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A procedure based on the sum of N Shiryayev–Roberts processes is proposed to detect common changes in panel data and shown to perform better for small portions of changed panels. The change-point for each panel is estimated by using the CUSUM process calculated in parallel. The changed panels are isolated by using the scores formed by the post-change parameter estimations and the common change point is then estimated from the isolated changed panels. A real example is used for illustration. An adaptive detection procedures is also proposed when the unknown post-change parameters are estimated adaptively in each panel.  相似文献   

The hybrid bootstrap uses resampling ideas to extend the duality approach to the interval estimation for a parameter of interest when there are nuisance parameters. The confidence region constructed by the hybrid bootstrap may perform much better than the ordinary bootstrap region in a situation where the data provide substantial information about the nuisance parameter, but limited information about the parameter of interest. We apply this method to estimate the post-change mean after a change is detected by a stopping procedure in a sequence of independent normal variables. Since distribution theory in change point problems is generally a challenge, we use bootstrap simulation to find empirical distributions of test statistics and calculate critical thresholds. Both likelihood ratio and Bayesian test statistics are considered to set confidence regions for post-change means in the normal model. In the simulation studies, the performance of hybrid regions are compared with that of ordinary bootstrap regions in terms of the widths and coverage probabilities of confidence intervals.  相似文献   

A two-stage procedure is studied for estimating changes in the parameters of the multi-parameter exponential family, given a sample X 1,…,X n. The first step is a likelihood ratio test of the hypothesis Hoof no change. Upon rejection of this hypothesis, the change point index and pre- and post-change parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. The asymptotic (n → ∞) distribution of the log-likelihood ratio statistic is obtained under both Hoand local alternatives. The m.l.e.fs o of the pre- and post-change parameters are shown to be asymptotically jointly normal. The distribution of the change point estimate is obtained under local alternatives. Performance of the procedure for moderate samples is studied by Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

Control charts are used to detect changes in a process. Once a change is detected, knowledge of the change point would simplify the search for and identification of the special cause. Consequently, having an estimate of the process change point following a control chart signal would be useful to process analysts. Change-point methods for the uncorrelated process have been studied extensively in the literature; however, less attention has been given to change-point methods for autocorrelated processes. Autocorrelation is common in practice and is often modeled via the class of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models. In this article, a maximum likelihood estimator for the time of step change in the mean of covariance-stationary processes that fall within the general ARMA framework is developed. The estimator is intended to be used as an “add-on” following a signal from a phase II control chart. Considering first-order pure and mixed ARMA processes, Monte Carlo simulation is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed change-point estimator across a range of step change magnitudes following a genuine signal from a control chart. Results indicate that the estimator provides process analysts with an accurate and useful estimate of the last sample obtained from the unchanged process. Additionally, results indicate that if a change-point estimator designed for the uncorrelated process is applied to an autocorrelated process, the performance of the estimator can suffer dramatically.  相似文献   


We propose a semiparametric approach to estimate the existence and location of a statistical change-point to a nonlinear multivariate time series contaminated with an additive noise component. In particular, we consider a p-dimensional stochastic process of independent multivariate normal observations where the mean function varies smoothly except at a single change-point. Our approach involves conducting a Bayesian analysis on the empirical detail coefficients of the original time series after a wavelet transform. If the mean function of our time series can be expressed as a multivariate step function, we find our Bayesian-wavelet method performs comparably with classical parametric methods such as maximum likelihood estimation. The advantage of our multivariate change-point method is seen in how it applies to a much larger class of mean functions that require only general smoothness conditions.  相似文献   

A Mann-Whitney type statistic is used to estimate a change-point when a change, at an unknown point in a sequence of random variables, has taken place. This estimate is compared, using Monte Carlo techniques, with the normal theory maximum likelihood estimate, when a location change has occurred, for different underlying distributions ranging from the normal to the long tailed “normal over uniform” distribution. The distribution of the Mann-Whitney type estimate remains fairly constant over the various distributions. Two generalisations of the statistic are considered and investigated.  相似文献   

The gist of the quickest change-point detection problem is to detect the presence of a change in the statistical behavior of a series of sequentially made observations, and do so in an optimal detection-speed-versus-“false-positive”-risk manner. When optimality is understood either in the generalized Bayesian sense or as defined in Shiryaev's multi-cyclic setup, the so-called Shiryaev–Roberts (SR) detection procedure is known to be the “best one can do”, provided, however, that the observations’ pre- and post-change distributions are both fully specified. We consider a more realistic setup, viz. one where the post-change distribution is assumed known only up to a parameter, so that the latter may be misspecified. The question of interest is the sensitivity (or robustness) of the otherwise “best” SR procedure with respect to a possible misspecification of the post-change distribution parameter. To answer this question, we provide a case study where, in a specific Gaussian scenario, we allow the SR procedure to be “out of tune” in the way of the post-change distribution parameter, and numerically assess the effect of the “mistuning” on Shiryaev's (multi-cyclic) Stationary Average Detection Delay delivered by the SR procedure. The comprehensive quantitative robustness characterization of the SR procedure obtained in the study can be used to develop the respective theory as well as to provide a rational for practical design of the SR procedure. The overall qualitative conclusion of the study is an expected one: the SR procedure is less (more) robust for less (more) contrast changes and for lower (higher) levels of the false alarm risk.  相似文献   


In this paper, we investigate the performance of cumulative sum (CUSUM) stopping rules for the online detection of unknown change point in a time homogeneous Markov chain. Under the condition that the post-change transition probabilities are unknown, we proposed two CUSUM type schemes for the detection. The first scheme is based on the maximum likelihood estimates of the post-change transition probabilities. This scheme is limited by its computation burden, which is mitigated by another scheme based on the reference transition probabilities selected from a prior known region. We give the bounds of the mean delay time and the mean time between false alarms to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed schemes. The results of the simulation also demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed schemes.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating an unknown change-point in the mean vector or covariance matrix of a sequence of independent multivariate Gaussian random variables is considered. Adapting the estimation methodology that Hinkley pursued for the case of abrupt changes, we develop theory for deriving the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator of the change-point when the amount of change is a function of the sample size and goes to zero in a smooth fashion as the sample size goes to infinity, yielding a contiguous change-point model. Simulations have been performed to illustrate the closeness of the asymptotic distribution with the empirical distribution, and to evaluate its robustness to departures from normality for reasonable sample sizes as well as parameter changes. Finally, we apply the methodology to estimate the change-point in the daily log-returns data of BLS (BellSouth) and VZ (Verizon) from NYSE.  相似文献   

In this paper, we derive explicit computable expressions for the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimate of an unknown change-point in a sequence of independently and exponentially distributed random variables. First we state and prove a theorem that shows asymptotic equivalence of the change-point mle for the cases of both known and unknown parameters, respectively. Thereafter, the computational form of the asymptotic distribution of the change-point mle is derived for the case of known parameter situation only. Simulations show that the distribution for the known case applies very well to the case where the parameters are estimated. Further, it is seen from simulations that the derived unconditional mle shows better performance compared to the conditional solution of Cobb. Application of change detection methodology and the derived estimation methodology show strong support in favor the dynamic triggering hypothesis for seismic faults in Sumatra, Indonesia region.  相似文献   

Sequential multi-chart detection procedures for detecting changes in multichannel sensor systems are developed. In the case of complete information on pre-change and post-change distributions, the detection algorithm represents a likelihood ratio-based multichannel generalization of Page’s cumulative sum (CUSUM) test that is applied to general stochastic models that may include correlated and nonstationary observations. There are many potential application areas where it is necessary to consider multichannel generalizations and general statistical models. In this paper our main motivation for doing so is network security: rapid anomaly detection for an early detection of attacks in computer networks that lead to changes in network traffic. Moreover, this kind of application encourages the development of a nonparametric multichannel detection test that does not use exact pre-change (legitimate) and post-change (attack) traffic models. The proposed nonparametric method can be effectively applied to detect a wide variety of attacks such as denial-of-service attacks, worm-based attacks, port-scanning, and man-in-the-middle attacks. In addition, we propose a multichannel CUSUM procedure that is based on binary quantized data; this procedure turns out to be more efficient than the previous two algorithms in certain scenarios. All proposed detection algorithms are based on the change-point detection theory. They utilize the thresholding of test statistics to achieve a fixed rate of false alarms, while allowing changes in statistical models to be detected “as soon as possible”. Theoretical frameworks for the performance analysis of detection procedures, as well as results of Monte Carlo simulations for a Poisson example and results of detecting real flooding attacks, are presented.  相似文献   

A change-point control chart for detecting shifts in the mean of a process is developed for the case where the nominal value of the mean is unknown but some historical samples are available. This control chart is a nonparametric chart based on the Mann–Whitney statistic for a change in mean and adapted for repeated sequential use. We do not require any knowledge of the underlying distribution such as the normal assumption. Particularly, this distribution robustness could be a significant advantage in start-up or short-run situations where we usually do not have knowledge of the underlying distribution. The simulated results show that our approach has a good performance across the range of possible shifts and it can be used during the start-up stages of the process.   相似文献   

The driving risk during the initial period after licensure for novice teenage drivers is typically the highest but decreases rapidly right after. The change-point of driving risk is a critical parameter for evaluating teenage driving risk, which also varies substantially among drivers. This paper presents latent class recurrent-event change-point models for detecting the change-points. The proposed model is applied to the Naturalist Teenage Driving Study, which continuously recorded the driving data of 42 novice teenage drivers for 18 months using advanced in-vehicle instrumentation. We propose a hierarchical BFMM to estimate the change-points by clusters of drivers with similar risk profiles. The model is based on a non-homogeneous Poisson process with piecewise-constant intensity functions. Latent variables which identify the membership of the subjects are used to detect potential clusters among subjects. Application to the Naturalistic Teenage Driving Study identifies three distinct clusters with change-points at 52.30, 108.99 and 150.20?hours of driving after first licensure, respectively. The overall intensity rate and the pattern of change also differ substantially among clusters. The results of this research provide more insight in teenagers' driving behaviour and will be critical to improve young drivers' safety education and parent management programs, as well as provide crucial reference for the GDL regulations to encourage safer driving.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to present a statistical uncertainty principle that can be used when localizing a single change in the mean of a band-limited stationary random process. The statistical model investigated is a continuous time process that experiences a shift in its mean. This continuous time process is presumed to be sampled using an ideal low-pass filter. The least squares estimate of the location of the change in mean is asymptotically Gaussian. The standard deviation of the least squares estimate of the location of the change-point provides a physical limit to the accuracy of the estimate of the time of the mean shift which cannot be bettered.  相似文献   


This article considers the problem of a mean change-point in heavy-tailed dependent observations. A method of change-point estimation by truncating initial process is proposed, which can weaken the affection of outliers. In the infinite variance case, we obtained a generalization Hájek-Rényi type inequality. Consistency and the rate of convergence for the estimated change-point are also established. The results of a simulation study support validity of our method.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of change-point in a classical framework while assuming a probability distribution for the change-point. An EM algorithm is proposed to estimate the distribution of the change-point. A change-point model for multiple profiles is also proposed, and EM algorithm is presented to estimate the model. Two examples of Illinois traffic data and Dow Jones Industrial Averages are used to demonstrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Three nonparametric methods for estimating a change-point, and the mean function Pefore and after the change has occurred are developed for a restricted class of processes. The estimators which are developed are intuitive, and their asymptotic behavior is studied, Konte Cario cornparisoris are undertaKen for smali and moderate samples.  相似文献   

The statistical analysis of change-point detection and estimation has received much attention recently. A time point such that observations follow a certain statistical distribution up to that point and a different distribution – commonly of the same functional form but different parameters after that point – is called a change-point. Multiple change-point problems arise when we have more than one change-point. This paper develops a method for multivariate normally distributed data to detect change-points and estimate within-segment parameters using maximum likelihood estimation.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a Bayesian approach to estimate the multiple structural change-points in a level and the trend when the number of change-points is unknown. Our formulation of the structural-change model involves a binary discrete variable that indicates the structural change. The determination of the number and the form of structural changes are considered as a model selection issue in Bayesian structural-change analysis. We apply an advanced Monte Carlo algorithm, the stochastic approximation Monte Carlo (SAMC) algorithm, to this structural-change model selection issue. SAMC effectively functions for the complex structural-change model estimation, since it prevents entrapment in local posterior mode. The estimation of the model parameters in each regime is made using the Gibbs sampler after each change-point is detected. The performance of our proposed method has been investigated on simulated and real data sets, a long time series of US real gross domestic product, US uses of force between 1870 and 1994 and 1-year time series of temperature in Seoul, South Korea.  相似文献   

In this paper, bootstrap detection and ratio estimation are proposed to analysis mean change in heavy-tailed distribution. First, the test statistic is constructed into a ratio form on the CUSUM process. Then, the asymptotic distribution of test statistic is obtained and the consistency of the test is proved. To solve the problem that the null distribution of the test statistic contains unknown tail index, we present a bootstrap approximation method to determine the critical values of the null distribution. We also discuss how to estimate change point based on ratio method. The consistency and rate of convergence for the change-point estimator are established. Finally, the excellent performance of our method is demonstrated through simulations using artificial and real data sets. Especially the simulation results of bootstrap test are better than those of another existing method.  相似文献   

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