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Summary.  Recently there has been much work on developing models that are suitable for analysing the volatility of a continuous time process. One general approach is to define a volatility process as the convolution of a kernel with a non-decreasing Lévy process, which is non-negative if the kernel is non-negative. Within the framework of time continuous autoregressive moving average (CARMA) processes, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for the kernel to be non-negative. This condition is in terms of the Laplace transform of the CARMA kernel, which has a simple form. We discuss some useful consequences of this result and delineate the parametric region of stationarity and non-negative kernel for some lower order CARMA models.  相似文献   

Summary.  We develop a new class of time continuous autoregressive fractionally integrated moving average (CARFIMA) models which are useful for modelling regularly spaced and irregu-larly spaced discrete time long memory data. We derive the autocovariance function of a stationary CARFIMA model and study maximum likelihood estimation of a regression model with CARFIMA errors, based on discrete time data and via the innovations algorithm. It is shown that the maximum likelihood estimator is asymptotically normal, and its finite sample properties are studied through simulation. The efficacy of the approach proposed is demonstrated with a data set from an environmental study.  相似文献   

Efficient sequential estimation of the intensity rates of a continuous-time finite Markov process is discussed. An information inequality which gives a lower bound for the variance of an unbiased estimator of a function of the intensity rates is obtained and it is used to define an efficient estimator. All closed efficient sequential sampling schemes are characterized.  相似文献   


In this paper, we compute closed-form expressions of moments and comoments for the CIR process which allows us to provide a new construction of the transition probability density based on a moment argument that differs from the historic approach. For Bates’ model with stochastic volatility and jumps, we show that finite difference approximations of higher moments such as the skewness and the kurtosis are unstable and, as a remedy, provide exact analytic formulas for log-returns. Our approach does not assume a constant mean for log-price differentials but correctly incorporates volatility resulting from Ito’s lemma. We also provide R, MATLAB, and Mathematica modules with exact implementations of the theoretical conditional and unconditional moments. These modules should prove useful for empirical research.


The main purpose of the present work is to introduce and investigate a simple kernel procedure based on marginal integration that estimates the regression function for stationary and ergodic continuous time processes in the setting of the additive model introduced by Stone (1985 Stone, C.J. (1985). Additive regression and other nonparametric models. Ann. Stat. 13(2):689705.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We obtain the uniform almost sure consistency with exact rate and the asymptotic normality of the kernel-type estimators of the components of the additive model. Asymptotic properties of these estimators are obtained, under mild conditions, by means of martingale approaches. Finally, a general notion of the bootstrapped additive components, constructed by exchangeably weighting sample, is presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider that the degradation of two performance characteristics of a product can be modelled by stochastic processes and jointly by copula functions, but different stochastic processes govern the behaviour of each performance characteristic (PC) degradation. Different heterogeneous and homogeneous models are presented considering copula functions and different combinations of the most used stochastic processes in degradation analysis as marginal distributions. This is an important aspect to consider because the behaviour of the degradation of each PC may be different in its nature. As the joint distributions of the proposed models result in complex distributions, the estimation of the parameters of interest is performed via MCMC. A simulation study is performed to compare heterogeneous and homogeneous models. In addition, the proposed models are implemented to crack propagation data of two terminals of an electronic device, and some insights are provided about the product reliability under heterogeneous models.  相似文献   

The author considers the problem of finding exactly optimal sampling designs for estimating a second‐order, centered random process on the basis of finitely many observations. The value of the process at an unsampled point is estimated by the best linear unbiased estimator. A weighted integrated mean squared error or the maximum mean squared error is used to measure the performance of the estimator. The author presents a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for a design to be exactly optimal for processes with a product covariance structure. Expansions of these conditions lead to conditions for asymptotic optimality.  相似文献   

We consider failure time regression analysis with an auxiliary variable in the presence of a validation sample. We extend the nonparametric inference procedure of Zhou and Pepe to handle a continuous auxiliary or proxy covariate. We estimate the induced relative risk function with a kernel smoother and allow the selection probability of the validation set to depend on the observed covariates. We present some asymptotic properties for the kernel estimator and provide some simulation results. The method proposed is illustrated with a data set from an on-going epidemiologic study.  相似文献   

A natural way to deal with the uncertainty of an ergodic finite state space Markov process is to investigate the entropy of its stationary distribution. When the process is observed, it becomes necessary to estimate this entropy.We estimate both the stationary distribution and its entropy by plug-in of the estimators of the infinitesimal generator. Three situations of observation are discussed: one long trajectory is observed, several independent short trajectories are observed, or the process is observed at discrete times. The good asymptotic behavior of the plug-in estimators is established. We also illustrate the behavior of the estimators through simulation.  相似文献   

This article is a contribution to the study of an omnibus goodness-of-fit (Gof) test based on Rosenblatt Probability Integral Transform (RPIT) within Dawid's prequential framework. This Gof test is easy to use since it has a common test statistic (with apparently the same asymptotic distribution) for a wide range of stochastic models. Intensive Monte-Carlo simulations are presented to investigate the behavior of this test for several stochastic models: renewal, autoregressive (AR, ARMA, ARCH, GARCH) and Poisson processes, generalized linear models... These simulations suggest that the RPIT test could be used to test the fit of a wide range of stochastic models but it may be not powerful when compared to Gof tests specifically designed for the tested processes. It is also conjectured that this test is still appropriate for testing the Gof of any discrete-time stochastic process provided that efficient estimators are used.  相似文献   

In this paper correlation has been introduced between two successive transitions in the model investigated by Moyal and Heathcote (1959). The transition rate has been taken to be constant and for simplicity of mathematical expressions the time scale has been so chosen that this rate is unity. For the unrestricted walk we find that the mean position of the particle at time t is that position for which the probability of the particle arriving at some earlier instant from the left is 1/2. With both the barriers either absorbing or reflecting, we have obtained the Laplace Transform of the distributions, but because of the complicated nature of the mathematical expressions involved we are able to find only the asymptotic distributions. For the reflecting barrier case, we find that the process tends to a stationary distribution and that the expected position is eventually the middle point between the barriers.  相似文献   

We generalize the factor stochastic volatility (FSV) model of Pitt and Shephard [1999. Time varying covariances: a factor stochastic volatility approach (with discussion). In: Bernardo, J.M., Berger, J.O., Dawid, A.P., Smith, A.F.M. (Eds.), Bayesian Statistics, vol. 6, Oxford University Press, London, pp. 547–570.] and Aguilar and West [2000. Bayesian dynamic factor models and variance matrix discounting for portfolio allocation. J. Business Econom. Statist. 18, 338–357.] in two important directions. First, we make the FSV model more flexible and able to capture more general time-varying variance–covariance structures by letting the matrix of factor loadings to be time dependent. Secondly, we entertain FSV models with jumps in the common factors volatilities through So, Lam and Li's [1998. A stochastic volatility model with Markov switching. J. Business Econom. Statist. 16, 244–253.] Markov switching stochastic volatility model. Novel Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms are derived for both classes of models. We apply our methodology to two illustrative situations: daily exchange rate returns [Aguilar, O., West, M., 2000. Bayesian dynamic factor models and variance matrix discounting for portfolio allocation. J. Business Econom. Statist. 18, 338–357.] and Latin American stock returns [Lopes, H.F., Migon, H.S., 2002. Comovements and contagion in emergent markets: stock indexes volatilities. In: Gatsonis, C., Kass, R.E., Carriquiry, A.L., Gelman, A., Verdinelli, I. Pauler, D., Higdon, D. (Eds.), Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, vol. 6, pp. 287–302].  相似文献   

A conditional simulation technique has previously been presented for variance reduction when estimating tail probabilities, particularly extreme ones, for a wide class of moving-average processes. Here, we generalize the technique from continuous to discrete random variables. Two distinct approaches to this generalization are presented and compared. We describe some of the empirical properties of the preferred method in simple examples, and present some more general examples including autoregressive moving-average processes in one and two dimensions. We show that the technique performs well for processes with a wide range of structures, provided the tail probability to be estimated is not too large. We discuss briefly the application of this technique in investigating volatility in financial models of, for example, asset prices.  相似文献   

A two-parameter class of discrete distributions, Abel series distributions, generated by expanding a suitable pa,rametric function into a series of Abel polynomials is discussed. An Abel series distribution occurs in fluctuations of sample functions of stochastic processes and has applications in insurance risk, queueing, dam and storage processes. The probability generating function and the factorial moments of the Abel series distributions are obtained in closed forms. It is pointed out that the name of the generalized Poisson distribution of Consul and Jain is justified by the form of its generating function. Finally it is shown that this generalized Poisson distribution is the only member of the Abel series distributions which is closed under convolution.  相似文献   

This paper develops Bayesian inference of extreme value models with a flexible time-dependent latent structure. The generalized extreme value distribution is utilized to incorporate state variables that follow an autoregressive moving average (ARMA) process with Gumbel-distributed innovations. The time-dependent extreme value distribution is combined with heavy-tailed error terms. An efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is proposed using a state-space representation with a finite mixture of normal distributions to approximate the Gumbel distribution. The methodology is illustrated by simulated data and two different sets of real data. Monthly minima of daily returns of stock price index, and monthly maxima of hourly electricity demand are fit to the proposed model and used for model comparison. Estimation results show the usefulness of the proposed model and methodology, and provide evidence that the latent autoregressive process and heavy-tailed errors play an important role to describe the monthly series of minimum stock returns and maximum electricity demand.  相似文献   

A repeated measurements model where the within-subject response is modeled as a continuous time regression is analyzed using reproducing kernel Hilbert space methods, Parzen (1961). The basic goal is to study the statistical design problem when experimental units and measurements are "free", but the total measurement time is fixed. This kind of situation arises when the experiment uses scarce resources such as space or oceanographic platforms or a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) device. In this situation the only constraint is the total time allocated to the experiment.  相似文献   

We compare results for stochastic volatility models where the underlying volatility process having generalized inverse Gaussian (GIG) and tempered stable marginal laws. We use a continuous time stochastic volatility model where the volatility follows an Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic differential equation driven by a Lévy process. A model for long-range dependence is also considered, its merit and practical relevance discussed. We find that the full GIG and a special case, the inverse gamma, marginal distributions accurately fit real data. Inference is carried out in a Bayesian framework, with computation using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). We develop an MCMC algorithm that can be used for a general marginal model.  相似文献   

This is a survey article on known results about analytic solutions and numerical solutions of optimal designs for various regression models for experiments with mixtures. The regression models include polynomial models, models containing homogeneous functions, models containing inverse terms and ratios, log contrast models, models with quantitative variables, and mod els containing the amount of mixture, Optimality criteria considered include D-, A-, E-,φp- and Iλ-Optimalities. Uniform design and uniform optimal design for mixture components, and efficiencies of the {q,2} simplex-controid design are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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