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相同文化背景所蕴含的伦理动因(亦即“同质的伦理动因”)在对家族企业发展的作用中也存在着差异,尤以同处儒家家族主义文化背景下的中日家族企业在其伦理动因上的差异最为明显。而这个差异主要又是基于中日家族制度存在的区别和对儒家家族主义的不同解读所造成,使其儒家家族主义在作为中日家族企业的伦理动因上,表现出不同的情形。在中国是以“孝为核心的家族伦理”为特征,在日本是以“忠为核心的家族伦理”为特征,从而对两国的家族企业繁衍带来不同的影响,前者往往“长不大”或“富不过三”,后者往往则反之。通过对中日家族企业伦理动因差异之辨析,有助于我们对此现象的认识。  相似文献   

It is argued in this article that family formation is conditioned not only by economic factors (more particularly, opportunity structures), but also by ideational changes: the economic factors produce period fluctuations that are superimposed on long-term (and often cohort-driven) ideational effects. Value orientations are explored and compared across countries and across age groups using the internationally-comparable data sets provided by the European Values Studies. The analysis indicates the existence of two latent dimensions with respect to familism: tolerance of non-conformism in family formation, and the meaning attached to parenthood. These two dimensions are not completely distinct from each other though, and both are related to religious and political variables (religiosity, ‘post-materialism’, nationalism, leftism, etc.). Theoretical links are made both with Easterlin's hypothesis which implies fluctuating fertility levels and with Simon's thesis concerning the importance of ‘civil religion’ in supporting fertility. The results are, however, largely in line with Ariès' thesis of two successive and quite distinct fertility transitions in the West, and suggest that fertility is very likely to remain at below-replacement levels.  相似文献   

大学生的家族主义与生活满意度等的相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用家族主义认识量表、领悟社会支持量表、自我效能感量表和生活满意度量表,对576名大学生进行研究,可以揭示家族主义的城乡差异以及家族主义与领悟社会支持、自我效能感、生活满意度之间的关系。结果发现:在繁衍家族因子上,农村大学生得分显著高于城市大学生;家族主义与领悟社会支持、自我效能感、生活满意度存在显著正相关;通过回归分析发现,领悟社会支持、自我效能感对家族主义与生活满意度起到完全中介作用。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze how the gender division of labour has been embodied in the social expectation of women’s roles in urban settings, mainly with respect to married people in contemporary Japan. Especially among Japanese feminist researchers it is much discussed how gender role consciousness and the traditional division of labour have fettered the behaviour of the Japanese—both men and women. I start my discussion by examining the distinction between public and private spheres that seems to be used in different ways by researchers. The gender division of labour functions as a “vicious circle” in hindering possibilities for change, making it more difficult for women to obtain the same primary positions in working life as men and, at the same time, preventing men from enjoying family life as much as women.  相似文献   

基于湖南省964份农村留守妇女调查问卷数据的多元回归分析结果表明,年龄、身体健康状况、家务劳动时间、伙食情况、有无被欺凌的经历、对婚姻感情发生变化的担心和婚姻家庭的稳定性等变量对农村留守妇女的家庭生活满意度都有着显著影响。年龄每增大1年,满意度得分增加0.008分;家务劳动时间的影响呈正U型;丈夫外出打工期间的联系频率和探亲频率这两个变量影响不显著。  相似文献   

Nina Toren 《Gender Issues》2009,26(2):152-166
Ethnicity, gender and class are the major factors of social inequality and have been studied extensively leading to a large literature pertaining to each one of them. The issue of the intersection of ethnicity, gender and class has been introduced into the social sciences by feminist critical theory. Intersection theory postulates that minority groups are discriminated against on the basis of more than one characteristic which are “inextricably tied” leading to complex forms of inequality in various social domains. This study examines the intertwined effects of these factors as they are experienced and narrated by Mizrachi women (19) who are employed in universities and colleges. Although the intersection approach is generally supported by the data it was found that under certain conditions ethnicity, gender and class may be separated. One type of decomposition is when one identity encroaches upon another or others; the second is the separation of diverse identities assigning them to different life areas. These change processes do not support stereotypical dichotomies between Ashkenazi and Mizrachi, women and men and so on, and enable the creation of new hybrid identities.
Nina TorenEmail:

Nina Toren   is professor of sociology in the School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She holds a B.A. and M.A. from the Hebrew University, and a Ph.D. degree from Columbia University in New York. She is the author of Social Work: The Case of a Semi-Profession, Science in Cultural Context: Soviet Scientists in Comparatrive Perspective, Hurdles in the Halls of Science: The Israeli Case, and articles on immigrant scientists, professionals in organizations and women in nontraditional occupations. She was Chair of the Committee of Women’s Representation in the Civil Service, and the Committee for the Advancement of Women in Academia.  相似文献   

基于对烟台市245位老年人生活状况的问卷调查资料,对烟台老年人在家庭事务中的分工和决策状况进行了研究,试图了解城市老年夫妻在家庭事务中的权力分配以及不同的夫妻权力模式对老年夫妻关系存在怎样的影响。研究结果表明:传统的“男主外,女主内”的家庭分工模式在城市老年人家庭中基本上没有改变,但家庭决策出现了由“丈夫决定”的控制型权力模式向“夫妻共同协商”的平等型权力模式过渡;家庭事务的分工及决策状况对夫妻关系并没有直接的影响;老年女性比老年男性更易受传统文化的影响而对家庭事务分工持保守的认知,但对男权主义的决策模式已开始质疑;烟台市老年人对家庭事务的分工与决策在观念和行为上存在一致性。  相似文献   

"女性家庭地位"在本次调查研究中界定为已婚女性在家庭中所拥有的自主权、支配权、决策权,同时引入了家庭冲突处理方式以及家务分工状况、妇女自我角色认知等方面。通过问卷调查数据分析,其研究表明,贫困地区农村已婚女性家庭地位调查数据与全国平均水平值差距悬殊;男性是家庭权力的绝对拥有者;家务劳动分工中的性别倾向仍很严重,"男主外,女主内"现象普遍存在。究其原因有:思想观念的滞后、教育资源的匮乏、经济独立的缺失。针对此现状,提出了相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

传统"英雄杀嫂"故事多借助英雄在"酒与色"、"江湖与家庭"、"兄弟与妇人"等多元选项中做出既合乎江湖规则又合乎伦理道德的选择,以确立英雄在江湖中的地位,为此,作品往往以丑化妇人,杀死妇人作为叙事策略。金庸在借用这一故事类型的同时,也必然地沿袭了故事所传达的主题,这是作者无法自主的。金庸对这一传统母题的创造性改造主要表现在叙事时空的安排上。  相似文献   

This article analyzes the history of the employment of women in the Israel Police and explores the status of women in the force in terms of their number, rank, and assignment. It indicates the social, personal and organizational factors that explain women’s entrance and integration into the police. It suggests that the simultaneous processes of progression and retrogression regarding women’s integration are operating in the work environment as well as in the society at large. The article also considers conservative and feminist interpretations of this state of affairs. Erella Shadmi has a Ph.D. in criminology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and an M.A. in industrial relations from the University of Minnesota. Formerly a senior police officer in the Israel Police, she is currently a lecturer in women’s studies and criminal justice at Beit Berl College and Ben Gurion University. Dr. Shadmi is the author of a book on the history of the Israel Police (forthcoming). Her main theoretical and research interests include feminist critique of the Israeli society and the development of and relations between feminist theory and practice in Israel.  相似文献   

Studies in the last decades show that perception of role conflict has changed in advanced societies so that (1) multiple roles may be beneficial rather than conflictual and (2) men, too, are subject to incompatible role demands. This study examines whether the same shift may be observed in a less developed society (Israel), and how perceptions of role combination and work satisfaction influence the work concessions made by women and men who work in occupations that are typical or atypical for their gender. The main assumption is that multiple roles lead to role conflict only if individuals fail to make concessions that allow them to regulate time and energy in both spheres. The findings show that women still make more concessions than men; work satisfactions strengthens the perception that combining family and work is possible; and only for women, the perception that combining family and work is possible reduces the number of concessions they make.
Dahlia MooreEmail:

Dahlia Moore   is a Social Psychology Professor. Her research focuses on two main issues: gender (sex segregation, role conflict, the wage gap), and perceptions of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. She is the Head of Graduate Studies and served as the Head of the Undergraduate Honors Program at the College of Management, Israel. In addition, Dahlia Moore is an elected member of the Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunities (The Ministry of Industry and Commerce), and the representative of the Middle East in RC42 (Social Psychology) of the International Sociological Association.  相似文献   

1992年以来广西评选表彰的七批60名女性优秀专家,呈现出性别失衡、但女性获评比例逐年上升,集中在传统领域和行业,获评年龄偏大等特征。对此进行社会性别分析发现,传统观念、社会偏见、无社会性别视角的照顾及传统婚姻家庭模式是造成这一现象的原因。建议进一步宣传男女平等基本国策,制定特别措施;树立宣传楷模,建立培养机制;充分发挥广西女性专业技术人才联谊会的作用,推进高层次女性专业技术人才的发展。  相似文献   

传承与传承人论   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
非物质文化遗产的进化是靠传承而延续。联合国教科文组织《公约》对非物遗产所下的定义强调的是“世代相传”和在社区、群体中“被不断地再创造”并有“持续的认同感”,与我国学界传统上理解的民俗(民间文化)强调其作者和传承者的身份有所差异。传承大致有四种方式:群体传承;家庭(或家族)传承;社会传承;神授传承。传承人主要现身于口头文学、表演艺术、手工技艺、民间知识等领域。对杰出传承人的调查和认定,传承人的权益和管理,是21世纪初正在进行的全国非物质文化遗产普查中遇到的亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

地方高校大学生的心理问题主要有:角色转换带来的适应阻碍;地方高校特点造成的自卑感;学习紧张造成的焦虑心理;交际困难造成的忧虑心态;择业压力造成的恐慌状态;情感受挫造成的心理苦闷.大学生产生心理问题的原因有家庭因素、学校因素和社会环境的影响,也有大学生自身的原因.家庭、社会、学校都应关心大学生的心理健康.  相似文献   

Drawing upon research on women in crime and justice, this study examines patterns of female crime and processing of female offenders in Israel over five decades. The data indicate that crime patterns of Israeli women and the criminal justice response to their transgressions show remarkable stability and are similar to those discerned in other Western countries. The article concludes that findings about women in crimed and justice in Israel are congruent with feminist insights and explanatory mechanisms offered to explain female crime. Edna Erez is Professor and Chair of the Justice Studies Department at Kent State University. She has also served as the editor of Justice Quarterly and is on the editorial board of several professional journals. Yael Hassin was a senior lecturer at the Institute of Criminology, Law Faculty of the Hebrew University. Dr. Hassin passed away in November 1996. She was the recipient of the grants from the Wexler Foundation and the Sacker Institute of the Law faculty, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which funded the data collection efforts of a previous version of this paper (Erez and Hassin, 1997). Giora Rahav has taught at Tel Aviv University, Florida State University, and the University of Michigan. His major area is criminology and the sociology of deviance.  相似文献   

珠三角农村地区经济发达,最近10年当地离婚现象呈现出快速增长趋势,年轻夫妻是离婚主体,大部分离婚案例由女性主张。调查发现,当地农村离婚现象主要与以下因素有关:一是当地农村是全国农村的婚姻高地,外地女性大量流入,当地女性在婚姻市场进而在家庭权力结构、家庭矛盾中处于劣势地位;二是当地农民家庭缺乏明确的共同奋斗目标,使得夫妻之间难以形成紧密的相互依赖、协商、支持的关系,夫妻关系完全维系于情感;三是当地农村夫妻之间在经济、亲戚关系、交往圈子上相互独立,使得夫妻之间在家庭责任、义务方面去公共性,夫妻关系纽带不牢固;四是当地宗族观念重,中老年人掌握财产权,维系着传统家庭秩序和权力格局,这与年轻女性主体性伸张形成较大张力,容易导致婆(翁)媳矛盾,进而可能引发夫妻矛盾。这样,年轻女性在家庭中无法获得应有的地位和话语权,难以实现主体意志,因而在发生家庭矛盾或失去夫妻感情之后容易提出离婚,而年轻男子则因为容易再婚亦不畏惧离婚,从而导致当地离婚、再婚、复婚现象频仍。  相似文献   

In what has become known as the Family Investment Model, several scholars have hypothesized that financing investment in host-country skills by immigrant husbands is a factor affecting the labor force decisions and human capital investment of immigrant married women. This paper reviews empirical evidence from one stream of research on the family investment model. I also formalize the family investment hypothesis and incorporate it into a traditional model of female labor force participation. The formalization provides a simple way to conceptualize the family investment hypothesis. Including it in a conventional model of female labor force participation emphasizes that the effect of a family investment strategy on the work behavior of immigrant women must be understood in the context of a woman's level of host country-specific skills, as well as all other factors generally included in models of female labor force participation.  相似文献   

This study compares the health status and survival of the elderly in two countries, Italy and Israel. While both are developed Mediterranean countries, their degree of ageing, characteristic features of the elderly, health status and survival are different. The data are from two sample surveys and, for Israel, from a record linkage between survey and mortality data at five years remove. A preliminary analysis, using a multiple correspondence factorial analysis, highlighted a gradual change in living arrangements and socio-economic features as the population ages, which was only slightly associated with health conditions. In Israel, moreover, the Arab minority differs according to social conditions, living arrangements and health status. The determinants of health status and survival of the elderly in both countries were studied using as dependent variables; 1) self-perceived health status, 2) the frequency of medical examinations; 3) medical tests, for both countries and 4) (for Israel) deaths. Linear logistic models were constructed using, as explanatory variables, sex, age and living arrangements, a variable indicative of community level socio-economic and cultural conditions, two indicators describing individual socio-economic conditions and smoking habits. Thus it is possible to assess the impact of explanatory variables by comparing both subjective conditions and behaviour factors regarding medical care, with the unequivocal confirmation provided by death.  相似文献   

城市化进程中女性的经济生活水平有了很大提高,社会参与程度提高,但存在着差异;女性的择偶方式变化不大,但婚姻模式和家庭生活发生了变化;在农村,传统的性别角色分工仍占主导地位;城市化进程与传统社会性别文化的改变速度并不同步,女性面临着矛盾、冲突与选择,社会性别平等的实现还要经历一个漫长、曲折的过程.  相似文献   

借助“中国大学生就读经验问卷(CCSEQ)”,通过对北京13所高校4 404名大学生的问卷调查,从职业准备、通识教育、智慧能力、个人发展和科学技术五个方面考察大学生学习收获状况。调查发现,大学生学习收获总体处于中等水平且个体差异较大、个人发展收获较大而通识教育收获较少。整体上,学生的性别和生源地等客观因素对学习收获具有重要影响,具体表现为男生的个人发展收获和女生的科学技术收获、城镇和农村生源、非独生子女大学生的学习收获都相对较低;同时,学生的兴趣和选择等主观因素也会对学习收获产生重要影响,主要表现为非学生干部、无深造计划、兴趣爱好为业余类的大学生学习收获较少。分析发现,这些问题都与学生的家庭条件、所接受的基础教育,以及学习的动机、主动性、投入度等因素有关。鉴于此,高校应积极构建学生需求导向的学习环境,帮助学生养成主动的学习素养,更加关注特殊学生群体的发展,促进学生学习收获的提升。   相似文献   

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