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王明霞 《西北人口》2012,33(5):125-129
随着我国城市化工业化进程的加快,越来越多的农民失去了土地,实现着农民市民化的转变。在这个进程中,失地农民遇到了许多制度障碍,其中较为突出的方面则是社会保障制度。本文基于对兰州市南面滩社区的实证分析,讨论了发展集体经济对社会保障供给的积极作用。提出"政府主导与集体经济相结合"的社会保障模式,以作为当前背景下短期制度安排,来应对政府对于失地农民保障性的不足。要解决好失地农民的社会保障问题,最终还是要依靠城乡社会保障一体化的实现。  相似文献   

基于农民工特征的工业化与城镇化协调发展研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
新时期农民工流动的过程中伴生了工业化和城镇化的六个特点:低价工业化、半城镇化、高价城式化、市民化进程二元化特征、无序人口流动、城市融合进程多样化和复杂化。基于这种特征分析,提出了坚持外造环境与内强素质、分步实施与分类指导、鼓励农民工回归和推进市民化、促进劳动力市场一体化和待遇平等化、发展大都市圈和发展县城为中心的农村城镇化“五个并重”,正确调节进城农民的流向和流速,最终促进工业化和城镇化的协调发展。  相似文献   

刘洪银 《西北人口》2012,33(1):33-36
城镇化过程中农民土地权益不同程度地遭受损害,农民市民化进程减缓。农民能否可以带着土地权益转为市民?研究表明,农民"带土进城"保障了农民土地权益,有助于失地农民的就业安置,有助于农民享受城乡均等的社会公共服务。农民"带土进程"不但为农民工市民化提供了一个缓冲期,还一定程度上稀释了城镇化的社会成本,具有一定的合理性。  相似文献   

对城市农民工的经济学思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伴随着我国社会转型与现代化的进程,现阶段出现了农民大规模进城务工的现象。他们推动了中国的城市化和现代化进程,如何认识这次人口流动具有重要意义。本文着重分析了“民工潮”对社会福利的影响以及如何对其进行有序引导。  相似文献   

孟颖颖 《西北人口》2011,32(3):11-16,22
结合实地调研与访谈结果,本文发现进城务工的新生代农民工面临着来自经济、政治、文化、教育以及福利等方面的排斥。本文基于社会排斥理论,从两个维度分析了形成这些排斥的原因:一是受人力资本素质、文化与社会认同等自身禀赋约束的功能性排斥,二是受户籍、就业、社会保障等制度影响的结构性排斥。功能性社会排斥与结构性社会排斥的存在直接导致了新生代农民工的城市融合进程受阻,只有拆除这种藩篱才能够促进其尽快实现城市融合。  相似文献   

城市化与中国农村劳动力流动问题研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
文章梳理了改革开放以来城镇化和农村劳动力转移的历史、现状与趋势.从横向看,中国城市化率还偏低;从纵向看,中国城市化低于工业化的偏差正在扭转;从结构看,劳动力仍较多地聚集于农业生产,是资源配置的最大错位.改革开放以来城市化的最大特点是在打破城乡要素分割的基础上实现的.但由于受到就业、生活、交往等多个层面的社会排斥,大多数农村流动劳动力未能实现稳定定居,处于"半城市化"阶段,农民工问题成为中国城市化的核心问题.随着经济的发展,中国城市化进程将会加快,统筹城乡成为公平发展的要求,这些都给农村劳动力流动政策提出了新的要求.  相似文献   

中国农民工“半城市化”的成因、特征与趋势:一个综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴华安  杨云彦 《西北人口》2011,32(4):105-110
中国农民工"半城市化"已经成为一种普遍的社会现象。回顾已有研究,文章归纳了农民工"半城市化"的成因在于城乡二元分割的户籍制度、城市倾向的公共政策、人力资本不足、社会资本缺乏和其他社会文化因素。受这些因素影响,进城农民工在地域、非农就业、居住、公共服务、生活消费、心理认同和政治权利方面表现出城市化的不彻底性。在趋势上,由于渐变的制度环境和城市性累积后的阶层分异,农民工"半城市化"虽是普遍的、长期的,但已在趋弱、且现加速之势。  相似文献   

进城农民在城镇生活的稳定性及市民化意愿   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
文章通过对浙江省已进城农民的问卷调查和定量分析表明,进城农民大多在城市社会的融入度较高。但由于多方面原因,还有1/4左右的人有重新回农村的想法;户口依然是判断进城农民是否“市民化”的一个重要标志;如何有效地帮助新进城农民尽快适应城镇的工作和生活,对于实现农民市民化具有重要意义;类似浙江省这样经济发达的农村已具备较好的创业环境,因此一些受教育程度高、创业能力较强的进城者回乡创业的欲望较为强烈,城镇如何提高对人才的吸引力是一个值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

加入WTO后再看“民工潮”及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国加入WTO后,给农业带来很大的冲击。大规模的产业调整将会引起新一轮的“民工潮”。面对情况,配套的措施应加紧制定、实施,一方面要加快城市化的进程,增加就业机会,另一方面政府应采取新的“减员分流,双向流动”措施,解决农民进城的诸多限制。  相似文献   

马金龙  李录堂 《西北人口》2011,32(2):111-118
回族有着极强经商观念,独特的民族宗教文化与饮食、婚丧、居住习俗等民族特性,这些特性致使回族农民工迁移及市民化与其他民族有所不同。本文从回族农民工进城经商务工、适应城市及市民化的路径出发,阐述了城市化进程中的回族农民工迁移及市民化的研究内容、研究思路和研究方法,提出回族农民工迁移及市民化的调控策略,从而为促进我国回族农民工市民化进程,发展融洽的民族关系,构建和谐的市民社会提供理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

城市流动人口社会融合的过程、测量及影响因素   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文提出流动人口的社会融合是一个逐步同化和减少排斥的过程,是流动人口对城市的主观期望和城市的客观接纳相统一的过程,是本地人口和外来移民发生相互交往和构建相互关系的过程。本文通过模型分析,验证了流动人口社会融合影响因素的三个假设,即流动人口的个人和家庭状况影响社会融合;流动人口的社区参与和社会资本影响社会融合;城市的制度安排影响流动人口的社会融合。  相似文献   

《Journal of homosexuality》2012,59(9):1287-1307

This article explores the constructed meanings of lived experiences of Israeli gay men who became parents through commercial overseas surrogacy. Based on the analysis of 39 in-depth, semistructured interviews with gay fathers, we show that their parenting experiences are shaped in contradictory ways, allowing them to adopt a reflective position in relation to existing social frameworks. Data from in-depth interviews reveal three major themes. The first refers to the gap between biogenetic and social concepts of parenthood and kinship. The second presents the dialectics between continuity and change that gay parenthood exhibits. The third theme focuses on the impact of these contradictions on gay parents’ identities and the construction of autonomy concepts in their lives. By doing so, we highlight the importance of tensions and contradictions in shaping the daily living experiences of gay parents, as well as the importance of dialectics in promoting gay parents’ integration within heteronormative society.  相似文献   

Much of the religious/spiritual development of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals (GLBs) has focused on experiences of conflict and distress, providing little insight into how these identities can be integrated. The present study explored the religious and spiritual lives of GLBs with a specific focus on the integration of these identities. We conducted a retrospective secondary data analysis of 750 GLB individuals from the Northern California Health Study to quantitatively assess sexual orientation and religion/spirituality integration using hierarchical cluster analysis. Resulting MANCOVA analyses of the five revealed groupings (integrated, gay identity struggle, anti-religious/spiritual, secular, and low gay salience) present numerous statistically significant differences between these integration clusters and a variety of dependent variables including measures of demographics, religiosity/spirituality, gay identity, and multiple mental health outcomes. We discuss the implications of these findings while also making suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Much of the existing literature inmigration and integration research pays hardly any attention to the subjective view of the immigrants on their individual migration history and the links between prior life phases and the structural embedding of integration processes. This article aims at connecting objective data and subjective perspectives analysing the intersections between migrants?? perceptions of their individual ??migration project??, objective traces of their biographies and societal opportunity structures. The model, that we develop at the end of the paper summarises emerging hypotheses during the analysis and stresses the dynamic, contextual and interactional nature of integration processes. It is based on qualitative interviews with 30 immigrants from the two biggest guest-worker groups in Austria originally recruited during the 1960ies and 1970ies from Ex-Yugoslavia and Turkey.  相似文献   

Within material poverty contexts, consumption and subjective wellbeing are positively and strongly related. This is usually explained in terms of the increased possibilities to satisfy basic needs that additional spending provides. Other important aspects of consumption, such as its relative, symbolic and hedonic dimensions are not generally considered. The current study explores these aspects in seven poor Peruvian communities through expenditure and motives using regression analysis. Motives for consumption are included in the model drawing on psychologists’ research into the importance of accounting for motives when assessing the impact of material goals on subjective wellbeing. Results reveal that in the Peruvian corridor, consumption has a meaning beyond mere basic needs satisfaction. Status concerns, the reference group, the pleasure of consuming, providing for the household basics and the expectation of escaping social marginalisation are aspects of consumption significantly predicting people’s happiness.
Monica Guillen-RoyoEmail:

来京人口的就业、权益保障与社会融合   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文利用中国人民大学人口与发展研究中心2004年12月在北京的调查数据,对来京人口及其子女就学状况等进行了分析。结果表明,大部分来京人口是单独或者全家租房居住,但居住条件较差。他们在京居住的时间较长,职业转换比较频繁,就业方式主要依靠传统的社会资源寻找工作。来京人口的权益得到了一定程度的改善。来京的家长在带孩子就学方面,没有表现出性别偏好,主要是因为家中没有人照看和便于自己管教,孩子在京就学比较好,受当地孩子的歧视较少,但给家长增加了很大的经济负担;同时,不同类型的学校以及不同类型的教学方式对孩子的学习、社会融合有不同的影响。子女外出后对留守老人的生活照料和家庭地位带来了较大的影响。  相似文献   

Eighteen couples who had originally entered therapy because of conflicts created by the husband's bisexuality were studied to determine the dynamics and adjustment of their marriages. All the couples, to varying degrees, had been openly dealing with the husband's bisexuality for at least two years. Through questionnaires and psychological instruments, couples indicated that openness and communication helped the relationship. The greatest difficulties they encountered were in their sexual relationships. Marital satisfaction and adjustment was found to be negatively correlated with increasing age, number of children, later onset of homosexual activities, increased emotional involvement with male partners, increased numbers of people who know about the husband's homosexual activities, and increased sexual dissatisfaction and conflict. Basically, this study reinforced the notion that some marriages can survive by way of open communication, acceptance and understanding, dynamics which help compensate for the inherent conflicts these couples face.  相似文献   

Sharkey P 《Demography》2012,49(3):889-912
This article focuses on neighborhood and geographic change arising with the first "selection" of an independent residential setting: the transition out of the family home. Data from two sources-the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods, and the Panel Study of Income Dynamics-are used to provide complementary analyses of trajectories of change in geographic location and neighborhood racial and economic composition during young adulthood. Findings indicate that for young adults who originate in segregated urban areas and remain in such areas, the period of young adulthood is characterized by continuity in neighborhood conditions and persistent racial inequality from childhood to adulthood. For young adults who exit highly segregated urban areas, this period is characterized by a substantial leveling of racial inequality, with African Americans moving into less-poor, less-segregated neighborhoods. However, the trend toward racial equality in young adulthood is temporary, as the gaps between whites and blacks grow as the young adults move further into adulthood. Crucial to the reemergence of racial inequality in neighborhood environments is the process of "unselected" change, or change in neighborhood conditions that occurs around young adults after they move to a new neighborhood environment.  相似文献   

Toward an Integration of Subjective Well-Being and Psychopathology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The validity and utility of a dual-factor system (DFS) of mentalhealth was explored. Factors were the traditional perspective onmental health, psychopathology (PTH), and the more recentperspective, subjective well-being (SWB). Research has shown thatPTH and SWB are not simply opposite poles of a single continuum,however, the constructs have yet to be integrated.The sample consisted of 407 children in Grades 3–6. Subjects wereclassified as high or low on each construct, offering fourresearch groups, two challenging the unidimensional perspective.Group membership was the classification variable in a series ofdiscriminant function analyses. Predictors assessed the domainsof temperament, personality, self-concept, locus of control, andinterpersonal relations.Results offered strong initial evidence for the validity andpotential utility of a DFS. Results are discussed, as areimplications for mental illness prevention/intervention.  相似文献   

流动儿童与社会的整合   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
文章主要是着眼于流动儿童成长过程,采用社会学的整合视角,从静态与动态两方面考察了流动儿童与迁入地社会的整合状况,并对影响整合状况的原因做了探索性的分析。结论认为,从总体来说,流动儿童群体内部的整合较好。但流动儿童与其居住的社区之间的整合程度并不十分理想。尽管时间在整合过程中具有重要的作用,但其他方面如生活背景、家庭背景等都对这种状况有着重要的影响作用。  相似文献   

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