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Intimate partner violence is increasing among immigrant women in the U.S., but because of language barriers, abused immigrant women may be unable to access formal services. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of geographical location (urban/rural) and percentage of non-native English speakers on the availability of linguistic support services in one highly diverse state-Florida. Using a sample of 258 service providers for domestic violence victims, the results show significant differences between rural and urban providers’ perceptions of the need for linguistic support services in law enforcement, legal, and mental health needs. Urban service providers perceived a greater need for these services than rural service providers. The study found that a higher percentage of non-native English speakers predicted greater bilingual linguistic service availability. Lastly, the study found the more frequently providers perceived a victim’s basic needs to be met, the more likely that providers indicated linguistic support services were frequently met in their service area. Findings indicate that immigrants experiencing abuse who reside in rural areas might endure added difficulties in accessing assistance. While it may not be cost-efficient for rural service providers to hire translators or multilingual staff, such services may be cost-shared with other agencies.  相似文献   


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is the most common form of gender-based violence affecting Canadian women. Women often seek help from shelters to deal with IPV and its consequences. These shelters function within a broader context that shapes how services are delivered. This study was undertaken to better understand how structural factors including policies shape shelter service delivery and reveal systemic and structural complexities that influence those services and women's ability to rebuild their lives. This feminist qualitative study combined in-depth interviews and focus groups with 37 staff and 4 executive directors from 4 shelters in Ontario, Canada, and included critical discourse analysis of salient policy texts. The findings illuminate the complexity of the structural challenges faced by abused women and the shelters that support them. Systemic impediments were shown to determine how shelters support abused women, the obstacles women face moving forward, and the extent and availability of their options. Future research should include policy evaluation of policy written and enacted, cost analysis examining the actual costs of delivering shelter services and supporting women after leaving, examination of potential alternatives to the identified structural challenges, and investigation of system coordination of services and support for abused women.  相似文献   


This research examines the awareness of social service professionals of the food security of low-income families in a community-based savings program. Based on survey data of 65 community agencies in seven states that offer the Individual Development Account (IDA) program, the study investigates program providers’ awareness of the food security of IDA program participants. Second, this study presents IDA program provider activities to alleviate food insecurity and summarizes their opinions about how food insecurity could be prevented among their program families. Results show that providers were aware that families did not have enough of the kinds of food they want to eat. This perception was most strongly related to IDA programs with longer durations. Program families’ reports of their children’s food insecurity aligned well with the extent of food hardship reported by the program providers. Access to food and nutritional wellness services was considered most relevant for alleviating food insecurity. Financial security, access to community resources, and direct access to food and family support networks were considered important factors for protecting families from the threat of hunger. Research is needed to identify the role of community organizations that do not provide nutrition assistance for helping low-income families overcome food hardship.  相似文献   


There is a paucity of research on transitional housing for people living with HIV/AIDS (PHA) and even less so within the Canadian context. The present work addresses that gap and reports on the results from the Transitional Housing Study, a province wide community-based research collaboration involving PHA, service providers, and university researchers in Ontario Canada. This article answers the following research questions: What supports do residents in transitional housing for PHA access and what needs do these supports address? Developing from a thematic analysis of in-depth qualitative interviews with 25 residents in one of three transitional housing agencies in Ontario for PHA, the findings reveal that participants benefited from four key supports while in transitional housing: the provision of a safe environment, co-coordination and management of HIV (and other) drug therapies, assistance with appointments, and referrals to health and social services. Until more resources are available to increase availability of transitional housing for PHA, the nonprofit housing sector must fill the gap that exists by offering the types of supports identified in this study in order to address the needs of PHA. Future research may link these supports efficiently with concrete health improvements and permanent housing stability among PHA.  相似文献   

Underage sex work (USW) has been shown to adversely affect adolescents’ physical and psychological wellbeing; however, little is known about the lives of sex-working adolescents or their needs for services. This study involved semi-structured interviews with eight adolescents who began sex work between the ages of 12 and 16. It was found that caregivers’ characteristics, attachment disruption and early trauma intersected with participants’ wider social environments, specifically with their peer relationships and limited access to services, to create a culture of chaos and avoidant coping. These combined factors constitute significant barriers to service access, and require considered navigation of relational and environmental barriers as well as appropriate management of psychological distress and trauma symptoms to enable effective engagement with services.  相似文献   

The article reports on an exploratory study that examined access to alcohol and other drug treatment for historically disadvantaged communities in the Cape Town metropole. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 key informants from various sectors of the alcohol and drug treatment system, including treatment service providers, members of local drug action committees and social workers from district social service offices. Findings highlighted three structural barriers to service delivery: (i) difficulties in developing and implementing a strategic plan relating to alcohol and drug problems due to poor capacity and other infrastructural issues, such as a lack of information, poor intersectoral collaboration and limited consultation with service providers; (ii) limited allocation of resources to alcohol and drug treatment which has restricted the availability of affordable services as well as the capacity of established services to meet increased demand for services in this area; and (iii) fragmented service delivery. The study highlighted the need for further transformation of the South African social welfare system responsible for alcohol and drug treatment service delivery through public–private partnership development and the introduction of a management information system.  相似文献   

The measurement of ‘service’ in children's services is highly varied. We do not know in a meaningful sense what services children and families get. This paper sets out why it is important to measure services well. It outlines the dimensions of ‘service’, how they have been measured in research, policy and practice contexts, and the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. It then explores implications for the field and identifies potential applications of a more nuanced and consistent approach to measuring services.  相似文献   


As services for older persons continue to shift from hospital and nursing home care to greater reliance on support for care at home, the need to understand the ways older persons obtain services becomes more important. This study examines the use of home-delivered meals as a case study to gain insight into the process of service use from the recipients' point of view. It explores the research question: What are the pathways by which older persons acquire home delivered meals? Narrative analyses of structured and unstructured questions asked of thirty frail older persons suggested that the process of acquiring home delivered meals was accompanied by patterns of adjustment in shifting between independence and dependence in managing loss of physical function, and themes of isolation, loss, and abandonment. The results provide insights for social workers in providing the support needed for the role transition that service acceptance symbolizes for older adults.  相似文献   

The trafficking of women has attracted considerable international and national policy attention, particularly since the UN Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (2000), of which the Australian Government has been a signatory since 2005. The provision of health and community services for trafficked women is a central feature of this Protocol, but in Australia service provision is made difficult by how trafficked women are understood and treated in policy and legal terms. This study aimed to explore the provision of health and community services for trafficked women in the Greater Sydney region through a series of interviews with government and non‐government organisations. The findings reveal that services have been inaccessible as a result of sparse, uncoordinated, and poorly funded provision. The major obstacle to adequate and appropriate service provision has been a national policy approach focusing on ‘border protection’ and criminalisation rather than on trafficked women and their human rights. We conclude that further policy development needs to focus on the practical implications of how such rights can be translated into the delivery of health and community services that trafficked women can access and be supported by more effectively.  相似文献   


Microfinance institutions (MFIs) typically offer small credit services with no collateral to low-income clients, particularly women microentrepreneurs. Evidence suggests that microcredit services are an effective tool for the social and financial empowerment of women and have a significant impact on maternal health, children's education, and sustainable economic growth. With multiple financial institutions offering various microfinance services, women's participation as borrowers has changed. We examine the variation in women borrowers’ participation rates in 105 developing countries by analyzing participation rates using selected determinants such as legal status, outreach, external control, and target clients. Results indicate a preference for unregulated MFIs, particularly nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), which suggests that in spite of the advent of formal financial institutions, women in developing countries are more likely to seek loans from grassroots MFIs. However, with more commercial banks offering microcredit and microsavings with a preference for borrowers with assets, women could be left behind. This raises important questions regarding the objectives of microfinance services and empowerment of women. Future studies should examine the impact of transformations of NGO MFIs on low-income women clients.  相似文献   


This study aimed to explore the experiences of women with mental illness who had also experienced breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, in particular, to identify barriers and facilitators to cancer treatment. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten breast cancer survivors who had had contact with secondary mental health services prior to their cancer diagnosis. Thematic analysis was used to identify key themes. Participants described positive experiences of cancer treatment, expressing surprise at both how well they coped with diagnosis and treatment and how well they were treated by services. Many contrasted this with their less positive experience of mental illness and mental health services. The women interviewed were active participants in their cancer treatment and did not report feeling stigmatised because of their mental health experiences. A lack of connection between cancer and mental health services was described, but this was not regarded as necessarily a bad thing. This study begins to counter the stereotypes of the difficult patient or the person unable to understand and cooperate in their own care which are prevalent in the literature. Further work is needed to understand the reasons for disparities in cancer outcomes.  相似文献   


Women who have experienced intimate partner violence (IPV) victimization are at risk for physical and mental health problems, as well as social and economic challenges. In this cross-sectional study, 173 adult, English-speaking women who had experienced police response to IPV completed a self-report questionnaire about their use of, interest in, and need for various social services and whether or not each type of service helped (or would help) them to feel safer. More than three quarters of the participants reported a current need for health and economic support services. There was less interest in traditional IPV resources: law enforcement and domestic violence counseling or shelter. Expanding services to meet survivors’ needs for health care and economic independence may facilitate long-term safety. Recommendations for further research in this area are provided.  相似文献   


Family caregiving is a stressful process, especially when the complexity of being an immigrant or ethnic minority is added. This paper examined service barriers experienced by Chinese immigrant family caregivers in Canada and the predictors of different types of barriers. Principle component analysis was performed with the barriers reported loading onto cultural barriers, administrative problems, circumstantial challenges, perceived negative quality of services, and personal attitudes. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify the role of the culture-related factors in predicting service barriers, controlling for socio-demographic status of the caregivers'. The results show that financial factors significantly predicted the number and types of barriers reported by the caregivers. Culture-related factors were significant in predicting the total number of access barriers and the different types of barriers experienced by the family caregivers. The findings indicate the importance of culturally sensitive support for family caregivers in order to reduce the access barriers.  相似文献   

Cortis N. Overlooked and under‐served? Promoting service use and engagement among ‘hard‐to‐reach’ populations Social service providers strive to meet the needs of those most marginalised from society and from service systems. Yet many people who might benefit from available help consistently miss out. Using qualitative data, this study developed a repertoire of actions that organisations and service personnel can employ to improve participation and outcomes for groups who may be eligible for and may benefit from services, but whom service providers find difficult to identify, reach and engage. Semi‐structured interviews with service managers and coordinators of child, family and youth services in Australia attest to the diversity and context specificity of those who are deemed to be ‘hard‐to‐reach’. The research data highlight ways to improve reach and engagement in a managerialist context by refining organisational action in four strategic domains: overcoming access barriers, building client relationships, utilising networks and partnerships, and ensuring staff capacity and sustainability.  相似文献   


The most influential model explaining the elderly’s service use is Andersen and Newman's model. But the applicability of the model on elders’ demand on community services has not been tested, especially in developing countries such as China. This research tested the applicability of the model by studying how primary caregiver relations to the elderly influence Chinese community-dwelling elders’ demand on community services. With a total of 2,124 respondents aged 65 and older who reported primary caregivers, six primary caregiver relations were examined: son, spouse, daughter, daughter-in-law, unmarried son and daughter, and other. Data came from the 2014 wave of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey (CLHLS). Results indicated that: (1) Elders cared for by daughters-in-law showed a significantly stronger tendency of expecting community services than elders cared for by other caregivers among both rural and urban areas. (2) Elders were least likely to expect community services in two cases: urban elders taken care of by daughters and rural elders whose primary caregivers were unmarried sons and daughters. Since Chinese elders cared for by different caregivers tended to seek community care in different manners, future research may study how suitable community service programs can be developed to well meet the needs of various elderly groups.  相似文献   

A key factor for increasing help-seeking behavior among women experiencing intimate partner violence (IPV) lies in better understanding how social environment affects decisions about when and why individuals take action to end IPV. This article presents original data from 36 in-depth qualitative interviews conducted with women IPV survivors living in rural Australia to address urban-centric and quantitative biases in much IPV research. Derived from first-hand experiences, results reveal rurality's systemic challenges (economic disadvantage, unemployment, lack of informal support, limited availability/access to sociolegal and formal support services due to transportation and parenting responsibilities, quality alternative housing, and timely/relevant crisis counseling) exacerbated personal capacity to end IPV and sociopsychological factors (stigma, isolation, lack of anonymity, abusive partners’ controlling behavior, and normative violence) thwarted IPV disclosure, help seeking, and healing in rural communities. Collectively, women's experiences evidence IPV's complexity as a social problem, misperceived definition, and breadth of influence. In-depth insights highlight location and culture's relevance to IPV knowledge, experience, service provision, and uptake, suggesting benefits may arise if practitioners and policy makers tailor IPV information and services, specifically crisis housing and counseling, in light of how rurality systemically stymies and psychologically affects women's best efforts to escape and heal.  相似文献   

People labelled with disabilities in Chuadanga, Bangladesh, are denied equitable access to social networks and formal services. In terms both of funding future formal service programmes and of designing community‐based outreach programmes, this lack of access is not a simple reflection of one's impairment but a facet of the social exclusion and stigma that is culturally ascribed to disability in Chuadanga. We utilize a social model to focus on the cultural processes initiated by the onset of illness or impairment. Our participants are drawn from four types of diagnosed disability: blindness, orthopaedic impairment, hearing impairment and mental disorder. Although this inquiry is in line with Daly's focus on how future spending on formal services to promote care and equity in Europe can be helped by searching out information that is often ignored, the particular focus of this study is Chuadanga and the research questions incorporate a disability studies perspective. The authors consider care as a social good and an expenditure of social capital, in reviewing findings from a recent empirical study of disability and employment in the Bangladesh district of Chuadanga. Regardless of disability, poverty can be a morally and socially devastating ordeal. However, the authors conclude that the added loss of social solidarity and equitable access, due to the social exclusion and stigma of disability for the families concerned, make it statistically far less likely that they will access formal services or be able to escape poverty.  相似文献   

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