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我们知道,地铁发展为城市经济带来无限商机,孕育了地铁经济的形成和发展,而地铁经济又反过来繁荣发展了城市经济,成为城市经济的重要组成部分,也就是说,地铁经济是城市发展到一定阶段的产物,反过来又可带动城市经济的进一步发展。特别是地铁带来的高通达性提高了沿线土地的空间利用价值,日益影响着城市的商业空间结构和土地利用形态,可以这样说,正是因为地铁交通重塑和创新了高密度的城市空间,地铁经济也就应运而生了。  相似文献   

杨重光 《城市》2010,(12):3-6
上海世博会的主题是:城市,让生活更美好。那么,如何推进城市化,如何建设和发展城市?什么样的城市才能让生活更美好?  相似文献   

侯亚军  马会杰 《职业》2014,(18):128-129
中技生正处于由少年向成人过渡的青年期,是人生发展的黄金阶段。他们具备哪些特点?针对这些特点班主任应采取哪些策略?本文就此进行论述。  相似文献   

1912年,美国人步济时创办北京社会实进会,目的是组织学生参与社会服务工作,以改造社会和救治中国。就这样,西方社会工作来到中国,生根、发芽……直至I00年后的今天,社会工作正朝着职业化、专业化、制度化的方向前进,迎来她新的生命历程。这100年里,有哪些社会工作的重要思想曾在人们的内心激荡?有哪些重要史实值得铭记?有哪些影响深远的活动和实践至今仍被人们一次又一次提起?有哪些重要人物在中国社会工作发展史上熠熠闪光?传统的半行政化的社会工作又有哪些值得吸纳的精髓?引进的西方社会工作又如何与本土嫁接?……  相似文献   

民间有这样一句话:"地铁一通,黄金万两。"一方面,地铁为传统商业圈带来了巨大客流;另一方面,地铁也给人们带来更多的消费选择。当雄心勃勃而目光独到的品牌进驻地铁站时,当传统商业圈和地铁消费圈发生整合时,一个城市全新的商业格局便诞生了。全球各大城市的地铁商业形态各异,有的大力着力打造地下商圈;有的却将目光锁定到出入口外的周边环境,休闲、餐饮、广告、文艺……纷纷栖息到这块黄金码头。在这座正准备迎接地铁的城市里,南昌人也开始猜测、设想属于自己的地铁经济。  相似文献   

孙可  张严 《城市》2016,(7):61-66
商业用地是城市商业发展的重要空间载体,其中零售商业用地作为商业用地的核心要素,表征了商业用地在社会经济活动中的地位和效用。商业用地在城市土地利用过程中的演变状况和内在机制,可以客观地反映城市商业用地和零售商业空间结构的变化规律,对其进行研究,可以为更好地认识和解决其中的问题提供科学的思路和依据。笔者以长沙为例,应用GIS技术,通过解析2003年~2013年城市商业用地的演变过程与特征,揭示了商业用地的空间集聚和规模变化的规律,分析了演变动力机制,提出了城市空间资源有效配置和土地合理利用的对策和建议。  相似文献   

2009年的中国人对自己的生活满意吗?面对新的2010年,中国人有哪些期待?新生代市场监测机构于2009年底在北京、上海、广州和成都开展了一项“2009年城市生活满意度”调查,从中可以看到中国城市的幸福的基本面貌。  相似文献   

人的生老病死自有其规律,衰老是不可避免的。衰老的进程是通过年龄来表现的,虽然如此,年龄有时却也不能真正反映客观的衰老程度。衰老有哪些具体表现?有什么对策可以延缓衰老呢?  相似文献   

地铁是城市发展现代化的一个重要标志。本文分析了国内外城市地铁的构建、运营以及地铁在城市化进程中的作用,进而系统阐释了地铁对广州城市发展、社会生活及生态环境的影响和意义。  相似文献   

“世界上各大城市地铁的情形不大一样。有的大力发展“地下经济”,使地铁成为城市文化的一道独特风景;有的则将目光转向地铁口外的黄金地带,让地铁在“大商业经济”中扮演更重要的角色。不论采用哪一种模式,地铁部已经理所当然地卷入了商业大潮。  相似文献   

伴随国内互联网的快速发展和网络消费环境的整体改善,电子商务已经成为当代大学生最为可行的一种创业模式。在大学生电子商务创业教育中,高校应该大力借鉴国际上成熟有效的SYB创业人才培养模式,构建具有电子商务创业教育特色的SYB创业教育拓展体系,从创业意识、创业计划、创业模拟和实战等方面全面培养大学生创业基本素质;从创业教育的组织、师资、环境和创业实施条件等方面给予大力的保障。  相似文献   

The gay consumer market is often treated as a homogeneous entity, and Anglophone scholarship has given scant attention to lesbian consumers. This paper examines gendered distinctions within the Chinese gay market by asking how the lesbian consumer market is organized differently from its gay male counterpart and why some types of businesses thriving in the gay male market are likely to fail in the lesbian market. Based on interviews with entrepreneurs and business professionals, supplemented with ethnographic and media data, this study indicates that certain types of commerce existing in the gay male consumer market do not dovetail with lesbians' preferred ways of socializing associated with women's risk perception. Unlike previous scholarship that simply characterized the lesbian market as “underdeveloped,” this research demonstrates that opportunities for the lesbian and gay male markets exist in different types of trade and business. Although the concept of the pink economy is theoretically grounded in sexual orientation, China's pink market demonstrates how gender plays a key role in shaping the lesbian consumer market.  相似文献   

This paper argues that a neo-Gramscian perspective can provide useful explanatory insights into the recent commercialization of the Internet. Governments, notably in the USA and Europe, have taken action to shape and smooth this transition in response to the desire of business to exploit a new commercial opportunity. A series of measures has been enacted in relatively new international fora whose general aim is to promote the development of international production and trade. There is evidence of concerted efforts aimed at designing an interconnected regulatory framework within which global electronic commerce might evolve. Governmental interests have attempted to promote the ethos of a new liberalized, self-regulatory system that prioritizes commercial and trademark interests of business.  相似文献   

With the public discourse around filesharing veering towards punitive extremes, our aim in this essay is to reframe the issue in two ways. First, we argue that the filesharing debates are ‘too economic’, insofar as they reduce a multi-faceted phenomenon to a single issue: financial loss resulting from the theft of intellectual property. Lost in such arguments is the fact that music routinely circulates through the culture in myriad ways that have little (if anything) to do with commerce and capitalism, and everything to do with affect and affiliation. Second, the filesharing debates are simultaneously ‘not economic enough’, insofar as they evade the financial complexities of the music business in favor of an overly simplistic equation: ‘downloaded music’ leads directly to ‘lost sales revenues’. A more robust analysis of the music industry's standard economic practices, however, undercuts both its economic claims about the negative effects of filesharing on sales and its moral claims to be defending helpless musicians from downloading ‘thieves’.  相似文献   

Most, if not all, unions have monopoly power, which they can use to raise wages above competitive levels.-Freeman and Medoff (1984: 6) The inequality of bargaining power between employees who do not possess full freedom of association or actual liberty of contract and employers who are organized in the corporate or other forms of ownership association substantially burdens and affects the flow of commerce, and tends to aggravate recurrent business depressions, by depressing wage rates and the purchasing power of wage earners in industry and by preventing the stabilization of competitive wage rates and working conditions within and between industries.-Preamble to the Wagner Act of 1935  相似文献   

建设国际商贸中心目标下广州会展产业加快发展问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李铁成  刘力 《城市观察》2011,(1):135-144
作为现代商贸流通业的重要组成部分之一,广州会展产业加快发展,是实现现代商贸流通业快速发展,推进国际商贸中心城市建设的必然要求。本文通过对广州会展产业现实基础、比较优势、制约因素和政策措施的分析和思考,认为尽管存在着不利条件和外部竞争,广州会展产业的加快发展是可以实现的。  相似文献   

If entrepreneurs are society's innovators, what is the role of businesspeople in poor countries — particularly, the ‘micro’ businesspeople that make up the majority? What hope for decreasing poverty and improving livelihoods do microbusinesses offer? In particular, what is the role of women microentrepreneurs, whose incomes have been understood to contribute a great deal to the well‐being of poor households? This paper is based on case studies collected in the late 1990s in Sucre, Bolivia, a context in which many women are the owners of independent microenterprises. Women in Sucre control a range of microenterprises in the commerce, production and service sectors and are recognized as businesspeople by their spouses, families and people in their community. Under such conditions of ‘empowered’ business ownership, what is the potential of these businesses to decrease poverty? The study explores the business experiences of women microentrepreneurs, their priorities, entrepreneurial abilities and the obstacles they face. It suggests the kinds of business activities which women in Sucre are most likely to undertake and the income levels which these activities generally attract. Finally, it indicates that, while women in Sucre can control resources and take advantage of opportunities as businesswomen, other constraints mean that most women's businesses have only a limited ability to decrease poverty. ‘Microenterprise development’ alone is insufficient to address the complex relationships affecting how these women and their households access resources.  相似文献   

Social commerce is an emerging trend in which online shops create referral hyperlinks to other shops in the same online marketplace. We study the evolution of a social commerce network in a large online marketplace. Our dataset starts before the birth of the network (at which points shops were not linked to each other) and includes the birth of the network. The network under study exhibits a typical power-law degree distribution. We empirically compare a set of edge formation mechanisms (including preferential attachment and triadic closure) that may explain the emergence of this property. Our results suggest that the evolution of the network and the emergence of its power-law degree distribution are better explained by a network evolution mechanism that relies on vertex attributes that are not based on the structure of the network. Specifically, our analysis suggests that the power-law degree distribution emerges because shops prefer to connect to shops with more diverse assortments, and assortment diversity follows a power-law distribution. Shops with more diverse assortments are more attractive to link to because they are more likely to bring traffic from consumers browsing the WWW. Therefore, our results also imply that social commerce networks should not be studied in isolation, but rather in the context of the broader network in which they are embedded (the WWW).  相似文献   

刘琎 《城市观察》2014,34(6):178-188
作为因商而兴的九省通衢城市,武汉市的商业步行街一直是城市精神表达的重要场所。本文以武汉市三条著名商业步行街——汉正街,江汉路,楚河汉街为观察研究对象,以时间轴为研究线索,立足"场所精神"概念与内涵,深入分析比较不同时间维度下场所精神对于城市的意义变迁。  相似文献   

Early copies of the Photographic Album of South African Scenery that was published between c.1880 and c.1888 by Robert Harris in Port Elizabeth consisted of 28 double-card pages with two, occasionally one, tipped-in photographs per page. During the near-decade of its production, the number of images increased, printed captions replaced handwritten captions and both the selection and arrangement of images became gradually more coherent and programmatic. The paper interprets these changes as Robert Harris’s attempt to construct a public identity for South Africa at the moment its economy and society were being transformed by the diamond mines at Kimberley and elsewhere that constitute the focus of the later form of the form Album. In the developed form of the Album, a narrative progression is suggested to move from Cape Town and the Western Province, to Port Elizabeth and the Eastern Province, to the Kimberley Diamond Fields, Natal, etc. In order to read this journey critically, the paper is arranged to demonstrate the constituent parts of this journey in the representation of cities and towns, laid out in grid plans on the African veld; the depiction of individual buildings with their expressive vocabulary of architectural style; and the idea of commerce – represented in street scenes, markets and seaports – and the facilitation of commerce through roads, bridges and mountain passes. The disproportionately large number of photographs of Kimberley, with both its mining operations and no less than three commercial markets, underlines the significance of commerce and industry in the new South African identity. The emphasis on commercial achievement in the Album leaves an obviously subordinate role for images of nature in both agriculture and landscape. Farming is represented through such exploitative practices as forest clearing and hunting, rather than the developed forms of agriculture of wine farming, sheep farming and wheat farming. And landscape in the Album is either a landscape subdued to the wants and needs of a settler population that would bludgeon its way through mountain passes or divert the course of rivers to facilitate commerce, or a landscape that is defined by the imported aesthetic conventions of the picturesque and sublime. Similarly, grouping the photographs of indigenous peoples that are scattered throughout the Album, one may see that their representation is entirely instrumental, divided crudely into roles of either war-like barbarians or pliant labourers. In these ways, the Photographic Album may be understood as a true mirror of the colonial achievement.  相似文献   

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