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Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) often display impairments in communication, such as limited echoic behavior, few vocal-verbal responses, and a lack of functional communication. One potential way to foster the acquisition of vocal responses in individuals with disabilities is by conditioning vocalizations as reinforcers. Conditioning procedures include stimulus–stimulus pairing, response-contingent pairing (RCP), operant discrimination training, and observational conditioning (OC). However, previous research has not evaluated whether OC can be used to condition vocalizations as reinforcers. The current study assessed whether two conditioning procedures, RCP and OC, were effective in conditioning vocalizations as a reinforcer and also evaluated their effect on the rate of vocalizations. Participants included three children with ASD, ages 5–10 years old. During the conditioning phase, rates of vocalizations during the RCP and OC conditions and a control condition were compared within an adapted alternating-treatments design. Reinforcer assessments were completed in a multielement design, pre- and postconditioning, to assess whether the target vocalizations acquired reinforcing properties. A conditioning effect and an increase in the rate of vocalizations were observed for two of the three participants; however, the conditioning effect was minor for one participant. Overall, the results of this study indicate both the RCP and OC procedures may be beneficial in increasing vocalizations for some children and could be incorporated into clinical programs and further explored in future research.  相似文献   

Lag reinforcement schedules have been shown in previous research to be an effective intervention for teaching verbal and nonverbal response variability to individuals with developmental disabilities. In more recent research, variability itself has been considered a reinforceable behavior in its own right (Susa & Schlinger, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 18, 125–130, 2012). Lag x schedules of reinforcement can be used to teach variability by using contingencies that require responses to differ from previous responses. The present study extended Susa and Schlinger’s, The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 18, 125–130, (2012) research by using 3 social questions instead of 1 in a random rotation and included probes to test for generality. A changing-criterion design was used to evaluate the results with one 11-year-old female participant diagnosed with autism. During baseline, the participant provided little variability, with rote responses. During the Lag 1 and Lag 2 phases, appropriate variable verbal responding increased with the use of echoic prompts, visual aids, and an error correction procedure. Further, the results also showed that the participant learned to vary her responses by demonstrating the ability to emit 11 novel prompted responses and 13 spontaneous responses.In addition, the participant was able to retain the skills learned in a maintenance probe conducted 4 weeks postintervention.  相似文献   

We used a delayed non-concurrent pre- and post-intervention probe design to test the effects of a voice conditioning protocol (VCP) with 3 preschoolers with autism on (a) rate of acquisition of listener curricular objectives, (b) observing voices and the presence of adults across 3 settings, (c) selecting to listen to adults tell stories in free play setting, and (d) the occurrence of stereotypy in the story setting. The VCP conditioned voices as reinforcers for listening to recordings of voices via stimulus-stimulus pairing, which resulted in the children listening to audio recordings of voices in 90% of intervals in 5-min concurrent-operant preference tests. After voices became conditioned reinforcers, all 3 children's learning accelerated; 2 children's observing responses increased in the 3 settings; and 2 children selected to listen to stories and also showed decreased stereotypy in the story setting. The data suggest that conditioned reinforcement for observing responses may be a verbal behavior developmental cusp that acts to accelerate learning that involves listening, and that the cusp may be induced using the VCP.  相似文献   


A review of the status attainment research failed to discover a model that takes into account possible effects of unforeseen, consequential life events on the career plans of youth. The present longitudinal study found that 30.4% of 536 respondents indicated that something major had happened to change their occupational or educational plans in an important way. Race and sex differences were discovered with respect to whether a major happening was perceived to have occurred and with respect to the nature of the event. White women were found to be peculiarly vulnerable to the impact of unforeseen events. About half of all respondents who indicated that a consequential event had occurred cited marriage or having a child as the event. Relatively few in the low‐income sample cited financial problems as unpredictable events. Respondents who reported any consequential event were found to be less satisfied with their jobs and less happy with their marriages. It would be desirable to include measures of unforeseen consequential events in future status attainment research.  相似文献   

We carried out two experiments to investigate how the shadingof the options in a response scale affected the answers to thesurvey questions. The experiments were embedded in two web surveys,and they varied whether the two ends of the scale were representedby shades of the same or different hues. The experiments alsovaried the numerical labels for the scale points and examinedresponses to both unipolar scales (assessing frequency) andbipolar scales (assessing favorability). We predicted that theuse of different hues would affect how respondents viewed thelow end of the scale, making responses to that end seem moreextreme than when the two ends were shades of the same hue.This hypothesis was based on the notion that respondents usevarious interpretive heuristics in assigning meaning to thevisual features of survey questions. One such cue is visualsimilarity. When two options are similar in appearance, respondentswill see them as conceptually closer than when they are dissimilarin appearance. The results were generally consistent with thisprediction. When the end points of the scale were shaded indifferent hues, the responses tended to shift toward the highend of the scale, as compared to scales in which both ends ofthe scale were shaded in the same hue. Though noticeable, thisshift was less extreme than the similar shift produced whennegative numbers were used to label one end of the scale; moreover,the effect of color was eliminated when each scale point hada verbal label. These findings suggest that respondents havedifficulty using scales and pay attention even to incidentalfeatures of the response scales in interpreting the scale points.  相似文献   

In Part 1 of these remembrances of Jack Michael, we briefly described Jack’s history in terms of how he became a behavior analyst (Sundberg & Schlinger, 2021). We pointed out that he was one of the first to apply the principles of behavior analysis discovered in the experimental laboratory to the area of rehabilitation. In so doing, Jack was perhaps the first applied behavior analyst. In Part 1, some of his former students and close associates from his early years at the University of Houston, Arizona State University, and Western Michigan University—John Mabry, Grayson Osborne, Jon Bailey, Mark Sundberg, and J. Vincent Carbone—provided their personal tributes to Jack. In Part 2, we offer six more tributes that—with one exception, that of Ted Ayllon—provide insight into Jack’s work in the latter part of his career. In addition to Ted Ayllon, these tributes are from Jack’s students and close associates Hank Schlinger, Dave Palmer, John and Barb Esch, Carl Sundberg, and Caio Miguel. The authors provide insights not only into their views about Jack but also into their own lives. Collectively, they paint a picture of people from different backgrounds that all found their way to Jack Michael and to behavior analysis. To a person, they describe how their behavior, whether as scientists, practitioners, or both, was radically transformed as a result, and how they attribute that change largely to Jack’s influence.  相似文献   

Using data from a study on courtship through personal advertisements, I argue that Kai Erikson's classic case against disguised observation is flawed. Certain kinds of deception are necessary to gather certain data in certain settings. I placed bogus ads in a personal column to obtain and analyze responses. The data would have remained inaccessible—indeed, many of the responses would not have existed in the first place—without some measure of deception. While deception was used, no risk whatsoever was posed to respondents. I further argue that several of Erikson's criteria of risk do not separate ethical from empirical questions; informants use very different criteria in evaluating the risk of harm to them posed by social research that sociologists use. The question of exploitation is more complex, since it has to be weighed against how much of an effort my respondents made and hence, what it is exactly that I took from them. A “panel of judges” decided that most of my male (but not my female) respondents would not have gotten dates with my hypothetical ad placers, and that the research method I used was not especially unethical.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated effects of stimulus-stimulus pairing (SSP) on children's vocalizations, but numerous treatment failures have also been reported. The present study attempted to isolate procedural variables related to failures of SSP to condition speech sounds as reinforcers. Three boys diagnosed with autism-spectrum disorders participated. Phase 1 was designed to assess SSP effects on production of auditory stimuli via button pressing. When SSP failed to produce a preference for the target stimulus, we instituted a series of procedural manipulations intended to address potential reasons for failure. One participant preferred the target stimulus when given the opportunity to select preferred items for pairing prior to each session, but a subsequent reversal attempt produced ambiguous results. Two participants showed no consistent preference in Phase 1 and underwent a within-session reinforcer evaluation in Phase 2, in which alternative controlling variables were demonstrated by delivering preferred stimuli contingent on button pressing.  相似文献   

Exposure to heterosexist discrimination may vary by a person's place of residency. Utilizing a minority stress perspective, an online survey of self‐identified lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) individuals (n = 285) examined whether rural and small town inhabitants experienced greater exposure to six types of enacted stigma. After comparing the frequency of enacted stigma by community type, findings demonstrated that rural LGBs reported experiencing more homophobic statements, property damage, and employment discrimination than urban LGBs. Small town LGBs also encountered additional amounts of housing discrimination and were more often chased by strangers compared with urban sexual minorities. Finally, disclosure practices and hierarchies based on race and social class also influenced exposure to discrimination. The importance of spatial factors often intensified when respondents disclosed their sexual identity more publicly. When exploring racial and class differences, affluent sexual minorities experienced less employment discrimination and white sexual minorities were less likely to experience several forms of heterosexist events (especially being punched and kicked).  相似文献   

Recognition of physically handicapped social work students' unique learning needs and utilization of their “rehabilitation” experiences and perspectives enhances class learning. Role play and simulations can be structured to help them assess whether their handicap enters into the client-worker relationship and practice ways of dealing with possible client system responses. Diversity in term paper topics and agency placements conveys a variety of career options and allows them to develop confidence in working with nonhandicapped client systems. The instructor should respect students' independent efforts to develop coping skills in dealing with classroom and agency logistics.  相似文献   

Exploration of self-attitudes by the Twenty Statements Test leads to the conclusion that responses can be reduced to five categories: (1) social groups and classifications, (2) ideological beliefs, (3) interests, (4) ambitions, (5) self-evaluations. The frequency and salience of responses in these categories are found to vary according to age and sex of respondents and according to their professional identification.—Editor  相似文献   

This research addresses the effects of interviewer gender onresponses to a broad array of gender-related survey questions,using data from a probability sample of adults in the UnitedStates. We focus on whether gender-of-interviewer effects areevident, whether they vary by respondent gender, and whetherthey vary across several attitudinal domains relevant to genderinequality. While many items do not show statistically significantgender-of-interviewer effects, we document significant effectsacross a variety of items. When such effects are evident, theytend to involve both male and female respondents expressingmore egalitarian gender-related attitudes or greater criticismof existing gender inequalities to female interviewers. Malerespondents offer significantly different responses to maleand female interviewers on questions dealing with gender inequalityin employment. For female respondents, interviewer-gender effectsare evident for items addressing gender-related collective action,policy, and group interests. Using multivariate models thatallow us to represent both respondent-level and interviewer-levelvariables, we find that interviewer-gender effects are statisticallysignificant in most attitudinal domains but that the interactionbetween interviewer gender and respondent gender does not tendto be statistically significant. We consider the implicationsof these findings both for understanding the survey processand for understanding gender relations more generally.  相似文献   

The item count technique is an indirect questioning techniquethat is used to estimate the proportion of people who have engagedin stigmatizing behavior. This technique is expected to yielda more appropriate estimate than the ordinary direct questioningtechnique because it requests respondents to indicate, basedon a list of several items, simply the number of items thatare applicable to them, including the target key item. An experimentalweb survey was conducted in an attempt to compare the directquestioning technique and the item count technique. Comparedwith the direct questioning technique, the item count techniqueyielded higher estimates of the proportion of shoplifters bynearly 10 percentage points, whereas the difference betweenthe estimates using these two techniques was mostly insignificantwith respect to innocuous blood donation. The survey resultssuggest that in the item count technique respondents tend toreport fewer total behaviors compared to the direct questioncase. This tendency is more pronounced in the case of longeritem lists. Three domain estimators for the item count techniquewere compared, and the cross-based method appeared to be themost appropriate method. Large differences in domain estimatesfor shoplifting between the item count and direct questioningtechniques were found among female respondents, middle-agedrespondents, respondents living in urban areas, and highly-educatedrespondents.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships of gender and ethnic differences in the experiences of stressful life events, coping-specific responses, and self-reported depression. Seventy high-school aged respondents, 40 boys and 30 girls, responded to a self-reported questionnaire that asked questions on the perceived distress of related life events (i.e., person, family, peer, acculturation events), coping-specific responses, and depression. The findings provide important data on gender and ethnic variations in the ways Southeast Asian-American adolescents deal with life stress and depression. These findings have important implications for social work practice and future research on the psychosocial adjustment with both immigrant and ethnic children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Language generativity can be described as the ability to produce sentences never before said, and to understand sentences never before heard. One process often cited as underlying language generativity is response generalization. However, though the latter seems to promise a technical understanding of the former at a process level, an investigation of definitions and approaches to the term “response generalization” that appear in the literature suggests that it does not do so. We argue that a more promising candidate for the role of key process underlying language generativity is derived relational responding. We introduce the latter concept and describe empirical research showing its connection with language. We subsequently present a relational frame theory (RFT) conceptualization of derived relations as contextually controlled generalized relational responding. We then review a series of recent studies on derived manding in developmentally delayed children and adults that arguably demonstrate the applied utility of a derived relations-based approach with respect to the phenomenon of generative language.  相似文献   

Some Sources of Interviewer Variance in Surveys   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Interviewer variance is examined for 33 interviewers and 3,000interviews, with age, sex, socioeconomic status, social mobility,and interviewer ratings as key variables. It differs among interviewschedule items and is influenced by combinations of sex andage of interviewers and respondents. Selecting interviewersand assigning households-respondents to them is a complex process,and matching interviewers with respondents on "face sheet" characteristicsmay produce error in some instances while reducing error inothers.  相似文献   

Banerjee and Pattanaik (1996) proved a theorem that the maximal set with respect to a quasi-ordering can be fully recovered by defining the greatest sets with respect to each and every ordering extension thereof and taking their union. Donaldson and Weymark (1998) proved a theorem that a quasi-ordering can be fully recovered by taking the intersection of all the ordering extensions thereof. These recoverability theorems are obviously related, but their exact relationship has never been clarified in the literature. This paper examines the issue of choice-functional recoverability and relational recoverability in a general framework, and establishes several remarkable duality relationships. Thanks are due to Professors Walter Bossert, Prasanta K. Pattanaik, Clemens Puppe, Amartya K. Sen, and John Weymark, with whom we had several opportunities to discuss this and related issues. The first author also would like to express his gratitude to the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, and the Scientific Research Grant for Policy Areas (B) Number 603 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan for their financial support which made this collaborative research possible. We are also grateful to the referees whose comments have led to several improvements of the paper.  相似文献   

Recent world events have increased concern and preparations for possible bioterror events. Despite worldwide efforts to limit access to bio-weapons, smallpox is still considered a potential bioterror threat. Americans' understanding of smallpox could prevent panic and enhance the willingness of citizens to receive vaccinations. OBJECTIVE: The authors' purpose in this study was to describe graduating college students' levels of smallpox-related knowledge. METHOD SUMMARY: Participants at a graduation ceremony--mostly female, with a mean age of 28.4+/-8.1 years--were handed a 35-item questionnaire that assessed smallpox knowledge and whether respondents would submit to vaccination under hypothetical circumstances. RESULTS: The convenience sample was ignorant of numerous facts about smallpox and unaware of government efforts to prepare for an attack, answering an average of 3.8 out of 10 items correctly. CONCLUSION: These findings raise concern because, in a smallpox event, prompt responses to directives of public health officials will be necessary to maximize the effectiveness of response plans.  相似文献   

Many stated preference studies report framing effects in responses to valuation questions. Framing in stated preference studies occurs when respondents use irrelevant information contained in the question to help them value the good. This may occur because respondents are uncertain or do not hold well-formed preferences for the good in question. We investigate if respondent certainty explains framing effects in a contingent valuation study, using data from a double bounded dichotomous elicitation format and a follow-up certainty question. We investigate if respondent certainty influences anchoring and the shift effect. We find evidence that the anchoring effect is stronger for respondents who are less certain about their response to the contingent valuation question compared to respondents who are very certain. However, the shift effect is significant and negative only for respondents who are very certain. Our results indicate that certain respondents are more consistent with the predictions of rational behaviour than uncertain respondents.  相似文献   

Infants are attentive to third-party interactions, but the underlying mechanisms of this preference remain understudied. This study examined whether 13-month-old infants (N = 32) selectively learn cue–target associations guiding them to videos depicting a social interaction scene. In a visual learning task, two geometrical shapes were repeatedly paired with two kinds of target videos: two adults interacting with one another (social interaction) or the same adults acting individually (non-interactive control). Infants performed faster saccadic latencies and more predictive gaze shifts toward the cued target region during social interaction trials. These findings suggest that social interaction targets can serve as primary reinforcers in an associative learning task, supporting the view that infants find it intrinsically valuable to observe others’ interactions.  相似文献   

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