines for circle programme implementation and operation. Redundancies and or company restructuring remain the major causes of both complete programme and individual circle failure. It is also pointed that most circle members are not interested in financial rewards for their circle activities, but there is a general feeling that non members do not appreciate their efforts. Significant differences in opinion were found between circle members and those of circle leaders and facilitators, in particular, those related to perceptions of management support for circles.  相似文献   

跨国专利合作网络中技术接近性的调节作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
向希尧 《管理科学》2015,28(1):111-121
技术接近性对于企业间的跨国专利合作具有重要作用.基于多维接近性整体分析框架,采用中国电力系统技术领域2000年至2008年国外专利合作数据,分析技术接近性对其他接近性的调节作用.通过构造112家中外企业的专利合作网络,运用QAP网络回归方法实证检验跨国专利合作网络中技术接近性在地理接近性和社会接近性影响专利合作网络中节点连接距离和连接重要性过程中的调节作用.研究结果表明,在考虑多维接近性共同作用时,技术接近性对网络节点的连接距离和连接重要性具有重要影响,有助于节点之间构筑较短的连接渠道并形成较为重要的合作关系.除此以外,技术接近性还能正向调节社会接近性对连接重要性的正效应,但对于社会接近性与连接距离之间的关系没有显著的影响.由此验证了技术接近性可以影响其他接近性与跨国知识合作关系的基本假设,为进一步揭示不同接近性之间的相互作用机制提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

Strategy implementation is difficult, particularly as it often requires changes in formal organization structures. Prior research has shown that change in the formal structure may affect employee networks. Yet, we know relatively little about how such changes affect different network ties. This paper considers how formal structural change affects senior managers’ ability to maintain their intraorganizational networks. The hypotheses are tested on sample of 884 work-related relationships of 96 partners in a global professional services firm. This firm had recently implemented a new strategy, which led to a change in the product-market focus and the resulting formal structure. Our findings reveal that the characteristics of a specific network tie determine whether it is affected by formal structural change. In particular, we find that network ties that are highly embedded in the social structure are more likely to be affected by change in the formal structure. In contrast, ties that are relationally embedded are less likely to be affected by change in the formal structure. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these results. In particular, the findings may have consequences for the success of strategy implementation and strategic transformation efforts.  相似文献   

Extant public administration network literature tend to conceptualize and measure relationships in networks based on the premise that the nodes and ties in networks lie on a single-level horizontal structure. The purpose of the current study is to suggest that networks are inevitably multi-level and multi-dimension structures and propose a multi-level multi-dimension network model (MLMD). More specifically, network relationships such as within-level, inter-level, and inter-sector are offered to depict the multi-layered and multi-sectoral nature of the network relationships among the government and non-government actors. For empirical analysis, the current study constructs a hypothetical network to describe MLMD.  相似文献   

本文基于网络结构嵌入理论,研究了网络结构不同维度对企业创新行为的影响。利用331份企业有效样本数据进行统计分析,对本文的理论模型进行了检验。实证研究结果表明:关系强度、网络位置和网络密度均对渐进式创新产生显著正向影响,而对突变式创新产生显著负向影响;网络异质性对渐进式创新产生显著负向影响,但对突变式创新产生显著正向影响。  相似文献   

In Japan, quality circles are a highly successful program of employee problem solving that began as part of Deming's effort to improve quality control. Beginning in the early seventies, the program was imported to the United States with great expectations. Recently, doubts have arisen about the utility of this program in American business where there has been little controlled research to test the efficacy of quality circles. In the present study, self-monitoring instructions were applied for one month to decrease losses of wire clips from a manufacturing process. At a similar plant an ongoing quality circle had been working on the same problem for a year. Self-monitoring instructions produced equal decreases in clip losses during the first measurement period but clip losses returned to baseline when these instructions were removed. Clip losses in the quality circle plant showed a significant decrease over the year of intervention. Absenteeism and lost-time also showed significant decreases for the quality circle members but not for those doing self-monitoring. The conflict between demonstrated circle effects and excpectations was then analyzed with an emphasis on circles as a means to improve quality control rather than provide participative management. Circle failures are seen as reflecting a human relations rather than a quality control approach to quality circles. Increased data collection, feedback and reinforcement are recommended to bring quality circles in America into line with Deming's original conception and the Japanese model.  相似文献   

B.G. Dale  S.G. Hayward 《Omega》1984,12(5):475-484
This paper presents the results of a study of quality circle failures in UK manufacturing companies. A questionnaire survey formed the first part of the investigation, which reveals that the majority of companies which implement quality circles should expect to encounter some form of failure. The first three years of operating a quality circle programme represent the critical period for establishing long-term survival of the programme, whilst in the case of individual circles it is the first 18 months. The results indicate that white collar circles are more difficult to sustain over time than are circles in blue collar areas. The main reasons for circle failure include: rejection of the concept by top management and trade unions; the company restructuring, redundancies and labour turnover; circle leaders lacking time to organise meetings and a lack of co-operation from middle and first-line management. It is pointed out, that despite an average circle failure rate of 20%, there is a high level of satisfaction with quality circles amongst the respondents.  相似文献   

Relationships with work colleagues can mitigate job stress; this article proposes a new perspective on such effects, in accordance with social capital theory, to delineate the potentially distinct impacts of the two dimensions of relational and structural social capital. A partial least squares analysis of network data in a medium-sized company (N = 343) offers evidence of an effect of the relational dimension (tie strength), through social support. The structural dimension (bridging ties, i.e. whether an employee has social ties with members of other departments) reveals a dual effect involving reduced stress but also diminished social support, which can increase stress. These dual effects reflect the two levels on which bridging ties act, namely, cognitive (selfdistancing) and social (marginalization from the immediate work context) levels. Next, with two scenario-based experiments (N = 289 and 245), the authors manipulate bridging ties and gain further evidence of the proposed mechanisms. These findings highlight the social underpinnings of stress and the critical role of the structure, not just the quality, of work relationships. They also identify a dark side of bridging ties, which can enhance individual performance but also create the potential for negative wellbeing outcomes.  相似文献   

The ties that lead: A social network approach to leadership   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
This article investigates, for leadership research, the implications of new directions in social network theory that emphasize networks as both cognitive structures in the minds of organizational members and opportunity structures that facilitate and constrain action. We introduce the four core ideas at the heart of the network research program: the importance of relations, actors' embeddedness, the social utility of connections, and the structural patterning of social life. Then we present a theoretical model of how network cognitions in the minds of leaders affect three types of networks: the direct ties surrounding leaders, the pattern of direct and indirect ties within which leaders are embedded in the whole organization and the interorganizational linkages formed by leaders as representatives of organizations. We suggest that these patterns of ties can contribute to leader effectiveness.  相似文献   

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