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Zero inflation means that the proportion of 0's of a model is greater than the proportion of 0's of the corresponding Poisson model, which is a common phenomenon in count data. To model the zero-inflated characteristic of time series of counts, we propose zero-inflated Poisson and negative binomial INGARCH models, which are useful and flexible generalizations of the Poisson and negative binomial INGARCH models, respectively. The stationarity conditions and the autocorrelation function are given. Based on the EM algorithm, the estimating procedure is simple and easy to be implemented. A simulation study shows that the estimation method is accurate and reliable as long as the sample size is reasonably large. A real data example leads to superior performance of the proposed models compared with other competitive models in the literature.  相似文献   


We propose signed compound Poisson integer-valued GARCH processes for the modeling of the difference of count time series data. We investigate the theoretical properties of these processes and we state their ergodicity and stationarity under mild conditions. We discuss the conditional maximum likelihood estimator when the series appearing in the difference are INGARCH with geometric distribution and explore its finite sample properties in a simulation study. Two real data examples illustrate this methodology.  相似文献   

This study considers the problem of testing for a parameter change in integer-valued time series models in which the conditional density of current observations is assumed to follow a Poisson distribution. As a test, we consider the CUSUM of the squares test based on the residuals from INGARCH models and find that the test converges weakly to the supremum of a Brownian bridge. A simulation study demonstrates its superiority to the residual and standardized residual-based CUSUM tests of Kang and Lee [Parameter change test for Poisson autoregressive models. Scand J Statist. 2014;41:1136–1152] and Lee and Lee [CUSUM tests for general nonlinear inter-valued GARCH models: comparison study. Ann Inst Stat Math. 2019;71:1033–1057.] as well as the CUSUM of squares test based on standardized residuals.  相似文献   

Starting from the compound Poisson INGARCH models, we introduce in this paper a new family of integer-valued models suitable to describe count data without zeros that we name zero-truncated CP-INGARCH processes. For such class of models, a probabilistic study concerning moments existence, stationarity and ergodicity is developed. The conditional quasi-maximum likelihood method is introduced to consistently estimate the parameters of a wide zero-truncated compound Poisson subclass of models. The conditional maximum likelihood method is also used to estimate the parameters of ZTCP-INGARCH processes associated with well-specified conditional laws. A simulation study that compares some of those estimators and illustrates their finite distance behaviour as well as a real-data application conclude the paper.  相似文献   

This study examines the statistical process control chart used to detect a parameter shift with Poisson integer-valued GARCH (INGARCH) models and zero-inflated Poisson INGARCH models. INGARCH models have a conditional mean structure similar to GARCH models and are well known to be appropriate to analyzing count data that feature overdispersion. Special attention is paid in this study to conditional and general likelihood ratio-based (CLR and GLR) CUSUM charts and the score function-based CUSUM (SFCUSUM) chart. The performance of each of the proposed methods is evaluated through a simulation study, by calculating their average run length. Our findings show that the proposed methods perform adequately, and that the CLR chart outperforms the GLR chart when there is an increased shift of parameters. Moreover, the use of the SFCUSUM chart in particular is found to lead to a lower false alarm rate than the use of the CLR chart.  相似文献   

This article deals with some probabilistic and statistical properties of a periodic integer-valued GARCH(1,1) model. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the periodical stationary, both in mean and second order, are established. The closed-forms of the mean and the second moment are, under these conditions, obtained. The condition of the existence of higher moment orders and their explicit formula in terms of the parameters are established. The autocovariance structure is studied, while providing the closed-form of the periodic autocorrelation function. The Yule–Walker and the likelihood estimations of the underlying parameters are obtained. A simulation study and an application on real dataset are provided.  相似文献   

The main goal in this paper is to develop and apply stochastic simulation techniques for GARCH models with multivariate skewed distributions using the Bayesian approach. Both parameter estimation and model comparison are not trivial tasks and several approximate and computationally intensive methods (Markov chain Monte Carlo) will be used to this end. We consider a flexible class of multivariate distributions which can model both skewness and heavy tails. Also, we do not fix tail behaviour when dealing with fat tail distributions but leave it subject to inference.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to give some new characterizations of discrete compound Poisson distributions. Firstly, we give a characterization by the Lévy–Khintchine formula of infinitely divisible distributions under some conditions. The second characterization need to present by row sum of random triangular arrays converges in distribution. And we give an application in probabilistic number theory, the strongly additive function converging to a discrete compound Poisson in distribution. The next characterization, is an extension of Watanabe’s theorem of characterization of homogeneous Poisson process. The last characterization will be illustrated by waiting time distributions, especially the matrix-exponential representation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we briefly overview different zero-inflated probability distributions. We compare the performance of the estimates of Poisson, Generalized Poisson, ZIP, ZIGP and ZINB models through Mean square error (MSE), bias and Standard error (SE) when the samples are generated from ZIP distribution. We propose a new estimator referred to as probability estimator (PE) of inflation parameter of ZIP distribution based on moment estimator (ME) of the mean parameter and compare its performance with ME and maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) through a simulation study. We use the PE along with ME and MLE to fit ZIP distribution to various zero-inflated datasets and observe that the results do not differ significantly. We recommend using PE in place of MLE since it is easy to calculate and the simulation study in this paper demonstrates that the PE performs as good as MLE irrespective of the sample size.  相似文献   

Frailty models are often used to model heterogeneity in survival analysis. The distribution of the frailty is generally assumed to be continuous. In some circumstances, it is appropriate to consider discrete frailty distributions. Having zero frailty can be interpreted as being immune, and population heterogeneity may be analysed using discrete frailty models. In this paper, survival functions are derived for the frailty models based on the discrete compound Poisson process. Maximum likelihood estimation procedures for the parameters are studied. We examine the fit of the models to earthquake and the traffic accidents’ data sets from Turkey.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the study of some probabilistic and statistical properties of a periodic integer-valued diagonal bilinear model. The existence of a periodically strict stationary integer-valued process is shown. Sufficient conditions for the periodically stationary, both in the first and second orders, are established. The closed-forms of the mean and the second moment are obtained. The closed-form of the periodic autocovariance function is established. The Yule–Walker estimations of the underlying parameters are obtained. A simulation study is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of testing for parameter change in zero-inflated generalized Poisson (ZIGP) autoregressive models. We verify that the ZIGP process is stationary and ergodic and that the conditional maximum likelihood estimator (CMLE) is strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. Based on these results, we construct CMLE- and residual-based cumulative sum tests and show that their limiting null distributions are a function of independent Brownian bridges. The simulation results are provided for illustration. A real data analysis is performed on some crime data of Australia.  相似文献   

GARCH models include most of the stylized facts of financial time series and they have been largely used to analyse discrete financial time series. In the last years, continuous-time models based on discrete GARCH models have been also proposed to deal with non-equally spaced observations, as COGARCH model based on Lévy processes. In this paper, we propose to use the data cloning methodology in order to obtain estimators of GARCH and COGARCH model parameters. Data cloning methodology uses a Bayesian approach to obtain approximate maximum likelihood estimators avoiding numerically maximization of the pseudo-likelihood function. After a simulation study for both GARCH and COGARCH models using data cloning, we apply this technique to model the behaviour of some NASDAQ time series.  相似文献   

通货膨胀、通货膨胀波动和产出增长及其波动之间存在复杂的影响关系。基于一种多元自回归条件异方差模型(MGARCH模型),采用中国1993—2003年的月度通货膨胀率和产出增长数据检验通货膨胀、通货膨胀波动和产出增长及其波动的关系。结论表明:高通货膨胀水平引起高的通货膨胀波动,而高通货膨胀率和通货膨胀波动导致低的产出增长和产出增长波动,结论的政策含义是价格稳定的货币政策有利于经济健康发展。  相似文献   

Change point monitoring for distributional changes in time-series models is an important issue. In this article, we propose two monitoring procedures to detect distributional changes of squared residuals in GARCH models. The asymptotic properties of our monitoring statistics are derived under both the null of no change in distribution and the alternative of a change in distribution. The finite sample properties are investigated by a simulation.  相似文献   

In this paper we present two robust estimates for GARCH models. The first is defined by the minimization of a conveniently modified likelihood and the second is similarly defined, but includes an additional mechanism for restricting the propagation of the effect of one outlier on the next estimated conditional variances. We study the asymptotic properties of our estimates proving consistency and asymptotic normality. A Monte Carlo study shows that the proposed estimates compare favorably with respect to other robust estimates. Moreover, we consider some real examples with financial data that illustrate the behavior of these estimates.  相似文献   

In this article, we first propose the modified Hannan–Rissanen Method for estimating the parameters of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) process with symmetric stable noise and symmetric stable generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (GARCH) noise. Next, we propose the modified empirical characteristic function method for the estimation of GARCH parameters with symmetric stable noise. Further, we show the efficiency, accuracy and simplicity of our methods with Monte-Carlo simulation. Finally, we apply our proposed methods to model the financial data.  相似文献   

We consider estimation and goodness-of-fit tests in GARCH models with innovations following a heavy-tailed and possibly asymmetric distribution. Although the method is fairly general and applies to GARCH models with arbitrary innovation distribution, we consider as special instances the stable Paretian, the variance gamma, and the normal inverse Gaussian distribution. Exploiting the simple structure of the characteristic function of these distributions, we propose minimum distance estimation based on the empirical characteristic function of properly standardized GARCH-residuals. The finite-sample results presented facilitate comparison with existing methods, while the new procedures are also applied to real data from the financial market.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider a robust estimation for zero-inflated Poisson autoregressive models using the minimum density power divergence estimator designed by Basu et al. [Robust and efficient estimation by minimising a density power divergence. Biometrika. 1998;85:549–559]. We show that under some regularity conditions, the proposed estimator is strongly consistent and asymptotically normal. The performance of the estimator is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations. A real data analysis using New South Wales crime data is also provided for illustration.  相似文献   

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