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Internal migration from the Peruvian highlands and rural areas has burdened urban areas with rapid growth. Urban expansion is threatening the desert habitat and unique vegetation communities surrounding Arequipa, one of Peru's largest cities. A 511 ha tract contiguous to the city of Arequipa has been informally designated an ecological park. Analysis of Landsat satellite imagery over a 16-year interval indicates that urban expansion is occurring in the direction of the park. The land use/land cover change analysis revealed other landscape patterns and processes, such as agricultural expansion, which are relevant to the study area. These dynamics, plus principles of landscape ecology, suggest that the park's size and shape may not be the most suitable. Conservation alternatives include the expansion of the park, the spatial connection to another nature reserve, or the design of co-management strategies. Given local historical events and the paucity of regional conservation efforts, social actors in Arequipa and in national governmental institutions will need to find practical ways to collaborate.  相似文献   

Urbanization leads to long-term modification of landscapes by habitat loss, fragmentation, and the creation of new habitats. Species’ distributions respond to these modifications of habitat availability, but the combination of parameters and scale at which habitat alteration most strongly influences species distributions is poorly understood. We evaluated responses of neotropical migratory birds, a group known to be sensitive to habitat modification, across a gradient of urbanization in the southeastern United States. Thirteen Breeding Bird Survey routes, each with 40 to 50 point counts, were used to quantify species richness across the gradient of urbanization extending from downtown areas of Columbus, GA to natural woodlands. Buffers of 100, 200, and 1000 m radii were constructed from remote images around each counting point to quantify land-use with the goal of evaluating land-use parameters and scales that best described spatial variation in migrant bird species richness. Within each buffer we quantified the proportion of each cover type and within the 1000 m buffers we included several configuration parameters. We used an information-theoretic approach to separate models whose predictor variables were land-use parameters. Because measures of landscape configuration were all correlated with urban cover, these variables were entered separately. In 2002, the best model was composed of large-scale urban cover (negative effect) and mid-scale mixed hardwoods (negative and positive effect) and transitional cover (negative and positive effect) as well as the interaction between the latter two terms (positive effect). In 2003, the best model was composed of weighted edge density (negative effect), mid-scale mixed hardwood cover (negative and positive effect) and large scale transitional cover (positive effect) and the interaction between mixed hardwoods and weighted edge density (positive effect). Our results indicate that large scale habitat attributes influence the local species richness of migrant birds more than smaller scales. These results also indicate that urbanization, through increased urban cover or increasing edge contrast, has strong negative effects on species richness. Our findings support the contention that the conservation value of small woodlots in urban settings may be minimal and suggest that conservation of migratory birds will be best achieved by giving higher priority to sites where urban cover is still low and by preserving large areas of “green space” in urbanizing landscapes. The negative influence of urban cover combined with relatively minor effects of non-urban habitats on distributions of neotropical migratory birds indicates that continued urbanization of landscapes is a serious concern for conservation efforts.  相似文献   

An investigation was done to determine the occurrence and composition of avian fauna community in the urbanizing city of Nairobi, Kenya. We conducted bird counts in sample sites randomly distributed over the Nairobi landscape within a two-year period. The proportion of seven different land cover types derived from within a 500 m radius of classified satellite image described the habitat condition of each sample site. Multivariate analysis of the site and species data indicated that savannah vegetation, forest and agriculture land cover types were the main environmental gradients that differentiated the sample sites. Four clusters of sample sites occurred on the ordination plane according to canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). From 50 families of birds observed, species related to bush and scrub habitats occurred at a rate of about 31 %, followed by grassland species at 20 % and forest species at about 16 % rate. Out of CCA, five functional groups of birds were distinguishable. The proportion of sites occupied by birds per functional group and mean count of individual birds declined significantly, p?<?0.0001, as groups of birds changed from being urban-related to savannah and then to forest-related species. One cluster comprised birds marked as having conservation concern status and related mainly to savannah vegetation of scrub and grasslands. In this landscape context, features such as native savannah vegetation and woodland accompanied by a process of controlled land use, could greatly mitigate negative impacts of ecosystem degradation on the sensitive tropical urban bird biodiversity.  相似文献   

Urbanization reduces the quantity of native vegetation and alters its local structure and regional spatial pattern. These changes cause local extirpations of bird species associated with native vegetation and increases in the abundance and number of bird species associated with human activity. We used 54–1 km2 landscapes in the Seattle, Washington, USA metropolitan area to determine (1) the relative importance of habitat quantity, structure, and pattern to bird diversity and abundance and (2) whether housing developments can be managed to mitigate the negative impacts of urbanization on forest bird diversity. In general, bird species richness was high and many native forest species were retained where urban landcover comprised less than 52% of the landscape, tree density (especially that of evergreens) remained at least 9.8 trees/ha in developments, and forest was at least 64% aggregated across the landscape. These results suggest that the quantity, structure, and pattern of forested habitat affected breeding bird diversity in urbanizing landscapes. However, habitat pattern appeared less influential than other habitat attributes when results from all community- and population-level analyses were considered. Conservation of native birds in reserves can be supplemented by managing the amount, composition, structural complexity, and—to a lesser extent—arrangement of vegetation in neighborhoods.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation plays a major role in species extinction around the globe. Previous research has determined that species richness in fragments is affected by a number of characteristics. These include fragment age, size, and isolation, edge effects, vegetation coverage, habitat heterogeneity, and matrix content. Although most studies focused on one or a few of these characteristics, multiple characteristics work together to affect species richness, showing that the effects of habitat fragmentation are complex. The goal of our study was to partition the complex effects of habitat fragmentation by determining the direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of multiple habitat fragment characteristics on rodent species richness. In 2013, we determined rodent species richness in 25 habitat fragments within Thousand Oaks, California. In addition, we measured the following characteristics for each fragment: fragment age, area, isolation, shrub coverage, habitat heterogeneity, perimeter/area ratio, and percent non-urban buffer. Path Analysis was used to test the hypothesized model which described the direct, indirect, and cumulative effect of each habitat fragment characteristic on rodent species richness. Overall, the path model explained 67 % of the variation in rodent species richness among habitat fragments. Habitat heterogeneity had the greatest direct and total effect on rodent species richness. Fragment size had the next greatest total effect on rodent species richness but this was nearly entirely indirect through its influence on habitat heterogeneity, suggesting that large fragments containing the greatest diversity of habitats will support the most species. Our study shows that large habitat fragments support the greatest habitat diversity, which provides the highest likelihood of conserving rodent species richness in an urban landscape.  相似文献   

We analyzed how urbanization in a desert ecosystem affects avian distribution at two distinct scales. At the regional level, we compared how urban land use configuration, relative to its surrounding agricultural fields and desert, affected the distribution of native and exotic species. While exotic species are isolated to the city; native species actively utilize the entire region, even occurring at higher densities in the city than in some areas of the desert. We also used this approach to compare four foraging guilds of birds: granivores, nectivores, omnivores, and insectivores. Granivores occurred mostly in agricultural fields and in the surrounding urban areas. Nectivores and omnivores occurred throughout the region, but mostly within the city. In contrast, insectivores occurred mostly in the desert. At a more local scale, we tested how the abundance of native species, exotics species and the foraging guilds of birds responded to vegetation cover measured at varying spatial scales (0.1 km–10 km). Bird guilds responded to vegetation at different scales, depending on the association between their life history and vegetation. Granivore abundance was most strongly correlated with vegetation at relatively fine spatial scales, followed by nectivores and omnivores at larger scales; whereas insectivores did not correlate with vegetation at any scale. Exotic and native species showed strikingly opposite trends in their association with vegetation. Native species showed the best fit at the smallest spatial scale and became insignificant at larger scales, whereas the highest correlation of exotic species with vegetation was at moderate to larger scales. While guild relationship with vegetation appears straightforward, the differences between exotic and native birds may indicate a complex response to environmental factors. Possibly, native species are more sensitive than exotics on vegetation abundance for food and shelter, which in the desert is highly variable depending on water availability. In contrast, exotic species, tightly connected to the urban infrastructure, likely respond to the enhanced and homogenized resource abundance characteristic of desert cities. Our results suggest that relationships between birds and vegetation may bear important information that can be revealed when considering smaller class levels than total species diversity.  相似文献   

Human activities affect both the amount and configuration of habitat. These changes have important ecological implications that can be measured as changes in landscape connectivity. I investigated how urbanization interacts with the initial amount and aggregation of habitat to change dispersal potential, restoration potential, and the risk of spatially extensive disturbances. I used a factorial set of simulated landscapes and subjected each landscape to habitat loss by overlaying 66 different US urban areas. I used a common connectivity metric, CONNECT, to assess the magnitude and direction of changes for a range of dispersal distances. My results show that the relationship between habitat loss and connectivity loss is non-linear and subject to interactions between the spatial patterns of habitat distribution, urban morphology, and dispersal capabilities. The implications of a given urban form vary widely as a function of habitat distribution and dispersal capabilities. This implies that impact assessments, restoration activities, and conservation planning should consider historical habitat distribution when evaluating observed changes in connectivity. While my results clearly show that more aggregated or continuous habitats are more vulnerable to connectivity loss, this approach can also be used to identify landscapes where restoring connectivity will be particularly effective, for example through placement of stepping stone habitats.  相似文献   

Urbanisation is one of the most severe drivers of current global biodiversity loss and has contributed to severe declines in many amphibian species. The aim of this study was to determine whether artificial stormwater ponds, designed to control water flow, can act as refuges for amphibians in urban areas. Moreover, we analysed the influence of habitat and landscape quality on amphibian species richness of 46 stormwater ponds (STOPON) in comparison to 46 control ponds (CONTROL).Our study revealed that environmental conditions clearly varied between STOPON and CONTROL. The most pronounced differences were that STOPON were larger, shallower, sunnier, more isolated by streets and had a greater cover of built-up area and lower cover of arable land surrounding them. Nevertheless, the amphibian assemblages of STOPON and CONTROL were very similar. All nine amphibian species (including three threatened species) detected in this study were found in both pond types. Moreover, species richness (2.8 ± 0.2 vs. 2.3 ± 0.2) and the frequency of each species did not differ between STOPON and CONTROL. The only exception was Pelophylax spp., which occurred more regularly in STOPON. Both habitat and landscape quality affected amphibian species richness; however, the explanatory power of the habitat models was about twice as high as those of the landscape models.In conclusion, stormwater ponds play an important role for amphibians in urban areas. In comparison to CONTROL, the low landscape quality in the surroundings of STOPON seemed to be compensated by a higher habitat quality due to regular management.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Urbanisation is causing rapid land-use change worldwide. Populations of freshwater turtles are vulnerable to impacts of urbanisation such as habitat loss, fragmentation and...  相似文献   

Mayer  Martin  Sunde  Peter 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(3):543-554

Despite the accelerating global urbanization and its associated implications for wildlife and humans, we know little about the biology of urban ecosystems. Here, we investigated colonization and habitat selection of the European hare (Lepus europaeus), a declining farmland species, in urban areas in Denmark, using a combination of citizen science data and transect counts. Further, we estimated the population density of urban hares in Aarhus, Denmark’s second largest city. Our results provide the first evidence that hares have established populations in urban areas, potentially in response to decreasing habitat quality in rural areas due to agricultural intensification. The hare density in Aarhus was ca. 8 hares per km2, which is comparable to or slightly higher than hare abundance estimates from various pastural areas in Europe, suggesting that urban areas provide suitable habitat for hares. Hare habitat selection was generally associated with areas consisting of large lawns, such as high buildings and parks, which potentially provide high-quality forage throughout the year. Considering the increasing expansion of urban areas and deteriorating habitat quality of agricultural areas, urban planning that incorporates habitat requirements for wildlife could help to support urban animal populations, especially for species of conservation concern.


Urban Ecosystems - Rapid urbanization is emerging as one of the leading threats to the biodiversity globally. But is especially a cause of concern for tropical countries which are urbanizing much...  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - Management of urban aquatic habitats for native wildlife, such as amphibians, is an important contemporary goal for many municipalities. However, our understanding of how local...  相似文献   

Desert landscaping has become a dominant land cover type in arid US cities and often includes native plant species. Does replacement of native plant distribution in urban areas also reestablish ecological functioning characteristic of natural deserts? We compared ecological processes in three landscape types that are common to the metropolitan area of Phoenix, Arizona (USA): residential desert yards created from former lawns, Sonoran Desert preserves within the city, and Sonoran Desert preserves outside the city boundaries. Canopy cover, abundance of herbivorous insects, and soil properties (concentration of inorganic nitrogen (N), soil moisture and organic matter content, and water-holding capacity) were higher in residential desert yards than in native desert sites located both within and outside of the city. Furthermore, soil resources in desert yards were not organized around plant canopies, departing from the predictable resource island pattern that is characteristic of natural deserts. Intentional human manipulation and land use history accounts for these differences, while the urban environment contributes only subtly to soil N concentrations beneath plant canopies. While the use of desert landscaping may have important water conservation benefits, it does not help to mitigate the well-documented excess of reactive N within the Phoenix metropolitan area.  相似文献   

Mayer  Martin  Sunde  Peter 《Urban Ecosystems》2020,23(6):1165-1165
Urban Ecosystems - In our paper, using distance sampling, we estimated the population density of hares in Aarhus city to 6.8 hares/km2.  相似文献   

Understanding contemporary urban landscapes requires multiple sets of spatially and temporally compatible data that can integrate historical land use patterns and disturbances to land cover. This paper presents three principal methods: (1) core analysis; (2) historic mapping; and (3) gradient analysis, to link spatial and temporal data for urban ecosystems and applies their use in the Baltimore-Chesapeake region. Paleoecological evidence derived from the geochronology of sediment cores provides data on long-term as well as recent changes in vegetative land cover. This information, combined with contemporary vegetation maps, provides a baseline for conducting trend analyses to evaluate urbanization of the landscape. A 200-year historical land use database created from historical maps, census data, and remotely sensed data provides a spatial framework for investigating human impacts on the region. A geographic information system (GIS) integrates core analyses with historic data on land use change to yield a comprehensive land use and land cover framework and rates of change. These data resources establish the regional foundation for investigating the ecological components of an urban ecosystem. Urban-rural gradient analyses and patch analyses are proposed as the most appropriate methods for studying the urban ecosystem as they link ecological and social patterns and processes for varying degrees of urbanization.  相似文献   

Urban Ecosystems - To maintain a stable population, an introduced species must be capable of exploiting varied resources and adapting to environmental conditions different from its native range....  相似文献   

By comparing with the historic semi-natural grassland and woodland vegetation data compiled in the 1970s and 1980s, we aimed to reveal potential roles of small and linear habitat fragments remaining in the urbanized satoyama landscape (i.e., agricultural landscape) in Japan for conservation of grassland plant species. TWINSPAN cluster analysis differentiated the current vegetation from historic one. Current vegetation of Miscanthus grassland was classified into two different groups and one of the two was equivalent to current understory vegetation of fragmented woodland. The linear woodland edge vegetation along the roads was classified into one group and separated from the other current vegetation groups. The current vegetation groups were characterized by higher richness of exotic species than historic vegetation groups. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) revealed that there were no groups of current vegetation that is equivalent to historic woodland understory vegetation. The vegetation quality of the current group of Miscanthus grassland and secondary woodland remaining on urban public properties, and the group of linear roadside vegetation were almost equivalent to that of historic semi-natural grassland. Both of the small and linear habitat fragments might have functioned as habitats for grassland species under regular mowing management. Although small and linear habitat fragments would not be sufficient for sustaining grassland populations in the future, these habitats can serve as key reservoirs for grassland species recovery in the conservation and restoration of grassland communities in the urbanized satoyama landscape.  相似文献   

The peculiar features of China's socialist transitional economy, including the coexistence of "plan" and "nonplan" mechanisms, the hukou institution, uneven spatial development, and gendered constraints and opportunities, have brought about a high degree of heterogeneity among population movements. Using the 1990 Census data on reasons for migration, and an empirical analysis of both national patterns and migration in Guangdong, the author documents the socioeconomic characteristics and spatial patterns of major types of migration, focusing on migration for employment in industry and business, male migration due to job transfer, and female marriage migration. The author argues that the multitude of migration types, and the contrasts among them, are products of the combination of state-planning and market mechanisms. The findings highlight institutional explanations for migration, and show that the "plan"/"nonplan" dichotomy is more meaningful that the economic-social dichotomy for understanding population movements in China.  相似文献   

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