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The proposition that we should "leave behind skepticism about ancient history"appeared in the early 1990s, which happens  相似文献   

Ontheissueofsexualharassment,mainstreamfeministtheoryintheWestholdsthattheproblemmainlyarisesbecauseofunequalsexualrecognition,andthatitreflectsthe"plundering"offemaleresourcesbymenthroughtheuseoftheirpower.Thistheoryhas,however,beenchallengedinChina,sincethesocialbackgroundisdifferent.Thesexualharassmentsufferedbymigrantwomenworkers,whooccupyarelativelylowersocialpositionthanurbanwomen,hasclearlocalcharacteristics.Ⅰ.SexualharassmentandtheprotectionofmigrantwomenworkersTheterm"migrantwomenwo…  相似文献   

ThefirstSinedermanacademicseminaronthetheoryandethicsoftheeconomicorder,jointlyofganizedbytheInstituteofPhilosophyundertheChineseAcademyofSocialSciencesandtheHanoverInstituteofPhilosophicalStudies,washeldinBeijingfrom6t08March1995.PresentattheseminarweresisdelegatesffomGermanyandeighteenfromChina.Discussionsattheseminarcenteredaroundfivetopics:(1)theroleofethicsinaperiodofeconomicdevelopmentandsocialtransformation;(2)thestrategyandproblemsinvolvedinestablishinganofderlymarketeconomy;(3)l…  相似文献   


From 1960 through 1972, Dr. Eugene Saenger oversaw the experimental administration of lethal and near‐lethal doses of radiation to hospital patients at the University of Cincinnati. These experiments were funded by the US Department of Defense, and were specifically designed to acquire military information on the effects of radiation in combat soldiers. Although Saenger's research was terminated after public exposure in 1971, a full and detailed account has not been available until now. The account provided by the President's Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments (ACHRE) in their Final Report of 1995 was incomplete. Our account is based on a reanalysis of all the material available to ACHRE, including highly critical peer reviews by U.C. faculty members. We also present, for the first time, several case histories taken from the medical records of Dr. Saenger's subjects.  相似文献   

I develop a model to explain U.S. Senate roll call confirmation vote tallys (i.e., the level of affirmative voting) for executive branch appointments submitted by the president from 1945 to 1996. The theoretical framework assumes senators as strategic actors operating within the confirmation context where many senators are cross-pressured between a norm of deference towards the appointing president which pervades the environment and their own policy/constituency agenda. The dampening effect on negative voting by this presidential leverage on appointments is attenuated when senators assess the situation and determine it is politically safer to vote to reject. The findings show that the grounds of opposition voiced against a nomination and aspects of the appointing president’s political strength are important components in explaining negative voting in confirmation roll calls.  相似文献   

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