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The mean estimators with ratio depend on multiple auxiliary variables and unknown parameters in a finite population setting. We propose a new generalized approach with matrices for modeling the mutivariate mean estimators with two auxiliary variables. Our approach brings naturally a graphical analysis for comparing mean estimators.  相似文献   


Variable selection is a fundamental challenge in statistical learning if one works with data sets containing huge amount of predictors. In this artical we consider procedures popular in model selection: Lasso and adaptive Lasso. Our goal is to investigate properties of estimators based on minimization of Lasso-type penalized empirical risk with a convex loss function, in particular nondifferentiable. We obtain theorems concerning rate of convergence in estimation, consistency in model selection and oracle properties for Lasso estimators if the number of predictors is fixed, i.e. it does not depend on the sample size. Moreover, we study properties of Lasso and adaptive Lasso estimators on simulated and real data sets.  相似文献   


The measurement error model with replicated data on study as well as explanatory variables is considered. The measurement error variance associated with the explanatory variable is estimated using the complete data and the grouped data which is used for the construction of the consistent estimators of regression coefficient. These estimators are further used in constructing an almost unbiased estimator of regression coefficient. The large sample properties of these estimators are derived without assuming any distributional form of the measurement errors and the random error component under the setup of an ultrastructural model.  相似文献   


Semi-functional linear regression models are important in practice. In this paper, their estimation is discussed when function-valued and real-valued random variables are all measured with additive error. By means of functional principal component analysis and kernel smoothing techniques, the estimators of the slope function and the non parametric component are obtained. To account for errors in variables, deconvolution is involved in the construction of a new class of kernel estimators. The convergence rates of the estimators of the unknown slope function and non parametric component are established under suitable norm and conditions. Simulation studies are conducted to illustrate the finite sample performance of our method.  相似文献   

In partly linear models, the dependence of the response y on (x T, t) is modeled through the relationship y=x T β+g(t)+?, where ? is independent of (x T, t). We are interested in developing an estimation procedure that allows us to combine the flexibility of the partly linear models, studied by several authors, but including some variables that belong to a non-Euclidean space. The motivating application of this paper deals with the explanation of the atmospheric SO2 pollution incidents using these models when some of the predictive variables belong in a cylinder. In this paper, the estimators of β and g are constructed when the explanatory variables t take values on a Riemannian manifold and the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are obtained under suitable conditions. We illustrate the use of this estimation approach using an environmental data set and we explore the performance of the estimators through a simulation study.  相似文献   


In this article we consider the problem of fitting a five-parameter generalization of the lambda distribution to data given in the form of a grouped frequency table. The estimation of parameters is done by six different procedures: percentiles, moments, probability-weighted moments, minimum Cramér-Von Mises, maximum likelihood, and pseudo least squares. These methods are evaluated and compared using a Monte Carlo study where the parent populations were generalized lambda distribution (GLD) approximations of Normal, Beta, Gamma random variables, and for nine combinations of sample sizes and number of classes. Of the estimators analyzed it is concluded that, although the method of pseudo least squares suffers from a number of limitations, it appears to be the candidate procedure to estimate the parameters of a GLD from grouped data.  相似文献   


This article investigates the finite sample properties of a range of inference methods for propensity score-based matching and weighting estimators frequently applied to evaluate the average treatment effect on the treated. We analyze both asymptotic approximations and bootstrap methods for computing variances and confidence intervals in our simulation designs, which are based on German register data and U.S. survey data. We vary the design w.r.t. treatment selectivity, effect heterogeneity, share of treated, and sample size. The results suggest that in general, theoretically justified bootstrap procedures (i.e., wild bootstrapping for pair matching and standard bootstrapping for “smoother” treatment effect estimators) dominate the asymptotic approximations in terms of coverage rates for both matching and weighting estimators. Most findings are robust across simulation designs and estimators.  相似文献   


M-estimation is a widely used technique for robust statistical inference. In this paper, we study robust partially functional linear regression model in which a scale response variable is explained by a function-valued variable and a finite number of real-valued variables. For the estimation of the regression parameters, which include the infinite dimensional function as well as the slope parameters for the real-valued variables, we use polynomial splines to approximate the slop parameter. The estimation procedure is easy to implement, and it is resistant to heavy-tailederrors or outliers in the response. The asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators are established. Finally, we assess the finite sample performance of the proposed method by Monte Carlo simulation studies.  相似文献   


We propose a new class of two-stage parameter estimation methods for semiparametric ordinary differential equation (ODE) models. In the first stage, state variables are estimated using a penalized spline approach; In the second stage, form of numerical discretization algorithms for an ODE solver is used to formulate estimating equations. Estimated state variables from the first stage are used to obtain more data points for the second stage. Asymptotic properties for the proposed estimators are established. Simulation studies show that the method performs well, especially for small sample. Real life use of the method is illustrated using Influenza specific cell-trafficking study.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a nonparametric additive regression model suitable for a wide range of time series applications. Our model includes a periodic component, a deterministic time trend, various component functions of stochastic explanatory variables, and an AR(p) error process that accounts for serial correlation in the regression error. We propose an estimation procedure for the nonparametric component functions and the parameters of the error process based on smooth backfitting and quasimaximum likelihood methods. Our theory establishes convergence rates and the asymptotic normality of our estimators. Moreover, we are able to derive an oracle‐type result for the estimators of the AR parameters: Under fairly mild conditions, the limiting distribution of our parameter estimators is the same as when the nonparametric component functions are known. Finally, we illustrate our estimation procedure by applying it to a sample of climate and ozone data collected on the Antarctic Peninsula.  相似文献   


We investigate the semiparametric smooth coefficient stochastic frontier model for panel data in which the distribution of the composite error term is assumed to be of known form but depends on some environmental variables. We propose multi-step estimators for the smooth coefficient functions as well as the parameters of the distribution of the composite error term and obtain their asymptotic properties. The Monte Carlo study demonstrates that the proposed estimators perform well in finite samples. We also consider an application and perform model specification test, construct confidence intervals, and estimate efficiency scores that depend on some environmental variables. The application uses a panel data on 451 large U.S. firms to explore the effects of computerization on productivity. Results show that two popular parametric models used in the stochastic frontier literature are likely to be misspecified. Compared with the parametric estimates, our semiparametric model shows a positive and larger overall effect of computer capital on the productivity. The efficiency levels, however, were not much different among the models. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   


We propose to compare population means and variances under a semiparametric density ratio model. The proposed method is easy to implement by employing logistic regression procedures in many statistical software, and it often works very well when data are not normal. In this paper, we construct semiparametric estimators of the differences of two population means and variances, and derive their asymptotic distributions. We prove that the proposed semiparametric estimators are asymptotically more efficient than the corresponding non parametric ones. In addition, a simulation study and the analysis of two real data sets are presented. Finally, a short discussion is provided.  相似文献   


Scale equivariant estimators of the common variance σ2, of correlated normal random variables, have mean squared errors (MSE) which depend on the unknown correlations. For this reason, a scale equivariant estimator of σ2 which uniformly minimizes the MSE does not exist. For the equi-correlated case, we have developed three equivariant estimators of σ2: a Bayesian estimator for invariant prior as well as two non-Bayesian estimators. We then generalized these three estimators for the case of several variables with multiple unknown correlations. In addition, we developed a system of confidence intervals which produce the desired coverage probability while being efficient in terms of expected length.  相似文献   


Because of its flexibility and usefulness, Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) has been widely used for clinical data analysis. In general, however, AIC is used without paying much attention to sample size. If sample sizes are not large enough, it is possible that the AIC approach does not lead us to the conclusions which we seek. This article focuses on the sample size determination for AIC approach to clinical data analysis. We consider a situation in which outcome variables are dichotomous and propose a method for sample size determination under this situation. The basic idea is also applicable to the situations in which outcome variables have more than two categories or outcome variables are continuous. We present simulation studies and an application to an actual clinical trial.  相似文献   


We derive the influence function of the likelihood ratio test statistic for multivariate normal sample. The derived influence function does not depend on the influence functions of the parameters under the null hypothesis. So we can obtain directly the empirical influence function with only the maximum likelihood estimators under the null hypothesis. Since the derived formula is a general form, it can be applied to influence analysis on many statistical testing problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a judgment post stratified (JPS) sample of set size H from a location and scale family of distributions. In a JPS sample, ranks of measured units are random variables. By conditioning on these ranks, we derive the maximum likelihood (MLEs) and best linear unbiased estimators (BLUEs) of the location and scale parameters. Since ranks are random variables, by considering the conditional distributions of ranks given the measured observations we construct Rao-Blackwellized version of MLEs and BLUEs. We show that Rao-Blackwellized estimators always have smaller mean squared errors than MLEs and BLUEs in a JPS sample. In addition, the paper provides empirical evidence for the efficiency of the proposed estimators through a series of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider non‐parametric copula inference under bivariate censoring. Based on an estimator of the joint cumulative distribution function, we define a discrete and two smooth estimators of the copula. The construction that we propose is valid for a large range of estimators of the distribution function and therefore for a large range of bivariate censoring frameworks. Under some conditions on the tails of the distributions, the weak convergence of the corresponding copula processes is obtained in l([0,1]2). We derive the uniform convergence rates of the copula density estimators deduced from our smooth copula estimators. Investigation of the practical behaviour of these estimators is performed through a simulation study and two real data applications, corresponding to different censoring settings. We use our non‐parametric estimators to define a goodness‐of‐fit procedure for parametric copula models. A new bootstrap scheme is proposed to compute the critical values.  相似文献   


Based on the tampered failure rate model under the adaptive Type-II progressively hybrid censoring data, we discuss the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters and acceleration factors in the general step-stress accelerated life tests in this paper. We also construct the exact and unique confidence interval for the extended Weibull shape parameter. In the numerical analysis, we describe the simulation procedures to obtain the adaptive Type-II progressively hybrid censoring data in the step-stress accelerated life tests and present an experimental data to illustrate the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   


In this paper, we propose a new efficient and robust penalized estimating procedure for varying-coefficient single-index models based on modal regression and basis function approximations. The proposed procedure simultaneously solves two types of problems: separation of varying and constant effects and selection of variables with non zero coefficients for both non parametric and index components using three smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalties. With appropriate selection of the tuning parameters, the new method possesses the consistency in variable selection and the separation of varying and constant coefficients. In addition, the estimators of varying coefficients possess the optimal convergence rate and the estimators of constant coefficients and index parameters have the oracle property. Finally, we investigate the finite sample performance of the proposed method through a simulation study and real data analysis.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose instrumental variables (IV) and generalized method of moments (GMM) estimators for panel data models with weakly exogenous variables. The model is allowed to include heterogeneous time trends besides the standard fixed effects (FE). The proposed IV and GMM estimators are obtained by applying a forward filter to the model and a backward filter to the instruments in order to remove FE, thereby called the double filter IV and GMM estimators. We derive the asymptotic properties of the proposed estimators under fixed T and large N, and large T and large N asymptotics where N and T denote the dimensions of cross section and time series, respectively. It is shown that the proposed IV estimator has the same asymptotic distribution as the bias corrected FE estimator when both N and T are large. Monte Carlo simulation results reveal that the proposed estimator performs well in finite samples and outperforms the conventional IV/GMM estimators using instruments in levels in many cases.  相似文献   

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