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周吉国 《社科纵横》2009,24(2):99-101
台湾的散文创作发源于“五四”新文学运动,本土作家的散文写作在光复后才开始萌生。后以大陆迁台作家所作的怀乡思亲散文作品为多,这一风格流派的作品,被称为台湾的怀旧散文。本文将从怀旧散文产生的基由、怀旧散文发展综述、怀旧散文的内容及意义等三方面对其进行研究,并揭示出其发展规律。  相似文献   

本文运用权力与相互依赖理论,分析中日经济相互依赖关系中的敏感性与脆弱性,以及由此产生的权力问题。中日经贸关系表面上看两国互为重要贸易伙伴,似乎是对称性相互依赖,但本文通过分析认为,实质上中日贸易关系是一种非对称性的相互依赖。中国在相互依赖中具有“敏感性”,但不具有“脆弱性”。日本在敏感性相互依赖中获得了一定的政治影响力。基于以上认识,本文最后就中日经贸合作如何摆脱“敏感性”非对称相互依赖,向“对称性”方向发展,提出了自己的政策建议。  相似文献   

当代场所理论的建构陷入僵局,人们各持己见,而跨层级思维则有利于培育新的场所感范式。跨层级思维指在不同的场所层级之间来回转换,反复变焦,把地方-全球讨论置于层级和依恋语境中。当前许多环境文本如摄影作品、著作等都运用调整大地依恋层级的策略,帮助当代读者以多种视角理解自我与场所的深层联系。跨层级思维意味着将对某一特定场所体验的精微性与对全球体验的广大性结合起来,理解人们的生活给环境带来的真实影响,培育新的也许是有效应对当今世界严峻现实的认知习惯与思维方式,使人们适应变化中的世界,并促使他们克服对可能令人麻痹的抽象问题视而不见的倾向。  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of improvisation in the therapeutic setting as a complex construction when elaborated in the idiom of jazz music. A composite clinical case is offered that illustrates an impasse and how improvisational thinking offers a way forward. Improvisation has recently been conceptualized through the metaphor of theater improvisation, dance, and rhythm. The therapeutic hour is considered an improvisational dialogue with the main theme (melody) and counter melodies, and harmonic possibilities that underlie the rhythmic pulse of the hour. Improvisation requires a reflective/interpretive process that draws on patterns, structures, and experiences reformulated in the relational field of the participants. The client initiates the call and response pattern, from which improvisation emerges as a mutual process of discovery. A more relaxed, receptive, and reflective posture extends Winnicott’s 1971 notion of play to integrate classic understanding and relational interaction.  相似文献   

陈来 《浙江学刊》2005,(1):5-14
我在讨论梁漱溟晚年著作<人心与人生>(1975)的论文的结尾处曾说:"他的这种‘以事实证理想'的信念贯穿其一生,虽支持他终于在晚年完成了他的心理学之作,但实际上,其心理学部分的价值并不甚高,他的更重要的贡献可能仍是在其伦理学的一部分."陈来:<现代中国哲学的追寻>,北京:人民出版社,2001年,第275页.本文即以其论伦理的思想加以叙述和讨论,以观察儒家传统对于现代性伦理的反应,最后则就其"他者"优先的伦理思想略加讨论.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of an employment‐oriented welfare state. While previous studies have focused on employment growth, this study considers the quality of employment, especially its mediating impact between public social expenditure and fiscal soundness. Three‐step mediated regression analysis was conducted on a data sample from 19 developed countries from 1991 to 2013. The results show that while public social expenditure negatively affects fiscal soundness, if it promotes total and part‐time employment, it can positively affect fiscal soundness. However, when the incidence of involuntary part‐time employment is high, public social expenditure and its impact on employment performance no longer guarantee fiscal soundness. This study addresses the importance of promoting not only employment growth but also employment quality to secure fiscal soundness.  相似文献   

The following article provides a snapshot of the current self‐direction movement within the disability sector across the industrialised world, with particular emphasis on the Australian context. As a global movement, self‐direction has been in progress for several decades through a variety of implemented responses. Despite implementation variation, all self‐direction models aim to facilitate individual control and decision making in care and support services. We describe self‐direction, its various models and programs, and explore its benefits and challenges. We conclude by making broad recommendations for decision makers involved in self‐direction. In particular, we offer a hierarchical decision tree that can be used to inform policy decisions at a systems – government policy – and organisational level.  相似文献   

王常青 《创新》2007,1(6):124-127
机关行政效能是机关工作作风、效率、效果和工作能力的综合体现,关系到党和政府方针、政策的贯彻落实,涉及到人民群众的切身利益。机关行政效能建设是以转变干部工作作风,提高机关工作效能为目标,建立机关效能保障体系,通过加强效能监察促进机关管理水平的提高,达到"廉洁、勤政、务实、高效"要求的管理活动。  相似文献   

Objective. To test the influence of local (county) politics on minority incarceration rates. Methods. Data are collected at the county level in California to create a pooled cross‐sectional data set. OLS regression models predicting black, Hispanic, and white incarceration rates (in state prison) are used in the analysis. Results. Counties' ideological orientations and racial and ethnic contextual characteristics significantly impact minority incarceration rates. Greater ideological conservatism within counties is associated with higher rates (as a proportion of their population) of both black and Hispanic incarceration. Consistent with racial threat theory, results show counties with greater racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to incarcerate blacks and Hispanics. Tests for interaction effects indicate that greater county diversity decreases the punitive effects of ideological conservatism on minority incarceration. Conclusion. Political forces nested within states systematically shape how state government incarceration power is distributed across different racial and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

北京城市变迁与水资源开发的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章论述了北京作为都城所经历的变迁及各朝对河湖水系的开发利用 ,分析了北京的自然地理环境与水资源状况 ,指出水资源在供需方面存在的问题 ,提出了几点解决北京水资源供需矛盾的建议  相似文献   

当马克思把人的存在理解为一种感性存在、感性意识时,马克思也就把人的解放理解为一种感性的解放,但他认为,人要达至感性解放唯有通过共产主义革命才有可能。如果说,马克思哲学是关于人的一种解放学说,那么共产主义学说陈述的就是这种关于人的感性解放理论。由于这一理论在《巴黎手稿》中是在存在论的高度上被提出来的,因此我们也必须在存在论的高度上加以领会。  相似文献   

中国旅游业处于成长期 ,产品正在形成规模 ,市场正在发育 ,旅游消费刚刚兴起。国家二元经济结构、体制转轨、温饱上升为小康、逐步扩大开放、民族文化传统、国民素质、法制建设状况 ,以及产业成长期等特征 ,都作用于中国的旅游业。加入WTO后我国旅游业机遇与挑战并存。当前要抓紧企业转制 ,加快市场化进程 ;要广泛与国际标准接轨 ,并汲取其成熟经验 ;要抓紧人员素质的提高。从根本上讲要发挥后发优势 ,加强产品开发、市场开发和法制建设 ,搞好政府宏观调控和市场化管理 ,坚持可持续发展 ,在战略上统筹好 ,在战术上扎实推进。  相似文献   

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