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无固定期限劳动合同浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<劳动合同法>颁布以来,集中反映最强烈的是<劳动合同法>中关于无固定期限劳动合同制度的规定,许多企业采取行动来规避无固定期限劳动合同.通过解读无固定期限劳动合同的法律条款,分析无固定期限劳动合同对劳资关系的影响,提出了企业积极应对无固定期限劳动合同的策略,对于企业构建新型劳动关系战略,提高管理水平具有重要意义.  相似文献   

我国以《劳动合同法》为代表的个别劳动法具有特别私法的本质属性,它主要将劳动关系当做用人单位与劳动者之间的个体利益冲突来处理,进而以劳动者个体向用人单位主张权益以及权益遭受侵害后寻求司法救济的机制来运行。个别劳动法并不能强制用人单位履行劳动法为保护劳动者权益而设定的义务,劳动者个体大多选择放弃维权导致法律保护不能直接辐射到劳动者集体(特别是无法给予劳动者积极、有效的预防性保护),鼓励劳动者个体积极实施"私人执法",特别是主张劳动合同无效带有很强的悖论色彩。故此,倚重集体劳动法调整劳动关系是未来我国劳动法的必由之路。  相似文献   

Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law lays down the right of the Staff and Workers’ Representative Congress (SWRC) to deliberate on the formulation of (intra-enterprise) work regulations, but this has become a “soft” law in judicial practice. The judicial criteria for judging the validity of work regulations are in essence determined by the judge’s judgment on their reasonableness. As an important embodiment of Chinese politics, economics and culture, the transformation of the SWRC that accompanied the market economy has not negated its value as an indigenous traditional resource. The SWRC does not just enjoy deliberative rights in the formation of regulations, as clearly specified in constitutional law, but also has rights under the law in local legislation and practice. Hence the system of work regulations is neither a unilateral decision on the part of management nor a contract, but rather an autonomous norm developed through the SWRC mechanism. Given the mandatory nature of Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law, regulations will only be valid after they have gone through a democratic process. The further development of the theory of normative system formation should endow the SWRC with greater rights and integrate it smoothly with the collective contract system to standardize collective labor relations.  相似文献   

中国的劳动关系正由个别劳动关系调整向集体劳动关系调整转型。《劳动合同法》的颁布实施,标志着中国劳动关系的个别调整在法律建构上已经初步完成,同时也开启了劳动关系集体调整的新起点。现实中的个别劳动关系建构和调整,已经无法解决劳资矛盾和维系劳动关系的稳定。在劳动关系集体化转型的过程中,有两种互补的力量和途径:一是政府主导的自上而下的建构过程,二是劳动者自发的自下而上的促进过程。从权利争议到利益争议,是劳动关系集体化转型的重要特点。中国的劳工政策亟待调整和完善,内容包括劳动关系理论指导和调整模式的选择、集体劳动法的健全、劳动者集体权利的确认以及两种劳工力量的关系处理等。  相似文献   

The Labor Contract Law classifies collective contracts as special labor contracts, ignoring the fundamental differences between collective contracts and labor contracts. This has plunged it into jurisprudential obstacles and institutional difficulties. In terms of the main entities, efficacy, dispute settlement mechanisms, etc. collective contracts have their own institutional characteristics. They should be incorporated into the legislative framework for collective labor relations in future legislation, and should link up with trade unions, collective consultation and collective dispute settlement to form a complete system of collective labor law.  相似文献   

China is currently undergoing a transition from individual to collective labor relations. The enactment of the Labor Contract Law marks the initial completion of adjustments to individual labor relations in terms of legal construction, as well as the starting point for the adjustment of collective labor relations. The construction and regulation of individual labor relations is not sufficient to resolve the conflict between labor and capital or to maintain industrial peace. In the shift toward collective labor relations there are two complementary forces and paths: the government-led top-down construction process, and the workers’ spontaneous bottom-up mobilization. The shift from disputes over rights to disputes over interests is an important characteristic of the transition toward collective labor relations. Chinese labor policy urgently needs to be reconstructed and refined. Its content should include the guiding role of labor relations theory and choice of adjustment models, sound collective labor law, recognition of the collective rights of workers, handling of the relationship of labor’s two forces, etc.  相似文献   

世界性金融危机对我国经济产生了巨大冲击,经济下滑,企业倒闭、裁员、欠薪、断保甚至雇主欠薪逃匿等问题不断发生。在我国社会保障体制尚不完善的情况下,金融危机对劳动者权益的影响远胜于对企业的影响。在危机应对中,保护劳动者合法权益,关系到我国劳动关系能否和谐稳定的终极目标的实现。一方面要依据国家统一立法,贯彻劳动法倾斜保护的基本原则;另一方面,应当积极推进劳资协商对话机制,使之成为我国劳动者权益保护的主流模式。  相似文献   

In the course of the drafting, enactment and amendment of the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China, the legal provisions regulating labor dispatch have been tightened up. In practice, however, the labor dispatch system is flourishing in a way that defies market trends. The ultimate reason for this is that much of the system goes under the name of human resource outsourcing to bamboozle the public and evade the law, in effect making the legal provisions a dead letter. The result is that the more the industry is regulated, the more it multiplies and the more chaotic it becomes. Based on comparative law research methodology, this article reviews the legal systems relating to labor dispatch in Germany, the US and other countries. It demonstrates and affirms the institutional value of the labor dispatch system, and categorizes its different types. The fundamental cause of the phenomenon of labor dispatch’s assumption of the guise of human resource outsourcing is the absence of substantive review. We suggest introducing and perfecting such investigation to stem the industry’s deep-seated abuses.  相似文献   

任何劳动用工形式都是由当时的经济体制决定并随之而发展的。从劳动用工终身制到合同制,再从《劳动法》到《劳动合同法》,改革开放后中国的劳动用工形式发生了重大改变。只有将此过程同30年来中国经济体制转型的大背景相结合,才能从根本上把握中国劳动合同制产生、发展和规范的历史脉络,也才能真正理解《劳动合同法》的真谛。  相似文献   

争夺地带:从基层政府化解劳资纠纷看社会转型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张永宏 《社会》2009,29(1):89-108
摘要:本文通过对华南PS街道办事处化解劳资纠纷的过程及相关事件的田野研究,提供了一个关于2008年劳动合同制度实施的具体案例分析。笔者发现,在《劳动合同法》生效以后,街道办事处在劳资纠纷中的角色由过去的放任转向了干预,并人为地降低了法律的执行标准,以预防可能出现的社会不稳定因素。笔者认为,劳动合同制度未能得到有效实施是受制于多个相互联系的社会过程——如基层政府的组织环境、城市化以后街道办事处与社区关系的变化、产业的升级转型等——的互动。本研究表明,在评估地方政府在社会转型中的作用时,需要特别关注地方背景和具体的制度条件。  相似文献   

China has a long tradition of legal codification. In looking at the unification of private law, we need to follow three historical threads: the historicity of law, the rationality of private law and the rules governing the growth of private rights. Following on from and amending the Draft Civil Law of 2002, we can use restorative methods to formulate a nine-part civil code suited to China’s national circumstances. The nine parts comprise the General Principles of Civil Law; Marriage and Family Law; the Law of Succession; Real Rights Law; Intellectual Property Law; Contract Law; Employment Contract Law; Tort Liability Law; and the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations. With this goal in mind, we can adopt a four-step legislative process: firstly, integrate the Marriage Law and the Adoption Law to form a unified Marriage and Family Law; secondly, include Employment Contract Law as a separate section of the civil code; thirdly, include Intellectual Property Rights Law as a separate section of the civil code; and fourthly, amend the General Principles of Civil Law so as to integrate Personal Rights, the General Principles of Property Rights (the General Principles of Obligation), the General Principles of Commercial Law, etc. The civil code formed on this basis possesses historicity, flexibility and contemporaneity, and would become an important constituent in the restatement of Chinese civil life and the remolding of the Chinese system of law.  相似文献   

宋晓丹 《阅江学刊》2012,(6):96-101
《气象法》是气象法律部门的基础性法律,是体现气象法基本特点、基本精神、基本理念与基本价值取向的综合性立法,应具备基本法的地位和功能。我国《气象法》颁布实施以来,虽然发挥了重要的作用,但与气象基本法的要求还有相当的距离,在价值目标、调整范围、制度内容、法律协调机制以及责任制度等方面还存在缺陷和不足。应尽快修订《气象法》,完善基本范畴和制度,以符合气象基本法的法律地位。  相似文献   

《劳动合同法》实施中应予关注的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许建宇 《阅江学刊》2009,(2):104-107
《劳动合同法》的实施,提出了若干需要予以准确解读、重点规制和进行理论创新的重大课题。首先,应从“倾斜保护”与“利益平衡”相结合、最终实现劳资共赢目标的高度,来认识并践行《劳动合同法》的立法宗旨。其次,针对有些用人单位采取某些规避法律行为(包括“准规避法律行为”)从而影响《劳动合同法》严格实施的现象,立法上应设置相应的反规避措施和方法。最后,劳动法学界应尽快进行全面的理论创新,为《劳动合同法》的正确实施提供理论支持和指导。  相似文献   

蔡德仿 《创新》2012,6(2):66-69,127,128
在中国—东盟自贸区建成背景下,我国不少企业积极实施"走出去"战略。然而劳资矛盾正在成为影响企业东盟投资和经营成败的关键问题之一。通过对南宁市的研究证实"走东盟"企业必须增强法律和风险意识,重视企业劳资关系管理,与当地工会和睦相处,积极承担企业社会责任,努力构建和谐的企业劳资关系,为企业顺利"走东盟"创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

At present, Chinese labor relations operate under a unitary model of legal regulation in which labor law is applied to workers “as a whole, with everyone treated equally.” This causes a number of problems. In reality, due to constantly changing modes of employment and the flexibility of workers’ “affiliation,” forms of employment are highly diverse. In addition to regular employees, there are also “quasi-employees” (employee-like persons) whose affiliation is quite weak, and other special employees. This necessitates the updating of the legislative thinking behind labor laws. While holding fast to the assumption that workers are a vulnerable group, we should review the differences between different types of employee and draw up the corresponding regulations on the basis of specific situations. Where legislative technique is concerned, we should do away with the traditional one-size-fits-all legislative model in favor of a dedicated model that targets particular types of subject and particular circumstances. We should abandon the traditional old-fashioned model in which “all labor law provisions apply” or “no labor law provisions apply” and categorize employees in such a way as to provide special rules for quasi-employees, special employees and employees of special employers. The legal regulation of labor relations should be based on categorization and differential treatment.  相似文献   

本文在调查的基础上,分析了北京中小企业劳动关系的现状及存在的问题,提出了适应北京中小企业劳动关系的系统化调整模式,即在宏观层面以政府为主导进行宏观调控,以维持劳动关系的基本稳定;在中观层面建立行业集体谈判机制,以保持劳动关系的相对稳定;在微观层面建立以参与为核心的人力资源管理调整机制,以确保劳动关系在组织层面得到不断改善。  相似文献   

刘兴花  王勇 《社会》2019,39(3):123-153
在全球化背景下,发展中国家向发达国家的劳工输出形塑了一种资方与劳方之间的剥削关系。基于中国赴日劳工的案例,本研究借助“跨国生产政治”的分析框架探讨这种剥削关系的形成机制。雇主和移工围绕加班工资展开博弈,而外劳制度对移工权利的限制及其赋予雇主的权力、不同国族移工的竞争以及跨国劳务中介的选择性庇护,使移工无论反抗还是消极服从,都可能面临加班福利缩减、加班机会丧失甚至工作丢失的困境。这种跨国生产体制具有“市场专制”性质,而外劳制度限制、资方对外劳制度缝隙的利用、全球过剩的劳动力市场、拆分型劳动力再生产体制共同体现了国际合同劳工面临的跨国生产政治,成为发达资本主义国家资本强制剥削再度出现的重要机制。  相似文献   

现阶段我国非国有企业存在有其必然性和合理性。价值规律依然对社会主义市场经济起着调节作用。资本、技术、无形资产作为生产力要素参与分配是基于对劳动价值论的再认识。非国有企业的资本、技术、无形资产与劳动结合向社会提供商品、就业、税金并承担一定义务 ,应给予其市场主体地位 ,宽松发展环境、有力法制保障和平等政治待遇 ,规范其经营 ,使之健康发展。  相似文献   

王红艺 《社会工作》2011,(20):37-39,42
企业社会工作是专业社会工作的重要的实务领域,是专业社会工作服务于农民工的重要路径。企业社会工作介入农民工服务,将有助于农民工问题的解决。企业社会工作可以在维权和协调劳资关系、协助解决各种实际困难和问题、教育与培训、营造有利于农民工的企业文化等诸多方面为农民工提供服务。企业社会工作介入农民工服务主要有"企业主动引入"和"政府购买服务"两种基本的推进模式,以及作为重要补充的"校企合作"、"社会捐助"等其他推进模式。  相似文献   

In the traditional understanding, the social basis of the emergence and existence of international law can be summed up as an international society in which interstate conflict and cooperation and interests and contradictions coexist. In recent years, the term “international community” has been widely used in national practice and academic discourse. Many scholars believe that the development of interstate relations indicates that the international community is being transformed into a global international community. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” reflects China’s new understanding of the social foundations of international law. It introduces Chinese traditional culture into global governance, develops Marxist theory on the community, is concerned both for mankind as a whole and for individuals, highlights the ultimate issues of the international community, and emphasizes the international community’s union of diversity and interdependence. The idea of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great significance for the theory and practice of international law; it reflects the emergence of methodological holism, the response of international law to the questioning of its legitimacy, and the trend toward hierarchical systematization in international law. The concept of “a community of shared future for mankind” is of great value to China’s participation in the reform of the global governance system. It will help promote appreciation of the relations between China and the world, enhance China’s international discourse power and discourse force, and promote the rule of law in international relations that China advocates.  相似文献   

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