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>This article first critiques therapist-directed approaches to family therapy in the light of research findings on therapist variables (empathy, warmth, genuineness) associated with positive outcomes in psychotherapy. Second, two polar opposite positions in family therapy — psychodynamic and family systems — are examined and found to have much in common. The two approaches are based on a pessimistic view of the family, which is seen as an intractable unit, resistant to its own growth. Third, an alternative, phenomenological view of the family is developed, which more optimistically assumes the family to be motivated for enhancement and growth. Finally, a client-centered approach to family therapy is described.  相似文献   

Referencing relevant supervisory literature and attachment theory, this article presents a developmental couple and family therapy supervisory model that emphasises the efficacy of the supervisory relationship. Issues concerning anxiety, cognition and learning theory are addressed and phases in the supervisory process are identified and described. Cognitive, emotional and social development are linked to attachment theory and discussed in the supervisory context.  相似文献   

The family therapy field is more sophisticated developmentally in its therapeutic methodologies than in the areas of training and supervision. Publications and research efforts on these latter topics have not kept pace with the progress of the clinical aspects of the field. Family therapy training and supervision literature were reviewed and found to be fragmented and disorganized. There is a need for a comprehensive source which would synthesize this literature and compare the existing viewpoints. This paper works toward this end by reviewing, contrasting, and categorizing the available publications according to a series of content areas frequently appearing in the literature. These topic areas are: (1) Goals of Training and Supervision and Skills of the Supervisor; (2) Training and Supervision Techniques; (3) Supervisor-Supervisee Relationship; (4) Personal Therapy for Trainees; (5) Politics of Family Therapy Training; and (6) Evaluation of Training. A comprehensive table is provided to quickly access references in the content area. Recommendations are offered for future efforts in this area.  相似文献   

Integrating Reflective Practice in Family Therapy Supervision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses how to integrate reflective practice in the family therapy supervisory relationship. This enables family therapists to think creatively, be insightful, and develop a range of perspectives regarding systemic formulation and practice. It encourages review of the past and promotes understanding in the present with the aim to improve therapists work with families in the future. Reflective practice encourages independent thinking and learning and helps therapists to develop a systemic process of critical enquiry to investigate and critique their own practice. It encourages therapists to be self‐reflective and develop confidence to think hypothetically regarding change. This allows them to pose questions for exploration, construct a new lens to conceptualise therapy and the therapeutic relationship and develop awareness of the personal as well as the professional self.  相似文献   

This article is an exploration of family therapy in France by an Australian social worker and family therapist. It also reports on the 2010 European Family Therapy Conference and includes an interview with Dr Mony Elkaïm that provides an overview of his work. All this is discussed in terms of its relevance for family therapists in Australia. It is followed by a brief response from Dr Elkaïm.  相似文献   

Greetings! I am a family worker in regional Victoria, and a post grad student in Family Centred Practice. Being relatively new to the field I was pleasantly surprised to be asked to review the 23rd Family Therapy Conference, Hobart 2002. This was my first Family Therapy conference, and these are my impressions.  相似文献   

This article applies and extends literature on the micropolitics of trouble and family rhetoric perspectives by analyzing how therapists in a family therapy agency practicing the brief model used family rhetoric in defining and responding to client problems. Family rhetoric is the use of images of family (the family perspective) to (1) persuade others to one's preferred orientation to issues of mutual concern and (2) attribute identities to one's self and others. The article focuses on how the therapists rhetorically enacted and applied the family perspective in interactions with colleagues and clients to define and remedy client troubles. In general, troubles were defined and remedied by treating them as products of clients' family systems, defined as enduring roles, relationships, and perspectives. The therapists sought to remedy client troubles by initiating changes assessed as appropriate for their troubles and family systems. The article concludes by considering some of the implications of the findings and analysis for the sociological study of human service work.  相似文献   

Following the ‘discursive’ turn in family therapy, the attention of practitioners shifted towards understanding how culture and language shape meaning‐making in therapy. In this article, we demonstrate how conversation analysis (CA) can be used to examine the processes and outcomes of systemic/constructionist practice. We used CA to study collaborative interactions of a renowned constructionist therapist Karl Tomm and one client‐family. Viewing collaboration as a pivotal aspect of the therapeutic alliance, we demonstrate how the ‘split’ within‐system alliances were developed and sustained in the course of therapy and how they were discursively transformed into ‘intact’ alliances. The therapist's efforts to align with perspectives of family members (and subsystems) seemed pivotal in this process.  相似文献   

We examined the effectiveness of behavioural family therapy (following the treatment agenda outlined in Fleischman, Horne and Arthur, 1983) and brief family therapy (following the procedures outlined in Fisch, Weakland and Segal, 1985), in the treatment of child psychological disorders. The parents of the 49 children referred to the outpatient unit of a children's hospital completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) (Achenbach and Edelbrock, 1983). Three scales of the CBCL were examined to assess the effectiveness of the two therapeutic approaches pre- to post-treatment. Significant pre- and post-treatment differences were found for behavioural family therapy on the Internalizing, Externalizing, and Sum T scales and for brief family therapy on the Internalizing and Sum T scales. Sum T scales represent the sum of scores across all sub-scales of the CBCL. Neither treatment was found to be more effective than the other.  相似文献   

Sixty family therapists were surveyed in an investigation of resistance by family members to family therapy. Consistent with other investigations, the father was viewed as the most resistant along a number of dimensions. Therapist behaviors that related to difficulties with the father, specifically, and to family therapy generally, were identified. The implication of these results and possible strategies to reduce the resistance of the father are discussed.  相似文献   

Family therapy skills are an essential tool when working with young children and their families, yet accessing family therapy training and supervision in workplace settings has become more difficult. Skills enhancement may be obtained through formal training in accredited courses, a costly undertaking, in which clinicians most often carry the entire cost for the training. In this paper, we propose that specific family therapy skills relevant to working with families of young children can be developed within a peer group format. The peer training described in this paper is extremely cost effective, easy to set up, specifically tailored to our unique training needs and the characteristics of the population of families we are working with. Further, the training allows us to develop fresh and creative ways of skills acquisition, our own ‘curriculum’, with flexible use of training techniques, depending on our particular needs at a given time. We conclude with some of the disadvantages of the model and propose ideas for future development.  相似文献   

In the context of the increasing attention paid to, and increasing demand for training in marital and family therapy, this paper briefly describes several models of supervision and treatment appropriate for use in this field. Advantages and disadvantages of four basic supervision and treatment models are discussed: traditional, co-therapy, direct observation with delayed feedback, and direct observation with instant feedback. The increased options in adopting the latter model are emphasized and a verbatim sample of a case illustrating its use is presented.  相似文献   

This article presents a qualitative study of the subjective experiences of 24 Chinese adolescents and young women who have been suffering from anorexia nervosa and who have received family treatment from a university‐based family treatment centre in Hong Kong. In‐depth post‐treatment interviews were conducted and have been transcribed and thematised using content analysis. The narratives that have emerged have facilitated hearing the clients' and their family members' voices, especially in the areas of (a) perceived concepts of family therapy, (b) the perceived therapeutic relationship and its linkage to positive change, (c) perceived intervention strategies as employed in family treatment, and (d) the participants' own role in problem‐solving. The study has enabled the author to refine the family treatment model, which has been adapted from the Micucci's (1998) model, with additional components introduced by the author to enhance family treatment in a Chinese context.  相似文献   

The content of the first ten volumes of The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy is analysed to provide a picture of the major themes and subject matter addressed in its formative years using the techniques of bibliometrics and content analysis. A methodology is developed for measuring the prevalence of subject content in the journal which could have application in other fields. The interdisciplinary character of family therapy is demonstrated by the diversity of cited end-of-article journal references. A list of most-cited journals is provided. The characteristics of authorship are discussed with respect to geographic dispersion, institutional affiliation, seniority and gender. The issue of collaborative authorship is discussed in relation to the patterns of co-authorship observed in this period, 1979–1989. The analysis identifies signs of the emergence of family therapy as a discrete field. The paper concludes also that there are positive signs of maturation of the journal. It offers some pointers about directions for the journal in the next phase ofits development.  相似文献   

This article outlines a team approach that has been created by the author to work therapeutically with families under statutory investigation for intrafamilial child abuse. It was devised for use by protective workers responsible for intervention with adolescents at risk and their families. This approach has been used successfully to combine the dual roles of child protection and family support in the context of statutory intervention.  相似文献   

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