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17世纪是英国济贫法制度开始实施的时代。圈地运动、物价上涨与资产阶级革命的爆发,使得17世纪英国的贫困和流民问题严重化,1601年济贫法构成了这一世纪英国济贫法制度的法律基础,17世纪前期英国的济贫法救济逐步扩大并关注流民、贫民的管理与救助,济贫税开始推行,但范围有限,济贫法管理发生变化;17世纪后期,英国的济贫法救济提供现金、衣物、住房与医疗救济,劳动救济和济贫法管理受到高度重视并采取多种方式。  相似文献   

The role of charity as a provider of relief was notably little discussed in the comprehensive English Poor Law Report of 1834. By contrast, however, the debate at the time in Ireland over whether any kind of Poor Law at all was desirable ranged much more broadly, with the respective roles of statutory and voluntary provision hotly contested. In fact, beyond the confines of the English Report itself, the topic of the place of charity in relief was exercising plenty of minds on both shores of the Irish Sea. This article examines aspects of the intellectual importance accorded to the role of individual charity and wider voluntary action in welfare provision across the British Isles by some of the central figures in the English and Irish Poor Law debates in the 1830s. It is a study of how justifications were forged to underpin charitable activity and specific policy proposals as advanced by the main proponents of Christian political economy from the late 18th to the early 19th centuries, including William Paley, Thomas Robert Malthus, John Bird Sumner, Edward Copleston, James Ebenezer Bicheno, Thomas Chalmers and Richard Whately. The discussions of Irish circumstances and problems furnish new insights into the substance and reach of a ‘philosophy of charity’ which was firmly in place by the 1830s.  相似文献   

2月14日,一个充满温情的日子。这一天,“辽沈大地涌春潮——扶贫帮困成果展”在辽宁省博物馆开幕。展览分5部分,以18块展板、百余幅图片,介绍了“十五”以来, 国家和辽宁省领导对困难群众的关心,各级党委、政府和社会各界对扶贫帮困工作的支持,以及辽宁省在扶贫帮困工作中的具体做法以及取得的成效。多年来,辽宁省委、省政府始终  相似文献   

Child protection social work in Ireland has been expanding at a significant pace over the past decade, particularly since the implementation of the 1991 Child Care Act and the emergence of a number of child abuse 'scandals' since the early 1990s. One health board area in Ireland, itself subject to one of the most controversial child abuse inquiries, commissioned a research study into the nature of child protection practices in the area. The aim of the research was to evaluate the overall child protection system and to consider what impact, if any, new practice guidelines and procedures, implemented in the aftermath of the inquiry, had made on the service. This paper considers some of the key findings from the research and considers these in the context of the overall Irish child protection system. Three particular aspects of the research are focused on: the use of procedures and guidelines, the nature of interagency cooperation and the position of social workers within this, and the overall nature and direction of the child care system.  相似文献   

If a major effect of public housing is to rezone the poor then positive discrimination in favour of the new zones is needed to avoid worsening their situation. The Green Valley estate of the New South Wales Housing Commission is one such public housing scheme which has concentrated relatively poor families into a badly serviced area. Since the most needy moved in first are likely to be the least effective pioneers, the problems of the area are likely to be doubly difficult.  相似文献   

Old and Poor     
The number of elderly residing in Florida has made it one of the "bellwether" states reflecting the future circumstances and needs of the older population (Naisbitt, 1982). This survey examines low income older men and women whose economic and social circumstances brought them to community based meal programs. A total sample of 1,083 was surveyed at day-time meal programs for the elderly poor residing in three south Florida communities. The findings of this study demonstrate that the poor elderly self report poor quality of life, high levels of isolation, unhappiness, and despair.  相似文献   

谢晖 《求是学刊》2003,30(3):65-72
文章指出法律的作者就是立法者 ,追问法律的作者 ,就是追问法律的意义。文章分析了法律作者的学术形态—强者、德者、智慧者、神圣者、自然者以及代议制下的公众 ,进而指出 ,人类实践史上的立法者主要体现为以下三种形态 ,即独裁者、代议者、全体民众。从独断的立法者到代议的立法者再到全民的立法者本质上是从独白的立法者到对白的立法者再到对白与旁白互动的立法者的发展历程。立法者表述法律的创造比哲学家表述认知的创造还要复杂。立法者应自觉地走向解释的旁观者 ,否则 ,立法权力就会失去必要的制约。  相似文献   

英美财产法的功能是在人们日常的、正常的生活轨道中,为人们实现个人意图提供了一整套工具和规则。财产法中的权益概念、构成财产关系的方法与财产交易的技术手段对于一个国家的经济发展至关重要。财产法属于私法,但是离不开国际法和公法的大背景,这些法律都提供了保护私有财产的基本原则和规范。在私法领域的财产法的法源主要是判例法和成文立法。在判例法中普通法和衡平法都为财产法做出过重要的贡献。由于历史原因,英美财产法中有许多独特的专业术语,这些术语不仅不同于日常英语,在财产法的语境中也不只一个意思,需要根据上下文来判断它们的具体的确切含义。  相似文献   

卢哲 《今日辽宁》2003,(5):39-41
9月22日一上班,本溪市民政局财务处的小王就紧张的忙碌起来,一张张汇票、转账支票或被送往银行、或被城区民政局取走.人们的爱心经由他们散播开来,散播到困难群众的手中、心中.  相似文献   

正十二届全国人大常委会第十八次会议近日分组审议野生动物保护法修订草案。修订草案在一些重大的问题上作了修订和补充,比如规定了要保护的野生动物新的范围、栖息地的保护、人工繁育重点保护动物的规范等。"在这次修改中,把栖息地保护纳入了野生动物保护法的保护范围。保护野生动物及其栖息地是尊重自然规律的结果,也是各国普遍采用的。"王庆喜委员说。李安东委员表示,现行野生动物保护法自1989年实施以来,到现  相似文献   

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