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The problem of estimating of the vector β of the linear regression model y = Aβ + ? with ? ~ Np(0, σ2Ip) under quadratic loss function is considered when common variance σ2 is unknown. We first find a class of minimax estimators for this problem which extends a class given by Maruyama and Strawderman (2005 Maruyama, Y., and W. E. Strawderman. 2005. A new class of generalized Bayes minimax ridge regression estimators. Annals of Statistics 33:175370.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and using these estimators, we obtain a large class of (proper and generalized) Bayes minimax estimators and show that the result of Maruyama and Strawderman (2005 Maruyama, Y., and W. E. Strawderman. 2005. A new class of generalized Bayes minimax ridge regression estimators. Annals of Statistics 33:175370.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) is a special case of our result. We also show that under certain conditions, these generalized Bayes minimax estimators have greater numerical stability (i.e., smaller condition number) than the least-squares estimator.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimating a matrix of the normal means, where the variances are unknown but common. The approach to this problem is provided by a hierarchical Bayes modeling for which the first stage prior for the means is matrix-variate normal distribution with mean zero matrix and a covariance structure and the second stage prior for the covariance is similar to Jeffreys’ rule. The resulting hierarchical Bayes estimators relative to the quadratic loss function belong to a class of matricial shrinkage estimators. Certain conditions are obtained for admissibility and minimaxity of the hierarchical Bayes estimators.  相似文献   

Presence of collinearity among the explanatory variables results in larger standard errors of parameters estimated. When multicollinearity is present among the explanatory variables, the ordinary least-square (OLS) estimators tend to be unstable due to larger variance of the estimators of the regression coefficients. As alternatives to OLS estimators few ridge estimators are available in the literature. This article presents some of the popular ridge estimators and attempts to provide (i) a generalized class of ridge estimators and (ii) a modified ridge estimator. The performance of the proposed estimators is investigated with the help of Monte Carlo simulation technique. Simulation results indicate that the suggested estimators perform better than the ordinary least-square (OLS) estimators and other estimators considered in this article.  相似文献   

We propose a class of estimators of the variance of the systematic sample mean, which is unbiased under the assumption that the population follows a superpopulation model that satisfies some mild conditions. The approach is based on the separate estimation of the portion of the variance due to the systematic component of the model and that due to the stochastic component. In particular, we deal with two estimators belonging to the proposed class that are based on moving averages and local polynomials to estimate the systematic component of the model. The latter estimators are unbiased under the assumption that the population follows a linear trend and the errors are homoscedastic and uncorrelated. Through a simulation study we show that these estimators generally outperform, in terms of bias and mean square error, the usual estimator based on the first differences also when the superpopulation model departs significantly from linearity and the errors are heteroscedastic.  相似文献   

Let X has a p-dimensional normal distribution with mean vector θ and identity covariance matrix I. In a compound decision problem consisting of squared-error estimation of θ, Strawderman (1971) placed a Beta (α, 1) prior distribution on a normal class of priors to produce a family of Bayes minimax estimators. We propose an incomplete Gamma(α, β) prior distribution on the same normal class of priors to produce a larger family of Bayes minimax estimators. We present the results of a Monte Carlo study to demonstrate the reduced risk of our estimators in comparison with the Strawderman estimators when θ is away from the zero vector.  相似文献   

We consider Bayes and Minimax estimates of population mean in sampling from a finite population in two-stages using simple random sampling without replacement at each stage, when the true values of the characteristic cannot be observed but only the values mixed with some measurement errors are observed. Minimax values of sample sizes have been found in case of equal-sized clusters and equal-sized second stage samples.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of estimating the error variance in a general linear model when the error distribution is assumed to be spherically symmetric, but not necessary Gaussian. In particular we study the case of a scale mixture of Gaussians including the particularly important case of the multivariate-t distribution. Under Stein's loss, we construct a class of estimators that improve on the usual best unbiased (and best equivariant) estimator. Our class has the interesting double robustness property of being simultaneously generalized Bayes (for the same generalized prior) and minimax over the entire class of scale mixture of Gaussian distributions.  相似文献   

This paper presents a class of estimators for the mean of a normal population and determines the conditions on characterizing scalars under which the class of estimators uniformly dominates over the conventional sample mean according to the mean-square-error criterion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to compare sampling performance of the minimax generalized ridge regression estimators considered by Casella (1985) with that of ordinary least squares estimator by numerical calculations of exact mean squared error of these estimators.  相似文献   

The ordinary-G class of distributions is defined to have the cumulative distribution function (cdf) as the value of the cdf of the ordinary distribution F whose range is the unit interval at G, that is, F(G), and it generalizes the ordinary distribution. In this work, we consider the standard two-sided power distribution to define other classes like the beta-G and the Kumaraswamy-G classes. We extend the idea of two-sidedness to other ordinary distributions like normal. After studying the basic properties of the new class in general setting, we consider the two-sided generalized normal distribution with maximum likelihood estimation procedure.  相似文献   

We consider the estimation of error variance and construct a class of estimators improving upon the usual estimators uniformly under entropy loss or under squared error loss. Through a Monte Carlo simulation study, the magnitude of the risk reduction of our improved estimator as compared with the usual one is examined in a context of a nested linear hypothesis testing of a linear regression model, where substantial risk reduction can be attained. We also construct a class of confidence intervals having larger coverage probabilities and not larger interval lengths than those of the usual ones. This allows us to construct a class of estimators universally dominating the usual ones. Further, we consider the estimation of order-restricted normal variances. We give a class of isotonic regression estimators improving upon the usual ones under various types of order restrictions. We also give a class of improved confidence intervals over the usual ones, and a class of estimators universally dominating the usual ones.  相似文献   

This paper shows that a minimax Bayes rule and shrinkage estimators can be effectively applied to portfolio selection under the Bayesian approach. Specifically, it is shown that the portfolio selection problem can result in a statistical decision problem in some situations. Following that, we present a method for solving a problem involved in portfolio selection under the Bayesian approach.  相似文献   

The paper presents an application of stochastic dominance approach to estimator evaluation. This new approach is general and applicable when a monetary loss function is defined over the deviation of a sample estimate from the appropriate parameter. The paper applies this approach to the evaluation of alternative estimators of the normal distribution variance  相似文献   

For estimating a normal variance under the squared error loss function it is well known that the best affine (location and scale) equivariant estimator, which is better than the maximum likelihood estimator as well as the unbiased estimator, is also inadmissible. The improved estimators, e.g., stein type, brown type and Brewster–Zidek type, are all scale equivariant but not location invariant. Lately, a good amount of research has been done to compare the improved estimators in terms of risk, but comparatively less attention had been paid to compare these estimators in terms of the Pitman nearness criterion (PNC) as well as the stochastic domination criterion (SDC). In this paper, we have undertaken a comprehensive study to compare various variance estimators in terms of the PNC and the SDC, which has been long overdue. Finally, using the results for risk, the PNC and the SDC, we propose a compromise estimator (sort of a robust estimator) which appears to work ‘well’ under all the criteria discussed above.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generalized class of estimators for finite population mean using two auxiliary variables in two-phase stratified sampling for non response. We identify 17 estimators as special cases of the proposed class of estimators. Expressions for the bias and mean squared error (MSE) of estimators are obtained up to first order of approximation. A data set is used for efficiency comparisons.  相似文献   


In this paper, we derive the Bayes estimators of functions of parameters of the size-biased generalized power series distribution under squared error loss function and weighted square error loss function. The results of size-biased GPSD are then used to obtain particular cases of the size-biased negative binomial, size-biased logarithmic series, and size-biased Poisson distributions. These estimators are better than the classical minimum variance unbiased estimators in the sense that they increase the range of the estimation. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the results and a goodness of fit test is done using the maximum likelihood and Bayes estimators.  相似文献   

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