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在构建社会主义和谐社会中,公证制度的发展,对于优化法律体系架构和法制现代化意义非凡。中国公证行业尽管经由二十多年的恢复重建,但仍处在自发层面及实用性社会层面,而没能进入自觉性、制度化、规范化的境界。虽然在公证模式上我国沿袭的是大陆法系国家公证制度,但却具有"混合式"特点。无论是公证行业准入标准,公证权性质,公证法定性的规定,还是公证证明之效力以及公证在司法制度中的地位,都体现出我国公证模式混合式的"中国特色"。《公证法》的出台虽为公证制度成熟发展提供了法律保障,但公证在实践中却显多方掣肘。究其原因,寻找一条适合中国本土化的公证制度良性发展之路成为当务之急。大陆法系国家成熟而发达的公证制度一直被中国奉为圭臬,它也必将为中国公证制度发展择善而从提供借鉴。  相似文献   

夫妻财产制度的确立和发展是我国从计划经济向市场经济转型过程中在婚姻立法上的一个突出进步.我国夫妻财产约定制是夫妻财产制度的重要内容之一.在立法模式上,它采用限制式约定制的大陆法系国家的立法模式.它是意思自治原则在夫妻财产制度中的高度体现.在办理夫妻财产约定协议公证的实践中,公证的形式审查及实质审查决定着公证质量及公证公信力.在对主体资格、协议形式、签订时间及财产范围等公证形式审查的基础之上,对当事人意思表示的真实性、协议内容的合法性及法定性的公证实质审查也尤为重要.而公证机构和公证员充分、适当地履行法定的公证告知义务及特殊的公证告知义务,则是确保夫妻财产合法权益,预防纠纷,减少诉讼,提升公证社会公信力和完善公证诚信体系的有效手段.  相似文献   

赵蕾 《探求》2013,(1):79-84
本文以广东珠江典当公司诉广州南方公证处案为例,探讨公证机构是否应当对公证申请人的真实身份进行实质性审查的问题。经过对公证机构的实质性审查权和形式性审查权的分析,借鉴国外对审查权的规定,得出我国公证机构应当对公证事项进行实质性审查的结论。通过程序性规范以及公证人员的阐明权和经验法则的运用,公证机构的实质性审查权才能实现。但是实质性审查并不等于客观真实,如果公证机构已经达到了"谨慎、勤勉"的审查标准,则无需承担公证不实的责任。  相似文献   

张鹏 《社科纵横》2007,22(5):16-17
中国的公证制度经过20多年的改革和发展,已成为我国社会主义法制的重要组成部分,在我国的经济发展进程中,起着举足轻重的作用。公证为中国社会主义的经济建设及中国参与经济全球化进程,发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   

在涉外经济活动中,依国际惯例,要求对各种文书、资料予以公证,以证实其效力.中国公证文书具有权威性、可靠性和不可替代性,使其在国际上得到了广泛的认可.而且能够使企业顺利走进国际经济大市场,变被动公证为主动公证,应制定相应的地方行政法规,不但可以弥补我国法规方面的欠缺,同时,约束企业按国际惯例参与涉外经济活动,促进我国的涉外经济活动的顺利、广泛、深入地开展.  相似文献   

随着我国内地人民法院审理涉港澳民商事案件量日趋增加,我国区际司法冲突日益明显,其中域外证据公证证明制度在实践中存在一定争议。本文旨在通过讨论民商事诉讼域外证据公证证明制度的合理性因素,对人民法院适用域外证据公证证明制度的实践创新作出学理探讨。  相似文献   

唐先锋 《社科纵横》2006,21(2):67-68
《中华人民共和国公证法》在国内首次较为系统地规定了公证专家民事责任制度,文章运用民法学中专家民事责任理论对该制度加以研究,分析了目前国内公证专家责任采用过错归责的原因,阐释了该责任的具体构成要件,并从责任主体、赔偿范围、赔偿方式等方面具体分析了该责任的承担问题。  相似文献   

网络遗嘱(Oigital_Will,又译为“数字遗嘱”),是用户可以将不方便告知或未及时告知的遗嘱、遗愿、隐私、财务信息以及其它重要信息放在经过加密的网络保管箱内,当用户因意外事件去世后,网络保管箱内的数据将在公证机构的全程公证监督下传递给用户设置的指定联系人、这项终身托管为一次性收费业务,目前仪需29元。  相似文献   

大数据时代的来临,市场经济数据化成为新的商业模式。数据流的竞争导致极具膨胀广告效应的商标侵权现象日益严重,网络环境下商标侵权的易逝性、容易性和信息的不确定性给行政执法、商标维持中的举证带来新的挑战。公证成为对电子证据保全最有效的方式,其规范性、确定性保证了电子证据的强大效力,并呈现出公证申请的形式审查和不受地域限制的特点。  相似文献   

公证牵涉到人们生活的方方面面,国际民事交往需要公证、经济建设需要公证、社会生活也需要公证。随着人们对“公证”这一国家司法证明制度的逐渐认识,有越来越多的公民已学会运用这一法律手段,保护自己的合法权益、规范自己的行为。为此,有识之士不无感慨──  相似文献   

城镇最低生活保障制度是我国实施比较成功的一项社会救助措施,它在维持城市居民最低生活需求,克服贫困方面起到了重要的作用。在该制度日益发挥其重要作用的同时,有必要对其进行探索研究,解决其存在的问题,更好的发挥其"最后一道安全网"的作用。  相似文献   


Recent trends in medicine reflect an attempt to be more patient-centered and while this is progress from the disease- or provider-focused model familiar in healthcare, the experiences and contributions of family as caregivers continue to be overlooked in some settings. The family-centered care model, developed most notably in pediatrics, but emerging in HIV, cancer, and aging, is presented as a resource to increase family involvement at the end of life. In this paper, family-centered care is defined, caregiving trends including support needs of formal and informal caregivers are discussed, and barriers to family-centered services are identified. Reintroducing family into the focus of care at the end of life is the primary goal of this paper. The family-centered model of care offers an appropriate framework for understanding the value of family in end-of-life care and fits well with social work perspectives that understand individuals in the context of their family system and greater environment.  相似文献   

Inclusion of the family in the comprehensive psychiatric assessment of the nursing-home bound person is essential for a more complete understanding of the patient's symptoms and for lessening the stress of the family members. Collaboration with family members can lead to their improved adaptation to developmental issues of later life. The crisis of hospitalization and consideration of long-term care needs can be the catalyst for the family's coming to terms with unresolved early life issues and the renewal or creation of an emotionally supportive intergenerational system.  相似文献   

Recent trends in medicine reflect an attempt to be more patient-centered and while this is progress from the disease- or provider- focused model familiar in healthcare, the experiences and contributions of family as caregivers continue to be overlooked in some settings. The family-centered care model, developed most notably in pediatrics, but emerging in HIV, cancer, and aging, is presented as a resource to increase family involvement at the end of life. In this paper, family-centered care is defined, caregiving trends including support needs of formal and informal caregivers are discussed, and barriers to family-centered services are identified. Reintroducing family into the focus of care at the end of life is the primary goal of this paper. The family- centered model of care offers an appropriate framework for understanding the value of family in end-of-life care and fits well with social work perspectives that understand individuals in the context of their family system and greater environment.  相似文献   

清末新政时期,近代警察制度作为一项重要内容从西方引入我国。伴随着警政建设的发展,近代警察职业群体出现于市民社会中,他们在城市近代化进程中扮演了重要的社会角色,他们的生活状态也是近代城市社会生活的一个组成部分。通过对近代北京警察生活的探析,我们可以隐约看到全国警察群体生活的大致概况,也由此可以反映出中国近代城市社会生活的一个缩影。  相似文献   

道德利他是现实道德生活之中一种特殊的道德现象,它与制度伦理有着紧密的联系。一定的制度和制度体系既可能构成道德利他现象生成的障碍,也可能构成道德利他现象生成的动力。从正式制度和非正式制度两个层面出发,可以构建出不同性质的促进道德利他现象生成的对策体系。  相似文献   

Increasingly, low‐income non‐custodial parents in the USA, primarily fathers, are at risk of incarceration for failure to make child support payments, clogging the prison system, preventing already at‐risk fathers from holding a job and removing them from relationships with their children. This paper examines an innovative programme in one south‐eastern state that provides an alternative to incarceration for non‐compliant parents, also allowing fathers an opportunity to find gainful employment; to learn valuable life skills; and to establish healthier relationships with their children. Data analysis from 3 years of programme implementation suggests that low‐income non‐custodial fathers enrolled in the Alternative to Incarceration programme have a much greater chance to fulfil their obligations, both as wage earners and as parents, when they are in a programme that provides life skills, helps them find employment and provides other supports to help them improve their life situation rather than incarcerating them for non‐payment of child support. Furthermore, this programme represents a substantial cost savings to the state, as hundreds of fathers have remained outside of the prison system. To date, this alternative to incarceration is a promising solution to a previously intractable problem.  相似文献   

Acculturation and Korean-American Children's Social and Play Behavior   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examined how acculturation styles are related to Korean immigrant mothers' parenting and play attitudes and their young children's social and play behavior. 108 Korean-American and 52 European-American mothers completed the Parents as Teacher Inventory and a play questionnaire. Observers recorded children's social and play behavior during free play activities in their preschool, and teachers rated their social behavior. Korean-American mothers completed an acculturation measure. Results showed Korean-American mothers who had an 'assimilated' acculturation style, were more accepting and encouraging of children's creativity and play, and reported more parent-child play in the home than mothers with an integrated, marginal, or separated acculturation styles. Children of assimilated and integrated mothers engaged in more frequent pretend play and were rated by their teachers as being more difficult. The results suggest there are distinct cultures of family life and childhood that manifest themselves as Korean immigrant families individually adapt to life in the U.S. The findings support the importance of examining cultural differences that exist between people whose ancestry can be traced to the same nationality.  相似文献   

自闭症儿童的康复是一个世界性难题。从社会工作视角来看则更加注重自闭症儿童与家庭环境和社会环境的互动。自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者是自闭症儿童社会支持系统的“桥梁”,本文正是从自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者入手来研究其对自闭症儿童康复和积极融入社会的重要意义、面临的困境和相应对策。研究发现,自闭症儿童的家庭照顾者不仅存在经济压力和专业护理知识匮乏,更重要的是其内在巨大的心理压力和社会支持系统不足。本文从社会工作实践的优势视角出发,提出了构建家庭照顾者的互助系统以克服无助悲观的心态,加快恢复家庭的社会功能,促进自闭症儿童和家庭融人日常社会。  相似文献   

刘海霞 《创新》2013,(2):30-32,42
公民意识是个体对自己在国家政治生活和社会生活中的主体地位以及法定权利和法定义务的自觉意识,包括主体意识、权利意识、责任意识、参与意识、民主法治意识等。积极培育公民意识是中国实现现代化强国的关键,中华民族实现伟大复兴的理性选择。因此,加强科学发展观教育、社会主义核心价值体系教育、公德意识教育和社会主义法制教育是当前公民意识培育的重大而紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

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