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"跨学科"一词是"舶来品"。自"舶来"之时,我国学者就对其表现出极大兴趣。然而,由于受民族、地域及研究个体思维方式的影响,对"跨学科"的理解和诠释复杂多样,理解和诠释的"原汁原味"程度亦有待商榷。因此,有必要对"跨学科"概念进行厘定。其中,通过与"学科"进行比较,能够更明确"跨学科"是对"学科"的否定式发展和延伸。此外,当今社会"跨学科"研究已成"大势",不可避免。"跨学科"研究是掌握客观事物发展规律、推进思维方式发展转变的必然要求,是实现科学创新的重要动力。虽然"跨学科"研究如火如荼,但是在研究过程中存在很多障碍、瓶颈问题。伴随着问题、障碍的清除,"跨学科"研究的光明前景可翘首以盼。  相似文献   

文章文章分析了2009年至2012年,教育部人文社科基金对跨学科研究资助的现状,发现我国尚缺乏条理清晰、机制完备的跨学科研究资助、管理体系。对此,文章从建立专门的跨学科研究管理和评价部门以及建立更加广泛的跨学科科研支撑体系两大方面提出完善我国跨学科研究资助体系的对策建议。  相似文献   

跨学科研究有以下一些最重要的社会问题和方法论问题:1.组织和开展跨学科研究以及分析跨学科研究的形式、类型和水平问题;2.系统方法、综合方法和全球方法以及一般科学研究方法等对跨学科研究的意义;3.跨学科研究与科学知识的分化、整化和统一的联系;4.跨学科研究对解决当代重大问题(生态问题、社会健康问题,以及信息学的发展等等)的作用.  相似文献   

美国国家科学院促进跨学科研究委员会在2004年11月的一份报告中指出,科学和工程学的发展日益要求来自多门不同学科的学者之间的合作。促使这一变化出现的是对于研究跨越传统的学科界限的复杂问题的迫切需要,以及新技术所具备的改造现有学科和产生新学科的能力。然而,与此同时,在许多研究机构中,偏向传统学科的雇用、晋升、资源分配等方面的政策妨碍了跨学科研究的发展。这份报告指出了个人或机构更有效地从事、促进和评估跨学科研究计划和项目的几个步骤,敦促学术机构探求促进和奖励跨学科互动的新模式。企业和国家实验室历来成功地实施跨学…  相似文献   

跨学科研究的未来发展前景,从总的趋势来说,是越来越好,越来越广阔的。它的发展动力,一方面来自科学发展本身,另一方面来自广泛的社会需要。 跨学科研究的未来涉及多方面的问题。对发展趋势的探讨,仅仅是其中的一个重要方面。 本文将从宏观角度讨论它未来发展的几个主要方面,如发展的动力和阻力、理论研究和应用研究、教育和人才的培养、组织管理体  相似文献   

作为政府改革和治理的重要内容,目前的政府创新研究主要集中在政府创新的内涵特点和类型、政府创新的动力和形成机制、政府创新实践等几个方面,但仍存在规范性研究欠缺、研究路径差异大、跨学科研究较少、全球化研究视野不足以及研究主题有所欠缺等问题。未来的研究应该更加注重规范性研究和基础理论体系的构建,通过运用跨学科方法和多角度的思维打破不同研究路径之间的区隔,并加强对全球性政府创新行为、政府创新可持续性及其相关利益主体等方面的研究。  相似文献   

从本世纪60年代开始,由于各门学科发展自身的需要和学者学术兴趣的转移,以及社会需求的激励,跨学科研究逐步兴起。而社会科学界和科研管理部门运用规划计划、机构调整、人员配备、经费分配、课题选择、信息保障、设备供应、成果评估、成果利用等一系列政策调控手段,则大大加速了跨学科研究活动的发展过程。所有这些政策措施,都充分反映了社会科学政策思想的重要变化:从注重单学科研究到提倡跨学科研究。法国国家科学研究中心社会学家德尼·  相似文献   

《跨学科方法》一书简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者J.P.雷斯韦伯是法国斯特拉斯堡第二大学的教授,主要从事跨学科方法研究。《跨学科方法》一书在明确指出跨学科方法的特点和途径的同时,对跨学科性做了深入的分析和探讨。作者认为,从达到预期效果和完成分析过程看,跨学科方法同统计方法、分析方法或其他社会科学方法没有太大的区别,所不同的是,跨学科方法讲究策略,通过跨学科活动,有步骤地排除障碍,解决难题,使一些原本不被人注意的学科活  相似文献   

跨学科研究和跨学科教育日益广泛,参与的人员、机构、项目以及作为成果的出版物大量增多。然而对于跨学科作为一种知识生产方式的再认识,也伴随着对其成果质量的担忧。同时,为跨学科活动提供经费支持的各类资助组织和学术机构迫切需要有效的方法来评估它们的投入所产生的成效,以确定其目标实现与否。除此之外,评估问题及其相关研究可以提升对于参与质量评估所必须的资质的了解,这对于学术界十分必要,因为面对蓬勃发展的跨学科研究,培养能够承担评估工作的学者,并影响当下和未来的研究者已是当务之急。  相似文献   

许多学者已注意到 ,有各种各样的学科和知识领域开始涉足数字文化、因特网研究或网络文化研究。然而不幸的是 ,大多数这类研究项目都仅限于特定学科领域 ,例如通信、文化研究、英语和社会学等 ,很少有跨学科的研究目标。这些研究尽管产生了一些有趣的和有学科基础的研究成果 ,但是不能从学科的交叉中获益。到目前为止 ,从事对这方面问题研究的大部分学者都很关心这个领域的名称问题 ,只有少数学者关心这个正在形成的领域的政治方面。虽然这方面的研究存在着不同学科领域的争端 ,但是各种交叉学科或跨学科研究产生的看法十分重要 ,不可忽视。…  相似文献   

This article analyses agency collaboration to help vulnerable children and adolescents with complex social and psychological problems, examining the implementation of a formal collaboration model for these groups. This model, implemented in Västra Götaland, Sweden, involves five municipal agencies and five county council agencies in 49 different municipalities. Data were collected using two questionnaires sent to 355 lower managers and 424 professional representatives in the concerned organizations. The analysis demonstrates that there are differences in implementation results between the agencies, and that the differences are largely explainable by organizational self-interest and top management prioritization of collaboration model implementation. The main barriers to collaboration are factors modifiable by the agencies themselves, and perceived barriers decreased when the policy was working. The study suggests that managers of human service organizations must assume responsibility when implementing collaboratively, and that accountable professional and political leaders must rise above organizational interests to protect vulnerable citizens.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes and compares the existing policies and programs for the prevention of mother‐to‐child transmission of HIV existing in China and in the USA. The implementation of these is still imperfect and there needs to be improvements in the education (the spreading of information) and in the general health care system of China. Particular attention will be drawn to the existing barriers to the effective implementation of prevention of mother‐to‐child‐transmission. The recommendations aim to solve similar barriers in both countries and some specifically dealing with problems in China. Since HIV infection in children is caused almost entirely by prenatal transmission, it is important that the governments, in partnership with civic society organizations, make all the necessary efforts to save the lives of their newborn citizens.  相似文献   

李占乐 《社会工作》2011,(14):23-26
改革开放以来,我国社会组织逐步地发展壮大。社会组织在提供公共服务和参与公共政策两方面都发挥着重要的作用。由于党和政府对待社会组织态度的矛盾性,我国社会组织管理政策形成了宏观鼓励与微观限制的根本特征。由这一根本特征衍生的我国社会组织管理政策的种种缺陷,主要包括社会组织成立的门槛过高、对社会组织的活动限制过严、对社会组织内部事务干预过多、对社会组织发展的培育支持不够四个方面。  相似文献   

Objective. This research adds to our understanding of environmental degradation by evaluating the “contested” role international nongovernmental organizations play in managing environmental problems. Methods. I use cross‐national data for a sample of up to 70 nations to examine the effect of international nongovernmental organizations on deforestation for the period of 1990 to 2000. The models also include relevant controls for gross national product, economic growth, population growth, democracy, government expenditures, domestic investment, forest stocks, exports, multinational corporations, and structural adjustment. Results. The main findings indicate that nations with higher levels of international nongovernmental organizations presence have lower levels of deforestation. I also examine the effects of international nongovernmental organizations at different levels of democracy by including an interaction term between international nongovernmental organizations and democracy. In doing so, I find that international nongovernmental organizations continue to reduce deforestation. However, they reduce deforestation more at higher rather than at lower levels of democracy. Conclusions. This research illustrates that international nongovernmental organizations reduce deforestation despite claims to the contrary. However, their effectiveness appears to be affected by the level of democracy in a nation.  相似文献   

对农产品突破绿色壁垒的几点思考   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国农产品出口屡屡受阻 ,西方发达国家实施绿色壁垒是外因 ,我国农产品质量不达标是内因。绿色壁垒的实质是变相的贸易保护。突破绿色壁垒应采取的对策为 :积极研究和采用国际标准、国外先进标准 ,完善检测检验体系和认证体系并与国际接轨 ,推进农村合作经济组织的发展 ,加强技术开发与推广 ,提高政府谈判能力和各方联合抗辩能力。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine Institutional Review Board (IRB) policies, international guidelines, and federal regulations and guidance for dealing with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) research subjects. We show that federal and international guidance concerning this topic is insufficient, and there is considerable variation in IRB policies. While some IRBs have thorough and useful policies, others do not. Many IRBs do not provide researchers and IRB members with answers to several important questions relating to language barriers in research. We recommend that federal agencies, international organizations, IRBs, and researchers take steps to fill in the gaps in guidance and policy to help insure that LEP populations will receive equitable and ethical treatment in research.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine Institutional Review Board (IRB) policies, international guidelines, and federal regulations and guidance for dealing with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) research subjects. We show that federal and international guidance concerning this topic is insufficient, and there is considerable variation in IRB policies. While some IRBs have thorough and useful policies, others do not. Many IRBs do not provide researchers and IRB member with answers to several important questions relating to language barriers in research. We recommend that federal agencies, international organizations, IRBs, and researchers take steps to fill in the gaps in guidance and policy to help insure that LEP populations will receive equitable and ethical treatment in research.  相似文献   


Trauma-informed care (TIC) in social service organizations means that the organizations operate with the understanding that everyone involved has possibly experienced trauma in their lifetime. This qualitative study examined local service organizations’ usage of the 5 main principles of TIC: safety, trustworthiness, collaboration, empowerment, and choice (as developed by Fallot & Harris, 2006). Ten focus groups (n = 69) and 6 individual interviews (n = 6) with employees from administration through management were interviewed such that almost all facets of each agency were represented. The participants were asked about their agencies’ policies and practices for utilizing the 5 principles of TIC. The results suggest that the vast majority of organizations in this study implemented many of the principles of TIC with clients, though they had not labeled their practices as “trauma-informed.” However, although clients were receiving TIC, some of the principles were neglected as they pertain to staff, such as choice and empowerment. The findings of this study suggest that agencies are unaware of the relevance of TIC as it relates to staff. It is recommended that future research examine whether the use of TIC in agencies prevents “burnout,” high turnover rates, and vicarious traumatization of staff.  相似文献   


The main influences in the regulation of animal welfare policy in New Zealand are discussed. Animal welfare organizations on the one hand are intent on improving conditions for animals, whereas government regulatory bodies are more concerned with preserving the status quo. Both types of organizations have allies in academia. Government agencies are largely informed through research from the ‘mandated’ field of Animal Welfare Science, which is characterized by a positivistic framework that tends to support the status quo. Animal Welfare Science can be contrasted with the emerging interdisciplinary field of Human Animal Studies, which continues the tradition of critical theory that questions the positivistic basis of the animal welfare establishment. We conclude that while genuine science, defined as all rational and theoretically informed discourse, could make a difference to animals, the mandated field of Animal Welfare Science serves more to entrench animal suffering than to prevent it.  相似文献   

This paper describes the work of three Action Learning Sets – two groups of child care social workers and one group of health visitors. Given the substantial investment in child care research and its dissemination, we wanted to examine barriers to effective practice from the vantage point of workers themselves. Our core question was: ‘What can we do about the things that get in the way of effective practice?’ The method, based on that of ‘co‐operative inquiry’, sought to engage front‐line practitioners as active collaborators in the research. While several of the barriers can be seen as part of the common predictable experience of professionals working in large public sector organizations, a key message is the importance of re‐invigorating models of supervision that can sustain high quality practice. What emerges is a contemporary picture of the pressures on child care workers and of the struggles to make sense of professional roles in different organizational landscapes. We are committed to evidence‐based practice, practice that is derived from the best knowledge available. We would simultaneously stress the importance of ‘holding environments’ to promote effective learning. Our experience suggests that Action Learning offers a constructive method for encouraging such environments and facilitating better practice.  相似文献   

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