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基层政府治理机制转变是构建和谐社会的基本途径,构建社会主义和谐社会,其中很重要的一个方面是要充分发挥基层组织的作用。基层组织也是国家政权的基础和延伸。公众对执政党的执政理念、执政效果以及政治体系合法性、政治制度合理性的认识与认同,相当程度上是通过基层治理行为获得的。只有建立和完善促进经济良性运行、科学发展的基层政府机制,转变政府职能积极为公众和社会提供基本而有保障的公共产品和有效的公共管理、公共服务才能有利于夯实执政的阶级基础和群众基础,从而促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

This article responds to two questions: first, how are large local governments in East Africa responding to the emerging global economy? Second, is globalization a catalyst in enhancing local governance in Nairobi, Kampala, and Dar es Salaam? The paper is an empirical analysis of strategies adopted by local government organizations in search of meeting challenges brought by a globalization. While there are some similarities in the strategies and processes adopted, the implementation pace varies across the three organizations. At the end, an attempt is made to explain these differences.  相似文献   

Local government in Canada has been subject to considerable change in the 1990s. In response, a number of mechanisms have been adopted to improve performance and respond to citizen and customer demands. One particular mechanism quality management, has received considerable continuing support. This article documents the level of use of quality management within local government in Canada, discusses some of the key challenges of introducing this type of program, and, outlines some elements of success of those programs in public management.  相似文献   

The global value chain (GVC) framework and its central concept of governance are increasingly advocated as powerful tools for interpreting managerial issues with particular reference to global supply chain (SC) management. However, a gap still exists about how the GVC concepts, which have been developed at the industry level, can be applied at the company level. The aim of this work is therefore to investigate how the concepts of GVC structure and governance are related to the way the SC is managed. Several research propositions drawn from the literature are investigated by means of seven case studies in the electric motors industry. The results show that the GVC can be a useful framework for understanding and deploying SC management at the company level. Moreover, the analysis of the governance modes provides an effective tool to explain the existing degree of technological and operational collaboration in the SC. Finally, we show the importance of considering such contextual factors as company size and the competitive priorities of the company to move seamlessly between the GVC, at the industry level, and SC management, at the company level.  相似文献   

从军经历影响高管行为选择和管理风格,对于公司治理具有重要的价值。采用2004-2014年上市公司数据样本,以盈余管理程度以及审计意见类型作为反映公司治理的代理变量,本文实证分析了高管从军经历对公司治理的影响。研究发现,有过从军经历的高管所在民营上市公司被出具非标审计意见的可能性以及实施盈余管理的程度相对更低,国有企业则不显著;制度环境影响高管从军经历的治理效应,表现为所在地区政府干预越弱时,高管从军经历对于完善民营企业公司治理的作用越大;高管从军经历与MBA教育在影响民营企业公司治理方面具有替代效应,且从军经历具有更为重要的稳定影响;管制行业民营企业高管从军经历的治理效应更为显著。本文的研究对理解我国企业高管从军经历对于公司治理的重要性以及拓展高管异质性影响公司决策的相关研究具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

Between 2004 and 2010 local area agreements (LAAs) represented a key part of the New Labour Government's agenda for local government in England, which centred on increasing the level of involvement that local areas had in the issues affecting them. To deliver this agenda, New Labour deployed government offices for the regions (GOR) to negotiate with localities on behalf of central government. As part of a broader consideration of the role of regional governance structures in delivering local public services, this paper draws upon the results of a national survey of LAA practitioners in England, and findings from more detailed case study work, to consider the role of GOR in the LAA process. These findings examine the role GOR played in negotiating LAA targets and the extent to which these negotiations allowed local areas to respond to local issues and priorities. Then, by considering local enterprise partnerships and the recently established combined authorities, the paper will consider how localism policy under the Conservative–Liberal Democrat Coalition government, who came to power in 2010, has responded to the lessons of the LAA. In doing so, the paper seeks to fit into the wider discussion about how local public services can be delivered effectively and draw out the challenges faced by those trying to link local and central policy together.  相似文献   

This special issue presents production and operations management research papers from emerging markets worldwide, focusing on their unique contexts, institutions and markets. Collectively, they offer insights into the unique operations management strategies and practices that firms face in emerging markets. The magnitude and pace of change is staggering. As a result, execution and managing growth in these emerging markets represents both huge operational and supply chain risks, and simultaneously vast opportunities. We are confident that these papers stimulate new operations management research while highlighting the effective use of different research methodologies. We welcome you to enjoy this special issue of POMS. We express our deep gratitude to editorial team for their support. We especially wish to thank the authors for their contributions to this special issue.  相似文献   

张耀伟 《管理学报》2012,9(2):244-249
借鉴已有集群治理研究成果并结合航空产业集群的特殊性,剖析了集群创导与集群治理的互动关系,构建了航空产业集群治理分析框架,提出了航空产业集群治理要素模型,即包含治理结构、治理机制和治理环境3个维度的多层次综合治理要素体系,旨在为政府等有关集群主体公允地参与航空产业集群治理、提升集群创新能力提供指导,并为开展集群治理评价实证研究奠定基础.  相似文献   

This article employs an institutional perspective in formulating predictions about the ethical futures of privatization partnerships. Although this paper focuses on ethical concerns in the U.S. public sector, it incorporates a multinational dimension in (a) comparing the meaning of privatization among societies and (b) probing privatization financing in the global economy. Five assumptions that flow from institutional reasoning are made explicit as supports for subsequent predictions. The institutional logic shifts privatization conversation away from conventional debate about competition and efficiency toward centralizing forces in both sectors in response to globalization. In that regard, this study identifies the systemic erosion of (local) community integrity as the key privatization problem of the future.  相似文献   

Small states vary among themselves as to whether they have significant local government systems. While government in Malta has been historically a very centralized activity, a network of local councils was established in the early 1990s as part of a more general public sector reform movement. Unlike some other small states, Malta has strong political parties, and they have played an important part in the affairs of the local councils as well as of the central government. Their establishment has therefore done little to reduce political polarization or promote decentralist values, as was hoped when they were first established.  相似文献   

以2004年~2013年国有系族企业集团控制的上市公司为样本,首次对国有集团内部结构的形成动因及其动态演变过程进行大样本的实证研究,发现,1)我国国有集团的治理结构安排是政府选择的结果:当新进入国有集团的企业历史业绩较好、政府放权意愿更强时,其更可能被安置于集团金字塔结构且受到的掏空行为显著减少;2)被安置于金字塔结构的企业,在进入集团后的长期业绩表现显著差于进入之前;3)集团内部的成员上市公司绩效越差,更可能被剥离出国有集团,这种可能性在层级越高的企业更加明显.这些结果表明了我国国企改革的逻辑不一致性,即国企改革的初衷在于放权,而政府在培育和发展国有集团的过程中却存在着过多的行政干预行为,从而弱化了国企改革的效率.文章为当前国企分类改革背景下集团的战略重组和结构优化调整提供了一定的启示,也丰富了集团治理的研究文献.  相似文献   

转型经济下市场导向型战略影响因素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文通过建立一个概念模型论证了国有企业在转型经济时期采用市场导向型战略的效果以及采用该战略的影响因素。并通过对274份有效问卷的分析验证了我们的模型,分析结果表明政府对企业经营管理干预的减少、公司治理结构的完善、战略控制都有利于市场导向型战略。结果还显示了市场导向型战略在改善国有企业经营业绩上的显著性。这些发现和对原有理论的改进能够帮助我们更好的制定改革政策和国有企业的战略。  相似文献   

地方政府债券\"自发自还\"模式虽然可以有效解决以往模式发行主体和偿债主体的不一致性,但高层级地方政府在分配债券资源时仍然面临着较大的信息不对称和道德风险。本文依据结构化模型及契约理论,从高层级地方政府的角度构建了地方政府债券发行额度的分配决策模型。在效益风险合理搭配的框架下,通过使用遗传算法对双重目标进行加权,分析了省级政府与地(市)级政府之间的债券优化配置方案。研究结果表明,基于经济社会效益最大化和政府债券违约概率最小化等多目标优化求解,可以实现政府债券资源分配的帕累托改进。这对于地方政府债务风险显性化和政府债券合理配置研究将大有裨益,从而有利于科学管控我国日益严峻的地方政府债务风险。  相似文献   

以2005年~2014年中国内地上市公司为研究样本,实证研究了政府补贴政策下企业资本投资取向对地区经济增长质量的影响.研究发现:1)企业新增固定资产投资与地区经济增长质量显著负相关,股权投资不具备提升经济增长质量的效应,而技术投资却能够显著提升经济增长质量;2)相较于中央和民营企业,地方国有企业固定资产投资与股权投资对经济增长质量的不利影响最大,尤其是获取了高额度补贴的地方国有企业;3)适度的政府补贴才能最好地释放企业技术投资对经济增长质量的促进效果,补贴额度过高时,地方国有企业的技术投资未能带来经济增长质量的显著提升;4)地区市场化水平不仅能够强化政府补贴政策下企业技术投资对经济增长质量的促进作用,而且还削弱了地方国有企业固定资产与股权投资对经济增长质量的负面影响.以上研究结论有助于从政府治理角度来理解导致地区经济增长质量失衡的企业资本投资活动成因.  相似文献   

基于组织学习理论和社会资本理论,考察了管理者关系特性对海外子公司内外部网络知识获取和企业绩效的影响。研究结果显示,母子公司管理者之间的信任和沟通频率对获取母公司知识有正向影响,海外子公司管理者和本地重要企业管理者之间的信任对获取本地商务知识有正向影响,海外子公司管理者和本地政府主要负责人之间的私人关系对获取本地制度知识有显著影响。此外,本地制度知识在母公司知识对海外子公司绩效的影响中起正向调节作用,本地商务知识起负向调节作用。  相似文献   

目前,已有少数地方政府陆续推出监管沙盒促进本地经济发展。地方政府之间基于监管沙盒很可能展开新一轮博弈,欠发达地区在这一博弈中会最终出局吗?本文将地方政府区分为发达和欠发达两类群体,基于演化博弈模型对这一问题进行研究。结果表明,发达和欠发达两类群体监管沙盒的最终结局存在较高的依存性,任何一方均无法单方面决定本方监管沙盒的最终结局;欠发达群体的监管沙盒仍有一定的生存空间,在与发达群体博弈中并非一定会出局。  相似文献   

随机选择设备获得方式的可折旧设备在线租赁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
选取截止到2011年底高管所持股票已过禁售期的90家创业板公司作为研究样本,采用最小二乘法分析高管减持和股权结构对创业板公司成长性的影响,研究一股独大的股权结构下公司治理机制对成长性的作用。研究结果表明,核心管理者减持对公司成长性的负面影响显著,初始股权结构是影响处于成长期的创业板公司成长性的主要因素,创业板公司在严格的监管制度下形成被动合规,在股权高度集中的背景下董事会、监事会以及其他内部治理机制的作用弱化,治理的有效性短时间内难以显现;嵌入企业生命周期变量后发现,随着公司的发展,独立董事和监事会的职能逐渐凸显;加强对核心管理者减持行为的监管和优化股权结构有利于提升公司成长性,而创业板公司治理的高起点、高合规性在未来能够成为创业板公司真正实现高成长的制度保障。  相似文献   

Plan evaluation is a well-established part of the planning canon. While this subject has received considerable attention from planning scholars in recent years, plan evaluation methods are not commonly used in practice. This paper examines the factors that contribute to the underuse of plan outcome evaluation in local government planning practice. The concept of evaluation is explained, and the relationship that exists between program evaluation and plan evaluation is explored.  相似文献   

供应链管理思想及其理论和方法的发展过程   总被引:82,自引:7,他引:82  
刘丽文 《管理科学》2003,6(2):81-88
分析、总结和归纳了当今企业管理的一个新热点———供应链管理思想及其理论和方法的 起源和发展演变过程,揭示了这种思想和理论产生的必然性及其对企业的重要性.  相似文献   

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