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杨玲 《城市》2010,(10):13-19
一是建立“一圈两翼”对口帮扶机制,帮扶欠发达区域进行公共服务建设。经济发展水平较高的“一圈”区县对口帮扶经济较落后的“两翼”区县,开展产业联动、就业转移、教育互助、科技合作、卫生共享、人才交流和融资支持等帮扶。二是以项目的形式推进城市资源下乡。通过支持统筹城乡示范项目,带动农民就业增收、土地流转和新农村建设,促进农村基础设施建设。  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了我国近10年来城市化快速发展的理论和政策背景,指出快速城市化进程中存在土地、能源等自然资源过渡消耗和浪费问题,也存在重城轻乡等突出社会问题;采用人口供需平衡的方法,分析评价了我国人口城市化水平同经济发展水平、工业化水平和土地城市化的关系;对城市化加速理论进行剖析,认为我国当前工业化技术体系不适用于机器技术体系下城市化加速的经验规律,应该结合我国新型工业化的要求走资源节约型的新型城市化道路;建议适当降低城市化发展目标与速度,纠正城市化过程中"城市偏向"和"以物为本"的做法,体现国家赋予城市化带动农村发展的重任,实现城乡统筹发展。  相似文献   

对用城市化解决“三农”问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尹少勋  吴江 《城市》2009,(4):61-64
一、城市化与“三农”问题的关系 (一)“三农”问题是城乡二元结构长期作用的结果 城乡二元经济结构不但影响了城市化的进程.而且也加剧了农村与城市的分离。解决这种二元经济结构的策略是实现传统农业部门的剩余劳动力向非农产业转移.在某种意义上说就是大量减少农民数量.  相似文献   

杨万禄 《城市》2004,(3):29-31
城市化水平是一个国家现代化程度的重要标志,而城市是人类社会发展的引擎,是现代经济活动的基础载体.研究城市化进程的重要内容之一是要研究高校发展与社会的关系,尤其要研究我国城市化进程对人才需求与教育创新的深刻联系.创新不是一般教育方法的改革或教学内容的增加,而是教育功能的重新定位,是带有全局性、结构性的一场教育革命,是一种新的教育理念,是在注重继承的同时,强调对高校教育现状的突破和面向高校教育事业发展的创新.  相似文献   

对我国空间城市化发展模式的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵峥 《城市》2012,(1):35-39
一、空间城市化发展模式的比较城市是具有一定空间形态的经济集聚体,人口和产业集聚是城市的基本特征.生产越发展,生产社会化程度越高,分工越细,经济社会对空间集聚程度的要求也就越高,这是经济发展的必然规律.空间城市化是人口与产业在空间上集聚并形成集聚效应的过程.而集聚效应的产生又依赖于空间城市化发展模式的选择,一般而言,最优的空间城市化发展模式将可以产生最大的空间集聚效应.相比小城镇发展模式而言,从集聚形式、规模经济、增长极作用的角度来看,大城市、城市群发展能够发挥集中集聚优势,代表着空间结构演变的发展方向,在规模经济方面优势明显,更是现代国家和地区发展的重要增长极,是空间城市化发展模式的最优选择.  相似文献   

社会支持结构的转变:从一元到多元   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
本文运用下岗职工问卷调查资料,通过对下岗职工获得的经济和就业支持的分析,探讨从计划经济向市场经济转变过程中社会支持结构的转变形态。结果发现,在对他们的经济和就业的支持上,政府、企业仍然扮演着重要的角色。同时,街道组织、非正式社会网络,包括血缘关系、亲缘关系和其它社会关系发挥着越来越重要的作用。这意味着随着市场经济的发展和企业社会功能的剥离,社会支持结构已经从改革前资源主要由国家通过单位向个人提供的一元化结构,逐步转变为社会资源分布的多样化和社会支持的多元化结构。社会支持结构从一元化到多元化的转变可能会减低个人对单位和国家的依赖,取得更多的自主空间,国有企业的改革和市场经济的发展也将会有更稳固的社会基础  相似文献   

当前我国社会现代化水平逐步提高,城镇化建设不断加快,但农业基础设施薄弱、农村社会事业发展滞后、城乡居民收入差距扩大的矛盾依然突出."三农"问题仍是构建社会主义和谐社会、建设社会主义新农村的难点和关键,为妥善解决"三农"问题,促进新农村建设和城乡统筹发展,国家提出了城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点工作创新机制,(以下简称"挂钩试点").  相似文献   

人类共同经营社会生活给大自然留下的印记之一,就是地球表层上散布着的无数个规模不等、形态各异的人类群体聚落。这些聚落构成的人类聚居系统既给人类群体生活提供了必不可少的空间结构,也在一定程度上制约着人们的社会经济活动。千百年来,人类为了满足生存和发展的需要,在改造自然和社会的同时,不断改变自己的空间分布和生存格局,使人  相似文献   

近日里一连串罢工的背后也引发我们对劳资关系的深深思考,在罢工问题的压力背后实际上是我们在面对劳动关系调整中管制与自治手段的选择。本文立足于对劳动关系调整的管制和自治的关系的理解,国家管制与当事人自治作为劳动关系的两种调节手段,相互结合,相互促进,才能平衡劳动关系三个层次的关系。  相似文献   

研究城镇化问题,必须清醒认识这一变化可能带来的各种挑战,认清城镇化自身发展的背景和规律。尽管从指标上看,上海等一些经济发达地区的城镇化程度已经很高,但是要看到城镇化模式日益趋同,农业边缘化、人口空心化、离农人口就业保障弱化等各种矛盾交织在一起。因此,必须在推进城镇化进程中正确处理好相关关系。  相似文献   

Simple theoretical arguments imply that while economic integration may or may not increase income inequality and volatility, it certainly makes it difficult for National governments to conduct independent fiscal policies and to enforce income redistribution schemes. Controlling for country-level income variation, available data suggest that Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) was associated with a small but significant increase in disposable income inequality, and that this was in turn accounted for by less generous social policies.  相似文献   

十六大报告根据我国经济和社会发展的阶段性特点,立足我国国情和农村实际,提出了一个重大思路,把解决"三农"问题摆在了国民经济和社会发展的重要位置,并着重指出解决"三农"问题是全面建设小康社会的重大任务。解决"三农"问题,必须跳出传统的就农业论农业、就农村论农村的局限,从战略高度统筹城乡社会经济发展,这才是解决"三农"问题的方向。  相似文献   

Although there is recurring empirical evidence of gentrifier families with young children, the importance of education-related factors in the migration and residential decision-making of rural gentrifiers have yet to be fully examined. Using the case study of Cranbrook, Kent, processes of education-led rural gentrification are revealed that are dominated by ‘counter-Londonising’ in-migrants paying premium property prices to buy into exclusive rural school catchment areas. A rural expression of circuits of education is identified, which, to date, are represented as urban-specific strands of gentrification. Conceptually, the paper sheds light on links between education-led urban and rural gentrification; illuminating counterurban population movements tied to the prioritisation of familial relations and domesticity in perceived child-friendly rural environments.  相似文献   

Developing greater understandings of socio-ecological relationships across urbanizing areas is increasingly recognized as important for the conservation and management of natural resources in a variety of development contexts. Efforts to do so have been hindered by a lack of consistent measures of urbanization and the challenge of integrating socio-cultural characteristics into definitions of urban. We present a novel method for linking perceptual definitions of urban, suburban, and rural to geospatial characteristics and demonstrate how the method can be used to map urban, suburban, and rural areas at multiple scales in central and eastern Massachusetts. Our method can facilitate comparative approaches to urban ecology, be used to scale up socio-ecological studies, and inform conservation research and practice in urbanizing areas.  相似文献   

This paper examines the context of ethnic identity formation in schools for rural Tibetan children. It reviews rural primary education within Tibet and the secondary education for Tibetans in boarding schools across China. Data are presented on policies, student recruitment, curriculum, teachers and the campus environment, as they impact on students' identity formation. Although there is little that is multicultural about the learning process in these schools, these schools do not strictly deny Tibetan culture to Tibetan children. The school architecture, sculptures, photographs, wall paintings and so forth provide representations of Tibetan culture, albeit selectively and interpreted by the state in terms of the ideological themes of national unity, patriotism, revolutionary traditions, civilised behaviour and love of Tibet. The conclusion points to a make‐or‐break opportunity for state education to support a more even‐handed cultural policy, rather than the dichotomy of segregation and impact integration.  相似文献   

Purpose: Many students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ) face hostile school environments that can negatively impact their mental health and education. This study involved a photovoice project where high school students from a gay-straight alliance in the rural southeastern United States took photographs that depicted the issues LGBTQ students were facing and then exhibited their photographs and stories to individuals from the school system and local community to promote awareness, dialogue, and action. Methods: Twenty adults who attended the photovoice exhibit responded to an online survey about their experiences with the intervention. Results: Eighty-five percent of adults reported that the intervention made them think about issues they had not previously considered, including the struggles LGBTQ youths face, gender issues, and living in a rural community. Common emotions experienced at the intervention included feeling excited, concern for the youths, and proud of the youths. Furthermore, 81% of the adults indicated that they would take action or behave differently as a result of the intervention, including supporting and affirming LGBTQ students, using gender-neutral and -inclusive language, and confronting bias in themselves and others. Conclusions: Photovoice is a promising strategy for LGBTQ students to activate adult allies in their community.  相似文献   

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