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张敏 《经营管理者》2012,(6X):258-258
为了提升土地储备项目的监管水平,保证土地储备项目的廉洁高效,加强土地储备开发监管和风险防范就显得尤为重要。本文首先分析了土地储备开发监管存在的问题及风险,其次,就如何加强土地储备开发监管和风险防范进行了深入的探讨,提出了自己的建议和看法,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

企业培训总是与风险同时存在的。企业培训的风险按照形成的原因可以分为内在风险和外在风险。其中内在风险包括培训观念风险和培训技术风险,外在风险包括资源流动风险和培训收益的风险。企业可以通过做好培训评估、制定合理的薪金计划、建立人才储备和管理系统以及优秀的企业文化、与竞争对对手合作甚至采取回避等策略来降低企业面临的培训风险。  相似文献   

企业法律纠纷和涉诉风险日益妨碍房地产开发的合法、顺利进行,对房地产开发法律风险的防范成为企业面临的紧迫课题.文章通过调查,对房地产开发企业法律风险防范现状进行了探讨,然后提出了防范措施.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,近年以来,各地的建筑行业得到突飞发展。各地也纷纷加大了对建设行业的投资力度,于是乎,施工企业商迎来了前所未有的大好发展时机。但是在竞争的同时,建筑市场存在着许多恶性竞争。导致施工企业工程利润低,拖欠工程款现象十分严重,如何有效规避合同签订和履行的法律风险,已成为当务之急。本文首先对建筑施工企业法律风险管理进行了概述,并简述了法律风险管理体系建设,在此基础上说明了建筑施工企业主要法律风险防范。  相似文献   

叶志宏 《经营管理者》2009,(23):171-172
随着国内外建筑市场竞争日趋加剧,同时建筑市场中不规范的运作行为和供过于求的局面,造成建筑企业带资承包、垫资施工已成为建筑市场的普遍现象。建筑企业能否垫资施工已经成为能否获得工程项目的关键,但同时垫资施工的建筑企业在合同的履行过程中也将面临着巨大的资金风险,因此认识和防范这些风险问题,对于规范建筑企业的行为和促进建筑市场的健康发展,显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

高科技企业新产品开发设想来源的实证研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
有效地管理新产品创新设想来源是提高企业新产品开发能力的关键问题.本文采取实地参与、访谈和问卷调查相结合的方式,对北京中关村地区37家高新技术企业及1家外资企业的53种新产品的研究开发情况进行了详细调查.用大量的案例作为支持,对其新产品开发设想来源作了潭入细致的研究和分析.最后,对如何改进我国高新技术企业新产品开发设想来源的管理提出了一系列建议,以资有关企业参考借鉴  相似文献   

随着房地产持续高位运行以及国家调控力度的不断加大,商业银行巨额房地产开发贷款的系统风险不断聚积,其中潜在的法律风险不可忽视。本文拟结合当前我国房地产市场形势和政策环境的变化, 从法律工作角度深入剖析商业银行房地产开发贷款存在的主要风险点,并就如何防范房地产开发贷款的法律风险提出对策。  相似文献   

当前,全球金融危机笼罩,房地产业首当其冲。而房地产业融资风险与防范研究对提高我国房地产经营开发企业在新的资本市场形势下进行融资运作的风险规避与防范有着重要的意义。因此,为了能对这些新的潜在风险有效地进行规避与防范,本文研究了当前形势下的房地产业融资风险及其防范。  相似文献   

许多企业已经把建立基于互联网的供应链系统纳入企业战略目标,但同时也面临各种各样的风险。如何认识和防范这些风险是很多企业共同面对的问题。本文就此进行简单的探讨。  相似文献   

李静 《经营管理者》2012,(1X):243-243
企业财务风险具有不确定性、复杂性,影响程度相异性等特征。企业应通过分析企业财务风险的内部原因,根据自身的情况和特点,采取正确的措施防范财务风险。  相似文献   

Many energy technologies that can provide reliable, low-carbon electricity generation are confined to nations that have access to robust technical and economic capabilities, either on their own or through geopolitical alliances. Equally important, these nations maintain a degree of institutional capacity that could lower the risks associated with deploying emergent energy technologies such as advanced nuclear or carbon capture and storage. The complexity, expense, and scrutiny that come with building these facilities make them infeasible choices for most nations. This paradigm is slowly changing, as the pressing need for low-carbon electricity generation and ongoing efforts to develop modular nuclear and carbon capture technologies have opened the door for potentially wider markets, including in nations without substantial institutional capacity. Here, using advanced nuclear technologies as our testbed, we develop new methods to evaluate national readiness for deploying complex energy infrastructure. Specifically, we use Data Envelopment Analysis—a method that eliminates the need for expert judgment—to benchmark performance across nations. We find that approximately 80% of new nuclear deployment occurs in nations that are in the top two quartiles of institutional and economic performance. However, 85% of potential low-carbon electricity demand growth is in nations that are in the bottom two quartiles of performance. We offer iconic paradigms for deploying nuclear power in each of these clusters of nations if the goal is to mitigate risk. Our research helps redouble efforts by industry, regulators, and international development agencies to focus on areas where readiness is low and risk correspondingly higher.  相似文献   

产品责任预防方法与体系研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
产品责任是我国企业在加入WTO后面临的一个重要课题。由于我国在产品责任方面的立法水平较低,企业管理层尚未对产品责任问题有充分的认识。本文就造成产品责任的三种缺陷提出了产品责任预防的策略与方法。提出了将产品责任预防体系与ISO9000质量管理体系融合,达到预防产品责任,提高产品质量和企业竞争力的目的。  相似文献   

研发阶段新产品信息发布:时间与频率策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新产品开发过程中,何时、以什么频率向外发布所开发的新产品的信息,是企业经营者需要决策的重要问题.现有的文献对新产品信息发布频率尚无直接研究,对首次发布信息时间的研究也还非常有限.本文基于信号理论和有效市场理论,以2000-2010年间我国上市公司发布的602个新产品项目为样本,采用事件研究法和回归分析,研究了研发阶段企业新产品信息发布的时间与频率策略及其市场效果.结果表明,新产品首次发布信息的时间、发布信息的频率对新产品的市场价值都存在倒U形的影响;开发过程中企业与外部商业伙伴的合作对上述两种影响产生负向的调节作用;新产品的创新性正向调节首次发布信息的时间对新产品市场价值的影响.本文的研究结果对于企业新产品开发阶段信息传播策略具有现实的指导意义.  相似文献   

本文在对产品开发内在风险的影响因素进行系统分析的基础上,建立了一套较为全面的产品开发内在风险多层次评价指标体系,并利用未确知测度模型给出了一种多层次未确知测度产品开发内在风险评价方法,最后给出了企业产品组合开发控制模型.  相似文献   

Recent empirical literature describes an industry's clockspeed as a measure of the evolutionary life cycle, which captures the dynamic nature of the industry. Among other factors, the rate of new product development is found to be associated with an industry's clockspeed. Yet the notion of an industry clockspeed and the essential factors driving suitable decision making in this area have remained relatively unexplored. We develop a simple definition and a corresponding analytic model which explains the interdependent relationship between a firm's own new product development activities and an industry clockspeed. Results from the single firm model show the conditions under which particular firms have an incentive to accelerate their new product development activities. Moreover, we link the single firm's NPD clockspeed decisions to the industry level by creating appropriate metrics which characterize different types of industries. Examples from high‐tech industries such as the personal computer and aerospace industries are included to illustrate our findings. Our intention is not only to offer analytical insights into factors driving the clockspeed for these industries, but also to establish a fundamental structured decision making approach, thereby stimulating future research on this important topic.  相似文献   

新产品开发模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在对新产品开发模式(内包式、外包式、众包式)进行理论回顾的基础上,针对当前新产品开发呈现出的螺旋式发展态势,研究了不同情境下新产品开发方式的特性.以宝洁公司为例,提出了内包、外包和众包式进行组合的方式,并将专有网络和开放网络有机结合,提升新产品的开发速度和市场接受度.  相似文献   

This article focuses on conditions that make cross-functional cooperation in new product development projects more or less productive. We investigate 40 NPD projects in the consumer electronics and pharmaceuticals industries in which R&D and marketing played key roles. We find that the contributions of cross-functional cooperation to NPD success are contingent on the type of market and technology opportunities being pursued. More specifically, our results suggest that when a project team pursues an opportunity characterized by high levels of technological and market risks, investments in high levels of cross-functional cooperation are warranted to increase NPD success. We do not find evidence that cross-functional cooperation moderates the relationship between the openness of an NPD project towards external information and knowledge and its performance. This suggests that less integrated project teams could achieve similar results as more integrated teams in terms of processing large quantities of information and knowledge without incurring the costs that may stem from high levels of cross-functional cooperation.  相似文献   

周勇  王其藩 《管理科学》2006,19(3):18-26
决策行为带来决策情势的演进,进而为企业进一步的行为选择提出了新挑战.在此演进过程中,需揭示随行为结果变动而引发的利害相关各方的行为变动趋向和力度,并在此基础上推测未来的行为变化.是否开发新产品与其预期效益以及实现的风险有关,也与产品开发成功的可能性有关,预期效益主要取决于未来市场的需求,而市场的需求取决于消费者的需要与选择.客户对产品的品质判断主要基于产品个性功能的判断,产品的共性功能和产品类别的选择与客户可支配收入的高低有关,而产品个性功能的判断则与客户的需求品位有关.复杂行为源自其内在的系统结构,系统动力学的模型模拟力求揭示复杂系统结构、功能与行为之间的互动演进关系,而判择变量作为一个嵌入变量可以实现其他方法与系统动力学模拟的结合,从而既体现时点状态的研判选择,又实现状态的动态递进.  相似文献   

This research uses structural equation modeling to analyze the effects of supplier assessment, Just‐In‐Time, and quality management strategies on new product design and development. A survey of senior managers who are members of the American Production and Inventory Control Society in the United States was used to test the relationships between the constructs in the model. In general, the survey results supported the proposed structural equation model. The data showed that supplier assessment and Just‐In‐Time strategies were correlated and affected the quality management strategy used, which in turn influenced the new product design and development strategy. The data also showed that the Just‐In‐Time strategy directly influenced the new product design and development strategy.  相似文献   

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