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WhendidmodernChineseIiterarycriticismbegin?Manyscholarsdesignate1917,theyearoftheonslaughtoftheLiteraryRevolution,asitsstartingPoint,butasearlyas1904,theappearanceofWangGuowei's"ADiscussionofADremofRedManstons"hadbrokennewgroundbyapplyingWesterncriticalth…  相似文献   

Foralongtime,worksproducedbothinChinaandabroadhaveoftenlumpedtogethertheplantationsinthesouthernUnitedStatesandtheslavesystem.Atthesametime,theyhavetreatedmodernandancientformsofslaveryasthesamething,whichhasresultedinerroneousviewsonthenatureoftheAinericanplantationslaveeconomy.Morethanahundredyearsago,Marxstudiedthisissueindepthandexpoundedmanybrillianttheoreticalopinions.1InhisclassicalworkTheTheoryofSurPlusValue,MarxexplicitlypointedoutthatintheAInericanplantationslaveeconomythere"exi…  相似文献   

This article represents an academic response to Professor Zhang Jiang’s article “On Imposed Interpretation” published in Russian in the journal October (no. 1, 2015). It argues that the problems observed by Zhang arise from the reality of Western literary criticism over the past decades, and are associated with the contention between philosophy and philology that had its orgins in the West’s Platonic heritage. In outlining the complex symbiotic relationship between the two disciplines in Western literary history, this article finds that two theoretical motive forces catalyzed the process: the “philologization of philosophy” and the “philosophization of philology.” The writer argues that based on a full understanding of the paradoxical relationship between philosophy and philology, which are distinct from and yet attracted to each other, contemporary literary criticism can adopt the principles of “practical conservatism” and “cutting back of methodologies” as a means of healing the ever worsening “disease of intepreretation” in literary history.  相似文献   

Articles in this special issue offers comments to the status quo of contemporary philosophical studies in China from various perspectives, focusing on problems in this field of study. Professor Yi Junqing argues that paradigm of study should be the issue of prior concern in Chinese philosophical studies in the New Era,  相似文献   

物质性的空间一是指自然物理空间,二是指社会空间即社会关系。空间生产包括 空间中的生产和空间本身的生产两个向度的内涵。这两个向度内涵之间的关系和物理 空间生产与社会空间生产之间的关系构成了空间生产中两大基本关系。这两大基本关 系的辩证内涵表明,空间生产根本上可以归结为社会关系再生产。由此,关于空间生 产问题的讨论就发生了一个根本性的意义转换,即从对象到视阈的意义转换。以此来 审视,当代中国城市建构理念尚存在某些偏差,即对象与视阈的意义断裂与分离,由 此造成了当代中国城市化进程中一些不必要的风险和代价。

关键词: 对象?视阈?空间生产?空间批判?意义转换

Physical space refers to both natural space and social space, that is, social relations. Space production includes production in space and of space. Relations between these two dimensions and between physical space production and social space production constitute two basic relations in space production. The dialectical connotation of these two basic relations manifests the truth that space production can basically be summed up as reproduction of social relations. Therefore, arguments about space production can be seen as involving a fundamental shift of importance from object to perspective. Seen in this way, there remain some errors in ideas about today's Chinese urban construction, that is, the rupture and separation of object and perspective, resulting in unnecessary risks and costs in the progress of modern Chinese urbanization.  相似文献   

In terms of the construction of meaning, what jingxue(study of the classics) deals with is precisely the hermeneutics of the Confucian classics. Jingxue hermeneutics is fundamentally practical statecraft; therefore, its specific objectives do not point to an objective existence unrelated to human beings, but to yi(meaning) or yili(principles), otherwise known as jingyi(meaning of the classics) or dayi(profound significance). “The meaning of the classics” is the product of interpretation. In jing...  相似文献   

Ever since the late 20~(th) century, the de-velopment of computer science has entered anera of knowledge processing and intelligencesimulation. On the one hand, building logicalsystems to describe the characteristics ofadvanced cognitive process for knowledgerepresentation as well as the processing andexploration of new software has become themainstream of logical research. On the otherhand, the development of mathematical logic,  相似文献   

The critique of mass culture is a core theory of the Frankfurt School. Entering China in the early 1990s, this critique enjoyed an initial but brief acclaim. As an over-reaction and over-interpretation stemming from painful historical memories, it tended to impede the impartial assessment of mass culture and the culture industry, resulting in obvious theoretical blind spots and gaps and making a “symptomatic reading” necessary. Today, the Frankfurt School’s critique of mass culture is still of value and significance as an intellectual resource and historical reference, but it warrants further scrutiny when used to analyze practical issues. Given the burgeoning of mass culture and the cultural industry presently under way in the Chinese market economy, we should rise above previous intellectual limitations and theoretical misunderstandings to give due weight and active encouragement to the positive energy of mass culture and the cultural industry. The construction of Chinese literary discourse has its own distinctive pattern, and must orient itself toward China and the contemporary era, and particularly toward the practical development of contemporary China in the current period of transition. The academic counterpart of this is a three-dimensional platform consisting of level of thought, value concepts, and Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

对中国史学理论若干前提性问题的重新思考,是对以往那些被认为是无可置疑 的理论前提和历史前提进行重新认识和评价,是把中国历史置于历史哲学的理论视 域中来加以重新分析和观察,是对旧的历史史观的清理和矫正,也是对马克思唯物 史观核心价值的辩证把握和具体运用。从历史研究的出发点、比较历史研究的方 法、历史事实及其规律的认定、历史观和历史价值观的阐释上,坚持唯物史观的基 本传统,把现实、历史、理论和价值统一起来,形成整体的长时段的大跨度的观察 历史的理论和方法。

关键词: 前提性问题?比较史学?历史差异?普世史观?历史逻辑?历史评价

A re‐thinking of several premise issues in Chinese historiographic theory involves reconsidering and reassessing hitherto unquestioned theoretical and historical premises, re‐analyzing and re‐observing Chinese history with the theoretical vision of the philosophy of history, and sorting out and correcting ideas of history. It is a process of dialectical comprehension and specific application of the core values of Marxist materialist history, involving adherence to the basic traditions of materialist history in the following areas: the starting point of historical studies, methods of comparative historical research, establishment of the facts and laws of history, explanations of historical concepts and values and integration of reality, history, theory and values, so as to develop a holistic theory and method of historical observation covering a long period and a broad span.  相似文献   

It should be said that the issue of how to measure transaction cost has existed ever since the day the idea of transaction cost came into being, although the concept was only formally put forward as late as 1960 by Kenneth J. Arrow. According to Ronald Coase, "The main reason why profitable to establish a firm would seem to be that there is a cost of using the price mechanism." "The explanation for the existence of enterprises that allocate resources through internal managerial decisions lies in the avoidance of the cost that would be incurred if the transaction was carried out through the market." Obviously, what needs to be done next is to quantify the "cost of making use of the price mechanism."  相似文献   


This article presents a case study based on the “Neighborhood in Solidarity” (NS) methodology to illustrate its application in a locality of 8,000 inhabitants in Switzerland. This specific project is proposed to exemplify the global aim of the NS methodology. That aim is to increase the integration of elderly persons in societies in order to improve their quality of life. The case study demonstrates the enhancement of the capacity of the older people to remain actively engaged in their neighborhood. The article focuses on the creation of an autonomous community of empowered older people who can resolve their own problems after a 5-year project. The construction of the local community is presented throughout the six steps of the methodology: (1) preliminary analysis, (2) diagnostic, (3) construction, (4) project design, (5) project implementation, and (6) empowerment and with three degrees of involvement (community, participative, and integrative involvement). Performance and output indicators, quality indicators, and social determinants of health assess the development of the local project. The impacts of the projects which are illustrated in this specific example motivated this publication to inspire practitioners from other countries.  相似文献   

Acentury-olddisputeinworldhistoricalstudiesconcernswhetherornottheThaisestablishedtheNanzhaoKingdom,andwhetherornotthiseventthereforeformsachapterinthehistoryoftheThais.SinceWesternscholarspropoundedthistheoryacenturyago,thedisseminationofthefallacyhashadharmfulramifications.Asaresult,manyhistoricalwritingsdiscusstheearlyhistoryofThailandtotallyintermsoftheNanzhao.Onlyoverthepastdecadehasthissituationbeguntochange.Inthisconnection,ananalysisofthisacademichistoricallyintricatecaseisrelevant.…  相似文献   


This article examines the colonial legal culture of French Guiana from 1794 to 1830 during a period marked by dramatic historical rupture; slaves in the colony who were liberated by decree of the French legislature in 1794 were returned to slavery under Napoleon. People who managed to remain free in the nineteenth century endured humiliating legal handicaps as well as challenges to their free status. In Guiana during this period, a person's access to the ‘rights of man and citizen’ depended on intricate and ultimately fragile legal structures. The perils besetting Guiana's freed people during and after the French Revolution often arose from the highly adjustable character of legal space – the legal status of imperial territory in relation to domestic soil. This article draws on archival materials including notarial documents and trial records to reconstruct the role of law and legal discourse in mediating everyday life, familial relationships and social encounters on the French colonial frontier.  相似文献   

Since the last decade of the last century,research in the history of the Cold War hasentered a new stage thanks to the declassifi-cation of relevant documents in Russia andEastern European countries as well as a suc-cession of publications of material fromChinese historical archives. In this research,investigation of Sino-Soviet relations is oneof the most striking subjects.The change in Sino-Soviet relations toa considerable extent decided the fate of thesocialist camp, and directly influ…  相似文献   

This paper examines the developments in German social work theory from the 1970s to the 1990s. It starts with an analysis of socio-economic relations which have given rise to a division of society as well as a consumerist approach of service orientation for the social services which presents a challenge both for social work theory and professional practice.
Against this background, major themes in the development of social work theory are identified. The authors observe a trend towards a greater recognition of the individual and her or his life-world. Although presented in the ideological context of neoliberalism, they argue that the core of the consumerist approach of service orientation– the privileging of the consumer – provides a basis for a paradigm shift in social work theory which will be an adequate response to reflexive modernization of society if taken out of the consumerist context and reformulated for the public services.
In the final section of the paper the authors present an outline of a theory of ldquo;social work as service as a professional mode of action in the public sector of social service provision. It starts from a conceptual analysis of the service relation, examines the structural elements of the service context and discusses the necessary societal conditions. It is the thesis of the paper that the dialectical relationship of professional and service user represented in the conceptualization of social work as service will be the foundation for a new professionalism.  相似文献   

Samuel P. Huntington published his new book Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity in 2004. This may be called a miniature version of his "Clash of Civilizations," i.e., the "clash of cultures" in America. The earlier work tries to answer the question of "who are we" and how we should respond to challenges against the background of Western civilization,  相似文献   

Within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol, international carbon politics inevitably presents itself as the logic or essence of “ecological imperialism,” reflecting a few Western countries’ expansion and development of their historically formed international hierarchical superiority or exclusive hegemony on the basis of their domestic capitalist economies and politics. This is an intrinsic obstacle to creating a more equitable, democratic and effective global climate or environmental governance system. Criticism of international carbon politics and its “ecological imperialism,” based on traditional “green-left” theories from Marxist philosophy and political economy, provides a theoretical basis for seeking an alternative way to cope with global climate change effectively. As a responsible developing country, China’s response to climate change is not only an internal requirement for the promotion of its own sustainable development, but also reflects its responsibility to create a community of shared future for mankind. This rationale for our time determines that it is necessary for China to become a world leader in coping with global climate change and environmental governance through a leadership which lies in making a contribution rather than fighting for hegemony.  相似文献   

Thesecondstratificationhasalreadyhappenedamongthemigrantfarmers(orfloating population ,non native population )incities.Thesecondstratificationreferstotheprocessofre stratificationamongthemasagrouporthatoftheformationofsubgroupsofdifferentcategoriesandclas…  相似文献   

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