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Robust parameter design, originally proposed by Taguchi [System of Experimental Design, Vols. I and II, UNIPUB, New York, 1987], is an offline production technique for reducing variation and improving a product's quality by using product arrays. However, the use of the product arrays results in an exorbitant number of runs. To overcome this drawback, several scientists proposed the use of combined arrays, where the control and noise factors are combined in a single array. In this paper, we use non-isomorphic orthogonal arrays as combined arrays, in order to identify a model that contains all the main effects (control and noise), their control-by-noise interactions and their control-by-control interactions with high efficiency. Some cases where the control-by-control-noise are of interest are also considered.  相似文献   

Robust parameter design methodology was originally introduced by Taguchi [14 Taguchi, G. 1986. Introduction to Quality Engineering: Designing Quality Into Products and Process, Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization.  [Google Scholar]] as an engineering methodology for quality improvement of products and processes. A robust design of a system is one in which two different types of factors are varied; control factors and noise factors. Control factors are variables with levels that are adjustable, whereas noise factors are variables with levels that are hard or impossible to control during normal conditions, such as environmental conditions and raw-material properties. Robust parameter design aims at the reduction of process variation by properly selecting the levels of control factors so that the process becomes insensitive to changes in noise factors. Taguchi [14 Taguchi, G. 1986. Introduction to Quality Engineering: Designing Quality Into Products and Process, Tokyo: Asian Productivity Organization.  [Google Scholar] 15 Taguchi, G. 1987. System of Experimental Design, Vol. I and II, New York: UNIPUB.  [Google Scholar]] proposed the use of crossed arrays (inner–outer arrays) for robust parameter design. A crossed array is the cross-product of an orthogonal array (OA) involving control factors (inner array) and an OA involving noise factors (outer array). Objecting to the run size and the flexibility of crossed arrays, several authors combined control and noise factors in a single design matrix, which is called a combined array, instead of crossed arrays. In this framework, we present the use of OAs in Taguchi's methodology as a useful tool for designing robust parameter designs with economical run size.  相似文献   

Robust parameter design is an effective methodology for reducing variance and improving the quality of a product and a process. Recent work has mainly concentrated on two‐level robust parameter designs. We consider general robust parameter designs with factors having two or more or mixed levels these levels being either qualitative or quantitative. We propose a methodology and develop a generalised minimum aberration optimality criterion for selecting optimal robust parameter designs. A catalogue of 18‐run optimal designs is constructed and tabulated.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider screening experiments where a two-level fractional factorial design is to be used to identify significant factors in an experimental process and where the runs in the experiment are to occur in blocks of equal size. A simple method based on the foldover technique is given for constructing resolution IV orthogonal and non-orthogonal blocked designs and examples are given to illustrate the process.  相似文献   

We seek designs which are optimal in some sense for extrapolation when the true regression function is in a certain class of regression functions. More precisely, the class is defined to be the collection of regression functions such that its (h + 1)-th derivative is bounded. The class can be viewed as representing possible departures from an ‘ideal’ model and thus describes a model robust setting. The estimates are restricted to be linear and the designs are restricted to be with minimal number of points. The design and estimate sought is minimax for mean square error. The optimal designs for cases X = [0, ∞] and X = [-1, 1], where X is the place where observations can be taken, are discussed.  相似文献   


The early stages of many real-life experiments involve a large number of factors among which only a few factors are active. Unfortunately, the optimal full-dimensional designs of those early stages may have bad low-dimensional projections and the experimenters do not know which factors turn out to be important before conducting the experiment. Therefore, designs with good projections are desirable for factor screening. In this regard, significant questions are arising such as whether the optimal full-dimensional designs have good projections onto low dimensions? How experimenters can measure the goodness of a full-dimensional design by focusing on all of its projections?, and are there linkages between the optimality of a full-dimensional design and the optimality of its projections? Through theoretical justifications, this paper tries to provide answers to these interesting questions by investigating the construction of optimal (average) projection designs for screening either nominal or quantitative factors. The main results show that: based on the aberration and orthogonality criteria the full-dimensional design is optimal if and only if it is optimal projection design; the full-dimensional design is optimal via the aberration and orthogonality if and only if it is uniform projection design; there is no guarantee that a uniform full-dimensional design is optimal projection design via any criterion; the projection design is optimal via the aberration, orthogonality and uniformity criteria if it is optimal via any criterion of them; and the saturated orthogonal designs have the same average projection performance.  相似文献   

The effects of missing observations in a designed experiment are reviewed. Conditions are determined for a design to retain equal information, i.e. the same generalized variance of unknown parameters, when either any single or any pair of observations is lost. Some examples of designs with this property are given. Although there are many designs which retain equal information for the loss of exactly t observations, where t = 1,2,3,…, it is shown that it is not possible to obtain any design which retains equal information when any one and any two and also any three observations are missing.  相似文献   

We construct constrained approximate optimal designs by maximizing a criterion subject to constraints. We approach this problem by transforming the constrained optimization problem to one of maximizing three functions of the design weights simultaneously. We used a class of multiplicative algorithms, indexed by a function f(·). These algorithms are shown to satisfy the basic constraints on the design weights of nonnegativity and summation to unity. We also investigate techniques for improving convergence rates by means of some suitable choices of the function f(·).  相似文献   

Genichi Taguchi has emphasized the use of designed experiments in several novel and important applications. In this paper we focus on the use of statistical experimental designs in designingproducts to be robust to environmental conditions. The engineering concept of robust product design is very important because it is frequently impossible or prohibitively expensive to control or eliminate variation resulting from environmental conditions. Robust product design enablesthe experimenter to discover how to modify the design of the product to minimize the effect dueto variation from environmental sources. In experiments of this kind, Taguchi's total experimental arrangement consists of a cross-product of two experimental designs:an inner array containing the design factors and an outer array containing the environmental factors. Except in situations where both these arrays are small, this arrangement may involve a prohibitively large amount of experimental work. One of the objectives of this paper is to show how this amount of work can be reduced. In this paper we investigate the applicability of split-plot designs for thisparticular experimental situation. Consideration of the efficiency of split-plot designs and anexamination of several variants of split-plot designs indicates that experiments conductedin a split-plot mode can be of tremendous value in robust product design since they not only enable the contrasts of interest to be estimated efficiently but also the experiments can be considerably easier to conduct than the designs proposed by Taguchi.  相似文献   

For any response surface design, there are locations in the design region where responses are estimated well and locations where estimation is relatively poor. Consequently, graphical evaluation—such as variance dispersion graphs and the fraction of design space—is used as an alternative to a single-valued criterion. Such plots are used to investigate and compare the prediction capabilities of certain response surface designs currently available to the researcher. In this article, we propose the extended scaled prediction variance and extended spherical average prediction variance as prediction methods. We also illustrate how graphical methods can be employed to evaluate robust parameter designs.  相似文献   

The author identifies static optimal designs for polynomial regression models with or without intercept. His optimality criterion is an average between the D‐optimality criterion for the estimation of low‐degree terms and the D8‐optimality criterion for testing the significance of higher degree terms. His work relies on classical results concerning canonical moments and the theory of continued fractions.  相似文献   

We consider the Information contained 1n each observation in a given design robust with respect to the estlmability of parameters and against the unavailability of observations. We compare the observations in various 1-, 2- and 3- dimensional designs on the basis of their informations.  相似文献   

The authors propose and explore new regression designs. Within a particular parametric class, these designs are minimax robust against bias caused by model misspecification while attaining reasonable levels of efficiency as well. The introduction of this restricted class of designs is motivated by a desire to avoid the mathematical and numerical intractability found in the unrestricted minimax theory. Robustness is provided against a family of model departures sufficiently broad that the minimax design measures are necessarily absolutely continuous. Examples of implementation involve approximate polynomial and second order multiple regression.  相似文献   

Jones  B.  Wang  J. 《Statistics and Computing》1999,9(3):209-218
We consider some computational issues that arise when searching for optimal designs for pharmacokinetic (PK) studies. Special factors that distinguish these are (i) repeated observations are taken from each subject and the observations are usually described by a nonlinear mixed model (NLMM), (ii) design criteria depend on the model fitting procedure, (iii) in addition to providing efficient parameter estimates, the design must also permit model checking, (iv) in practice there are several design constraints, (v) the design criteria are computationally expensive to evaluate and often numerical integration is needed and finally (vi) local optimisation procedures may fail to converge or get trapped at local optima.We review current optimal design algorithms and explore the possibility of using global optimisation procedures. We use these latter procedures to find some optimal designs.For multi-purpose designs we suggest two surrogate design criteria for model checking and illustrate their use.  相似文献   

Parameter design or robust parameter design (RPD) is an engineering methodology intended as a cost-effective approach for improving the quality of products and processes. The goal of parameter design is to choose the levels of the control variables that optimize a defined quality characteristic. An essential component of RPD involves the assumption of well estimated models for the process mean and variance. Traditionally, the modeling of the mean and variance has been done parametrically. It is often the case, particularly when modeling the variance, that nonparametric techniques are more appropriate due to the nature of the curvature in the underlying function. Most response surface experiments involve sparse data. In sparse data situations with unusual curvature in the underlying function, nonparametric techniques often result in estimates with problematic variation whereas their parametric counterparts may result in estimates with problematic bias. We propose the use of semi-parametric modeling within the robust design setting, combining parametric and nonparametric functions to improve the quality of both mean and variance model estimation. The proposed method will be illustrated with an example and simulations.  相似文献   

The paper introduces DT-optimum designs that provide a specified balance between model discrimination and parameter estimation. An equivalence theorem is presented for the case of two models and extended to an arbitrary number of models and of combinations of parameters. A numerical example shows the properties of the procedure. The relationship with other design procedures for parameter estimation and model discrimination is discussed.  相似文献   

The problem considered is to find optimum designs for treatment effects in a block design (BD) setup, when positional effects are also present besides treatment and block effects, but they are ignored while formulating the model. In the class of symmetric balanced incomplete block designs, the Youden square design is shown to be optimal in the sense of minimizing the bias term in the mean squared error (MSE) of the best linear unbiased estimators of the full set of orthonormal treatment contrasts, irrespective of the value of the positional effects.  相似文献   

Das and Park (2006) introduced slope-rotatable designs overall directions for correlated observations which is known as A-optimal robust slope-rotatable designs. This article focuses D-optimal slope-rotatable designs for second-order response surface model with correlated observations. It has been established that robust second-order rotatable designs are also D-optimal robust slope-rotatable designs. A class of D-optimal robust second-order slope-rotatable designs has been derived for special correlation structures of errors.  相似文献   


In real experimentation, we often face situations where observations are lost, ignored or unavailable due to some accident or high cost experiments. Missing observations can make the results of a response surface experiment quite misleading. Therefore minimaxloss designs for Augmented Box-Behnken Designs (ABBDs) and Augmented Fractional Box-Behnken Designs (AFBBDs) are formulated under a minimaxloss criterion. These minimaxloss designs are considered to be robust to one missing observation and the investigation has been made in this article. Then G-efficiencies and Relative D-efficiencies of minimaxloss ABBDs and AFBBDs have been discussed.  相似文献   

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