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进入市场经济以后,市场供求关系、经济体制环境和对外经济关系发生了重大变化,我国已加入WTO,国家正在实施西部大开发战略,我国乡镇企业发展面临新的机遇和严峻挑战,正处于结构调整、体制创新和素质提高的重要时期。把握乡镇企业发展的大趋势,对今后一个时期乡镇企业发展的大方向进行定位十分必要。  相似文献   

党中央确定的实施西部大开发的伟大战略部署,使西部边疆民族地区广大人民迎来了振兴民族经济、加快发展步伐的大好时机.但是如何才能通过实施西部大开发战略,走出一条符合民族地区实际的成功的发展道路,达到加快发展的目标,仍然是一个摆在西部地区各族人民面前的大课题.  相似文献   

加快中西部地区乡镇企业的发展,对缩小地区差距,促进各地区经济协调发展具有十分重要的意义。针对中西部乡镇企业发展的制约因素,提出中西部地区乡镇企业再发展的几点对策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国经济体制改革的深化以及成功地加入世贸组织,国有企业、私营企业和外资企业逐渐看好农村市场的巨大发展潜力,对农村地区利润空间较大的各行各业采取直接建厂投资的形式。在这种经济环境剧烈变动的浪潮下,在农村地区运营的乡镇企业(称为狭义的乡镇企业)将会受到巨大的冲击和挑战。一方面,形形色色的企业大量进驻农村市场已使原有意义的乡镇企业的概念变得比较模糊,另一  相似文献   

董原 《职业时空》2002,(6):48-49
随着西部大开发步伐的加快,甘肃乡镇企业也得到了较快的发展,近几年已经成为甘肃省工业经济中的一支有生力量。目前甘肃国内生产总值的18.5%、工业增加值的24.4%都是由乡镇企业创造的,乡镇企业实缴税金占全省大口径财政收入的12%。到2001年底,甘肃乡镇企业个数已达到23.6万个,  相似文献   

本文主要简单介绍了社会工作的基本内容,对西部地区社会工作的发展优势进行了分析,通过对现阶段西部地区社会工作发展中存在的问题进行研究,来探讨促进西部地区社会工作发展的有效措施,以保障西部地区社会工作的质量。据此,有利于促进我国社会工作效率的提高,推动我国西部地区的快速发展,以提升西部地区人民的生活质量,带动西部地区经济的发展,从而为我国社会主义和谐社会建设贡献出一份力量。  相似文献   

计划生育是我国的一项基本国策。西部地区是我国人口与计划生育的重点,也是实现西部地区脱贫、开发人力资源的前提。西部地区青年的生育现状和观念惯性会影响“十一五”期间的西部人口数量和质量,也影响国家的“扶贫”计划的实施。本文采取分层抽样的方法,在西部部分贫困地区选取农村青年就其生育状况进行入户调查。结果表明:国家的计划生育政策已经基本被广大青年接纳,但也存在一些深层次的问题,生育观念仍然比东部地区青年落后。因此,应当以“优生优育——教育——人力资源开发与配置”这一以人为本的递进式发展战略,开展西部贫困地区青年的生育教育工作,优化生育文化,继续控制人口增长、依法管理,使人口与西部大开发同步推进。  相似文献   

三、以自主创新为基础构建西部生态循环型农业从 自然资源来看,西部农业发展大有潜力。西部的耕地面积占全国耕地总面积的28%,草地及草场面积达40亿亩,占全国可利用天然草地总面积的63%。我国西部地区的土地资源具有多样化特点,它们为发展农、林、牧、副、渔提供了基本的条件。但西部地区也是生态脆弱区,  相似文献   

中国加入WTO在即。根据世贸组织最惠国待遇的原则,“入世”后我国企业可以在世贸组织规则的范围内自动享受世贸组织成员给予任何第三方的优惠、豁免或特权。这对我国西部劳动密集型的乡镇企业来说,可以获得一个稳定、平等、公开进入国际市场的“资格”,大大降低交易成本。对于有一定规模和竞争力的企业拓展跨国经营范围,更是提供了便利。  相似文献   

我国西部地区的工业化水平长期落后于东部,传统工业化技术与西部地区的特殊区位因素是造成西部地区落后的主要原因。信息技术的推广与应用可以克服西部地区的区位劣势,实现西部地区经济增长方式的转变,因此新型工业化是西部跨越式发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

香港引导青少年健康上网举措析评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络可以帮助青少年增广见闻、培育心智,但如果被鼠标控制,青少年也可能成为网络低俗文化的最大受害者。因此,在青少年分辨是非能力未成熟的情况下,引导他们健康上网,学会控制鼠标,做网络的主人,对青少年的身心健康成长极为重要。本文以为可进行优秀网站选举,实行优秀网站学生大使计划,推行互联网内容标签制度,成立沉溺上网支援中心,都是近年来香港引导青少年健康上网的主要举措。  相似文献   

Loosely organised teams and flexible arranged programs offer a new answer to improve the practice of palliative health care. Given the ambiguity of this care concept and the innovative organisational arrangement it is possible for confusion to emerge over the goals, core activities and target groups. In such a context it is not sufficient to determine the degree to which goals have been attained because the search for goals is part of the developmental process. An evaluation of a palliative team in a Dutch health region shows that it is more appropriate to acknowledge ambiguity and to go on to facilitate the handling of ambiguity as a vital element in dynamic learning processes. The utility of a responsive approach to evaluation, methodological considerations and learning experiences are described. The article is educational for workers in the field of health care but also to scholars and practitioners in an evaluation community.  相似文献   

The govemment of Dianjiang County, in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality, attaches great importance to caring for left-behind children's mental health. Over the years, the government has organized experts from Dianjiang Women's Federation, Dianjiang County Hospital, Dianjiang Prison and thecounty's education commission to study various issues associated with children's mental health.  相似文献   

McCarty LM 《Child welfare》1981,60(10):679-689
Incest, like other forms of sexual abuse, is a criminal act that society treats ambiguously. Victims are doubly victimized by being subjected to disbelief on the part of those who should protect them. Presented here is a modelfor investigation that not only leads to protection for the victim and prosecution for the perpetrator, but guides the family to take steps toward resolving their problem.  相似文献   

This paper examines 3 basic obstacles thwarting all attempts to reduce irregular migration. The 1st, rather well known and analyzed, underscores the dependency of all regulation of migratory flows on the system of economic and political relations between developed and developing countries. The 2nd obstacle resides in the persistance and growth of subsequent dependent irregular migration. This obstacle also reveals the relative autonomy of population movements compared with the employment situation in the labor market. The 3rd generally ignored obstacle is the role played by migration itself, particularly the discriminatory status of foreign workers in the labor market, in producing irregular migration.  相似文献   


Recent research in the area of foster care has examined a number of external factors that may influence foster family retention. However, insufficient research has been devoted to the question of foster family hardiness, or internal strengths of foster families, and how it may affect retention. Hardiness in families means that families possess a belief that they can control or influence events of their experience, feel deep commitment, and anticipate change as a positive challenge. Additionally, hardy families exhibit a confidence in their abilities. Utilizing the Family Hardiness Index, this research reports findings from a study of 82 foster families from one southeastern United States metropolitan area. Foster families who reported an intent to continue to foster scored higher on the Family Hardiness Index than families from a non-clinical sample. Foster families who reported an intent to continue also scored higher than those foster families who reported they did not intend to continue. Logistic regression indicated that higher levels of hardiness and fewer years of licensure as foster parents were significantly associated with intent to continue to foster. The study also discusses implications of hardiness screening of prospective foster families and its potential value for improving support to and retention of foster parents, thus increasing stability and service efficacy for the children they serve.  相似文献   

心理旅游在矫治学生不良心理行为中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理旅游是把旅游者的旅游动机与心理咨询与治疗动机有机地结合起来,寓心理咨询与治疗于旅游活动之中的一种心理咨询,它提高了旅游者的旅游满足感和精神需求,特别是在矫治厌学、网瘾等不良心理与行为,优化学生心理素质等方面具有特殊的功效,是一种新的心理治疗和心理保健形式,有着较为广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

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