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Client participation is both a value and a strategy in social work, involving clients in decisions influencing their lives. Nevertheless, the factors encouraging its use by social workers in social services have received little research attention. This article reports on a study drawing on Goal Commitment Theory to examine, for the first time, four categories of variables that might predict its implementation: background variables (intervention method, age, experience, education, supervision); personal resources (self-esteem, mastery); organizational variables (superiors' support, organizational commitment); and situational factors (previous client participation, perception of client participation).

A sample of 661 Israeli social workers completed questionnaires. Hierarchical regression analysis and t-tests revealed that intervention method, mastery, superiors' support, and both situational variables contributed significantly to explaining the variance in client participation. Moreover, social workers valued client participation significantly more than they used it. The implications for researchers and professionals in social services are discussed. Proper training could increase social workers' awareness of client participation and provide tools for implementation. Policy makers should set standards for its use and evaluation, and require its inclusion in all interventions. Further research investigating clients and managers of social services could provide a broader picture of the factors impacting client participation.  相似文献   

The Wellness Index is a 79-item, self-administered scale used to measure well-being. The Wellness lndex contains six independent dimensions of well-being which include physical health, morale, economic resources, ADL-IADL, religiosity, and social resources. Data for 463 older adults revealed each subscale and the Index had acceptable reliability and validity. An R factor, principle component analysis, suggested all subscales except economic resources could be combined to form a composite measure of overall level of functioning. Conceptual and methodological issues are discussed as well as implications for the future.  相似文献   

This study examined the essence of client violence that social workers encounter at homeless assistance organizations in South Korea. Based on 149 self‐administered questionnaires in 29 homeless assistance organizations in Seoul metropolitan areas, the study verified that client violence against social workers was prevalent. More than 70% of respondents experienced physical violence from their clients; 78.5% reported emotional violence; 53% reported property damage. This study also found that client violence emerged differently according to gender and types of agencies in the field. The results suggested that effective prevention strategies against client violence should be encouraged to maintain valuable human resources and to create a safe workplace in the field of social work.  相似文献   

Although the historical impact of racial segregation and ongoing health and economic inequities between older Black and White adults is well documented, little is known about the relationships among race, individual- and neighborhood-resources, and formal volunteering in later life. This study explores this intersection. Individual-level data from 268 respondents aged 55+ were collected in the St. Louis metropolitan area through paper-based mail surveys. Objective neighborhood data were obtained at the zip code level from secondary sources and matched with respondents. Using exploratory factor analysis, we constructed a 14-item environmental scale with 3 neighborhood dimensions (economic, social, and built environment). Older Black adults had lower levels of education; had fewer financial assets; lived in neighborhoods with less economic resources and lower built environment scores; and fewer formally volunteered when compared to older White adults. Individual resources (financial assets, health) and neighborhood resources (social and built environment) were positively associated with formal volunteering among older Black adults. Only individual resources (age, marital status, financial assets, health) were associated with formal volunteering among older White adults. A coherent set of policies that bolsters individual and environmental capacities may increase the rate of volunteerism among older black adults.  相似文献   


Health care has evolved rapidly in Saudi Arabia, based upon a Western model of service that incorporates multidisciplinary professional teams. Social work practice forms part of patient care. This study explores how Saudi social workers perceive their role and how they describe their practice within the hospital context. A quantitative methodology was employed using a self-administered questionnaire. Analysis revealed that 219 social workers perceived formidable limitations to their daily work practice. The study identified factors relating to the hospital's organizational circumstances where a) organizational structural aspects, b) organizational resources, and c) hospital management and interprofessional teamwork impacted best practice. Future research and recommendations for further study are outlined.  相似文献   


This study uses geographic and network analysis, and regression techniques, to examine access to services for vulnerable populations in disaster, and offer potential interventions to improve access. The population for this study is 67 organizations providing disaster social services in a U.S. metropolitan area, and an additional 25 organizations which are willing to provide these services but do not have a formal disaster relief function. The findings from this study indicate a lack of relief services for vulnerable populations, including African-Americans, people over 75 years old, and female-headed households with young children. During a disaster, a type of social injustice results from (a) the vulnerability of these populations to disaster, (b) the higher vulnerability to disaster of the areas in which these populations reside, (c) the smaller number of organizations serving these areas, (d) the lower capacities and network interaction of these local organizations, and (e) the formidable geographic barriers slowing redistribution of resources in a disaster. If connectedness of smaller, informal organizations to the disaster network were improved, otherwise isolated organizations could be a source of substantial resources for the metropolitan area. Suggestions are offered for interventions, based on services coordination (Provan & Milward, 1995) and community organization models (Soliman, 1996), for correcting the lack of access to services documented by this study.  相似文献   

This article analyses agency collaboration to help vulnerable children and adolescents with complex social and psychological problems, examining the implementation of a formal collaboration model for these groups. This model, implemented in Västra Götaland, Sweden, involves five municipal agencies and five county council agencies in 49 different municipalities. Data were collected using two questionnaires sent to 355 lower managers and 424 professional representatives in the concerned organizations. The analysis demonstrates that there are differences in implementation results between the agencies, and that the differences are largely explainable by organizational self-interest and top management prioritization of collaboration model implementation. The main barriers to collaboration are factors modifiable by the agencies themselves, and perceived barriers decreased when the policy was working. The study suggests that managers of human service organizations must assume responsibility when implementing collaboratively, and that accountable professional and political leaders must rise above organizational interests to protect vulnerable citizens.  相似文献   

The hypothesis of this article is that quality assessment, despite the fact that it has now become a part of social services, has largely occurred without taking clients into consideration. There are supposed to be at least three possible explanations for this: organizational structures and professionalism, the difficulty in defining client needs, and the opinion that a client is not an equal companion in social service organizations. The research method entailed a questionnaire which was sent to 60 managers working within municipal social administration during the periods of construction (1950–1965), supplementation (1966–1983) and reform and redistribution (1984 onwards) of the Finnish welfare state and a questionnaire for 146 public social welfare organizations in Finland. Fewer than 30% of the social managers of the construction (1950–1965) and supplementation (1966–1983) periods and fewer than 50% of the managers of the last period (1984 onwards) said that clients really had assessed quality. The needs of clients and client feedback were said to be important during all three periods but the managers did not include them in the most important tasks. The managers of the period of supplementation did this the least. The managers from the period of reform and redistribution (1984 onwards) were more likely to trust the ability of clients to assess quality of social services and they also gave more opportunities to do so. The most important reasons for neglecting client needs and feedback in quality assessment were organizational structures and difficulties in defining client needs. There also seem to have been some methodological difficulties in assessing social services. Statistics are still largely in use and concrete criteria related to quality are missing. More specific questionnaires, cross-experimental designs and interviews, more possibilities for clients to describe needs in their own words, and the specification of general concepts in more concrete terms of quality are needed in order to avoid abstract and general assessments.  相似文献   

黄荣贵  桂勇  孙小逸 《社会》2014,34(3):37-60
本文使用社会网络分析技术探索微博空间中环保非政府组织间关注/认同关系网的结构,并结合组织间网络、社会运动联盟、互联网研究文献以及我国非政府组织管理制度来探究网络结构的形成机制。研究发现,非政府组织间存在紧密的虚拟联系。统计分析显示,组织间虚拟关系受网络自组织机制、组织资源、合适性原则(注册状态)、同质性原则(离线关系、地理位置、关注领域)和微博使用活跃程度等因素的影响。其中,资源发挥“信号”功能,是组织可信赖性的基础,资源未知者不容易被关注/认同。对于资源已知者而言,资源匮乏者更积极利用微博平台。未注册组织主动与其他组织建立关系,注册组织则避免与未注册组织建立关系。具有线下合作关系或处于同一省份的组织之间更可能建立关注和认同关系,但活动领域仅对认同关系具有影响。微博使用活跃程度也对组织间关系具有正向的影响。  相似文献   

李国武 《社会》2010,30(3):199-225

摘要:本文是对近二三十年来国外关于组织的网络形式的实证研究成果的一项选择性综述。组织的网络形式是一种不同于市场和等级制的组织形式,社会学家们特别强调信任、互惠等在其中的作用。对于企业而言,进入特定的组织网络形式有利于促进学习和创新、提高合法性和地位、增进经济收益,这也是组织间结成关系网络的主要原因。已有研究多从制度主义、资源依赖、社会网络和交易成本等角度,探讨国家制度环境、产业属性、企业特征、社会结构和网络位置、交易特征等因素对组织网络形式形成的影响。作者认为,今后需要在网络组织的演化和绩效、不同网络组织类型的差异以及理论视角的融合等三个方面深化研究。  相似文献   

Escalation behavior occurs when individual decision-makers repeatedly invest time, money, and other resources into a failing project. A conceptual model of escalation behavior based on project, organizational, social and psychological forces was developed, and a 75-item measurement instrument was constructed to assess the various dimensions. The model was tested using data collected from a random sample of North Carolina Community College administrators. A LISREL measurement model analysis provided support for the four escalation forces. Two structural models were tested, leading to support for a mediational model for escalation behavior. The most important contributor to Escalation was the Psychological force.  相似文献   


Baccalaureate social workers respond to documentation and record-keeping demands of regulatory organizations that oversee or fund social service agencies. Learning to accurately document client needs, progress, and service delivery outcomes is important in ensuring that clients are receiving effective services. Despite the importance of documentation skills, many undergraduate social work programs do not provide sufficient curriculum content on client record keeping. The authors report the results of a study that examined changes in baccalaureate social work students’ perceptions of their documentation skills after completing a required documentation course. The sample size included 101 students at pretest and 97 students completing the post-test. Statistically significant findings show students perceived an increase in knowledge in three areas of documentation: 1) formats, 2) content, and 3) writing skills. The authors discuss implications for social work education and practice.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Lars-Christer Hydén, Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Summary The facts of household finances generally obtain their meaningfrom the moral standards of everyday life: it is in relationto these standards that we evaluate our personal finances. Personswho lack money and apply for social welfare compensation generallyhave to turn to a public social welfare bureau where their eligibilityis assessed by a professional social worker. The central questionfor the present study is how social workers and clients dealwith the morally delicate question of personal financial deficitsand how this question should be processed in a formal and institutionalsetting by formal means. This problem is discussed through ananalysis of conversations between social workers and clientsat social welfare bureaux in the municipality of Stockholm,Sweden. In pursuing a formal inquiry the social worker is conductinga moral search: the social worker has to determine the moralcharacter of the client and the circumstances around his/herhandling of his/her own financial situation. The ‘relevantcharacteristics of the citizen’ that the social workertries to match with the beneficiary rules are of a moral nature.In this respect, the social worker is not only a social workerbut also a moral worker. In order to define and defend his orher moral character the client has to pursue the financial issueas a moral issue. In the encounter, the client alludes to everydaycircumstances to account for his/her financial situation andto justify it by applying everyday moral standards.  相似文献   

新中国60年来中国社会变迁与党对社会组织的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国成立以后,中国共产党对社会组织的整合主要是通过组织网络体系的构建加以实现的。新中国成立60年来,中国社会发生了巨大变迁,表现为"两新组织"的出现、社会阶层分化和传统三位一体的单位组织式微,从而给党对社会组织的整合带来挑战。因此,新时期提高党对社会组织整合的路径应该是:积极推进"两新组织"党建工作,增强党的阶级基础和扩大党的群众基础,加强党的先进性建设,以拓展党对社会组织的整合力。  相似文献   


A major resource of neighborhood organizations is the voluntary participation of residents who give their time and energy to improve their communities. In recent years, there has been a revitalization of strategies to engage residents to volunteer for neighborhood-based organizations. Guided by organizational empowerment theory and the ecological perspective, the current study examined the relationship between citizen participation and organizational characteristics and effectiveness and the benefits received by residents participating in neighborhood organizations in poor communities. The data were gathered through a survey of resident volunteers in four neighborhood organizations in Pennsylvania and were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression analyses. The results showed that volunteers' level of involvement in their neighborhood organization influenced their self-efficacy. However, volunteers' perceptions of their neighborhood organizations' characteristics and effectiveness were the most strongly related to the benefits of citizen participation, contributing to residents' self efficacy, collective efficacy, and sense of community. Implications for social work research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The rising of nongovernmental organizations is a spectacular phenomenon since the adoption of reform and opening up policy in our society.They organize the grass root social resources,form public speech and public space,lead to the formation of a citizen society and contribute to the steady social transformation.But due to systematic reasons,this rising also gives rise to the disruption in social structure,and brings pressure to social integration and management.It is a crucial issue to present day social management to keep balance between establishing the legality of nongovernmental organizations with the integration of social resources and keeping the stability of the society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The reasons for the ineffectiveness of some technology-mediated initiatives in human service organizations are not well understood. This study conceptualized a knowledge management system with the following features: a process orientation that focuses on how caseworkers integrate knowledge into decision making and a sociotechnical system perspective. A mediation research model was developed and was tested empirically using structural equation modeling with a sample of 4,554 caseworkers. Results supported the mediation effect of knowledge integration (KI) as an important factor in organizational effectiveness (OE). The technological domain had a small positive effect on KI and a direct negative effect on OE. The sociocultural and interorganizational domains appeared to be better predictors of KI and OE. Future recommendations include adopting a systematic approach in coordinating knowledge management practices based on a caseworker's KI ability.  相似文献   

Taking the community rather than the service system as its starting point, a community-centered approach to service integration seeks to interweave formal and informal systems of care. Working as part of a community--negotiating and building partnerships with families, social networks, and organizations to change problematic patterns and mobilize resources--requires not only collaboration among administrators, but teamwork among front line staff. Team members need to share work, knowledge, and resources, while building collaborative relationships with their counterparts in other organizations, service users, and other residents. Ensuring congruence between new, integrative methods of practice and the way they are introduced and managed may require substantial changes in management behavior. "Resistance" is best understood in this context as feedback to management about its need to change.  相似文献   


It is widely recognized by social workers and human service administrators that interorganizational networks are an important aspect of the everyday reality of human service organizations. A well-integrated network is defined as a network in which all organizations are connected and the resource exchange among all network actors is guaranteed. To analyze the integration of service networks, this study conducts a social network analysis of four networks among service organizations governed by a shared-participant type of governance. The results indicate that in networks in which the governance is more developed and mature, the structure shows a high level of integration. The analysis and results show that governance leads to an integration of the efforts of diverse service organizations, ultimately increasing the responsiveness of the entire network toward the complex problems of the target group. Future recommendations include discussing further qualitative and quantitative research efforts and the role of shared-participant governance.  相似文献   

This qualitative study of Kenyan non-governmental organizations (NGOs) identified strengths and challenges associated with service provision to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). From September to December 2006, data were collected by Kenyan research assistants in 34 NGOs in Nairobi and Eldoret. In-depth interviews were used to explore the perceptions of directors and staff in relation to organizational strengths and challenges in serving OVC. Structuration theory and template analysis were used to identify higher-order codes related to strengths and challenges of human agents, organizations and societal forces. Emergent themes and supporting interview quotations are presented to highlight common patterns across organizations, including strengths such as staff commitment, client outcomes, and resourceful communities, as well as challenges such as lack of staff, funding, and parental involvement. Through the analysis we uncover insights about the recursive relationship between micro and macro realities in Kenyan NGOs and the accompanying human and social transformations that result from providing services to OVC.  相似文献   

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