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孙飞宇  储卉娟  张闫龙 《社会》2016,36(1):151-185
兼具社会改造理想与实践的社会组织,会在其具体的社会行动中与既有的社会-政治结构产生何种碰撞,其结果如何,是理解公益组织社会行动的关键问题。本文从“生产社会”的议题出发,通过对一个社会公益组织的结构特征及其扶贫实践的研究发现,一个具有明确理念与行动目标,以及与之相应的严格制度建设与纪律要求的公益组织,会在具体的实践过程中遭遇到与其目标相反的种种困境。生产社会的目标可能会在组织实践中落空,而该组织甚至会逐渐成为地方社会得以再生产的空间。由此,本文试图回应公益社会实践研究中的重要观点,即实践走向“生产社会”,并希望引发对行动实践效果的反思与关注。  相似文献   

Objective. This article seeks to determine the value of density dependence theory in helping us understand the process of interest group mobilization. The general theory of density dependence has been tested against manifold organizational populations. It has not, however, been tested extensively against data on populations of overtly political organizations. Methods. I test the theory of density dependence against original data on the foundings of nationally active transgender interest groups in the United States for the period 1964–2005. I estimate several simple Poisson regression count models. Results. The results provide strong support for the theory of density dependence. Specifically, in the population of U.S. transgender interest groups, the data imply an inverted‐U relationship between density and the founding rate. Conclusions. My findings suggest the following: (1) theories of group mobilization that do not take contextual variables into account are likely to be incomplete; and (2) interest group populations most likely have stable carrying capacities. In all, the results provide yet more support for the general organizational ecology paradigm.  相似文献   

Objectives. A higher level of organizational commitment for older and more experienced workers has primarily been explained via exchange theory or a cohort effect. We use an agency‐structure framework to explain that higher levels of commitment result from feelings of control in the workplace. Methods. We examine this framework using data from a survey of 400 unionized factory workers in the Midwest. Results. The relationship between organizational commitment and predictors is affected by worker career stage. Most significantly, the commitment for older and more experienced workers increases with high levels of autonomy, while the opposite is true for younger and less experienced workers. Conclusions. When workers experience greater control at the point of production, they express greater organizational commitment. Although empowering for older and experienced workers, having freedom at work can be threatening or destabilizing for the younger workers, who may prefer more guidance.  相似文献   

黄荣贵  桂勇  孙小逸 《社会》2014,34(3):37-60
本文使用社会网络分析技术探索微博空间中环保非政府组织间关注/认同关系网的结构,并结合组织间网络、社会运动联盟、互联网研究文献以及我国非政府组织管理制度来探究网络结构的形成机制。研究发现,非政府组织间存在紧密的虚拟联系。统计分析显示,组织间虚拟关系受网络自组织机制、组织资源、合适性原则(注册状态)、同质性原则(离线关系、地理位置、关注领域)和微博使用活跃程度等因素的影响。其中,资源发挥“信号”功能,是组织可信赖性的基础,资源未知者不容易被关注/认同。对于资源已知者而言,资源匮乏者更积极利用微博平台。未注册组织主动与其他组织建立关系,注册组织则避免与未注册组织建立关系。具有线下合作关系或处于同一省份的组织之间更可能建立关注和认同关系,但活动领域仅对认同关系具有影响。微博使用活跃程度也对组织间关系具有正向的影响。  相似文献   


A major resource of neighborhood organizations is the voluntary participation of residents who give their time and energy to improve their communities. In recent years, there has been a revitalization of strategies to engage residents to volunteer for neighborhood-based organizations. Guided by organizational empowerment theory and the ecological perspective, the current study examined the relationship between citizen participation and organizational characteristics and effectiveness and the benefits received by residents participating in neighborhood organizations in poor communities. The data were gathered through a survey of resident volunteers in four neighborhood organizations in Pennsylvania and were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression analyses. The results showed that volunteers' level of involvement in their neighborhood organization influenced their self-efficacy. However, volunteers' perceptions of their neighborhood organizations' characteristics and effectiveness were the most strongly related to the benefits of citizen participation, contributing to residents' self efficacy, collective efficacy, and sense of community. Implications for social work research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Density dependence theory is commonly used to examine trends in the establishment of for-profit organizations. This research extends density dependence theory to the study of political organizations. Specifically, we examine the variation in the number of environmental justice organizations established each year for the years 1970–2008. As density dependence theory predicts, the bivariate association between the number of existing organizations and the number of established organizations takes the polynomial form of an inverted U, indicating that the relationship between existing organizations and emerging organizations is at first cooperative, and then competitive. However, when we control for existing numbers of civil rights and environmental organizations, the results do not conform to density dependence expectations. Multivariate analyses reveal that environmental justice organization have yet to enter a competitive stage, and instead have cooperated over the past twenty-eight years. More generally this finding indicates that for-profit and nonprofit political organizations behave differently.  相似文献   

Objective. The objective of the research reported in this article is to test four hypotheses concerning government funding among faith‐based social service coalitions: that it is positively related to size and organizational professionalism; positively related to attitudes toward government funding; positively related to social activism; and negatively related to organizational religiosity. Method. Our method is the application of OLS and probit analysis to data from a national survey of 656 such organizations. Results. Using three measures of government funding and 12 predictor variables, results are mixed in their support of the size and professionalization hypothesis and generally support the remaining hypotheses. These findings are replicated when we compare coalitions that had and had not applied for government funding. Conclusions. Our findings emphasize that greater religious expressiveness dissuades coalitions from both seeking and receiving government funding, but higher levels of social activism expedite both.  相似文献   

何蓉 《社会》2008,28(6):110-127
政教关系是中国宗教的重要议题。本文基于佛教史的内容,从历史比较的角度梳理了围绕着佛教僧团制度建设与组织发展的有关问题,藉由僧团戒律与度牒制度之间的某种对立与比较,认为戒律作为一种组织和认同机制,体现了僧团自治的努力;通过对中华帝国的传统的宗教治理策略之一的度牒制的原由、作用及本质的分析,认为这一规制措施在本质上体现了政治凌驾于宗教之上的权威地位,但却在实施过程中成为寻租和逐利的工具。通过历史经验的比较,认为宗教组织的纪律、原则等有可能成为社会组织化的机制,指出政教关系的基点在于宗教组织的自治特性与能力,这应当成为国家的宗教治理的前提。  相似文献   

周黎安 《社会》2022,42(5):1-36
关于中华帝制时期国家与社会的关系特征国内外学术界提出了诸多理论概括,诸如“士绅自治”“吏民社会”“官民合作”,等等。本文从行政发包制理论的视角重新审视关于中华帝制时期国家—社会关系的现有理论概括,借助“行政外包”这一分析概念,强调特定的治理领域特征与行政外包的具体形态之间的对应关系,进而揭示国家与社会互动关系的运行机制和内在逻辑。本文试图提出“一体多面”的概念,重新概括中华帝制时期国家与社会关系的总体特征,为理解中华帝制的“权力一元性”与“治理多样性”的奇妙结合提供新的观察视角和分析框架。  相似文献   

李国武 《社会》2010,30(3):199-225

摘要:本文是对近二三十年来国外关于组织的网络形式的实证研究成果的一项选择性综述。组织的网络形式是一种不同于市场和等级制的组织形式,社会学家们特别强调信任、互惠等在其中的作用。对于企业而言,进入特定的组织网络形式有利于促进学习和创新、提高合法性和地位、增进经济收益,这也是组织间结成关系网络的主要原因。已有研究多从制度主义、资源依赖、社会网络和交易成本等角度,探讨国家制度环境、产业属性、企业特征、社会结构和网络位置、交易特征等因素对组织网络形式形成的影响。作者认为,今后需要在网络组织的演化和绩效、不同网络组织类型的差异以及理论视角的融合等三个方面深化研究。  相似文献   

马冬玲  周旅军 《社会》2014,34(5):127-146
本研究利用第三期中国妇女社会地位调查数据,从配额制的有效性问题出发,探讨组织领导团队中的女性比例与性别歧视现象之间的关系,对临界规模理论的假设,即团队里某一社会特征的人数达到一定比例将给该社会类别的境遇带来具有显著意义的改变进行了检验。研究发现,组织领导团队中的女性比例达到30%能够有效减少性别歧视现象,这种作用在政治、经济和研究领域以及体制内外组织中均存在,但有程度上的差异。此发现不仅从实证角度检验了临界规模理论,而且为在政策设计中增加领导团队中的女性比例提供了支持。  相似文献   

Family group conferencing (FGC) coordinators in public mental healthcare are confronted with clients who have little faith in professionals and organizations, who hold off decisions in their family life, who avoid care and who sometimes behave in a hostile manner. A lack of initiative to deal with their situation is not only reserved for clients – all bystanders, including professionals, can suffer from it. The multiplicity and severity of the client's problems lead to a situation wherein everyone involved waits for the initiative of the other. The independence of the FGC coordinator – a fellow citizen, who is free of organizational loyalties and comes to assist other citizens in establishing a plan – seems to work well with the client group of the public mental healthcare. However, the coordinator cannot always prevent deferral or failure of conferences. Drawing on empirical and theoretical findings, this paper considers the possibility of collecting feedback as a way to contribute positively to the alliance between FGC coordinators and those for whom a conference is deployed. We highlight findings from three case studies that centred on multiproblem families. The findings indicate the importance of feedback theory for FGC coordinators in enhancing trust and engagement.  相似文献   

应星李夏 《社会》2014,34(5):1-40
中共在建党初期就移植了俄共(布)的民主集中制作为自身的组织制度。这一制度在中国革命的实践中经历了艰难的调适过程。1927 年大革命失败后,中共准备在乡村组织暴动时,组织原则和组织能力就面临着严峻的挑战。组织江西万安暴动的领袖曾天宇,代表了中共早期地方领袖的一种类型,其领导的万安暴动所暴露出的党内组织矛盾也具有一定的典型性。本文将中共党史、社会史以及民国政治史结合在一起,综合运用文件档案、组织史资料、忆述材料、地方史志、报刊等诸多史料,通过对曾天宇的生活史与精神气质的勾勒以及对万安暴动背景与过程的考察,揭示出中共早期组织形态中存在的三重张力:职位关系与个人因素之间的张力;组织纪律的有效性与地方领袖的自主性之间的张力;革命组织与传统资源及地方利益之间的张力。这些张力为同时期的一系列中共党内组织事件提供了解读的逻辑。  相似文献   

胡悦晗 《社会》2019,39(5):162-183
已有国家治理模式的研究侧重对稳定公共组织过程中委托方和管理方的分析。本文在控制权理论视角下,以甲省新高考历史学科评卷过程中的评分标准变异现象为个案,分析不稳定公共组织过程中的治理模式以及委托方、管理方与代理方的三方博弈。研究发现,尽管该类型的治理模式接近高度关联型模式,但三方不属于同一官僚组织体系,缺乏行政约束,增加了谈判与博弈的不确定性。其影响有二:第一,委托方与管理方存在目标设定分歧,导致委托方在掌握激励分配权的前提下,分割检查验收权,保持对政策执行过程的任意干预能力;第二,代理方的行为偏好得到委托方与管理方的反馈,形成相应的调节机制,对委托方和管理方产生逆向影响,使三方对政策执行的理解渐趋一致,从而导致评分标准发生变异。  相似文献   

社会资本和社区、社区治理具有内在的关联性,城市社区面临的很多问题都与社会资本的缺失或下降有关,集中体现在社区空间、社区组织和社区文化层面上的社区社会资本。因此,城市社区社会资本要培育作为制度空间的社区公民社会、作为组织资源的社区民间组织、作为价值机制的信任、规范、互惠等社区公民文化,发挥居民、社区各社会组织、政府行政组织以及社区文化价值的功能,从而实现社区治理的共治、善治和长治。  相似文献   

弱关系的弱势及其转化——“关系”的一种文化阐释路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李林艳 《社会》2007,27(4):175-175
本文试图对“关系”的文化特质加以探讨。作者首先梳理了学界有关“关系”的文化论题、结构论题和工具论题,并阐明了重拾文化论题的必要性。在此基础上,作者指出,有必要突破以往过于倚重中国社会本土概念的文化阐释方法,寻求更具有普遍意含的社会学概念和理论工具来界说和分析中国社会的“关系”现象。作为一种初步尝试,作者提出,社会网络理论中的弱关系概念对于认识中国社会的“关系”具有特殊的意义。在作者看来,在中国社会,“关系” 是与家族(或家族)内部关系相对应的一种社会关系形式,前者以弱关系为特征,后者以强关系为特征,两者在满足的功能、成员的可供选择性、规范性和社会分层效应等诸多方面都具有明显的差异。作者认为,“关系”实际上是指导社会成员处理某些家庭外部社会关系的行动模板。作者还提出,中国的“关系”不仅是一种弱关系文化,而且由于它善于促成弱关系向强关系的方向转化,善于从弱关系的动员中释放出巨大的社会能量,因而深刻地塑造了中国的社会结构形态。  相似文献   

范晓光 《社会》2012,32(4):93-111
已有研究大多从网络结构角度讨论社会支持,本文基于2006年“亚洲民主动态调查”(Asian Barometer Survey)的数据,从地位结构观角度探讨了东亚华人社会城市居民的社会支持选择。研究结果表明,在不同资源分布格局的华人社会中,阶层结构对城市居民在社会支持选择上的影响存在差异。具体而言,在正式支持和混合支持的选择上,与中国大陆相比,教育地位对港台地区居民选择混合支持的几率有更明显的正向作用;在正式支持和非正式支持的选择上,教育地位对中国大陆居民选择正式支持的几率的正向作用更强。  相似文献   

Previous research has found that children’s sharing with others relies on fairness norms, but also varies according to their social relationships. The current study focuses on the conflict between fairness and relationship, exploring their impacts across two resource allocation contexts. We used a parallel work task to explore the effect of relationship with different recipients (friend, stranger, or disliked peer) on three allocation patterns (generous, fair, or selfish), when children directly allocated resources (distributive allocation), or applied different procedures to recipients (procedural application). Participants consisted of 123 Chinese children between the ages of 6 and 12. We found that in the distributive allocation context, in which participants directly decided the outcome, children primarily considered their relationship with recipients when dividing resources, not fairness. However, in the procedural application context, in which children could choose different allocation procedures for recipients, children primarily preferred fairness, regardless of social relationship. Moreover, when making distributive allocations, 6‐ to 8‐year‐olds were more selfish toward their disliked peers, whereas 9‐ to 12‐year‐olds tended to be more fair and generous toward their friends and strangers. These findings shed light on the link between social relationship and fairness within different allocation contexts among children of Chinese cultural background.  相似文献   

SCP视角的资源产业组织及其优化的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨艳琳 《求是学刊》2007,34(3):52-58
SCP理论是现代西方产业组织(IO)理论中占主导地位的理论。文章试图将该理论运用于自然资源产业问题研究中,也就是运用SCP理论的分析框架来研究资源产业组织问题即自然资源产业内部的资源生产经营企业之间的相互关系,这种理论分析旨在促进资源产业组织不断地趋于合理化和优化。  相似文献   

中国宗教的快速发展及相关研究将有可能重塑宗教社会学的边界。由于过分强调对排他性宗教的研究,宗教社会学一度被称为“基督宗教社会学”。然而,非排他性宗教主导的中国社会却对此提出了挑战,同时也为其提供了发展机遇。在微观层面上,非排他性宗教的普遍存在对植根于西方社会的一些核心概念——如“改宗”和“委身”——构成了挑战。在组织层面上,它挑战着“教派-教会”理论,提醒我们要对非科层化的宗教组织给予关注。在市场层面上,社会学家可以考察非排他性宗教何以在中国宗教兴盛的原因。  相似文献   

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