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思想政治教育工作者从事高校心理咨询是中国内地高校心理咨询的本土化特征。高校心理咨询的工作目标应为心理学的目标,即个体心理健康。思想政治教育工作者从事心理咨询的前提条件是,对自身人格水平有良好的意识与觉察。  相似文献   

大学生心理咨询工作和心理健康教育现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张华  祁畅  李发展 《社科纵横》2009,24(1):156-158
随着我国社会经济的发展、高等教育招生规模的扩大,大学生在学习、就业、经济和情感等方面的压力日益增加,心理问题日益突出,在这种情况下,大部分高校积极在大学生中开展了心理咨询工作和心理健康教育。我们通过对高校大学生心理咨询工作和心理健康教育在学生中产生的影响和效果进行调查研究,挖掘该阶段存在的特定问题,总结其中的经验与教训并提出相应的对策,从另一个侧面为高校进一步开展心理咨询工作和心理健康教育提供参考依据。  相似文献   

在新的历史条件下,军人心理问题日益突出,因此在部队各级成立专门的心理咨询机构,贴近部队实际和军人特点提供心理咨询服务,对部队的全面建设具有重要意义。开展军人心理咨询工作可以为提高部队战斗力提供重要精神支持和为官兵健康成长提供相应的保障。当前我军心理咨询工作存在一些问题,应对军人心理咨询工作的建设做进一步的研究与加强。  相似文献   

心理咨询在中国   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
与国外相比,我国的心理咨询业起步较晚,80年代中期刚崭露头角,但发展速度却很快,尤以大城市最为明显,特别是近一、二年,已不断产生出各种类型的心理咨询机构。中国心理咨询业务的大规模开展起始于各高校;继而是北京、广州、上海等大城市的一些综合医院陆续开设了心理咨询门诊;真正构成社会热点现象的则是社会民办心理咨询机构的大量涌现,特别层层出不穷的心理咨询电话热线。心理咨询机构的分类中国目前的心理咨询机构和划分为四部分:一是精神病专科医院的心理咨询门诊;二是综合医院的心理咨询门诊;三是非医院系统的心理咨询机构…  相似文献   

方清  郭潇萌 《社科纵横》2013,(2):235-236
抑郁症是一种常见的心境障碍,当前大学生抑郁症的发病率呈明显上升趋势,严重影响大学生的身心健康。在高校背景下,探索在药物支持下针对抑郁症的心理咨询实务,为新手咨询师提供几点工作建议。  相似文献   

个案社会工作与心理咨询二者都在不同程度上关注社会弱势人群的健康发展、对人的心理和行为偏差的矫正,使得很多人经常性地把他们混为一谈。本文从专业关系的角度对两者的相似性和差异性进行了细致的比较,以期为无论是心理咨询者还是个案社会工作者恰当精细的教学亦即实务工作提供一些辨析和帮助。  相似文献   

心理咨询和思想教育作为两个不同的学科 ,彼此可以从对方那里获得养料 ;作为两种不同的工作 ,两者可以互相补充 ,互相借鉴 ,存在着结合的内在根据 ;两者在目标 ,内容 ,方法上既有区别又有联系 ,存在着结合的基础和互补的可能性。现实中大学生的思想问题与心理问题往往交织在一起 ,许多思想问题背后有复杂的心理因素 ;在实践中 ,心理咨询不但能有效地解决心理问题 ,而且也能较好地解决某些用以往的思想政治教育方法难以奏效的思想行为问题。因此 ,思想教育工作者 ,必须注重发挥心理咨询的作用 ,以增强思想教育的实效  相似文献   

刘芳 《社会工作》2008,(18):10-12
经济社会的剧烈变化使学校教育面临前所未有的冲击,原有的学生工作和学校心理咨询工作虽然在一定程度上发挥了功用,但也暴露了诸多弊端。对我国而言,学校社会工作是一个全新的领域,且由于其在工作性质、工作原则及某些工作方法上与学校心理咨询存在相似性,因而使其在学校领域的介入和发展受到一定的质疑。全文以新时期学生发展的需求为基础,以与学校心理咨询相比较为重点,总结出学校社会工作的特质,从而论证了新时期开展学校社会工作的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

大学生心理咨询工作和心理健康教育存在问题成因分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
梁恒  李发展 《社科纵横》2008,23(1):142-144
随着中国社会经济的发展、高等教育招生规模的扩大,大学生在学习、就业、经济和情感等方面的压力日益增加,心理问题日益突出,大力推进心理健康教育工作理论的探索与研究,对目前高校大学生心理咨询与心理健康教育中存在的问题及成因进行分析,对促进中国大学生心理健康教育的健康发展有着积极的意义.  相似文献   

林媛  施娜柯  张芸 《社会工作》2011,(10):70-72
朋辈咨询作为高校心理健康教育的必要补充,现阶段的理论性研究成果已经充分剖析其可行性与必要性。非专业的朋辈咨询员如何开展心理咨询,并保证咨询的效果呢,值得进一步探索,并付诸实践。笔者作为综合性大学的专职心理咨询老师,从2009年开始培养朋辈咨询员,经过两个学期的实践,得出一些实践效果与操作经验。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ken Daniels, Head of Department of Social Work, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Summary The expectation of the vast majority of young couples is thatat some stage they will ‘have’ children. Infertilitymeans that that expectation cannot be met and this has personal,couple and social implications. Infertility counselling hasfocused primarily on the psychological or emotional needs ofthe couple. This paper argues that a psychosocial perspectiveis needed, with increased emphasis being given to the socialend of the psychosocial continuum. A case study is presentedto illustrate the range of psychosocial issues that can ariseand suggestions are made regarding how these might be respondedto. These include: responding to the emotional needs of thecouple, responding to the couple and their networks, utilizingself-help and support groups, contributing to an effective teamapproach, using a multi-role approach, being clear about thedifferent components of counselling, and contributing to thesocial policy and ethical issues. Social workers, with theirpsychosocial perspective, are seen to have a unique contributionto make to a more holistic approach to infertility counselling.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evalute an emotionally supportive counselling program for health care personnel that can be led by social welfare officers. The program consisted of 1-hour sessions conducted every second week for 7 months. The meetings were devoted to talks about personal stress experiences related to patients and their relatives. Nurses and nursing aides (n = 51) in counselling groups showed significant changes in a favourable direction on the following variables: fewer perceived daily hassles; fewer self-reported physical and psychological symptoms; and improved subjective well-being. No effects were noted on sense of coherence and subjective physical health status. Interviews with program participants, the group leaders (social welfare officers), and their supervisor (a psychotherapist) indicated how the counselling program may be affected by the personality and competence of the group leader, the working conditions of the wards in general and the attitudes of the head nurse in particular. The results were discussed as promising.  相似文献   

社会工作专业戒毒辅导网站是将社会工作的专业知识与网络技术结合,为网上吸毒者特别是隐性吸毒者及其家属提供专业化服务的新型辅导模式,在专业理念、工作方法以及服务对象和服务范围等方面具有显著优势,是对现行戒毒工作的补充和拓展,有助于提高服务的专业化水平。  相似文献   

石燕 《社会工作》2012,(4):55-57
现今社会,心理健康问题凸显,人们对学生心理健康的重视程度也不断加深,学校心理健康教育在维持学生心理健康方面发挥着重要的作用,但其存在的问题也越来越明显。而此时,随着学校社会工作的兴起,越来越多的心理健康教育者开始重视学校社会工作在学生心理健康工作中作用。本文则以此为研究点,探讨学校社会工作与学校心理健康教育在目的、对象和方法上存在的异同,以便更好阐述学校社会工作和心理健康教育二者的地位和作用。  相似文献   

贺志峰 《社会工作》2012,(11):61-63
在社会工作领域,社区工作备受争议的关键点之一就在于对社区内涵的理解。本文在静态上,分析了社区概念的三种研究维度,即地理的社区、心理的社区和行动的社区。在动态上,指出随着社会的变迁,社区概念的内涵及要素会在地理的、心理的和行动的维度上呈现出不同的组合形式。  相似文献   

A microsociological longitudinal study of 120 middle class Melbourne women who were having psychotherapy or counselling was conducted over a five year period. The relative effectiveness of four dominant kinds of psychotherapy was assessed, together with outcomes for types of individuals. The therapies were medical chemotherapy (with psychotherapeutic drugs prescribed by general practitioners), social casework counselling, human relations training and church pastoral counselling. Personal accounts of the women revealed their main concerns were to change their personal identities, and the economic, psychological and emotional aspects of dependency on significant others. After five years, only a small proportion of the total showed positive changes as represented by movement towards independence and autonomy. More than twice as many experienced a serious deterioration of circumstances and increased dependency on others, on therapists and drugs. None of the psychotherapies had much positive outcome. However the clients who felt most helped by the therapies became professional therapists themselves — a finding which suggests the perpetuation of ineffectual systems.  相似文献   

高绩效工作系统在人力资源管理中的价值已经受到管理者的重视。但高绩效工作系统影响员工工作行为的作用机制还有待进一步研究。本文引入心理资本作为中介变量,提出假设和建构概念模型,并运用在全国不同地区30家企业调查的322份样本对提出的假设进行验证。实证研究表明:高绩效工作系统及其各维度对心理资本均有正向影响;高绩效工作系统及其各维度和心理资本能够对员工工作行为产生直接或间接正向影响;心理资本在高绩效工作系统对员工工作行为的影响中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

孙金明 《社会工作》2011,(24):41-44
社交恐惧心理障碍是青少年群体中较为常见的心理问题,它严重影响青少年的身心健康。本文通过一个典型案例对青少年群体的社交恐惧心理障碍进行社会工作介入:采用人本疗法与认知行为疗法相结合的方法,对案主的认知、行为和情绪等各个方面进行系统、全面的咨询与干预。从而帮助他们克服心理障碍,并取得较为满意的效果。  相似文献   

Summary This paper suggests that counselling is a rapidly expandingfield in which professional and para-professional workers mightcombine to produce an effective service, given appropriate selectionand training procedures. Initially these are seen as being providedby professionally qualified social workers with relevant experience.The author has used her own social work experience in abortioncounselling to exemplify the article and to discuss some ofthe existing problems for workers and clients alike.  相似文献   

The role of financial counsellors as providers of information, support and advocacy for those in financial difficulty is a well established mechanism in the mainstream welfare landscape in Australia. In general, the role of financial counsellors is in helping people alleviate or resolve their financial difficulties through improvement of their financial literacy. It is recognised as an important component of policy responses to assist low‐income households and individuals in financial stress. The use of financial counsellors for older persons (i.e., those aged 65+ years), however, appears to be underutilised. Financial hardship and abuse of older persons within our community are becoming key issues as the population of Australia “ages”. Existing evidence also suggests that service providers alone do not have adequate skills to address these issues. This paper firstly examines the development of financial counselling in Australia. It then examines the newly emerging role of financial counselling in supporting older persons in addressing barriers to financial literacy and then in navigating the complex landscape of aged care service provision. The current financialisation, marketisation and complexities of consumer‐directed care are identified as key contextual factors. The paper will then discuss an evaluation study of the provision of financial counselling to the older person population designed to support financial hardship and navigation of the complex aged care services system. The findings of the paper are based on an evaluation of the Financial Consumer Rights Council (FCRC), Victoria: Dignity and Debt Financial Difficulty and Getting Older initiative. This pilot initiative included older persons from both community‐based and aged care residential facilities in one regional area of Victoria. The initiative, conducted over 2016, was designed to assess the effectiveness of one‐on‐one financial counselling sessions with older persons that provided consumer advocacy and information about support services and entitlements (including hardship protections) associated with ageing. The evaluation found that the provision of financial counselling to the older person population could be a key mechanism in improving overall financial literacy, avoiding periods of financial hardship and in maintaining financial well‐being, quality of life and positive ageing. Findings also demonstrated a need for an expanded outreach financial counselling model to better service older persons in more isolated living environments and/or with mobility impairments living in the community, and the potential to situate offices of financial counsellors within medical centres (a space often visited by the ageing population), to co‐situate financial health check‐ups as an overall element of health and well‐being. As such, financial counselling was viewed as well placed to support older persons in improvement of financial literacy and in supporting navigation of the increasingly complex marketised and consumer‐directed care (CDC) landscape of aged care service provision in Australia.  相似文献   

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